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will diet/excersize hinder NBE? and ? on BO


I've been working out like a mad woman since the new year. It started with the plan to get rid of the holiday treats and has just continued since then. Even working out like I am I can say, I couldn't come close to looking bulked up. No one can, but things are getting a nice shape again thank goodness. I'd like my abs to be tone a little more, but after three kids, some of it is just loose skin that is just hopeless.

Now the good news and the bad news on my work out project. I have lost some band size, BUT not much in the boob area. I measuring in at 38 1/2 down from 39, BUT my band size is about 29 1/2, so my boobs actually look bigger now. It's really odd to figure that one out. LOL. I was wearing a 36C, and while I can still wear them, they slide too much, so I prefer the 34C more now and I like that it makes me look like I'm kind of pouring out of the top of them.

So all in all, I would say I kept my boobs, while working out and a bit of weight loss, but I also was still doing bo and noogleberry the entire time. I lost a total of 10 pounds right off the bat, then through toning, I lost a couple of inches throughout my body without anymore weight loss.

If I let myself think about it, it bugs me that I'm not measuring 39 any longer, but if I look at the big picture, 2 inches lost in band size with only 1/2 an inch lost in breast size isn't too shabby when you do the math.


I like this thread and the pictures in itSmile It's cool you guys posted them so we can reference and compare what we like & want!

I really like Chelsee and Anastacia's pics a lot too. Very sexy, I think your booties and boobs look greatSmile

Mel, I think only 1/2 inch with two inches band size is not bad AT ALL!! Come to think of it, they will probably look even bigger now because the difference between bandsize and breast is bigger:exclamation:

Mm, I need to start working out tooDodgy

Sorry! Ive been flaking out on replying.
Chelsea, i got the shoes at the salvation army. I kno thats kind of gross but i couldnt pass up stripper heels for four bucks! Lol
Anastasia, i have two girls. I kno how stubborn pregnancy fat is! Trust me theres fat on my abs! Lol.
And thank u estherSmile. Just to keep the pic thing going heres a pic of me with blonde on top n brown under and those shoes again lol

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Chelsee, there is nothing wrong with shopping at places like that! When I was a single mom I use to go shop at goodwill for my own clothes all the time, and I would find name brand clothes, with the tags still on, that were lets say $50 for a shirt that I paid $5 for. I gotta show off these boots though, I have a good amount of "stripper shoes" hubby loves them. I got a pair of 8 inch heels too, I'll eventually take pics in em to show. And yes I can walk in these boots and the 8 inch high heels.

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that's awesome mel, thanks for the insight on your workout routine.

For those that wear those tall heels, awesome, I stopped wearing more than 1" heels after i met dh, he's only about 1/2" taller than me, so i don't want to look like a giant, lol,I'm already 5'8", so i don't really need the height, but they do look nice!

LOL em, there's nothing wrong with being taller, but I do understand it a bit. I can remember not dating a couple of guys that I really towered over when I was younger. I'm 5"8, but hubby is 5"11, so it's not too bad, BUT I love love love high heels and so does my husband, so I wear them anyway. Guys love tall gals, All the miles and miles of legs as they say. And any woman that is tall and still wears the heels has an aura of confidence to her, which is even more appealing to our guys I think.

I actually ran into JCpenneys this past week to find a pair of sandals and walked out with three new pairs of heels. All to die for, I thought I might squeal out loud once or twice while trying them on! I still have to find sandals though, so having that type of weakness does have it's downside. haha.


(30-03-2010, 05:00)Anastasia916 Wrote:  And yep I agree with Hazel, these are examples of female body builders using steroids...
[Image: a-women-bodybuilder-trainwreck-16.jpg]
[Image: hungary-female-bodybuilders-2009-5-10-15-20-6.jpg]
[Image: Isabell_sample2.jpg]

I would NEVER take steroids those women do not look like women, that is unattractive to me. This is what I would like as far as definition...
[Image: 3246.jpg]
[Image: 33xiut2.jpg]

So definitely agree without steroids, creatine, etc. you will not bulk up, you will look lovely like the two blondes, I want the last ones abs Tongue

With this being a Natural Breast Enhancement Forum and all. I know I am kind of Intruding on you ladies space Because I am a man. But I just have to speak my mind about a few things.

