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* I NEED TO RANT* (sorry)


(15-06-2014, 19:51)BonitaDDs Wrote:  
(15-06-2014, 19:33)lovedebbii Wrote:  I totally agree with you. For as long as I can remember I've been called a stick or skin and bones and people have felt that it's their right to tell me to eat.
It annoys me to no end how it's not okay to tell a person that they can stand to lose some weight is frowned upon but telling a person that they look anorexic is okay.
Saying something negative about someone else's body is never okay.
I've come to learn that the most important thing is to be healthy and anyone who feels that they have to say something negative about another person probably doesn't feel very good about themselves to begin with.
You can't make anyone love you but you can make yourself love you and thats all that matters.

The difference is they were just commenting out of jealousy to you Debbi your beautiful nobody could say anything bad on your looks seriously, your petite but curvy not too skinny.
I think when people say it about you girls more often than not they are envy you when people insult fat people they really mean that its ugly to them yes its mean but most people don't want to be fat its just takes effort to keep in shape for most so your lucky I'm kinda chubby but my figures curvy I'm sure a lot of people find my body attractive but some people might think I was too big probably women though because skinny is more fashionable.

I'LL say!!!! You've got a GORGEOUS body, Debbie!!

(15-06-2014, 17:55)onitap Wrote:  I've always been a huge advocate for loving your body regardless of size. I always try to push all negative thoughts aside and move on forward because I LOVE MY BODY and MYSELF. My weight and body shape does not define who I am.

However despite this confidence I have worked so hard to build up, I (like every single person) have my moments of insecurity and low self-esteem and certain comments made by strangers or even the people I love seem to bring me down.

I'm naturally skinny. I eat what I want, I don't starve myself, and I'm beautiful.
So why is it ok for some girls to love their "curves", but not ok for me to love my "bones"?
Why is it okay for them to call me anorexic but horrible for me to call them a fat ass?
If they can tell me to "gain weight", why can't I tell them to lose some?
If they can tell me to "eat something", why can't I tell them to skip a meal?
Actually, neither of them is okay. Do you know why? Because if its not your life, you need to mind your own god damned business. I don't care what you do to your body, its none of my business as long as its not harming you. Comments about my weight weren't sought out, and they aren't welcomed.
Get. Over. It.
Everyone is fighting a silent battle which you will not always know about, which is why we should be mindful of what we say. Just because you don't mean to sound offensive or critical don't assume people won't take it that way. If you must comment on some one's body... compliment them. Encourage them, and help them.

Sorry for offending anyone!

I dealt with this a lot when I was younger. I always just assumed it was jealousy bc it was definitely from "bigger" girls. People who feel good about themselves just don't go around saying those types of things to people.

My man said the other day I have never had a girl that everyone stared at before like you he said most check you out but I never realised how other women were so jealous of each other they'll look angry at someone they don't know.
Its true they do but I normally smile back.
For me its normally really pretty women just a bit skinny that give me the jealous look so I don't really understand.
They wouldn't ever say anything to me and if they did that's just pathetic why would it affect me in anyway?!

I don't get comments about my weight, unless I gain a few kilos then my family is all like watch what you're eating and stuff... Doesn't effect me though because I'm from a family that is always in the spot light so we have to always look our best. I honestly like that because it always motivates me to stay fit and try to improve my lifestyle.

What bothers me though is comments that I constantly get on my complexion. I'm tanned, not exactly dark skinned but darker than my family. I also have pitch black eyes as opposed to colored eyes like my siblings. People here are so obsessed with light skinned girls so they always pick on me, saying stuff like "how come you don't have green eyes like your sister? She's prettier than you" or "how can such white handsome parents have such a tanned ugly daughter?"
I also have very long thick curly hair, they always pick on me telling me that I need to straighten it or that curly hair isn't nice.
Even though absolutely all guys love my looks and the minute I travel I get hit on like crazy. I honestly know it's jealousy because I am beautiful. I've got the full red lips, big black eyes, nice nose w curvy body so they can go fuck themselves for all I care. But yeah I get bullied ALL the time here. The weird thing is that I always get called ugly by extremely unattractive people so I just laugh it off. Ohh and they constantly make up rumors about me, that I got a nose job or done something to my lips haha

Can't wait for the breast implants rumors to start!

This is me (shall be deleting it soon) so as I said, they can go fuck themselves.
I'm just annoyed because a girl in uni today was like why are you out without makeup? You shouldn't be so confident.. [attachment=7060]

(17-06-2014, 19:52)AquaArab Wrote:  I don't get comments about my weight, unless I gain a few kilos then my family is all like watch what you're eating and stuff... Doesn't effect me though because I'm from a family that is always in the spot light so we have to always look our best. I honestly like that because it always motivates me to stay fit and try to improve my lifestyle.

What bothers me though is comments that I constantly get on my complexion. I'm tanned, not exactly dark skinned but darker than my family. I also have pitch black eyes as opposed to colored eyes like my siblings. People here are so obsessed with light skinned girls so they always pick on me, saying stuff like "how come you don't have green eyes like your sister? She's prettier than you" or "how can such white handsome parents have such a tanned ugly daughter?"
I also have very long thick curly hair, they always pick on me telling me that I need to straighten it or that curly hair isn't nice.
Even though absolutely all guys love my looks and the minute I travel I get hit on like crazy. I honestly know it's jealousy because I am beautiful. I've got the full red lips, big black eyes, nice nose w curvy body so they can go fuck themselves for all I care. But yeah I get bullied ALL the time here. The weird thing is that I always get called ugly by extremely unattractive people so I just laugh it off. Ohh and they constantly make up rumors about me, that I got a nose job or done something to my lips haha

Can't wait for the breast implants rumors to start!

Okay, give us a hint....why is your family is the spotlight?? Big Grin

(17-06-2014, 20:01)AquaArab Wrote:  This is me (shall be deleting it soon) so as I said, they can go fuck themselves.
I'm just annoyed because a girl in uni today was like why are you out without makeup? You shouldn't be so confident..

And yes, very beautiful!

Hahaha definitely not saying.... Just the kind of family that's expected from their kids to speak 4 languages, play sports, an instrument (tried them all and nothing worked). Have a great degree (I'm doing medicine, all my siblings are either engineers or lawyers) to be constantly socializing to stay well connected so the pressure is on! Even marriage wise, we have a very narrow circle of people to choose from. Has to be the same level of wealth, social standards and a lot of pickiness... Unlucky for me most of the guys I've liked arent any of that, I prefer men that come from a a normal family and get motivated on their own and become successful. So I get attracted to guys with potential and not guys that is expected out of them to succeed (with a lot of family help).

AA your beautiful I love your hair!
You are right they are jealous of your confidence and looks. You have such a curvy figure here tans are preffered to pasty pale so to me you have a lovely complexion.

(17-06-2014, 20:01)AquaArab Wrote:  This is me (shall be deleting it soon) so as I said, they can go fuck themselves.
I'm just annoyed because a girl in uni today was like why are you out without makeup? You shouldn't be so confident..

Good on you Aqua. I love your attitude and self confidence!
People are intimiated by self confident people such as yourself.
You are stunning and I can see why guys hit on you. And your right they can go >>>> themelves lol


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