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The Progesterone Thread....


This goal of this thread is to share knowledge about progesterone and NBE.
Women and men produce progesterone daily, as follows:

Below are the reference ranges for oestradiol, testosterone and progesterone

Oestradiol 0.5 - 2.2 pg/ml
Progesterone 15 - 100 pg/ml
Testosterone 44 - 148 pg/ml

As a reference point, the same hormones below are for women.

Oestradiol 1.3 - 3.3 pg/ml
Progesterone 75 - 270 pg/ml

Oestradiol 0.5 - 1.7 pg/ml
Progesterone 12 - 100 pg/ml

Range for all ages
Testosterone 16 - 55 pg/ml

Progesterone is a precursor for testosterone, estradiol, cortisol, aldosterone, and allopregnenolone and allopregnanolone, etc.. Progesterone is broken down to Pregnanediol (inactive) after it is used. Progesterone is the precursor for testosterone in the testes. Increasing testosterone production requires increasing production of progesterone, its precursor. HCG can increase progesterone production in men. If the increase in progesterone leads to an increase in testosterone, this can have good or bad effects. Bad effects include slowing down the adrenal glands when one already has adrenal fatigue, excessive acne or hair loss, etc.

Progesterone is a precursor for estradiol. Progesterone also increases the number of estrogen receptors. Either one can lead to signs of excessive estrogen signaling (e.g. gynecomastia, aggressiveness, fatigue (from lowered thyroid hormone in response to increased estrogen signaling), loss of libido, etc. even if Estradiol is controlled (since the signal is stronger when there are more estrogen receptors).

Men produce estrogen (Estradiol) but in much lower amount than women. Men also produce progesterone, but about half the amount from that of females. Progesterone is made in men by the adrenal glands and testes. Progesterone is vital to good health in both women and men. It is the primary precursor of our adrenal cortical hormones and testosterone. The male hormone, testosterone, is an antagonist to estradiol (E2). It is made from progesterone. Men normally continue to produce relatively normal level of testosterone for their age and well into the seventies. Contrary to common perception, testosterone does not cause prostate cancer. Young men have high levels of testosterone and old men low levels. If testosterone were the cause of prostate cancer, young men would be dying of prostate cancer. Studies had shown that men with the highest level of testosterone have the least prostate enlargement. Conversely, men with the highest level of estrogen have enlarged prostates. Declining testosterone from aging, together with increasing level of estrogen, is the most likely reason for prostate enlargement and cancer in men.

Progesterone Receptors: Form and Function in Brain

"The six most potent common herbs to bind progesterone receptors were oregano (Origanum vulgare), verbena (Verbena species), turmeric, thyme, red clover, and damania (Turnera difussa).

Herbs with *anti-progesterone* activity were red clover, licorice, goldenseal, pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), and mandrake (Podophyllum peltatum).

**Most progesterone-binding herbs were not active or were anti-progestogenic in the body (such as pennyroyal). **

Wild yam (Dioscoria villosa) increased progesterone receptor binding in 20-30% of women, but appeared to suppress progesterone. Researchers concluded that diosgenin, the yam compound used to synthesize progesterone, “did not convert to progesterone in the body.”

In AHA Volume 15: Issue 2, 1999.

REFERENCE: Zava, DT, et al. 1998. Estrogen and progestin bioactivity of foods, herbs, and spices. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 217(3):36.


Licorice will not promote progesterone in the body. Although it binds with the progesterone receptor it is actually anti-progesteronic which means it will suppress progesterone.
The things I put ** around were to draw attention to them. This article confirms that most of the herbs that bind to progesterone receptors will actually lower progesterone in the body... which is too bad.

Now as far as the grapefruit, I will try to check it out and find out if it actually increases progesterone or suppresses it.

Thanks for providing the link. The world of herbs is a very complicated one, but if we all pitch in what we find I think we can come to some sort of unanimous truth about the NBE effect of herbs.


(06-03-2010, 10:23)admin Wrote:  Progesterone Info; Characteristics of excess & deficiency
February 21 2007 at 8:56 PM Surf (Login Surf.)

Women need natural progesterone to counter-balance the effects of estrogen dominance. Progesterone therapy is successfully used by health care professionals to relieve symptoms of both PMS, help the transitions of menopause, improve moods, or low libido when progesterone levels are low and/or estrogen is dominant. In menopause, both estrogen and progesterone decrease.

