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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

congrats GF! I cant tell you how glad i am for your success, i know u have worked really hard for it, i hope the boobie fairy continues being generous with you Big Grin

I am prettysure you are a source of inspiration for many on the forum including me Blush

am gonna post up my program, and start it tomorrow with full on confidence and positivism Shy

hehe you are famous eva! Thanks both of you for your comments. I'm excited too, to know that this actually has a chance of working properly! Although its early days, but everything seems to be moving in the right direction... that is sticking out! So although the progress is slow, at least it is there. I only hope that in a few months time there is LOTS MORE PROGRESS! Filling out an A cup would be a good milestone to achieve!

Well, today, only very slight breast sensations at a couple of points during the day but basically nothing, 1/10. !

So I only took 2 BO tablets this evening because I wondered if it may be because I had started taking 3 in the am and 3 in the pm which my body thought goody goody, only to get overloaded with it... but then who knows. Also, I've started taking a second kelp pill in the evening too.

Now I'm in my second month on BO I'm going to compare my breast sensations with the same time in my cycle as last month to see if there is any noticeable pattern. I think that could be interesting.

Day 2 of cycle today btw. Only thing that could throw that analysis off, is the fact I am on the contraceptive pill and that my cycle seems a bit out of order at the moment with my period coming a couple of days ago (technically the start of my cycle), but then I just took my first pill of the second batch today. Because that is when my cycle SHOULD have started.

Hmmmm, wish I hadn't started the pill last month now! lol

Oh well, I guess I can match the sensations this month against the cycle day and then the day of this cycle that it should be. If you are confused, join the club. !

Anyhow, my breasts feel kindof meaty when I squeeze them. Not sure if that makes sense, but they feel more like a muscle than how they felt before. Maybe my muscles are growing under my breasts? I don't know, but whatever it is, keep growing please.

Am looking at some more adrenal support stuff as I think its imperative to keep the stress at bay for this to work. So need to learn more about adrenals. This will be useful for the future anyhow regardless of breast growth, as understanding your adrenal glands seems to be an important part of health management.

So, please wake up breasts. They must be tired with limited sensations today.

Had some freak shooting pains, only 2-3 last night, which felt pretty weird.

I have purchased adrenal rebuilder from Dr Wilson. It's made of animal glandulars but then it says they take the hormones out and apparently so says Dr Google, it's more effective than taking bovine adrenal glandulars.

Seems many people take the Dr Wilson range for adrenals. There is a raft of products you can purchase, but I thought I would start with the rebuilder one which is called their 'flagship' product and then see how that works for me. Hopefully that will work!

Temp this morn was 36.5, so it seems to be slowly creeping up again.

Cycle 10 Day 2

Hmm so today my breasts felt NOTHING in the morning, then after lunch they felt like they were trying to do something (lol), but just felt a tight ache. Then before dinner they started aching for about 20 minutes. So all in all another 'slow' day. 2/10.

Interestingly, I took my temp in the evening and it was pretty low 35. something. Then I took a kelp pill and about 1 hour later my temp was 36.5.... no idea if that was caused directly by the kelp or it is just a coincidence but if it is caused by kelp then I might start taking kelp earlier than I take the BO so that my temp rises before I take it.

Breasts feel way smaller still compared with the end of my last cycle. It's so annoying how they do that. I'm just hoping that I will see some actual results this cycle that stick around. It's quite funny, but when I look at my chest I see two little breasts sticking out (when I look at them on a diagonal), whereas before that was pretty much flat. And I think, well that looks good. Then if I put clothes over my breasts with no padded bra it really hits home how blimmen small my breasts are!!! It's almost like without clothes they seem to be bigger.

Anyhow, my boyfriend was commenting about my recent adrenal purchase, "oh, do you do research on all these things you are taking you seem to be taking lots of things". So I just told him that yep, I have researched it all lots etc etc. One day I may tell him about it all, but not until I see some noticeable growth, and permanent growth.

Interestingly, temp this morn was 36.8. Which is one of the highest readings I have had for ages. Also, last night before bed my temp was 36.6. So I'm thinking that it must be the extra kelp pill which is helping raise my temp. Will see if it happens again today.

Cycle 10 Day 3

Few sensations here and there. Mainly in afternoon. 2/10.

Temp was 36.8 yesterday morn! woo hooo

Cycle 10 Day 4

Mainly no breast sensations today until afternoon then pretty sore and sore muscles or chest. Not necessarily breasts... sort of under breasts is sore. 5/10. Have to update now as boyfriend about to come over and need to delete internet history! lol

Started taking Dr Wilson adrenal rebuilder today. Don't know if it helped or was placebo effect, either way, awesome because was really tired before taking it and then afterwards managed to get through a few hours of work no problem.

Cycle 10 Day 5

Adrenal Rebuilder that I am taking is:
"each caplet comtains a proprietary 920mg formula of porcine adrenal cortex, gonad, hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary concentrates that have been processed to remove hormones".

So I am guessing that means I don't have to take pituitary and adrenals in other forms now... hmmmmm. ?

So you take 5 BO pills a day. How much would be the equivalent of 2 BB pills?

Hi raw, I just saw your other post. I'm not sure how much is the equivalent. I think it may be around the 1,500mg mark. Perhaps one of the ladies who is taking it can advise??

Remembering that it is a proprietary blend so it is mixed with other things. If you read superboobs page she started on about 800-1000mg per day. Other people started higher and then reduced their amount.

I'm taking 5-6 pills per day, at 250mg per pill. Although I am starting to wonder if 6 is too many and if I need to reduce it again. As I seem to be having less pains.

Cycle 10 - Day 5 ctnd.

Had tight feeling in chest again. Then aches sporadically through the day. About a 2-3/10.

Cycle 10 Day 6

So today had some quite sharp breast sensations but they only lasted about 30 seconds each time. Nothing long-lasting. So 2-3/10.

Interestingly, breasts seem much bigger today than yesterday. I measured and I got a full 31.5" which seems a bit bizarre given that other times I measured last month and I swear my breasts were bigger than they are now and I didn't measure that much... I even held the measuring tape completely snug around my chest. I seem to be getting a lot more breast tissue in between my breasts. Again, I am noticing it when I am looking on a diagonal at my breasts. I put on one of my bikinis today and you can see very small 'bumps' in the middle of my chest where each breast is sitting. Before there was absolutely nothing there. My breasts have always 'leaned' towards the side of my chest. But now there is actually something in the middle part.

Am still trying to sort out my temperature which doesn't seem to be budging the last few days from 36.3 which is too low. hmmmmm.

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