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So, I have been doing lots of research and trying to figure out what to take for my program, but I am just making myself more confused about what to take. On the one hand, the herbs are more natural than BO, but I know I could not give up caffeine. I have also read there are normally better and more permanent results with BO. On the other hand, I do not like the idea of what BO is made from. It makes me feel like it would be bad for my body. I am also worried about issues with my period with both versions of NBE. I'd say I am considering PM and BO the most, but I am unsure of the side effects of both. Not to mention, I am not sure what I should take with herbs or BO. Can anyone help me out and give me some more information on both of these? I keep going back and fourth with my decision on what to take, so if anyone could help me out by giving me some straight-forward information on everything, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
well with Bo, i will recomend you Bountifull Breasst or Ultra Breast,since they are the ones known for better resul, i recomend you to check out two posts here, that will give you a lot of informations about BO, and normally BO and herbs dont get well, because they have to fight for who is going to do the work in the boddy, thats why when drinking BB, they tell you to stop anytthing herb related, and avoid soya, and tofu, etc
Alicat1386 honey, why get yourself so confused on the choices you have. Consider yourself lucky because many of us don't know there are so many different methods until we come to this forum.

Nobody can tell you what method to choose for your NBE. It all drill down to which method you are most comfortable with because you need to remember that you are not going to only take it for weeks. You need to take it for months. Invest on a method you're most comfortable at so that you wont waste the supplements.

If you are into PM or herbs fine, do more research on how to make it work. Most people cant get the products to work is because either the dosage is too low or too high you need the dosage that's just right.
Thanks for the help. I will check out the links you provided for me. I've just read so many different things that it's hard to keep track to make a decision on which one to do. I'll let you both know if I come to a decision on one or the other.Big Grin
(18-05-2010, 21:45)AliCat1386 Wrote: [ -> ]I have also read there are normally better and more permanent results with BO.

From what women here report that does not appear to be so. Most women seem to keep their results pretty well no matter what the method used. It's not often that women say they lost their results, regardless of method.
But the question they stop their methods at all? I have read and heard that stopping herbal methods resulted in women losing wasn't permanent. Is this true?
(19-05-2010, 08:30)AliCat1386 Wrote: [ -> ]I have read and heard that stopping herbal methods resulted in women losing wasn't permanent. Is this true?

Some women lose growth no matter what the method used. In the old BO forum some women said they lost growth after finishing the BO. No method can guarantee lasting results, it all depends on the person concerned.
Yeah I know...I just have read of lasting growth more often with women who do BO and stick with it. I am just thinking that if it doesn't last...what is the point? I might as well get breast implants. I don't want to keep feeding my body hormones for the rest of my life.
Most women lost their growth due to 2 reasons. A drastic weight lost after NBE (most women gain weight during NBE) or they just don't do the program long enough.

Have you read Eve's program on herbs. She didn't lost anything. I did herbs before but I don't have any growth. I have learn though after you get the size you want you need to take the herbs in smaller quantity in maintenance before you come to a halt with whatever you are taking.

If you were to take PM what I understand through my research you still need maintenance every now and then you can't stop 100% because this will either shrink your boobies or it may sag. It is explain to me by someone who sell this product many years back.
I agree with Crystalelle here. Whatever you take, you should feel comfortable with it since you will have to use it for a long time.

As far as safety goes, I don't think one method is safer than the other. Fact is, that a lot remains unknown about NBE and how it works. If you want to enlarge your breasts without going the implant-route you will have to 'mess' with your hormones a little.

You could look into hormonal balance to see if you might have any imbalances. This makes the choice for your NBE method easier. I am estrogen dominant, so herbs are not healthy for me since (most of the effective NBE) herbs raise estrogen even more. But for other people they seem to do the trick and they get no side effects at all (like Eve).

Another option could be the Noogleberry. This method is completely safe from what I've read. A lot of women get amazing results from it.

I don't know too much about PM. On the old forum I read some programs of girls using this and how it messed up their cycles. So if you're worried about your periods I wouldn't go for PM. But anyone with more knowledge on PM may correct me on that oneSmile

BO is just another way to activate your hormones. I don't think it is any more 'dangerous' than herbs would be. There is a thread about side-effects in the BO section. I would suggest for you to read this. I don't think there were any negative side effects reported by the users on this forum.

Sometimes a maintenance dose of whatever you're using is necessary for a period of time. Diet and lifestyle (enough proteine, limiting sugar intake, eating fruits and veggies, exercise) may also help in making NBE results last.
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