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My personal program from 34B to 34D


AA, she has a V-shaped back:

[Image: back-2.jpg]

And she has rather a straight back:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVy4_-rJNIzF0d9AQXpad...LrUtN8gKRR]

hi, Thank you!

I google it as well and you are right it either shows men or hair on women.
to give you an idea without a woman being a body builder, im far away from that, I think Marilyn had that V shaped back that gives a strong hourglass figure without necessarily have huge boobs or be a bodybuilder. I think thats what Peggy means.
like in this image,

you see how there is a "wing" like shape at her side under her armpit holding the weights? maybe it is not strong like a male who exercises, but it is there.


Oh my back is like that too, Isnt that what's common for woman? Except the athletic built or the straight curveless one.

(03-07-2014, 18:03)AquaArab Wrote:  Oh my back is like that too, Isnt that what's common for woman? Except the athletic built or the straight curveless one.

Well its more if shoulders are wider rather than curves men have more of a v shape normally.
But if she has wide shoulders I know I had to make sure I wore the right bra because it won't be wide enough in front otherwise that was my problem

2nd Update after massaging for 3 weeks.

My inverted nipple is getting out and that side was slightly saggy, and it is fuller and rounder and is getting up. I think there is some growth, but I didn't grew any inches yet and if I did the change is very small to be able to measure it correctly, but it is the 3rd week anyway. I believe me personally I might see significant growth after 3-4 months.

Im waiting for my period so the roundness might be because of that, but I have no sings of bloating or discomfort, and I don 't get breast pains anymore before period, my period is late 4 days, I think it is because I took pueraria 4 days longer. I hope my period will come soon.

I also started bellydance to have a work out to shape my body more and maybe increase HGH, there are no studies that Bellydance increases HGH but for sure it makes me feel happy, so I think it might does something positive to the body hormone wise.

I also have taken pictures and I will post the before and after after 2 months.

Also I started going the massage in the shower, I think it is more effective.
The pores with heat opens up and it is easier to absorb the oils.
But I also take a cold shower, it tones the skin and closes the pores.


(30-06-2014, 14:46)seanna Wrote:  Hello all,

my Name is Seanna, I am 32 years old with a 34B cup size currently, I used to be an A cup as well and going up and down throughout the years, and I will start this thread as my personal journey to NBE.
The reason that I post this thread is because I have seen some small increase and because there are countless doctors and articles claiming NBE doesn't work, the more people we post our success, no matter the size, the better the information out there will help many women who do not wish to do surgery.
Also, most posts talk about results and breast size and all that, but each body is unique and sometimes it is good to post in more details about your body, that might help other women with similar issues what to take that might help them or might missing from their program. For example Agnus Castus regulates the the pituitary gland which regulates the progesterone levels, and many don;t include that in their breast enlargement program, and it might be something they need.

After long research and understanding my body and the needs of my body I came up with a specific program.
First of all, let me talk a little bit about my body, I have been diagnosed with PCOS, my first period came when I was 13 years old and the second time came after 6 months, and for many years until I reached 18 years old my period would come every 2 or 4 months. I didn't knew that was a hormonal problem, I never went back then to a doctor.
My first visit to a gynecologist was 22 years old and she told me that I can have kids but I have PCOS and I research everything I could and I realize why all my life I have pretty bad hormonal problems.
I have facial hair, acne, and I am very moody before my period, I had depression and many times the first day of my period I also have fainted from the pain. I started taking herbs and they helped me a lot regulating my period when I was 24 years old, but the herbs that I bought they also gave me lots of pretty stinky gas problems and I stopped them, I don;t remember which company I used, it was over the counter at an herb store pills.
I also took in the past PM but it wasn't a good company either and I didn't saw any great results, just some firmness.
I also have tried birth control pills for my PCOS, but they mess up with my brain, I don;t feel good taking them at all, I feel that my clarity and focus is not there, so I stop those as well.
The only period of my life that I can say I was healthy was when I was going to Martial Arts and I was exercising vigorously 3 times per week.
When I stopped, and I started working late at nights and smoking, my body wasn't at its best shape.
My height is 1.65 and I usually weight 58 kilos (sorry European here!), my breast size is a 34B cup. I am athletic with wider ribcage than normal for my height, because of my ribcage being wide, I have hard time to find B cup size bra that I can breath in there, plus they never fit properly, and other types of bra were too expensive for me, so I always buy a 34 or 36C cup, padded, it is not full in there, but I can breath without showing my nipples to the world.
In the winter time I go up to 62 kilos and summer time down to 58 kilos.
The highest I ever weighted was 70 kilos and the lowest 54 kilos and guess what! My boob size were almost the same.

So taking under consideration everything, researching about my PCOS and how to be healthy and of course I am also financially able to treat myself best way I can today, I started this program and after 2 months taking those herbs and I am 1 week into massage I see some results. My boobs are more full, round and perky.

Here is the herbs and all the things I am taking:

[undefined=undefined]Pueraria Mirifica[/undefined] 800mg daily for 15 days each month (I bought this one from ebay, I did a mistake and I bought the Kuzdu root, not the Thai one, but again from my research it is also rich in phytoestrogens and it is good for the female health in general so I will stick to it for now. I bought it for 10 British pounds for 50gr)

Agnus Castus, 100mg 2 times per day every day
Saw Palmetto 500 mg 1 per day (I read it is good not to over do decreasing your testosterone levels, so I decided to go easy with it)
St John Wort for mild depression, 1000 mg 1 per day

Massage: Female Deer exercise, and I saw a youtube video with the Japanese lady transferring fat to her boobs and I also do that after the female deer technique.
Every single day 3 times per day for 10 minutes.

