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tibetan princess's program

(26-11-2013, 03:50 PM)JustintoMe Wrote:  I've been well, thanks for asking. So sorry to derail your personal thread, I responded to the other thread as well. I glad to hear your close to your goal, CONGRATULATIONS!! Also, I don't think I'm nearly as endowed as you in the boobie dept, I'd definitely need to order my size. Is there any way for me to get into contact with your bra lady in China?

As for progress, I'll be updating my thread in a bit, check it out so that way I'm not hijacking your thread lol

You are fine! I pm'd you BTW.

Okay! I am now in day 2 for my coco cleanse/ watermelon here n there.
I have to say, real coconut water is preferred! Feels great compared to master cleanse and watermelon alone. I am already losing in the boob and under bust dept. I quit cold turkey. I know this may be ass backwards, but I am going to lose all of my bodyfat if not most and become mildly skeletal. My goal is to get hashis antibodies town to 0 and heal my gut and so many other things like vanity reasons. I want to retrain my fat distribution channels. I want to have a flat stomach this next time around for nbe. I'll be happy with gaining back my fullest which was a small D cup. I'm scared of losing my gains from all of my hard work but I am excited. Its like I'm starting all over. And I do plan on having hormone panel done by that time. I will most likely do bo again. So angst for progress.

Nbe Should be better second time around!


(15-11-2013, 05:24 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Thanks! @Love

Argh! A day late on my menses! I hope to be getting it soon. I don't know why I have such a hard time getting it on time. At least consistent 30day cycles please!

I am updating: I have mushy boobs still and my weight is still 103lbs!
I am still on sp/p herbs/and GR and 1 mid day dose of BB. I do take 2 alfalfa tabs for over all health at night most of the time. I did smoke some damiana and chamomiles. I learned diamana is a plant progestin. I smoked 3-4 times sporadically during luteal. Possible contributor????

Other than that, Ive just been cleansing more internally. I did my last liver flush 2 days ago. My eyes are brighter and my skin is slightly better but still very dry.

Today is the first day I am doing swansons BO (2 caps) along with my BB tincture of 10 drops just to see if I can get my period.

As for my breasts, they seem to have bounced back to their larger size! I'm happy. The loss of a few lbs took a a half cup and now its back. I have no luteal swelling. Check out the pics from last month to now:

I was truly not expecting this at all!

Still pumping every third or 4th day for 2 hrs straight. Last pumped 3 days ago. Still have slightly darker areolas. They have not lightened completely. I have my veins showing still. I really think my results are permanent!

That very first side pic is last cycle, the 2nd below is now.

Omg !! I want tits like those Smile

Wow! Its been a cycle. I'm a day late on my period. I have been done with my fast a while ago. I did a ten day coconut water fast and I lost 7 pounds!

I lost weight on my ribcage, arms face legs. A bit on my stomach though not as much as I needed to. Yes, I lost on my chest too. All that beautiful top cleavage is nearly gone. I lost a whole cup size. I'd say I will get it back within a few cycles. I am happy to say while being without real food, my breasts held up their new full shape, they just became smaller versions of themselves like a small C.

I went from 35.5 to 34.5" bust
26.5 under bust to 25"
No change in waist!
Butt/hips from 36 to 35.5"

I like my body this way, thinner. I have more of a shape now.I feel like I was overwhelming my body with too much fats and proteins, not to forget sugar. I wasn't breaking them down fast enough, so it was collecting in wrong areas.
I'm eating more raw living, fermented foods, low fat, little sugar.

I'm just doing antiandrogens with progesterone herbs to see if my breasts will come back and I need it since I am not on hrt. I won't be doing bo for a whole. I still feel I need this break.