First off I am not some kind of freak perv who is looking to get a quick spank off lol.. I just happen to come across this forum because I was searching through google pics for creatine and steroids. God only knows why but the photo shopped pick woman showed up under the search.

I own a supplement company. Run the largest steroid forum in the world. Own a social media managing company that is focused on fitness industry clients. I am the Author of a published bodybuilders cook book. I am a mod of about 5 other major bodybuilding and or steroid forums. I own my own bodybuilding web site, and the list just goes on and on for miles.

So what Am I doing here, what amd I trying to say, and why am I rambling on so damn long? Well Because I just felt the urge to point out something that you ladies might like to know. Before I did so I felt it would be wise of me to at least list some credentials so as to not look like some know nothing dude making a out of no where worthless comment.

Ok so to the point. I stumbled on this forum and skimmed through this thread. That is when this comment (highlighted in red) stuck out like a turd in a punch bowl to me.

I do realize that the top 2 woman in the pics are huge massive and muscled up. Not at all what the avg woman wants to look like. However they did not get that way buy "just taking some steroids". NO NO HELL NO not by a long shot. What you see is the results of many years of training, many steroid cycles. combined with perfectly planed bulk and cut diets. Also perfectly planed bulking and cutting training cycles. It took these woman years and years and years to end up looking the way they do now.

That did not happen overnight, it did not happen in a month, in fact it did not even happen in a year or two. I sponsor one of the woman in these pictures btw. I will not say which one or her name but I have been sponsoring her for almost a year now.

Now here comes the best part of all. The whole reason why I even bothered to post on this forum today. This one I am sure most of you will All deny or refuse to accept it as the truth. But coming from some one who knows the ins and outs of the whole fitness,bodybuilding,supplement,and steroid industry. You might want to listen and consider the fact that I might just know the real truth that non of you seem to know.


Yes that is right. Some of you may or may not know who she is. She is the "spokesmodel" for You can see her pretty little face and T&A all over there adds. The woman you said and I quote "I would NEVER take steroids those women do not look like women, that is unattractive to me. This is what I would like as far as definition..."

You pretty much just said. I would never take steroids, but I want to look like this woman right here WHO TAKES STEROIDS!!!!!.

I work in the industry. I know its hard to believe because its shrouded in lies. SHow you a pic of a woman who takes steroids. O yes you better believe it she has run a few little Anavar cycles,maybe some clen and t-3 too. Show you pics of that and then sell sell sell you some crappy fat burner with some creatine. They do there jobs so well. Market so damn good that you ladies buy into it hook line and sinker.

The pic of the 3rd woman. That is EXACTLY What a woman who has done a few light steroid cycles looks like. She has taken steroids and please do not kid your selves thinking she has not. The problem is that because of the lies in the media about steroids. Because of the lies from the newspapers,the magazines, the tv news stations, the lies from the big braking news!!!!!! the steroid bust, the fda, the government all getting together and telling you all one big fat huge lie.

Because of that you woman and any avg person in the world knows little to nothing in regards to the truth about steroids. Personally I gain nothing by trying to help you understand the truth though. After all I sell supplements so please by all means buy some more supplements ha ha.

But When I saw the comment I just had to laugh my butt off about it. I mean its so damn funny when I see someone so blinded. To see some one say " I would never take steroids, but I want to look like this girl" Who takes steroids. Who deff without a doubt what so ever has taken steroids. It kills me lol... I have been in this industry for 7 years now. I think I know a thing or two about the subject and I know things from the inside about the woman you are saying you want to look like.

So take it from some one who knows.

1. that woman has taken steroids and if that is the look you want you just might want to look into taking them your self.
2. All the lies about how bad bad bad steroids are. Well that is exactly what they are, lies!

Yes there is side effects that come with the use of steroids, and even more so for woman. However many of these side effects are way way over hyped. Almost non of them are permanent unless you take them for a very long time, ignore the sides, do nothing about them and just keep taking more and more. All the big lies about how steroids
1.give you brain tumors
2. damage your liver beyond repair
3. give you cancer in this or that part of the body
4. Make you angry and want to kill your self and or others
5. will make a woman grow a penis instantly

I mean on and on. Everything you have heard is ether a half truth or a flat out lie.

