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My Journey To C's


Day 13

Today I barely felt any sensations at all, but after I massaged I felt some tingling. I was a bit disappointed but maybe this is a sign that I should ramp up now. I will continue to take two Dong Quai pills tomorrow. If I feel no tingles I will ramp up on Saturday :]

Also, this morning I had some pregnancy symptoms. I was nauseated, super hungry, & I felt soooo tired. I took me a nice thirty minute afternoon nap lol. I don't know if it's because of the pills or if I am actually pregnant, since I AM on the Depo shot, so the last period I had was in February, I think? I was scared but I just figured it could be the pills doing its job. But there is a logical explanation for why I might have had those "symptoms." I didn't eat a very filling breakfast & probably waited too long to eat again, which would explain the hunger. I woke up super early than usual today & went to bed pretty late [bad for growth, I know x.x], so that could explain why I am so tired. My sleep schedule has been off for a while now too. I reaaaally need to get that fixed! However I can't really explain the nausea...

Anyway, I did twenty push ups before I massaged, just to get some blood flowing already to my breasts. I also massaged AFTER I took my pill, just so that its contents can reach my breasts better. After I finished doing massages [I do a mix of chi rotations & tigerlilys massage], I did twenty more push ups & then applied heat by wrapping a blanket around my breasts lol. I even did some random squeezes, thirty for each breast, because I just like to massage in general haha Big Grin

I will measure myself again on the fourth of Julyyyy XD hopefully there will be fireworks celebrating growth!!!


- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Massage: 30 squeezes for each breast

- Massage 20 minutes

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Massage: 30 squeeze for each breast

Day 14

I barely felt any tingles today. I guess this means it is time to ramp up :] Starting tomorrow I will be taking Dong Quai x3: one in the morning, afternoon, & evening. I also realized I forgot to listen to the Rock Melon ringtone yesterday, but I have started again today. Back to day one on this, but I am patient, & tomorrow I will def not forget!!! I have also decided that, as of tomorrow, I will start doing hydrotherapy, (which I found out about thanks to Anastasia :]) for twenty-thirty minutes everyday after I have finished taking my shower & massaging. I have also tried visualizations. All I do for that is lay in my bed & think about all the things I want changed about my body, such as visualizing myself with bigger breasts, longer hair, etc., etc., for about five-ten minutes. The mind IS a powerful tool after all, & doing visualizations of yourself growing breasts actually helps in the growing process.

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes

- Massage 10-15 minutes x2
- Visualization 5-10 minutes
- Rock Melon Ringtone x10

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes

Week 2 - Day 15

Today I added a third Dong Quai pill to my routine during the afternoon time. After that, I added a quick ten minute massage along with fifteen push ups.

I did not feel a lot of tingling, but my breasts DID feel firmer & rounder, & it seems that it is after massaging that they seem to feel that way, & it felt that way all throughout the day! I also noticed that my breasts had a bit more bounce to them than usual, so I pulled out my measuring tape...& I measured 33"!!! I measured them two more times just to check & I measured 33" every time! I only need 2" more to reach my goal of 35", which will put me at 32C ^o^ I was so excited that I texted my boyfriend, & he was excited too!!! He's happy about my growth because he knows that this is something I want, & he is supporting me all the way :]

I also began my first day of hydrotherapy today, yaaay!! It was a hassle at first, trying to figure out what temperatures of hot & cold I could tolerate, but after a while I got the hang of it. While I stood there letting the water hit my breasts, I did visualizations. I was so happy with my growth that it was super easy to imagine myself with my dream breasts! I started out with very warm water for five minutes, then cold water for five minutes, & repeated. It actually felt extremely nice & relaxing standing there just letting the water hit my chest. I'm going to do this everyday now lol :]

Currently still a size 32B :]

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes

- Dong Quai x1
- Massage 10 minutes x2
- Rock Melon Ringtone 10 minutes

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Massage 10 minutes
- Hydrotherapy 20 minutes

Hi DoubleCs,

What is hydrotherapy (20 minutes)?

Why did you decide to stop taking fenugeek etc, and now just taking dong quai?

Great progress measuring 33"! I measured 32", and felt like I was pamela anderson!! hehehe So 33" seems like lots!

Hi Girlfriday29!!!
Anastasia explaind the Hydrotherapy a few days ago in a different thread...
(18-06-2010, 08:11)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Heat therapy being the use of a heating pad, hydrotherapy being the use of a shower, what you do is allow the water to hit your chest in the shower, get it as hot as you can handle without burning you, let it run on your chest for 5 min or so, however long you want, then put it as cold as you can stand, let it run for 5 or so minutes, then go back to hot, then back to cold, do that over and over as much as you like, I've done it for 30 min at a time. With using heat therapy and hydrotherapy on the smaller one, just put the pad on that side of the chest, and just let the water hit that side of the chest.

Hope this helped.
Good Luck.


