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1inch growth with only flax


Thanks for the reply Virginia. Been taking my flax now for about 2 weeks, but not noticed anything yet.

Hi guys!! I have been missing for sometime. But its good to be back cos if i dont come to the forum i lose track of my routine too.

Anyways updates

cycle 4 - so i thought i will not take flax but just cant stick to my plan and started taking flax around Nov 11th. Could feel the fullness and swelling almost immediately. Started with only 1tsp and currently increased it to 2tsp.Last measurement was 31.5". Went upto 32.5" but started fluctuating since two days back (as in reducing to 32" and sometimes even 31.5")

Had quite a few things to do as per my plan but as usual couldnt stick to the plan.

what i did - flax seed (from 11th), lotus seed powder (1tsp) , sesame seeds, coconut, carrot, raw onion, massage with sesame oil, breast anchoring.

what i couldnt do - Turmeric, Rockmelon ringteone, Fat transfer massage, breast growth hypnosis from

My next cycle may start around 25th. So lets see how the measurements are.

Observation/note to myself - Wondering whether i should take only 1.5tsp of flax cos initially when i started with 1tsp, i grew quite quickly to 32.5". Been forgetting to take lotus seed powder for the past few days, so is the loss due to that?? Huh have to figure it out.

Boobielove - If your throat is paining because of flax, then maybe you should stop or take some opinion cos it should not create any health issues. You can always try out something that suits you. Dont take any risks. Good Luck Smile


Hi everyone, I'm new here.

I would like to try the flax seeds, is it possible to buy them in any supermarket? I'm currently living in France, so if anyone knows if it's sold in Carrefour, Intermarché, Lidl or Monoprix I'd be grateful to know.


Hello everyone!!

Just wanted to update. Did not do any NBE since November. Home rennovation happening.So nothing to report on that front.

Cycle ended yesterday. So thinking of starting again.Have stopped flax seeds cos i think it is creating sleep problems for me. I wish i dint have these sleep issues cos i liked the fullness i got from flax which is not there now although i am still maintaining some of the growth.If i could get my hands on FSO, would like to try that.

If i let flax seed powder seep in sesame oil for two weeks, will it be the same as FSO or something similar??

Oh well will have to make another plan. My entire NBE was depending on flax Sad

I just started taking milled Flax seed and yes.. it's the same.. flax is flax.. just the way it's ground I think. If you buy the seeds you can mill it in a coffee grinder REALLY easy. I put a large heaping TBS in my shakes after I work out. I have always used it in my homemade bread. But I am going to see if taking a more concentrated amount may help me. So my Shake recipe is about a half of a frozen (cut up banana) three to four frozen strawberry's with about a cup of almond milk, large TBS of milled flax and sometimes a TBS of peanut butter for extra protein and flavor. The milk needs to come up higher than the fruit to get a nice texture. It's actually pretty tastey. You could also try making it with water for less calories and also less bananas for less calories.

(28-01-2013, 04:38)f6king Wrote:  I just started taking milled Flax seed and yes.. it's the same.. flax is flax.. just the way it's ground I think. If you buy the seeds you can mill it in a coffee grinder REALLY easy. I put a large heaping TBS in my shakes after I work out. I have always used it in my homemade bread. But I am going to see if taking a more concentrated amount may help me. So my Shake recipe is about a half of a frozen (cut up banana) three to four frozen strawberry's with about a cup of almond milk, large TBS of milled flax and sometimes a TBS of peanut butter for extra protein and flavor.  The milk needs to come up higher than the fruit to get a nice texture. It's actually pretty tastey. You could also try making it with water for less calories and also less bananas for less calories.

Hi everyone ! How are the results ten years later  Big Grin ?
Thumbs Up 

Came here to see if anyone is still using flax in their program and have seen any sustained growth with it? 

I have a bag of whole ground flaxseed meal sitting on my shelf at home and want to put it to good use. Big Grin

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