According to medical Harvard medical trained expert Dr. John Lee, author of What your Doctor My not tell you about Perimenopause, many women have estrogen dominance, which is out of balance hormones due to an over abundance of estrogen and estrogen substances in the food we eat. This is known as estrogen dominance. Medical experts believe the out of balance hormones are due to the lack of progesterone in women. Clinical studies show that PMS, menopausal problems, breast cancer and fibrocystic breast have a direct relationship with estrogen dominance. Progesterone is needed for the proper function of the adrenal glands. Stress on the adrenal glands may lead to progesterone deficiency, often causing symptoms of nervous disorders, depression, irritability, fatigue and mood swings.

Medical practitioners reports many of these issues are helped through the use of a high quality natural progesterone creme, as Wild Yam & Progesterone+ or Ultra Harmony -a plant estrogen creme. Blood tests do not show an increase of estrogen with progesterone or plant estrogens. We do know that progesterone and estrogen, like many of the hormones in the body, work synergistically. The presence of progesterone sensitizes estrogen receptors in the body, making circulating estrogen levels work better without changing the actual levels of estrogens.

High Progesterone Symptoms:
Somnolence (Somnolence: Sleepiness, the state of feeling drowsy, ready to fall asleep.)

Low Progesterone Symptoms:

Low Libido
Swollen Breasts
Fuzzy Thinking
Food Cravings
Water Retention
PMS Symptoms
Emotional Swings
Painful Breasts
Weight Gain
Inability to Concentrate
Early Menstruation
Painful Joints

The links provided didn't work and were deleted.


♦ PROGESTERONE is a natural inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase - an enzyme needed to convert TESTOSTERONE to growth- stimulating di-hydroTESTOSTERONE (DHT). Not only is DHT implicated in BPH and prostate cancer, but this conversion also reduces TESTOSTERONE, thus lowering the TESTOSTERONE to estrogen ratio and creating an estrogen dominance situation.

Prostate Cancer

♦ Of 10 men with prostate cancer, Harvard graduate Dr. John R. Lee has anecdotal reports of an almost 100% remission rate using natural PROGESTERONE - One man was being treated at Mayo Clinic for prostate cancer and it had spread to the bone. He began to use his wife's PROGESTERONE cream for his bones. After 6 months of PROGESTERONE cream applied to his skin, Mayo Clinic could find no evidence of any prostate cancer. Several men with prostate cancer have told Dr. Lee that their PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level-decreased when they started using a daily dab of PROGESTERONE cream, and that they have had no progression of their prostate lesions. In addition to reducing conversion of TESTOSTERONE to DHT, PROGESTERONE’s success may be due its promoting activation of the protective tumor suppressor gene p53: Google scholar search. Dr. Lee advocated a split daily dose of 10-12 mg of a low-concentration PROGESTERONE cream (~500mg/oz).

More Progesterone cream fidings
April 25 2006 at 3:41 PM
Sunset (Login liquidSunset)


Progesterone cream and wild yam cream are frequently employed to aid in breast enlargement. Though there are a wide variety of healthful effects resulting in proper female hormonal balance, breast enlargement is one of the most interesting and noticeable effects.

Before you can understand why progesterone cream and/or wild yam cream can work for breast enlargement, you must understand what progesterone is and the role this important hormone plays in the body.

What is progesterone?

Progesterone is a sex hormone. Progesterone is the most potent natural progestational (encouraging pregnancy) hormone. During pregnancy, progesterone is also produced by the placenta. Progesterone regulates the female reproductive functions together with estrogen and plays a particular role in the maintenance of pregnancy.

Progesterone plays a major role in regulating the menstrual cycle. It enhances mood, helps protect against certain cancers, and reduces or stops bone loss (osteoporosis). It is important to know the proper time and dosage which varies with different circumstances.

Synthetic hormones which have an effect similar to that of progesterone are called progestins.

What does progesterone do?
Progesterone is a hormone that is found in relation to estrogen. During the monthly menstrual cycle, progesterone levels increase before ovulation, to help prepare the body for possible pregnancy. Low levels of progesterone are frequently found in women who suffer from PMS.

As far as the breasts are concerned, progesterone stimulates the breast tissue to grow - both the mammary glands and the associated tissue in the breasts. Some women have reported growth of up to 2 cup sizes from progesterone cream alone. But remember, the cream only works in this way when applied directly to the breasts.


