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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

You're exactly right, about the tight-fitting top smushing your breasts down, making you look flatter than flat. That's probably why I don't have any tight-fitting tops (yet!). I am so embarrassed, that I usually wear loose fitting tops to hide my chest. Blush

Whoa, Noogling with two cups on at the same time yields way less swelling??? Sad That's really unfortunate! I'll keep that in mind when/if my soft foam rings ever come in and I can finally Noogle.

And you're right, taking a break for a day or so will probably get you some excellent swelling next time; at least, that's what many others who use NB have said!

It's great that the bruising you were experiencing before seems to have stopped. Maybe you've "filled in" a little more in that area, and have a little extra padding of your own? Sounds entirely possible to me! Smile

Good luck with attaining some awesome swelling next time you Noogle!!! Big Grin

In terms of tight fitting tops, I have worn them as I would always wear padded bras which give me shape! But yeah, if I didn't wear padded bras then I wouldn't.

yep, I get much less swelling when I have two cups on. I'm not really sure why that is. And yes, I have noticed that generally (except when its cold, as I swear that when its cold my breast deflate!), it IS getting easier to noogle. At the start it was really tricky just to even get any suction at all because there was pretty much no breast to hold on to. I'll be interested to see in the next week or two whether I end up getting any bruising marks again, because like you say it could be just because there wasn't enough to hold on to.

Definitely noogle with the rings! I have tried a couple of times mid-noogle and taken the rings off for a few minutes which seems fine. I have also tried noogling without the ring from the start, and I find it hurts quite a bit.

One thing I don't like about noogling is that you look ridiculous. Yesterday morning I had the noogle on, and a courier knocked at the door so I had to quickly take it all off, put a towel over it, put clothes on so you couldn't see my chest at all (due to the ring marks!) and then get to the door! That can be a bit stressful.

OMG, I never thought of getting a padded bra! Seriously, it never occurred to me ... how sad. Blush

I am STILL waiting for my rings to come in. They were shipped on July 31st! I'm moving next week, and it'll really suck if they arrive AFTER I move. Lucy said they should come in this week; but if not, to let her know and she'll ship them to my new address. Sad I can only do like 5 minutes of NB now, before my arms hurt too bad. And it usually bruises my ribs below my breast. So I need my rings!

It definitely a good sign that it's getting easier for you to Noogle. It must be doing something good! Big Grin

I can totally see how inconvenient it is if you have to answer the door or something! My delivery people usually only ring the doorbell once, and if you're not there in 5 seconds, they leave. So I'd never make it in time! Rolleyes

Let us all know how it is when you resume Noogling. Here's to hoping for some great, long-lasting, (non-painful) swelling!!! Big Grin

darn! I hope the rings arrive soon for you. I wouldn't have been able to noogle without mine, as there just isn't any fat on me and it would have hurt my ribs way too much. Even with the rings it can hurt some days.

And yes, padded bras! I've been wearing them since I was 16 years old..... I think that is why I started to think that my breasts were actually OK sized... because I always saw myself with the shape of a padded bra! When I don't wear them, I think OH GOSH.... because there is nothing sticking out. So yeah, girlfriday endorses padded bras!! lol

In terms of the noogling... last day or two have had really pathetic swelling... tried to noogle last night but the cups just wouldn't stick, so I just thought, forget it... and I will try another day.

I might do some noogling now. I think its a good idea just to see how your body is reacting and go with it.

I haven't been taking my herb mix for the last 6 days as I ran out. I haven't had any breast sensations last 6 or so days either, except for yesterday where they were tingling away.

Wow, that's too bad about the pathetic swelling. Sad I wonder if being off the herbs for the past 6 days had something to do with it? If you find over time that you are not getting the results you wanted with herbs, are you open to trying BO? I'm only saying that cuz herbs never worked for me, but BO does. Also, I'm doing chest exercises which seem to "wake up" all the cells in my breasts by making them really sensitive to touch and tingly. I follow the exercises with my protein drink, twice a day. And maybe you should give the Sea Buckthorn Oil a try! Faerycat started a thread about it, how it's making her grow and grow and grow; so I got some too. And had constant pains with it, from about day 5 on; until I ran out of it. Then pains went away. My new shipment came in yesterday, so I'm back on it again. If my pains come back again in a few days, that will be proof positive to me that it does make a difference! I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, in case it doesn't work for everyone; but it really seemed to be what caused my major pains all last week (plus that newfound awesome fullness I mentioned earlier). And the pains mysteriously stopped when my supplements ran out. Might be worth considering?

And oh, my rings STILL have not come in yet! Sad

I noogled this morning and got great swelling again, so that is good!

obviously just needed a bit of a break.

