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Ultra Breast Roll Call


I have been a UB user for nearly two weeks. I am 28, a size 34 A and a US dress size 6. There is definite firming and rounding happening, altho the tape measure doesnt record any difference.

My breasts look as they do when i am just about to have a period (even tho my period is not due for 2.5 wks..) there has been alot of tingling sensations, pain and heaviness, just the same feelings as what i have before periods, its all very familiar to me. My breasts firm up and increase in size quite noticablely at that time of the month. This is always accompanied by pain, tingling etc, so i know the feeling very well. I have always so much enjoyed my pre period breasts and have always been sad to see them go back down so its great to have them mid cycle! i am both apprehensive and excited to see whats gonna happen when PMS actually does hit me (excited for how big my breasts will look but fearful of the pain!)

I am quite surprised at the results so far as i have been diagnosed as mildly hypothroid, and my body temp is very low. I didnt expect the pills to work actually, but after a week i already started feeling stuff. also i have low body fat. i have been taking protein shakes, usually only one a day, sometimes two. my diet besides this is not particuarly high in protein tho.

I have had no side effects except some discomfort and mild pain in my ovaries, again similar to what i have during pms and it is also a feeling i get straight after i have had my period (but also sometimes just randomly too). Altho this ovary pain pre dates my starting the UB program, it has definately become more frequent since being on UB.

I was apprehensive to start UB cause as you can see by my pms and ovary symptoms, i most definately suffer some substantial hormonal imbalance. not to mention my health could be better (i suffer fatigue and low immunity, and of course hypothyroid). But i really have felt very self consious of my breasts for years now, to the point where it was really affecting my sex life, so I was willing to take a chance.

Its not so much there size that i have had an issue with, but the shape and perkiness (or lack of!). Big fluctuations in weight over the years have not at all been kind to my breasts! They have gone up and down between a full B and a AA over the years, and back again several times. They were a swooping shape to begin with, and sagging and loose skin just left them looking a little bit odd!

I tried breast massage using a natural fenugreek/fennel breast oil, and have been diligently massaging for a year now, but really this has had little effect.

So I thought i could just try UB a month and see how i feel. UB is cheap, so not much is lost if i decide to stop. The results so far have been promising, and the side effects minimal. I figure if i only take them a few months, that it cant have too dramatic effect on my body. I don't really mind if I don't increase in cup size, i just want to regain the fullness and shape that dieting has cost me.

After only about 10 or 12 days i feel alot more confident in my breasts. I always felt that if my breasts just stayed the way they were when i was premenstral, that i would feel alot better about them! They feel nicer, and aesthetically, its amazing how much a relatively small change makes such a difference! i guess in a small breast, a small lifting and firming has more of an impact on the breast overall if you know what i mean.

I am not sure how it works, as in, if i need to take the pills for a whole 3 months (or more?) to retain the results, or if the results I have already gained are already now permanent. Like i said i want to use the pills for as little time as possible! Would seem too good to be true if the results i have already gained are already permanent!

I will keep you all posted

with love

Btw, Anastasia916-
Another question, girls are talking about not having their period, missing their period since they started BO. Can I ask you how are you doing with your period? Is it a normal cycle , is it different from before, and did that also happen to you when you first started BO?

And did you start BO before or after or during/at the start of your period? And then do you take them every day of every month until reach your desire size? Or you take breaks?

Sorry, I know you haven't even got to answering my other questions and I already have more for you. I just feel that you can really answer my question. Shy

Hi all,
I have been reading this site and doing lots and lots of research about NBE for a couple years now. I tried the herb route at first and the gum as well and had no changes (except a little weight gain). I then kept reading on this site and decided to try UB and Noogleberry. I haven't been as regular with the Noogleberry as I'd like to have been because I take too many business trips. But so far, with Noogling here and there and UB every day 3x I have noticed some growth, especially closer to my period. Before my period my breasts swell to probably close to a size D and before all of this I was 36B. I now am wearing 36C and my bra is tight right before my period and just right afterwards. I think I'd see even better results if I could Noogle every day! So this is after 3 months on UB and on and off Noogling. I just recently started (embarassing) having diarrhea for the last month and I kinda think it might be the UB. Has anyone else had this problem at all? I just want to make sure because I can't pinpoint the problem.. maybe it's some sort of stomach virus but I have a weird feeling it might be the UB.
Anyway, I'd also like to add my periods are still on time and have actually improved with my Endometriosis (Less pain in the last 3 months). So far, no side effects except possible diarrhea.
Well, there's my post and I'll keep updating as the months go if I see anymore breast growth, etc.
Thanks for all your posts that have helped me so far!

dear cottonwool

i think yes definately UB could affect digestion and elminination (ie pooing). Hormonal stuff very much can have an effect on digestion! for example, for years now, before my period i would often have diarrehea, (and i have a few friends who have the exact same thing).

