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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!


BOOBS!!!HeartHeartHeart Nice results so far. I could see the difference. What bra size are you now? Big Grin

thanks Eva_bs and Black Hippie for your comments.

I went to some bra size calculators to check, one said I am an A cup, the other said still an AA, and another said NAN whatever that is meant to mean!

Definitely got a long way to go, but feel like I have come a reasonable way too!


Quote:Definitely got a long way to go, but feel like I have come a reasonable way too!
It will not take long for you to reach your goal to a B cup. You grew about an inch in one month. That's amazing!! The bra calculator are soo confusing. Just wear what ever fits right. Buy some bigger bra for encouragement Big Grin

Day 33

Didn't have many pains or anything really today. About a 2/10.

Thanks Black Hippie, I am finally filling out my current bras! I have tonnes of padded ones and I have always had such huge gaps between my chest and the bra when wearing them, so I am slowly filling those ones out first!

It does take "awhile" to seem to progress, but like you say its nice to look back and see change. From memory, I need to get up to about 33" to be a B cup. So got some way to go! If I keep growing at the speed I am then that will take me another 2-3 months.

One thing I am really loving, is when I "discover" that I have more breasts. I may be in the shower or whatever and bend down to pick something up and its like ohhhh I can see some breast hanging down, or if I see myself in the mirror. One thing I have thought about is that it does feel quite strange to be growing breast, almost like I don't deserve to be growing it. And I can't imagine what I would look like with larger breasts. I guess you get so used to seeing nothing on your chest, and then to think well actually I could have breasts too, but you don't feel like you should because you never had them before. Like you are growing something extra like an extra limb or something (not sure if that makes any sense!). But I am definitely enjoying seeing what is growing!

Day 34

Purchased the Flat to Fab book. Took me awhile to find it on the search engine on this site, and then on google, as I kept typing in "Fat to Flab" by accident! But found it in the end. It contains alot of the information from this site, but its in a neat book format, so easy reference. In this book, the lady has tried NBE herself and went from an AA to a B cup, which is my goal too. You can find some free chapters on the website

Am thinking about incorporating Saw Palmetto into my routine and maybe upping my fenugreek capsules to 3 per day instead of 2.

But I don't think I will do what the book suggests yet. I'm happy just taking it slowly for now, so as not to upset my body too much!

Didn't have any growing pains until late this afternoon and then had alot this afternoon about a 6/10.

Also, I noticed this morning that my breasts feel quite heavy. Much more than usual.

Still listening to this rockmelon ringtone which I don't recommend if you have a headache!

I need to make some more breast massage oil stuff, as I keep finding I run out of it very quickly, mainly because despite shaking it often, the ground fenugreek seems to absorb the oil and then it makes it quite hard to massage with because its very granular, almost like a dry massage. So I need to increase the oil amounts that I am using.

I have stopped measuring myself every 5 minutes as well! Think I will leave measuring for every 8 days like I have been doing.

Feeling quite a bit better about the whole growing breasts situation. Reading the Flat to Fab book was quite motivating.

I keep coming on this site quite alot and I find that I am learning new things all the time. Its alot of information to take in!

Day 35

Had growing pains pretty much all day, sometimes quite sharp ones. About a 7/10. Breasts feel much bigger.

Did a small third massage during the day - just for a few minutes to cover myself in my maple syrup oil! It really stinks out my bedroom!!

I was a bit naughty and did actually measure myself as I felt really big and wanted to see if there was a difference, and I measured between 31.5 - 31.75"! No idea if that is just swelling or not, so will see in the next 5 days when I am meant to measure myself again. I promise, no more measuring every day!

I am listening to the rockmelon ringtone right now, and it feels like my breasts are dancing to it.

Am thinking about putting flax oil in my massage oil. Current ingredients are: ground fennel, ground fenugreek, borage oil, avocado oil, and vitamin e oil.

I still can't quite believe that my breasts seem to be growing before my eyes! Its amazing! I was looking through pictures on the picture pages just to get some motivation for growing larger! Trying to picture myself with larger breasts.

Feeling very positive about the whole NBE experience at the moment. :-) Just wish I had found out about all this stuff years ago!!!! But better late than never!

Day 36

Felt a little big strange in the stomach when I woke up. And by end of day felt a bit bloated. I wondered if this was because of all the protein I have been consuming.

Nipples are really sensitive as have started rotation massage where I use my palms, quite firmly on my breasts. I try not to touch my nipples when I massage, but its pretty hard to avoid them with your fingers, even with they are spread apart.

Breasts feel like a dull ache in them. They feel kindof sore to touch, like what happens usually before I get my period. And a few shooting type pains. Nowhere near as much as yesterday or the day before. Probably a 3/10.

Did a small third massage again during the day. I am working from home all week, so it doesn't matter if I smell like maple syrup all day long.

Day 37

Pretty much no pains or anything today. 2/10.

Did a brief third massage again in the middle of the day.

Nipples still quite sensitive to touch.

I find that my arms get really sore doing rotations and I can only manage about 30 at a time before I have to stop for a break!

Again felt a bit bloated today. Kept drinking lots of water to stop it. It felt quite hard to touch if I pressed down by my underwear line area under my belly button. Similar feeling I remember (although not really painful, just a slight dull ache) to when I had the ovarian cyst before. Hair on arms seems noticeably darker today as well. Am going to book in for a doctors appointment again to discuss. Even though my hormone blood test came back normal before, maybe I need to get another test done. I am still thinking whether the sugar from the protein drinks may be causing this. Might cut out the protein drinks from tomorrow and see how I feel.

Very annoying given I have been feeling absolutely brilliant for ages now. But a stark reminder how fragile the body is. Darn.

On a positive note, breasts look very perky. It still amazes me how small I actually am when I see myself in clothes with no bra on. Thankfully I have grown since I started NBE, because I was sooo flat before that. Now at least there is a little something sticking out!

I'd just like to say I'm fairly new to all this and your program and successful 'development' is really really inspirational. I've done my research and I'll be starting my program soon, so thankyou for inspiring me on my journey, I'm sooo excited Big Grin

Day 38-39

Day 38 - woke up in the morning and left breast was very sore. Had pains, particularly in the left breast all morning and then sporadically through the afternoon. 7-10.

Missed out night time massage as went out and didn't get home until very late. I was good though, and didn't consume any alcohol. Also didn't take any EPO last night.

Nipples quite erect and sensitive still from massage.

Day 39 - no pains or anything today. 1/10 Missed morning massage and EPO today. Will do a massage tonight!

Thanks Sair1991 for your comments, this NBE stuff definitely requires ALOT of patience, commitment and determination.

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