(06-10-2011, 09:52 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Hi I am back again after five years! Iknow! I failed at my first attempt. Then tried NBE again with very little success(my weight kept fluctuating 5-7 lbs) so it was hard to tell what really was in the boob department. But now I am at my desired weight and sustaining(sign of better health after months of cleansing my liver and kidneys here and there)
So what is my problem?
Hashimoto's disease, Low temps, insulin resistance, estro dominance, you name it!
I know I should not be attempting nbe but I did all my tests and have a pretty good Idea where I need to start, so I am being hopefulWink

A bit about my background:
I am about 5ft2
96 lbs
33-25-35 (between an A/B Dag-gommit)
29 yrs old no kids,unmarried
All of my aunties are large busted except for my mom who had grave's disease
(she was always small like barely a B cup, so go figure of course she didn't sprout like her sisters or mom)
What I would like to gain and get back:

1.) I would like to heal my thyroid while taking NBE herbs.
2. I am bottom heavy, I want my top to match my ass.
3.) I want my tiny little waist back! I have gained in the mid section over the years.
4.) I would like to kill androgens! I have acne on my back and face. Total mess!


Your stats sound a lot like mine except I'm only 5ft with smaller chest. Mom has smaller breasts as well with a lot of sisters who had bigger breasts. I used to be 105 lbs but now am 146 and want so badly to lose the weight and keep the boobs and add on! I did get up to a D with birth control but I'm starting to lose them now that I'm not taking it. I'm new to NBE and still waiting for products so for now it's just massage. Will be doing a cleanse before starting also. Seems like it will be forever before I really get started! I will be reading through about your program but would love any advice you can give. From your signature it seems like you have had some great success since this first post.

(16-12-2013, 04:52 AM)KellBell927 Wrote:  
(06-10-2011, 09:52 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Hi I am back again after five years! Iknow! I failed at my first attempt. Then tried NBE again with very little success(my weight kept fluctuating 5-7 lbs) so it was hard to tell what really was in the boob department. But now I am at my desired weight and sustaining(sign of better health after months of cleansing my liver and kidneys here and there)
So what is my problem?
Hashimoto's disease, Low temps, insulin resistance, estro dominance, you name it!
I know I should not be attempting nbe but I did all my tests and have a pretty good Idea where I need to start, so I am being hopefulWink

A bit about my background:
I am about 5ft2
96 lbs
33-25-35 (between an A/B Dag-gommit)
29 yrs old no kids,unmarried
All of my aunties are large busted except for my mom who had grave's disease
(she was always small like barely a B cup, so go figure of course she didn't sprout like her sisters or mom)
What I would like to gain and get back:

1.) I would like to heal my thyroid while taking NBE herbs.
2. I am bottom heavy, I want my top to match my ass.
3.) I want my tiny little waist back! I have gained in the mid section over the years.
4.) I would like to kill androgens! I have acne on my back and face. Total mess!


Your stats sound a lot like mine except I'm only 5ft with smaller chest. Mom has smaller breasts as well with a lot of sisters who had bigger breasts. I used to be 105 lbs but now am 146 and want so badly to lose the weight and keep the boobs and add on! I did get up to a D with birth control but I'm starting to lose them now that I'm not taking it. I'm new to NBE and still waiting for products so for now it's just massage. Will be doing a cleanse before starting also. Seems like it will be forever before I really get started! I will be reading through about your program but would love any advice you can give. From your signature it seems like you have had some great success since this first post.

Welcome to the forums Smile @Kill

You can def get results. You just have to find yourself a program that suits your exact needs. Tests are always great for guidance on this.

As for my menses, they came four days late.

My boobs are almost back not quite. I hope this new cycle's end will bring them all the way back.


I'm getting results already from massage and so excited. On my cleanse and will be on different cleanses for the next couple months. I should learn a lot by then and maybe will be able to afford the hormone test. I can't right now but from a symptom check list online I seem to be estrogen dominant and progesterone deficient.

I'm getting results already from massage and so excited. On my cleanse and will be on different cleanses for the next couple months. I should learn a lot by then and maybe will be able to afford the hormone test. I can't right now but from a symptom check list online I seem to be estrogen dominant and progesterone deficient. That's great that your boobs are almost back. I think mine are back to wear they were before ending BC.

If you're at the end of the 15 days of the luteal phase and haven't started your period do you continue taking those herbs until you start your period? To rephrase, do you hold off from taking PM(or whatever you're using during follicle) until your period starts?