UB probably increases the estrogen level in your body which could easily cause an imbalance for some. and depending on where your hormone balance was before you started UB that would affect what effect would occur, naturally.

for me, its been a little over two wks. the ovary/lower abdomen pain has gotten worse, and i am still a long way off my period. not just that, my mood swings and depressive feelings have gotten markedly worse (yep i was moody and blue before starting the programme! not just at pms time either!)

Last night and during the day i was feeling something like anxiety, and altho i have experienced this before, i dont get it very often, and its pretty obvious its the UB.

I have been researching about having too much estrogen in your body, and from what i read it can really affect your mood, especially in the ways i have been experiencing. I think i must have already had an overload of estrogen in my body and UB really tipped it!

i of course stopped the pills. Dissapointed tho, cause like you i have already got results. my breasts look really great, and feel really great (heavy and full) and in such a short time.

i am planning to do some liver cleanses (as excess estrogen stores in the liver) take some 'estrogen metabolizing' supplements (DIM, Myomin, Calcium D-Glucarate) which dissolve excess estrogen in the body, and get onto using natural progesterone cream as well.

Perhaps after some time on this programme i will start UB again, will see how it goes.

I am glad tho, that this expereince has brought my attention to this issue of estrogen dominance in my body tho, cause i am sure its probably been there for a long time, esp affecting my moods, and who knows what else.

As for you cottonwool, i think UB could affect not only estrogen levels, but also hormonal balance, which is the ratio of one hormone to another, which is of course more complex and apparantly just as important to your body.

If i were you i would have a break from UB for a while and maybe get a hormone profile (saliva test) done from a doctor to check your levels, and then take measures to rebalance yourself before starting again. hormonal imbalance is linked to all sorts of health issues not to mention a contributing factor to major diseases. better to be safe than sorry isnt it!

Hi I've been using UB for almost a month now but I don't feel any growing/tingling pains. Is it normal??

Okay since I am now on my 2nd go with UB thought I'd post again haha. I originally did 6 months last year and went from a 32B to a 32D I'm now going for another 6 months to see what happens. I started my pills yesterday, today is day 2 and I'm already getting some sensations in my nipples, kind of like when they become erect during arousal is the only thing I can compare it to. I am also taking collagen tablets, multivitamin, flaxseed oil, biotin and horsetail (for hair), and maca. The maca was originally taken to help sex drive which it has so don't want to stop it, going to see what happens before I decide to stop taking it. I am also doing the chi massage once daily for at least 5 min (I don't count rotations) and I'm noogling once daily 30 min to an hour. Lets see how I go these next 6 months lol.

newbie2beauty, during my first round of UB I didn't get sensations until about near the end of the 2nd month, we all vary remember that

Thanks Anastasia! I kept reading pains/sensations experienced during the first weeks so I thought if mine was normal. Smile

Hey Girls,
So nice to find so many new users of UB...I always try to stick to my routine but something always happens.I got a yeast infection after using UB for 3 weeks and now i'm afraid to continue with it..That didn't happen when i used to take BO couple of years ago..But i still have like 3.5 bottles and i need to take them and get some growth..

sandy, I use to get yeast infections all the time as a child and I can tell you the UB is probably not the culprit. Mine was caused by using certain types of soap to clean with. I'm allergic down there to certain ingredients in some soaps, I can't use soaps with perfumes or dyes in them down there. So be sure you are cleaning yourself with something that is safe to use. Also (I'm sure this isn't the case for you) but hygiene can be a factor for them also, this is why with girl babies when they go pee in their diapers it's best to wipe their vagina thoroughly, otherwise they can get them. Not wiping after going pee can do it, so can not cleaning yourself thoroughly. Also not wearing clean underwear can do it. Going back to the whole soap allergy thing, also what you are washing your underwear in can be a factor too. But as far as I know yeast infections are not caused by anything taken internally, they are caused by something your body is reacting to being in contact down there. It may just be coincidence that you got one in the 3 weeks you were taking UB. Did it clear up when you stopped UB? Did you change anything else when stopping UB?

I got bacterial and yeast infection and it cleared away after taking Flagyl 500 mg for a week..After you mentioning the washing and hygene issue It might be caused by excessive washing down there since i have read that too much douching of the vagina and using soaps even medical ones can cause a PH imbalance and the bad bacteria outgrows the good ones so maybe that might be it and the fact that im crazy and want my vagina to smell all i sometimes use vagina deo before intercourse too Tongue
I am planning on starting BO again and NB but whenever i try to go back to my routine the domes hurt my ribs so bad and i can't find the camper tape Sissy mentiones.The cussions Lucy sells never worked for me so i'm still searching for ways to have a somehow comfortable noogling session..By the way I haven't been on the forum for a long time so i have noticed you have had great progress,Congratulations!!

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