This next part I want all you woman to read very carefully.

If even half of what the news,fda,goverment,your friends,even doctors say about steroids was true. Then I would say about 80-90% of you woman posting on this forum right now would have life long major health problems. Many of you right now would have cancer. Half of you right now would have 2 or 3 heart attacks under your belt already. At least 3 of you would have a tumor. WHY???????

Because 80-90% of you woman posting in this thread right now are on steroids. Yes ANABOLIC STEROIDS Of all different forums.

I am sure many of you have heard of the steroid deca or decaderabolin. Its a progestin/progesterone aka 19-Nor

What does this have to do with you ladies?

Almost all of you have taken some form of birth control pills at some point in your lives. What is Birth controle? HA click the link and read it ladies^^^ they are true anabolic steroids. Yes they have been chemical Altered a bit, and mixed with estrogen of some kind or another. But make no mistake about it they are still steroids. There Molecular chemical structure is still that of a steroid. They still cause I rise or fall in estrogen/progesterone levels in your bodies. Progesterone and estrogen are very much related to the Metabolic process in the body. They are also sex hormones. They also effect Nero transmission in the brain. HMMM OMG steroids!!!

You have all taken synthetic hormones like it or not, and that girl in pic 3 has taken steroids like it or not. I hope some one learned something today from what I have said. I am pretty damn sure that for the majority of you its just going in one ear and out the other. I am almost positive some "think they know its all" is going to chime in with a massive onslaught of media propaganda half truths.

But in the end Maybe, just maybe some one will see the light here. Steroids are good for men. They cure all kinds of problems. Steroids are not as bad as the lies out there make them out to be for both men and for woman. If fact all steroids where invented by drug companies and almost every single one of them have a medical use. I mean Anavar was invented for woman and children. It was once widely proscribed for osteoporosis and worked damn good for it too. Until " the big scare tactics" started around the 1980's. Now it is still prescribed for HIV/AIDS related wasting syndrome.

OK My rant is now over. I bet i spent half a morning for nothing and some mod who don't want people to know the real truth deletes this.

Ladies. Please do have a great day. May god bless you all, may you reach your goals of having big perky breasts and hot bods. Looking at your picks some of you already do HA HA OK sorry I am a guy after all so I had to throw that one in there. Take care.

And wow that bottom pic really is one of the worst photo shops I have ever seen. At first glance I would never have noticed. Now that you said it my god the whole thing looks fake. Tongue

Need2, instead of attacking me saying that you laughed your ass off at my comment, maybe you should realize that I know women who work out daily that look like the 3rd girl, and THEY DO NOT TAKE STEROIDS, and by steroids I don't mean the kind in birth control or other doctor prescribed medication, I mean the illegal stuff.

Now when I said I would never take steriods, I meant the illegal stuff, so next time, don't assume, you know what happens when you assume. I would never personally want to take ILLEGAL steriods, or the kind that are used for bodybuilding mainly because, guess what this forum is? A natural breast enhancement forum! That means yes, I am doing NBE and growing my breasts naturally, so taking steriods would hinder my results cause it would put more testosterone in my body. Again you act like I'm ignorant, and that is further from the truth. Okay maybe the 3rd girl takes steriods, maybe the last pic is photoshopped, I did not say I want to look EXACTLY like them, I said this is the type of definition I am talking about, meaning that I don't want to bulk up, but have nice flat abs and muscle definition on my arms, shoulder, legs, etc. and YES that CAN be achieved by good old fashioned exercise and a good diet. A woman does not need to take supplementation like illegal steriods to get that, hard work would do it as well. Now if you try to argue with me, I will get someone I know who went from flabby to definition like the 3rd pic WITHOUT taking steriods, heck I don't think she even takes birth control, she did it doing P90X, everyday, and she had a high protein diet, didn't eat junk, and as she likes to tell others "I ate my veggies" lol. So yes the type of definition I was trying to point out is what I want and when I get more time I will be working out more than I am now to achieve that, and hopefully I won't lose the breasts I worked so hard for lol. But illegal steriods would DEFINITELY make my breasts shrink, and sorry, I don't want implants. You might be one of those males that find women with the bulky muscles and implants sexy, but my husband isn't one of them Wink he likes me the way I am, but when we got together I did have definition in my arms and legs and had a flat tummy and he found that sexy as well. And btw yes I knew steriods were in birth control, I also have psoriasis and my cream to keep it under control has a type of steriod in it! BUT it's not the same type as illegal steriods. They are illegal for a reason. No they might not cause too many problems if someone only did a cycle or two of them, but after long term use that these body building women do, I'm sure it causes all kinds of problems, especially with hormonal imbalancing.