* Progesterone is used in hormone therapy for transsexual women, and some intersex women - especially when synthetic progestins have been ineffective or caused side-effects - since normal breast tissue cannot develop except in the presence of both progestogen and estrogen. Mammary glandular tissue is otherwise fibrotic, the breast shape conical and the areola immature. Progesterone can correct those even after years of inadequate hormonal treatment. Research usually cited against such value was conducted using Provera, a synthetic progestin. Progesterone also has a role in skin elasticity and bone strength, in respiration, in nerve tissue and in female sexuality, and the presence of progesterone receptors in certain muscle and fat tissue may hint at a role in sexually-dimorphic proportions of those.

Progesterone may effect male behavior: 'Progesterone receptors mediate male aggression toward infants' PNAS 2003 100: 2951-2956; 10.1073/pnas.0130100100

"This following are normal ranges based upon certain phases of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy:

Female (pre-ovulation): less than 1 ng/mL
Female (mid-cycle): 5 to 20 ng/mL
Male: less than 1 ng/mL
Postmenopausal: less than 1 ng/mL
Pregnancy 1st trimester: 11.2-90.0 ng/mL
Pregnancy 2nd trimester: 25.6-89.4 ng/mL
Pregnancy 3rd trimester: 48-150 to 300 or more ng/mL "


Progesterone and Conception, Pregnancy and Contraception

(10-03-2010, 11:10)admin Wrote:  progesterone findings-- important for girls taking synthetic hormones in their BCP!
August 20 2006 at 12:29 PM drummachic275 (no login)


Extract taken from Dr Dalton’s book “Once a Month”


Because progesterone cannot be given orally, biochemists tried to make a synthetic preparation that could swallowed. They tried small alterations in the chemical formula, hoping to find a compound with slightly different properties; after all, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, and cortisone all have very similar formulas, although they have quite different properties. Eventually they developed the "progestogens," or "progestins," which are the basis of all contraceptive pills and gave rise to a multibillion-dollar industry. When the progestogens were first developed, they were believed to be true progesterone substitutes. But, in fact, they had some properties of estrogen, some of progesterone, and some of testosterone. For example, if progestogens have been given during a pregnancy and the child is a girl, she is likely to show masculinizing effects in her genitals and be a tomboy, with marked aggression. This is quite different from the effect of natural progesterone, which is produced in such large quantities during pregnancy. Indeed, surveys have suggested that if progesterone is given to a mother before the sixteenth week of pregnancy for eight weeks or longer, the child of that pregnancy has a tendency toward enhanced intelligence, higher grades, and a better chance of reaching university level than control children whose mothers are not given progesterone (see page 256).

There are many differences between progesterone and the various progestogens, but unfortunately, there are still some doctors who do not realize this. Progesterone lowers the blood pressure, while progestogens raise it; and while progesterone raises the SHBG level, progestogens lower it (see pages 22, 24). Progestogens are not accepted by progesterone receptors. Progesterone can relieve water and sodium retention, whereas some progestogens used in the Pill, such as norethisterone, cause retention of water and sodium. Progesterone is converted by the adrenals into all the various corticosteroids, which is not possible with progestogens. One function of progesterone is to maintain a pregnancy, but the progestogens cannot be used for this purpose. Some progestogens have an estrogenic effect as well, which is useful in the contraceptive field. The disposal of progestogens from the body differs from that of natural progesterone, which is excreted in the urine and feces as pregnanediol.

Progestogens also lower the blood level of progesterone (see Figure 19), and this explains why women with PMS so often have difficulty in tolerating the Pill (see pages 152-154), whether the estrogen-progestogen pill or the progestogen-only pill, and also other estrogen/progestogen

preparations for menopause (see page 154).

Some doctors believe that by eliminating ovulation and menstruation with the use of strong progestogens such as danazol, it is possible to eliminate PMS. Unfortunately, this does not happen-it merely prolongs the premenstrual symptoms throughout the cycle. On the other hand, danazol is often the drug of choice in the treatment of endometriosis.


PMS Is a Hormonal Disease

• Symptoms are related to the timing of progesterone levels in the premenstruum.

• Symptoms ease during pregnancy when high levels of placental progesterone are present.

• Symptoms recur immediately after pregnancy when there is a sudden loss of placental


• Progesterone levels rise a thousand times in the premenstruum.

