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Worried about side effects and safety


Would the side effects be under the "Bovine Ovary" forum? I've tried to search elsewhere about information on both PM and BO, but I usually only find information on web sites where they are selling breast enhancement I don't entirely trust the information because it is biased. So, how often would maintenance be required, and is this required for all methods? I would have to do the maintenance the rest of my life to maintain growth and prevent sagging? Wouldn't exercising the chest muscles help with sagging? I actually have tested my hormones at the doctor's office, and I guess it came normal. So, that also kind of confuses me about what to take for NBE.

P.S. I am am working out and trying to get toned, so I might lose the little extra fat I have. Is this bad to do on NBE? I know exercise it recommended, but I also know it is good to not be too thin when doing a program.

well tough for some pple working out doesnt change their growing process for some other pple do,and yes on the BO forum theres sooooo much information, that its too much to get on one day, so i recomend you to start reading, there aren´t any negative side effects that are KNOWN, we are all taking a risk with NBE.

Thanks Nessa and everyone that has repliedWink There is like an overload of information on here lol. It's hard to keep things straight, or to know if something is true if someone else says the opposite. I guess the only thing that bothers me about BO is that it is made from cow ovaries. I'm glad that there aren't any known bad side effects though.

What BO actually is doesn't bother me, I've eaten worse LOL like chitlings (I think that's the spelling) is really pig intestines lol, I've had some German deli meats, forget all the names, and my family would tell me what they really are to try to freak me out, but heck it tasted good, like one was cow's tongue, the other was "cows lips" meaning vagina lips lol. So yea I've eaten alot worst, but then again I'm adventurous and like trying new things, and sometimes you got to try delicacies of other cultures just to see what they are all about. I've had "mountain balls" which are I believe bull's testicles, other than all that weird stuff, I've had rabbit, deer, snake, alligator, octopus, eel, squid, fox, the list goes on and on and once even ate dog, didn't know until after I ate it. My family has alot of different races and cultures in it, either born into, married into, etc. etc. and I have a Korean family member that was married into and she made the most delicious dish that I thought was beef, she later told me that she made it the authentic way with dog, but the dog meat used, the dogs are raised like we raise cattle, to be farmed and eaten, they are not pet dogs. So that made it a lil better for me. So yea when you sit back and think about the food we really eat (unless you are a vegetarian) then 9 times out of 10 you've had worse things. Heck most processed meat products have worse things in them, like those little sausages in a can, they taste soo good, don't ever try looking up what is actually in them lol you'll never want to eat them again. And if you go to a hotdog factory and see what all is included in the meat hahahaha yea, not a good idea if you are a hotdog fan. So just saying if you aren't a vegetarian, there is a point in your life you've eaten worse. Just try not to think so much about what it actually is, just take the pills and grow the boobies lol. Oh and hold your nose when opening the bottle, the pills do stink, but so do herb pills.

That is very true. I know I've eaten bad things because I eat fast food sometimes as well as processed food. I've seen the way the meat is made, and it is a disgusting process...but I still eat it lol. I try not to eat too many processed things though. I don't like hot dogs or those sausage things in the can, so it won't bother me to know what is in them lol. I know hotdogs are made from different animals and they use the body parts that you normally wouldn't pick up at a store to cook for dinner. How bad is the smell? Will it make me want to puke or something because I couldn't handle taking them everyday if that's the case?

The herb pills I took in the past made me want to puke more than the BO pills, really it comes down to the individual, you'd have to order them and find out, really all I can say. A trick I use to do with the herb pills, is coat them with like chocolate syrup, then took them like that.

I take BB pills and the smell doesn't bother me at all. Unless I stick my nose in the bottle and sniff, it is a very mild dog food smell. The fenugreek smell was much stronger for me. And of course it made me smell like fenugreek too. I think I've read on here that BB pills smell less than generic, but I could be wrong. So I wouldn't know how generic BO smells.

well BO (body odor) smells whether it's generic or not lol j/k okay that's enough of my silly moment, but I agree BO (bovine ovary) doesn't smell near as bad as fenugreek or other herbs and I take Ultra Breast, I wouldn't know if BB smells less than UB, maybe someone can tell us? Has anyone used both I wonder?

I understand your concern given many people have had unwanted side effects from taking herbs- such as weight gain, acne, and cellulite. If you don't want to take something internally, I recommend a breast pump (noogleberry, brava, bosom beauty), massage, and/or eating boobie foods. good luck! Smile

personally, I've had the most success NOT taking herbs and just using a noogleberry. Check out the breast pump forum if you haven't already.

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