Oils: olive oil and flaxseed oil, the olive oil I bought the extra virgin one from the food store and flaxseed oil from an herb store in my country.

Hypnosis: I just pick a nice youtube video and I just listen to the guy talking about boobs, for me I just relax and let go and start visualizing, I don;t spend much time thinking "will it work?", I did that in the past and I never stick to something, so this time I will not waste energy to the negative thoughts or to try to convince myself "yeah it will work", I just let go and go with the flow.
I listen to that video daily.

I also started using Hyaluronic acid cream Jalplast, which I will be using on my face as well.

Food: I am not a meat eater whatsoever, it smells so badly to me, but I love sea food! So, my daily diet is lots of fruits, nuts, vegetables, little bit of bread, eggs, milk, cheese (feta cheese!), yogurt and I just started eating 2 tablespoons of Linseed, and lots of water.

My ambition is to have a full C cup or D cup, but I am aware that it might take long time! From what I have read some people might see results within a month or 2 and some people might have to stick to it for a whole year or 2 years, so mentally I am prepared to be honest.
It is not about the size of the breast, I do this because I really need to get over my health female problems, massaging my breasts I read that it decreases the blood flow of the period and this is something I want.
I take the above herbs for 3 months now and I can say I finally feel normal person, no more bloating, little less moody, no pain, I still have acne, but I hope the flaxseed oil will fix that, my boobs are perky even though small, my periods have regulated to a 28 day cycle, which is perfect for me, and my sexual drive is over the roof, all I think about is sex, lol

If this works and I reach C or a D I will be very happy, I will not stop this time even if it takes many months because like I said, the health benefits are so great on me, especially the massage and after listening to the hypnosis.

My next post will be after 1 or 2 months and I will talk about my progress, health benefits and boob size.

Thanks for reading,
Seanna Smile

the sex drive thing must be the pm ;]

and as for T .. It's DHT you want to get down saw-patt will do that but it won't bother T levels too much ...T can be converted to E ...white peony root increases the enzyme to turn T - E

I've heard people with pcos respond well to nbe friend has it she has the BIGGEST tits EVER she doesn't nbe but she sure has a pair !

and in meh head I'm say hell yea! to the hy-acid =D I want to get some meh self..I'm thinking though of getting some to take orally too

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you ever considered cupping or pumping too?
I started and grew one inch in one month (;

hi rocketmelon Smile

thank you!

Yes I thought about it, but Im little scared to do it. Can I combine pumping and the massage?
I am little scared because Im afraid I might do something wrong and hurt my boobs.
Of course massage can also be hurtful, but I don;t feel pain so I believe I do it the correct way.

what do you think?

(15-07-2014, 19:00)seanna Wrote:  hi rocketmelon Smile

thank you!

Yes I thought about it, but Im little scared to do it. Can I combine pumping and the massage?
I am little scared because Im afraid I might do something wrong and hurt my boobs.
Of course massage can also be hurtful, but I don;t feel pain so I believe I do it the correct way.

what do you think?

I pump ..just don't over pump you'll be OKIE..I find leaning over and letting all the boobage get in helps , drinking lots of water get used to pumping it doesn't need to hurt ..(; once you get used to how to use them you can watch tv with them on ..just pump enough to get tension and release air if it hurts ...
...I got the red dots when I first pumped but they went away and never got them again until I moved to bigger domes

I'd say look into the cupping ..Peggy on hear will give you info on buying them you can get them as cheap as under 20 if your in the us
I'm UK so I just saved up for noogleberry but I loved I got some crazy swelling (= on meh program page

<3 good luck =DD

(15-07-2014, 19:14)rocketmelon Wrote:  I pump ..just don't over pump you'll be OKIE..I find leaning over and letting all the boobage get in helps , drinking lots of water get used to pumping it doesn't need to hurt ..(; once you get used to how to use them you can watch tv with them on ..just pump enough to get tension and release air if it hurts ...
...I got the red dots when I first pumped but they went away and never got them again until I moved to bigger domes

I'd say look into the cupping ..Peggy on hear will give you info on buying them you can get them as cheap as under 20 if your in the us
I'm UK so I just saved up for noogleberry but I loved I got some crazy swelling (= on meh program page

<3 good luck =DD

thank you for your reply Smile
i think I am interested, but I live in Greece so noogleberry will do for me as well. I don;t mind the extra cost, as long the quality is good and safe.

I would like to ask, because each week I perform as a bellydancer, if I pump few hours before, how long the redness lasts? i don;t want to go for dancing and have 2 huge red markes around my boobs, and make up will do nothing because I sweat a lot and it will ware off and I don;t think I want people looking me weird, lol!
I wouldn't mind to fill my bra when I perform Smile
also, should I take lots of vitamin E? I don;t want to have any stretch marks at all on my boobs.

here are some before and after pictures after 20 days of massage, technically im close to a month, I started June 27, and I took the picture almost after a week right after my massage session. So my boobs where already little more firmer or to name it better, more swelled and I was taking pueraria for 3 months, Im sure my boobs where definitely an A if not an AA and now Im going to B. Even though I bought a 34B bra it shows some cleavage (i don;t really think i am a full B, more like b-ish, which I cannot breath in there, so I wear it for a few hours once a week when I go out.
Im not sure if there is any difference, but i think they do seem rounder and my body looks little more well shaped.

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