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does sex make breasts bigger?


the human body needs 40-44 days to fully rejuvenate their sexual juices after an orgasm...

so technically, you want to wait about .. that time?

and to gain maximum results you should wait even longer and add exercising in

the whole point behind this while utilizing NBE is that, your body ... for those 40-44 days will be using energy and blood to be rejuvenating your juices.

so if you are able to hit the 40-44 days...

at that point on the 44th day, your body will be able to focus on putting 100% of its energy into your chest when you use NBE.

so really and truly, you want to let your body fill up with as much juices as possible, that way not even a 1% of energy is wasted on filling your sexual drive...

and instead all that extra energy can be focused on increasing breast size through any of the techniques that NBE offers.

basically if you wait 44 days and then use the noogle for a month.. your body will know where to be putting all that blood that is flowing into your breasts

your body will tell your blood to go here now, and instead of rejuvenating your sex drive and juices lost? your body can now begin to put the excess blood to where you want it to go

into your breasts

xD i hope this helps!

with that being said,

i think if you were to wait the 44 days (i seriously recommend more) (this is a HUGE "if" statement right here though) with eating and exercising, if you do use NBE after having sex, i imagine your body will be pumping so much blood flow from the orgasm that you would want to get STRAIGHT into NBE within a half an hour after "sexing"

They get bigger after sex because of the blood rush through out your body. The way blood rushes to your lady parts (and the way they rush to man parts, as well!) they rush to the breast. It makes them sensitive and erect. It's all blood flow.

(18-07-2013, 19:23)StephaniNicole Wrote:  Bonita, I'm not saying you were! I'm the same way as you! And it sucks, because ny boyfriend has a low sex drive; while I want to do it 3x per day, he's happy with one. It's awful(x
I'm available!! Rolleyes

I read years ago that the female hormones in sperm makes your tits bigger when you take it inside you. I guess swallowing would have the same effect, too.

i wish my man part got bigger after sex instead of getting.. small lol

exactly, so if you space it out and do it properly.. the blood flow into your breasts - after sex is going to be MAXIMIZED by doing what i said! where as if you just have sex regularly, the blood flow to your breasts will be only normal after sex

what is going on.

be smart not greedy

are you trying to grow bigger breasts or have a release once a night

(the answer is.......

......! grow bigger breasts)

imagine holding back a damn of water and then breaking the whole damn after the 44th day.

now imagine that same damn but regulating a small amount of water through 3 spout holes throughout its 7- foot length, or width. whatever it is.

of the 2 small video clip visuals in your mind i am making you envision here..

which has the most flow of water in the end? the broken damn that flows 2,000,000 galons of water in one burst? or the one routing and spouting via 3 holes, 40,000 gallons per day?

im talking about surging the blood into the breast after 44 days of dryness..

not a little trickle into the breast every night once a day or twice a day

you're going to receive a larger surge of blood once your body can fully rejuvenate its sex drive - with exercise and with proper nutrient rich diet

ok so after sex blood goes to your boobs, apparently we've confirmed it there can be growth... soooo how to make growth happen...?

have ur boobs been growing every time you have sexual intercourse? have you noticed permanent and direct results from boob to growth to sex

are you understanding what i'm saying, or do i need to go deeper into the subject for you to get it?

i'm just saying, if you want to grow your boobs from sex, check out what i said lol. thats how u do it.

apparently after sex you have blood flow to your breasts, but if you dont do it properly.. its going to be weak blood flow, or not even to effect permanently

u should find a boyfriend you can NBE with during sex also. i bet that would maximize results ...

double the amount

imagine waiting the 44 days to be fully rejuvenated so your body can focus putting the blood to your breasts only, during intercourse and then staying in a complete relaxed state during.. while your lover uses NBE techniques on you

talk about triple the amount - add the relaxation in there, thats 3x multiplier miss boobs in shirt.

your boobs havent been permanently growing after each intercourse just from the intercourse lol, have they? thatd be cool id enjoy confirmation but i know its not true i've had a girlfriend in the past. so there are ways to increase your results through sex. im just trying to explain to you how it is possible, and why it works.

now you know that we prefer a large influx of blood to the breasts, prioritized over small influx of blood to the breasts. i need to go i'm sorry. i'll make a forum post somewhere to help anyone willing to understand

(26-11-2014, 00:54)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(18-07-2013, 19:23)StephaniNicole Wrote:  Bonita, I'm not saying you were! I'm the same way as you! And it sucks, because ny boyfriend has a low sex drive; while I want to do it 3x per day, he's happy with one. It's awful(x
I'm available!! Rolleyes

I read years ago that the female hormones in sperm makes your tits bigger when you take it inside you. I guess swallowing would have the same effect, too.

Are you talking about female sperm or male sperm?

(27-11-2014, 01:20)transgender newbie Wrote:  
(26-11-2014, 00:54)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(18-07-2013, 19:23)StephaniNicole Wrote:  Bonita, I'm not saying you were! I'm the same way as you! And it sucks, because ny boyfriend has a low sex drive; while I want to do it 3x per day, he's happy with one. It's awful(x
I'm available!! Rolleyes

I read years ago that the female hormones in sperm makes your tits bigger when you take it inside you. I guess swallowing would have the same effect, too.

Are you talking about female sperm or male sperm?

Both have estrogen in them, but I guess it'd be female sperm.

Never noticed, I will have to check... I think it would have to be a lot though to see a difference in mine...

If sex increased bust size, a lot of people would have busts based on that, which they don't. I realize that sex influences prolactin, but this concept doesn't seem so.

Rather, prolactin influence through nipple stimulation should do it, instead.

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