(21-12-2013, 08:18 PM)KellBell927 Wrote:  I'm getting results already from massage and so excited. On my cleanse and will be on different cleanses for the next couple months. I should learn a lot by then and maybe will be able to afford the hormone test. I can't right now but from a symptom check list online I seem to be estrogen dominant and progesterone deficient. That's great that your boobs are almost back. I think mine are back to wear they were before ending BC.

If you're at the end of the 15 days of the luteal phase and haven't started your period do you continue taking those herbs until you start your period? To rephrase, do you hold off from taking PM(or whatever you're using during follicle) until your period starts?

Great! Sounds like you are a fast responder Smile @Kell.
I'd say. It depends on how you were taking the herbs. If it has been the same program for months, then no. But cleansing maybe ideal in this case.

If there was a change in you program recently. Then yes, stop taking everything till normal cycling resumes.


Time for an update: I have been with light menses lasting five days. I have a medium C cup. I'm 99lbs so I was at 102 when I had a small D cup. I have been running every other day. I'm trying to slim down my whole body still. I'm a lil more than half way there. I want to keep going till I'm about 94 lbs. I will prob be a small c/large b but hopefully, it will be temporary.

I love how slim my arms are and my face n under chin is half way there. My belly isnt budging and thats pissing me off. I think I'll stop this wasting away when I have zero fat underneath my chin and my waist is a 22" like it was before.

I know this is ass backwards with all my hard work on my breasts but I can't help but wish to go back to being slim in the face and waist. I think its because I just needed to find out if it was even possible (nbe) for someone like myself. Now that I know it is, I'm fine leaving it and coming back to it.

I'll work on the boobs later. My ass is shrinking but, I always get my butt back when I gain my normal bmi, so that, I'm not even concerned with.

My maintenance program for now:

500mg - 1gm of SP
PC only when I need it.
6gms of collagen

That's it until I can get slim enough to rebuild my body back but healthy n proportionate this time.

My dream goal end measurements are 36 -22-36.

I'm petite and know this is at least my natural measurements if my ass gave just a little to my chest for equal balance.

(24-12-2013, 04:46 AM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Time for an update: I have been with light menses lasting five days. I have a medium C cup. I'm 99lbs so I was at 102 when I had a small D cup. I have been running every other day. I'm trying to slim down my whole body still. I'm a lil more than half way there. I want to keep going till I'm about 94 lbs. I will prob be a small c/large b but hopefully, it will be temporary.

I love how slim my arms are and my face n under chin is half way there. My belly isnt budging and thats pissing me off. I think I'll stop this wasting away when I have zero fat underneath my chin and my waist is a 22" like it was before.

I know this is ass backwards with all my hard work on my breasts but I can't help but wish to go back to being slim in the face and waist. I think its because I just needed to find out if it was even possible (nbe) for someone like myself. Now that I know it is, I'm fine leaving it and coming back to it.

I'll work on the boobs later. My ass is shrinking but, I always get my butt back when I gain my normal bmi, so that, I'm not even concerned with.

My maintenance program for now:

500mg - 1gm of SP
PC only when I need it.
6gms of collagen

That's it until I can get slim enough to rebuild my body back but healthy n proportionate this time.

My dream goal end measurements are 36 -22-36.

I'm petite and know this is at least my natural measurements if my ass gave just a little to my chest for equal balance.

Hey there, just wondered if you'd tried strength training instead of cardio? extended cardio puts your body under stress and releases cortisol, meaning that belly fat will be very unlikely to budge and muscle is as likely to burn as fat. If you eat a diet high in good fats and protein and ease off on the carbs, while eating 500 calories below what you should be eating for your weight and incorporating strength training, you're much more likely to lose weight in the right places and develop a healthy body composition and metabolism that will encourage a lower waist-hip-ratio. I also found ballet very good for pulling in the waist as it trains the transverse abdominals ('the body's natural corset') and helps develop muscle in the right places - and having more muscle obviously means you'll burn fat more easily without having to do extended cardio.
Boobs were looking amazing in the last pic btw - be nice to them, I'm jealous! xx

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