I stopped taking Fenugreek & Dong Quai together because I started getting pains in my groin area that felt like the pains I would get when I was about to start my period. Thing is, I am on the Depo shot, so the chance of having a period was very unlikely. I got worried & decided to do the liver cleanse & take out the Fenugreek since it is the stronger phytoestrogen of the two. Since I have done so, I haven't had those pains, so I concluded that Fenugreek was the culprit. However, I WILL be using the leftover Fenugreek pills in my booby batter since it will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream in my breasts instead of down to my uterus lol.

& about the growth, it was just swelling lol. I measured myself again today & was only 32.5", but that's ok, because swelling is good :]!

Week 2 - Day 16

I almost woke up late & almost missed my morning Dong Quai pill, but luckily I woke up ten minutes before I was supposed to take it! I had a lot to do with the family today since it is Father's Day & so I ended up missing my afternoon Dong Quai pill altogether. However, I took my evening Dong Quai pill, & went through with the rest of the program as usual. I measured myself today because I wanted to know if I kept that 1/2" of growth I had yesterday. Whipped out the measuring tape & measured 32.5", so I went back down to my normal size. No big deal though! Swelling is a good sign :] No tingles today, but breasts are still full & firm :]. Other than that, nothing else XD I have so little to type today lol.

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes

- Massage ten minutes, massage thirty squeezes
- Rock Melon ringtone 10 minutes

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Hydrotherapy 20 minutes

Week 2 - Day 17

Didn't feel any tingling sensations, but I do get this feeling after massaging, like they are growing or getting fuller or something. I don't know how to explain it, but it lasts almost throughout the day!! Breasts still feel heavier, fuller, & firmer. I decided to skip out on the afternoon Dong Quai pill since I missed it yesterday. We will see how this goes. I missed my calcium pills today! I didn't even think about them. That's ok, I will get back on it tomorrow :] I realize that I do all my visualizations while massaging & especially during hydrotherapy since I just stand there waiting for the time to pass lol. It's very good though. I think I got like almost an hour's worth of visualization in today, spread throughout the day.

I have been doing massages with regular lotion until I get my carrier oils in the mail. They should be here this week! I am excited! I get about 1/2" of swelling from just massaging with lotion, so I am super curious to find out what would happen with my boobie batter :] The boobie batter will consist of avocado oil, soybean oil, olive oil, eucalyptus oil, & fenugreek powder, which I will mix in a dark bottle & keep in my closet for a week. I am also going to invest in a heating pad so I can stop wrapping my breasts up with my fuzzy sleeping robe & blanket for heat lol XD

Today I listened to the rockmelon ringtone double than what I usually do. I guess it was because I have so much time on my hands that I can just focus on breast growth!

Worked out today for 30 minutes. It was a tough & grueling workout for some reason lol. Focused on toning the lower portion of my body today! Tomorrow it will be toning the upper portion of my body & my stomach, which needs much work hahaha XD not really, I just have a small bulge & small love handles that I would like to get rid off.

I was reaaaally hungry & found myself snacking on a lot of food. Healthy, boobie friendly foods, of course :] I drank a tooooon of water too. Probably about ten cups, but that is good considering that I work out too. Need to stay hydrated!!!

I don't think I have anything else...nope, that's it XD

- Dong Quai x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Rockmelon Ringtone x10

- Massage 10 minutes, 30 squeezes

- Dong Quai x1
- Massage 20 minutes
- Rockmelon Ringtone x10
- Hydrotherapy 20 minutes

Week 2 - Day 18

Did not feel any tingles/pains except for ten seconds on my right breast. However, I think that my signs of growth/success are feelings of heaviness & expansion in my chest since those are all that I am getting so far.

I remembered to take my calcium pills today, yaaay! Still keeping up with two dong quai pills a day until Friday. Hopefully tomorrow I will get all the things I need for my boobie batter recipe!!! I really want to start on it now, but doing massages with regular lotion is still working, minimally of course lol.

I worked out today for about 45 minutes. Yesterday I focused on my butt & legs. Today I focused on my shoulders & chest. It was a very good & sweaty workout haha XD After my workouts, I find myself to be in a state of relaxation & happiness. It's because of all those endorphins being released! Will continue to workout tomorrow by focusing on my back & abs. Finalllyy!! That bulge I have is annoying to look at lol.

Will most likely buy a heating pad tomorrow & a dark glass bottle :]

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Massage 20 minutes

- Massage 10 minutes, 30 squeezes
- Rockmelon ringtone 10 minutes

- Dong Quai x1
- Calcium Pill x1
- Rockmelon ringtone 10 minutes
- Hydrotherapy 20 minutes

Hey DoubleC's,

What is it about swelling that makes it good? Apart from the fact that it looks good!

Also, I did a bit of unwanted hydrotherapy yesterday and I thought of your program. I was in the shower, and one of the people I live with turned the shower on in the other bathroom, making my one go cold. I thought to myself hmmmm hydrotherapy...... as I waited for them to get out of the shower and it went back to hot water! hehe

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