Either way, please ask next time before assuming I don't know something and that I mean everything I say to a "T" and then twisting my words around to say I want to look EXACTLY like that. It's not possible for anyone to look exactly like someone else, when I get definition in my muscles they will never look like the 3rd girl because of my genetics and her genetics, meaning that my muscles are formed differently then hers. Everyones are. As I am sure you know. But the main point of my posts was to let these ladies know that just because you work out hard, you will never end up buff like the bodybuilders without ALOT of hard work and steroids. A woman cannot bulk up like males can. We have to work out twice as hard to achieve that. And that is what some people don't know, and it's not nice for you to laugh at them. Just because someone does not have you expertise in something does not make them less intelligent as you, it just means they haven't learned as much on the subject as you. Heck on the subject of NBE I get asked all kinds of common sense to me type questions, but I know that they are starting out, and I been doing this for 4 years, so of course the question might be common sense to me, but it's not to the average person.

So please refrain from talking down to me just because you know more on the bodybuilding subject than I do, because of course, I have no interest in bodybuilding persay, so therefore I wouldn't have been researching and reading it.

Now how you COULD help the ladies on this forum with your expertise is to tell them how they can work out to get the bodies they want without getting rid of the curves they work hard for. Tell them how much they can do without going to far into what they don't want. Etc.

And before you say it, as a couple ignorant trainers in the past have said to me "natural breast enhancement doesn't work, only way to change your breast size is implants" no most over advertised NBE supplements do not work, I do agree, but that's why this forum is here for each of us to tell each other what works and what doesn't. I have went from a 32A to a 32C, and the 32C is getting small. So I might be a D soon. So I am proof it works. There are many other women on this forum that are proof it works, but like anything takes persistence, consistence, dedication, etc. So if you know the best ways for us to work out and not lose our breasts, please do share, we would all be interested in that.

Lately I do yoga or pilates in the mornings, ab circle pro in the evenings for 15 min (and yes I enjoy using it), and I do DDR (dance dance revolution) for an hour with my son (I play on difficult or expert so YES it's a good cardio workout and my calves are getting killer). When I get more time like I use to have (hubby got hurt not too long ago and I tend to him when he's home) I will be starting my weight training again to get the definition that I once had (and I use to work out 2 hours a day to 3 hours a day, so YES it takes hard work). I have a high protein diet (which is also needed for what I'm taking for NBE) and I get alot of fresh veggies and fruits. I try not to have any junk food.

Oh and when you said you're a male but not a perv, we have males that frequent this forum, some are aspiring to grow breasts themselves, others are boyfriends or husbands that are looking into this for their girlfriends or wives. We aren't shy here lol.

And yes alot of the ladies here already have hot bodies, I do agree there as well, but no shame in us upgrading and improving now is there? Oh and I don't think the admin will delete your post, we are all pretty honest here, all say what we feel, and they never get deleted unless people get in a heated argument and start cursing at each other.

Need2, Yo dude. If you want to be informative thats great. Just don't be snarky about it.
So yes, now we know more about steriods and the women in the pics posted. Next time you are going to post to a new forum. Maybe like, ask a question about why someone said something. Rather then jumping out at them about it. Then post a reasoned polite response. Like I am sure you want people to do on your forums.

Anastasia916, I hope your husbands injury is not serious and he gets better soon. I appologize if you have mentioned this elswhere and I missed the post.


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