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The Year-Long Massage and Diet Project (No Herbs)

(12-07-2016, 20:08)ellacraig Wrote:  Men like confident women too, it doesnt matter if you are the most beautiful person or not, if you hold your head high, act confident (even if you dont feel it) people will be attracted to you!

That was awesome!! YES! I didn't mention confidence because I didn't want to push you but Ella is SO right (she has that good-ole mommy advice! haha!) People love confidence. Fake it till you make it!

Now when you have time listen to this, this will change your thoughts on food.

Its long but very worth it!

And dont forget to go back and read all our posts.[/align]

Wow, thank you so much, Ella and missboobshirt. When it comes to confidence and self-esteem, I'm at a major disadvantage because I haven't really had a "normal" life with normal confidence-building experiences that everyone else has. I also have a mental disorder. So it feels pretty impossible to even fake confidence. I've never been able to do it around boys I find cute.

I wish I could at least feel slightly attractive, even the slightest bit. Like, not even cute or pretty, but I'd settle for feeling even just average. At least I wouldn't feel hideous. When guys show attention to me, my brain goes 'Is he confused or crazy? Because I'm super ugly.' I can't get past feeling ugly, can't get past the idea of a guy getting a good look at me and realizing 'Oh, yikes, not what I thought I saw at first glance.'

I also just feel unworthy in general, and not just with boys. I was shocked last week when some fun, pretty girls wanted to be friends with me. I thought 'But I'm not normal or anywhere near as cool or pretty as you guys? What gave you the impression that I'd be worth your time?'

If I see him again, I will try "barrelling on up to him," as Ella suggested. The idea has me wanting to squirm underneath my blankets and cover my head, though! It's crazy, because the first time I met him, I was confident in his presence (he was talking to someone else in my group, and I jumped in and asked him a question). But the mere idea that he might like me a little bit has totally shattered my confidence. I don't think I can live up to whatever false, idealized image he might have made of me in his head.

Thanks for the story, Ella. That was so gutsy of you! Also, I saw that Dr. Mercola link when you shared it with me on your program page and have been making my way through the video.

Thanks for the links, missboobshirt. I'm coming off of being isolated for years and you'd be amazed at how badly it messes up your mind and your ability to connect with others and, most of all, your confidence. I've been reading things and watching videos on confidence and one of my goals with my therapist is to build my confidence. Nothing seems to help, but I'm going to print off the articles you shared and read them carefully. I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough upbringing. Sad

I can't Facebook him... it's not my style. I couldn't even bring myself to search for him on it today. Too shy (I'm also too shy to even just get on Facebook most days, that's how severe my shyness and low self-esteem are). I can't bear the thought of asking for his number, either. I'd feel like a nuisance! I don't even do that with girls I want to be friends with. I always assume no one would truly ever really want to be in contact with me. I feel like I'd be an annoyance if I tried to befriend someone, much less pursue someone romantically.

I'm babbling, sorry... all this to say I've got some major work cut out for me. And if he really is interested in me (which I still doubt, can't help it), so does he, poor guy.

That wall of text... *cringes* Sorry.

As far as my breasts go, I think my right breast "fell asleep" over the course of my trip. It aches every time I do my full massage routines on it now. I don't know why one breast is more responsive than the other.

I need to do a grocery store run. I need more yogurt, avocados, chickpeas, and walnut pieces, and I need to make more hummus. Also, I need to get more serious about lowering my androgens. I haven't been good about drinking Mint Medley tea. I need to start treating it like a supplement. Green tea as well.

Loving this thread!

(13-07-2016, 08:22)bustybride Wrote:  Loving this thread!

blessedbreasts is a top chick, you will enjoy her witty banter

Aw, thanks, you two. Welcome back, bustybride.

I might have to cave and get a new bra. I really don't want to yet, but I might have to. I'm going to try my hardest to get away with not doing it, but my black bra is falling to pieces and nothing disappears under clothing like a black bra.

I went grocery shopping and am fully stocked in everything I need except chickpeas. Totally forgot to get a can of them.

Also, I'm going to order a water filter pitcher from a dear friend. She sells certain products and their filtered water pitchers not only filter out harmful substances, but they put magnesium in the water. Magnesium helps people who are depressed, so I'm all over that.

I'll try to do my monthly program update tomorrow.

Been trying to get around to my monthly update, but I've been super busy and then I was feeling sad and not in the right headspace for it. This should be quick.

I feel a little thrown off of my routine because of how busy I've been in the past month, and there are other things I want to accomplish with my figure. So for the next month I'm not going to make any changes. I need to get back to consistency in general. So I just want to keep massaging and trying to eat right. I've simplified my supplements down to just Hair, Skin, & Nails, MSM, and on some days, cod liver oil. I haven't been eating enough, so I need to get back to eating at least three times a day, and relatively complete meals, not just one little thing.

As for the rest of my body, I'm trying to keep my waist and stomach trim and make them even trimmer. I'll do this three times in the morning and three times at night: Love the instant pulled-in feeling this gives me. I'll also incorporate the tips from here and do the exercises every other day: And I'm no longer eating after 5 when I can help it and eating a smaller dinner.

For my legs and behind, I'll be doing these videos four times a week: and followed by a yoga routine to stretch.

All of this is in addition to my regular exercise routine, which I've been doing three times a week. I'm proud to say that through that and the slight changes I've already made in my diet, I've lost half an inch in both of my thighs!

So basically I'm trying to refocus a bit and stay consistent while putting new focus on other parts of my body as well.

(16-07-2016, 16:40)blessedbreasts Wrote:  Been trying to get around to my monthly update, but I've been super busy and then I was feeling sad and not in the right headspace for it. This should be quick.

I feel a little thrown off of my routine because of how busy I've been in the past month, and there are other things I want to accomplish with my figure. So for the next month I'm not going to make any changes. I need to get back to consistency in general. So I just want to keep massaging and trying to eat right. I've simplified my supplements down to just Hair, Skin, & Nails, MSM, and on some days, cod liver oil. I haven't been eating enough, so I need to get back to eating at least three times a day, and relatively complete meals, not just one little thing.

As for the rest of my body, I'm trying to keep my waist and stomach trim and make them even trimmer. I'll do this three times in the morning and three times at night: Love the instant pulled-in feeling this gives me. I'll also incorporate the tips from here and do the exercises every other day: And I'm no longer eating after 5 when I can help it and eating a smaller dinner.

For my legs and behind, I'll be doing these videos four times a week: and followed by a yoga routine to stretch.

All of this is in addition to my regular exercise routine, which I've been doing three times a week. I'm proud to say that through that and the slight changes I've already made in my diet, I've lost half an inch in both of my thighs!

So basically I'm trying to refocus a bit and stay consistent while putting new focus on other parts of my body as well.

Yes you must eat.
Ive actually dropped a kg in a week since starting this new diet.
I know Full cream milk even organic is so bad but im tempted to try it just to regain a little. Youre supps to be fair are probably all you need. Id love to take up msm but id react to it right now. But it will help you.

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