• Progesterone receptors are needed for the functioning of progesterone.

• The functioning of progesterone is not indicated by measurements of the blood levels of

progesterone, which are normal in women with PMS.

• Progesterone receptors are present at the sites of PMS symptoms.

• Progesterone receptors do not transport progestogens to the nuclei.

• Progesterone receptors do not function in the presence of adrenaline or low glucose level. High doses of progesterone are needed to stimulate progesterone receptors.

Progesterone and Conception, Pregnancy and Contraception

Progesterone plays a major role in the body...

It is not exclusively a female hormone
It is not a sex hormone, it plays no part in the secondary sexual characteristics which develop at puberty
It is the precursor to the two sex hormones oestrogen and testosterone
It is secreted primarily by the ovaries in females and the testes in men
Smaller amounts are produced by the adrenal glands, the brain and glial cells
There are no great quantitative differences between men and women, at least outside the luteal phase
It's in this last or luteal phase of the monthly cycle in women, that progesterone levels rise considerably above that found in the first half or follicular phase. Rising from less than 1ng/mL to 20-40ng/mL (serum levels). Saliva levels are much higher, see 'The Paradox' ZRT Labs below.

If a test is performed for a woman, it should always be done when progesterone peaks mid-luteal phase. This always occurs plus or minus 7 days after ovulation or before bleeding in all women. The rest of the month it's low, or rising in the early luteal or falling in the late luteal, so it's pointless taking a test at any other time.

The timing of the test is immaterial for a man.

When a test for progesterone levels is performed it is essential to realise two things...

what unit of measurement was used... SI or conventional? The two cannot be compared unless a conversion is made
was it a serum test or saliva test? These also cannot be compared
Women using supplemental progesterone, particularly topical, are often told that their progesterone levels are far too high. This is usually the case if a saliva test has been taken.

However this is no cause for alarm. The main concern is whether or not all symptoms of oestrogen excess have gone. If so, then the amount of progesterone used can be reduced until the optimum is found.

It is the fluctuating progesterone levels, together with the rise and fall of oestrogen, that result in changes of mood, sleep patterns, cravings/appetite, PMS etc.

It is the ratio between these two hormones which causes problems. If there is too much oestrogen in relation to progesterone then all hell can break loose!

To find the ratio divide the progesterone result by the oestrogen result. But make sure the unit of measurement is the same. Often progesterone is measured in ng/ml and oestrogen in pg/ml. If this is the case divide the oestrogen result by 1000 to convert it to ng.

The range given by most labs is 10-100 progesterone to 1 oestrogen. But to feel really well the ratio should be 600:1 and over.

Oestrogen is an excitatory hormone, causing cells to divide and multiply, including fat cells. It's implicated in inflammation, cancer, endometriosis, fibroids, PMS, migraines/headaches, cravings, incontinence, generalised aches and pains, flaking nails, water retention, weight gain and more. Please see the Oestrogen Dominance, HRT and Contraceptives pages for more info.

Progesterone, on the other hand, is a calming, anti-inflammatory hormone, reversing or preventing the above symptoms.

There are now over 100 oestrogen mimics found on earth, in our food, air, water, plastics, skin care, particularly sunscreens, to name a few. All these have a bearing on our health and how we feel, men are not exempt either. For more info please see the websites Our Stolen Future and Skin Deep.

It is now more important than ever to make sure the balance between these two hormones is correct.

Here is an important article on Saliva Hormone Testing by Dr David Zava.

Click here for complete details on hormone tests and testing methods
The Progesterone levels paradox...

Salivary hormone levels are often higher than serum levels when hormones are delivered topically

One of the most perplexing issues surrounding saliva testing is the odd phenomenon that topically delivered steroids cause a dramatic increase in salivary hormones without a concomitant increase in serum levels.

For example, 30 mg topical progesterone supplementation results in an average rise in salivary levels from about 50 pg/ml (0.05 ng/ml) to 500 to 3000 pg/ml (0.5 to 3 ng/ml), a 10 to 60-fold increase.

This increase is proportionally even greater when progesterone is supplemented at 100 to 200 mg per day, a common topical dose used by many doctors, resulting in salivary progesterone levels rising to as high as 10,000 to 100,000 pg/ml (10-100 ng/ml).

