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Hey Doll, You look great Smile I was going to ask how the yohimbine cream was going, are you still using your DIY version?

Thanks. Blush
I was using it, but now that macha's saying it won't work with insulin resistance, I'm going to be using it in the morning on days when I have a few hours free. I don't know if it's done too much, and if it has, it's probably been mostly because of the actual cream itself and the fact that I'd wrap it during workouts. I'm probably mostly going to use it on my arms at this point. It's definitely helped a little already, though, and I honestly haven't used it too much, so I consider it a pretty good investment. Although I don't think I'll be using the Yohimbine in it next time if I continue to buy the cream.

OK. I can't afford to BUY anything to help my waist redux. But I REALLLY need to target this area better. I do not own weights. I do not own any light resistance equipment of any kind. All I have is my own body and the best I have for open space is my bed.

Any ideas on exercises I can do to better target my burning to this area? Can not take more than 10 minute sessions, 15 minutes tops.

(02-10-2012, 06:01)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  OK. I can't afford to BUY anything to help my waist redux. But I REALLLY need to target this area better. I do not own weights. I do not own any light resistance equipment of any kind. All I have is my own body and the best I have for open space is my bed.

Any ideas on exercises I can do to better target my burning to this area? Can not take more than 10 minute sessions, 15 minutes tops.

While specific targeting like you're talking about can't be achieved through exercise, you can buy a neoprene waist trimmer belt. Wal-Mart has 'em for like $5. Not only do they add resistance to ab workouts, thus building better abdominal muscles (not sure that's a goal of yours or not), but wearing them for cardio or even for daily activities can have a thermogenic effect that causes your body to burn more fat from that area rather than anywhere else (your body will still burn where it wants, but more so in your stomach). It's at least a start if you can't quite afford anything else yet. ^^;

My cream seemed to be working before, and I'm not sure if I've put on more water weight or if the cream was just tightening my skin more before, but my midsection seems slightly more flabby to me today. :/ I need to wrap my stomach tomorrow morning. I can feel my abs so easily when I poke my stomach, and there's even some slight ab definition, unfortunately until I get this last small layer of fat off of here, I won't really look like I have the abs I do. Sad face. Sad

Abi I used to use a hula hoop to get my waist trim it worked my obliques really well, also made my thighs hard as I was trying to keep the hoop from falling down.

Another cheap waist trick is holding a broom handle across the shoulders like a water pail, planting feet forward and rotating first clockwise then anticlockwise from facing forward. It also trims the obliques and gives that nipped in v shaped

I really want to try a weighted hula hoop! My townhouse is so small I wouldn't be able to do it until spring, but hula hoops are just so much fun! When I found out there were weighted hula hoops for exercise, I got soooo excited!

I like this stretching exercise:

Maybe it's just my imagination, but I feel like my waist has slightly changed. I have only done it a few times so far though.

(04-10-2012, 19:36)Snowball Wrote:  I like this stretching exercise:

Maybe it's just my imagination, but I feel like my waist has slightly changed. I have only done it a few times so far though.

Thanks for the link, it looks pretty decent! I've heard good things about callanetics! I can't tell if the woman in the video is wearing anything to shape her so tiny or what...I want to start trying this during my workouts!

Many Thanks for this and I have a big bottom too. You're just pear shaped and probably notice it way too much! Don't worry. If it's really that bad get lypo- its the only way you can have spot reduction.

90 Day Challenge

I just found a great alternative to Yohimburn. Actually I've known about it for ages, and it was probably the most well loved fat burning topical among bodybuilders, but the company that produced it went out of business, and I could never get my hands on an old bottle. It's called Eviscerate Smolder and it contains yohimbine, aminophylline, and caffeine, among other things. As far as I can tell, it has always been strongly preferred over Yohimburn. Apparently the person who originally formulated it is now working for a company called Southland. It can be a little bit of a pain to find, but Orbit Nutrition is selling it: That's about a month's worth BTW.

Reviews claim that this stuff burns like all holy hell even though it's technically the "milder" formula. For some reason, the person who formulated it has always absolutely refused to remove the capsaicin (the spicy chemical in hot peppers), no matter how many requests he gets to change the formula. I wonder if he knows something we don't about how much capsaicin effects absorption. Then again, most other supp makers who have commented on it seem to think he's crazy to include so much capsaicin. It's a moot point I guess, since all the other good topical options have fallen out of the market in recent years. I wonder why the major brands have all given up on topical fat burners? Effectiveness can't possibly be the issue, because even if topicals were ineffective, manufacturers wouldn't care since almost every last supplement manufacturer already sells at least one completely ineffective fat burner, if not several. Could it be that there's just no public interest in fat burning creams any more?

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