Under the same conditions, serum progesterone levels only increase about 4-fold, from about 0.5 to 2-3 ng/ml. The same disproportionate increase in salivary hormone levels is seen with topical delivery of all the other steroid hormones (eg. estradiol, testosterone, DHEA, etc.). ZRT Saliva test kits

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, women should use between 100-200mg/day, men should use between 10-100mg/day. For more information on progesterone levels see 'How to use progesterone'. If in Peri-menopause, please read through this page. And if in Menopause, through this page.

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The problem of low progesterone seems to be an ever increasing one. There are many factors involved, some of which are...

Insulin resistance
Endocrine disruptors
A defective luteal phase (in women only)
SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
Oral contraceptives
Large carbohydrate meals
Insulin resistance

IR affects anything from 25-80% of the population, causing tiredness and weight gain in particular. In women it suppresses ovarian function, leading to anovulation, which in turn leads to low progesterone levels. It is essential to reverse IR for ovarian function to return to normal (see polycystic ovaries).

Endocrine disruptors

There are now over 90 endocrine disruptors, most mimic oestrogen in their action. Now found in our food, air, water, skin care products, plastics and many more, their affect on humans and animals is to increase cellular division in hormonally receptive tissues. Although the jury is still out, there are now many studies proving their influence. Excessive oestrogen suppresses progesterone.


Dr Hans Selye wrote the first definitive study on stress. He identified three progressive stages in the body's reaction to it...

The final stage results in the exhaustion of the stress fighting adrenal glands and the immune system glands the thymus and lymph. This has multiple affects throughout the body, leading to many of the modern degenerative diseases. The adrenals make over 70 hormones. Exhausted adrenals cannot cope with the demands made on them, so levels of some hormones drop. Low progesterone is an inevitable result. This is due in part to the rise in two hormones, cortisol and adrenalin, the two stress hormones, which suppress progesterone.

A defective luteal phase (in women)

This is an ever increasing problem in women, due in part to insulin resistance, endocrine disruptors, stress or the use of oral contraceptives. After ovulation, when the corpus luteum is making progesterone, which it should make for fourteen days, the level falls earlier than it should, causing spotting to occur a few days before the full period. This in turn leads to difficulties in falling pregnant and miscarriages. The low progesterone level can be raised using supplemental progesterone during the last fourteen days of the cycle.

SAD (seasonal affective disorder)

Seasonal affective disorder (also known as 'SAD') is caused by the long nights experienced in high latitudes. Normal treatment is to make the sufferer extend the daylight hours with artificial lighting. Researchers have found that long nights cause a drop in the level of progesterone in the blood.

People have lived for centuries in high latitudes without suffering from the condition. The obvious question is 'why now?' There is some evidence to support a correlation between the incidence of the disorder and the rise in environmental oestrogens. Progesterone is a powerful antagonist to oestrogen.

Oral contraceptives

All OC's suppress ovulation. It is only when a woman ovulates that the ovaries make progesterone. By suppressing ovulation the luteal phase surge in progesterone does not take place, so levels stay at those found in the follicular phase. The little progesterone present is made by the adrenals, brain and glial cells. If the adrenals are stressed the level drops even lower. All OC's cause insulin resistance, which also suppresses ovarian function.


Post menopausal women have naturally low progesterone levels. However, HRT contains the same synthetic hormones as the OC's, albeit in a smaller dose. The synthetic oestrogen suppresses progesterone. The progestin in HRT does not replace progesterone. Post menopausal women are still subjected to the same endocrine disruptors as everyone else, further increasing oestrogen levels. HRT also causes insulin resistance, which leads still further to slowing the metabolism.

Large carbohydrate meals

There is evidence progesterone levels drop after a large meal containing too many refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates, in particular sugar and wheat, cause the blood sugar to drop too quickly. This causes adrenalin to rise, which in turn causes sugar stored in cells in the body, particularly the liver, to pour into the blood bringing the level up again. As the sugar drains out it is replaced by water, causing bloating and weight gain.

Progesterone cannot be transported into the nucleus of the cells if there is either no sugar in them or too much sugar, which means that any of the symptoms of progesterone deficiency become worse.

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(23-07-2014, 04:56)Lotus Wrote:  It is not a sex hormone, it plays no part in the secondary sexual characteristics which develop at puberty

It is not a sex hormone, true, but it does play a role in secondary sexual characteristics which develop at puberty.

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