I can't take protein drinks because of the dairy content in them. Unfortunately, as that would be an awesome source of protein.

I read somewhere about that Seabuckthorn oil. Let me know how you find it after a few more days. That will be an interesting test. What day of your cycle are you on now? because that can effect whether you feel sensations or not.

I'm not sure about taking BO - that is bovine ovary right. To me that seems quite risky. But then I don't really know anything about it, thats just my initial reaction. lol

My breasts feel nice and full right now after noogling. Now the one thing I must say about noogling is that it really is great to see your breasts after noogling because they are sooo much larger.... and at first I thought WOAH they almost look too big.... but now I am getting used to how my breasts look when I noogle and I love the size. BUT there is a down side to this as well..... now when I haven't noogled for a few days and I see my breasts I think HUH, where on earth have they gone. And that sometimes makes me feel quite bad. So I think all in all, I really like that noogleberry has shown me how I will look if I actually grow to that size..... but it has also shown me what I am not!

I think if you have really small breasts like me then go out and get a noogleberry!!! Its cheap (only about $100 USD).

I'm less concerned with not taking the herbs every day, as I just look at it as a form of cycling now..... but I am pretty anal with my massages and I have been doing those 95% twice per day. But I only do them for about 10 minutes and then I generally noogle. I find (correct me if I'm wrong!) but that because the noogleberry increases the blood flow to your breasts... that I don't need to use a heat pad after massaging because the heat pad was just to increase circulation.

I've been really ravenous these last few days, eating non-stop. Last night I had a second dinner quite late and then ate a bunch of crackers, and then my RH breast had some massive pains in them. My theory is still that after eating my breasts get tingly or achy quite often! who knows!

Twister-mama - lets hope your rings come soon. On the upside, I guess you can use those hours you would have spent on noogle to do something else....

Wow, that's great you got some good swelling! Big Grin I can't wait till I can finally use my NB too. I've had the system here at home for over a month, and can't use it ..... WHERE ARE YOU, RINGS??? Sad

I have no clue where I am in my cycle, cuz I had a hysterectomy last August and I no longer have cycles. I don't have symptoms of ovulation or anything to give me a hint where I'm at, either. I know starting like 6 weeks ago, I had constant growing pains that lasted for three weeks, then tapered off; then a week later I started on the SBT, and had constant pains again for a little over a week. They stopped when I ran out of SBT. But since I've been back on it the past two days, I noticed my pains coming back yesterday afternoon and evening. Smile

It's great your appetite is back. Didn't you say you had lost quite a bit of weight? The extra nutrition and fat can only help your program! And I too will feel extra pains right after eating, or drinking my protein shake sometimes. That's a good sign!!! Congrats!!! Big Grin

I have just returned from holiday. I managed to massage twice per day for about 15-20 mins and noogle at least 1 hour per day, a couple of days with 1 30 min session then 1 1 hour session. I only took about 2 days off in the past 10 days or so.

I am currently about day 12 of my cycle. Since last time I reported that I had alot of sensations, which I think was quite awhile ago, around day 20 of my previous cycle or something, I have barely had any growth pains.

I started getting some again about 1-2 days ago, and yesterday too, both which I would classify as a medium and low, but apart from that NOTHING.

I have been taking 8 ml of a liquid herb mix consisting of (FG, SP and WY) 2 times per day. I haven't taken any fennel tea or spearmint tea anymore, and no EPO. I massage with FG and borage oil mixed in with avocado oil.

My breasts feel way denser than before. But they don't measure anything more! In fact they measure less. I measured on around about cycle day 5 which is when I am usually at my lowest, and I only measured 30.75".

My weight went down to 49kgs again but I have got it up to nearly 51 kgs the last few days. I think I usually lose weight just before my period. Then put it on again during my cycle.

In terms of noogling - I can noogle easily with both cups on. I haven't measured after noogling but my breasts really swell up alot. I still retain noticeable swelling by morning when I noogle at night. I kept getting quite a few red dots after noogling recently. I need to check through my records to work out how long I've actually been noogling for now. I think its about 2 months.

I've had 2 days off noogling and massaging now, so I will get back into it tonight.

Twistermama - did your rings arrive yet!? Have you noticed more pains taking those pills?

Hey, my rings FINALLY arrived - the day I was moving! The past two weeks have been insane for me and my family, with the move and selling our old house and stuff (EXTREMELY STRESSFUL), and I skipped a few days of my pills and supplements and shakes last weekend. But since starting back up about 6 days ago, my pains have come back strongly! Don't know if it's the SBT oil ONLY, or the combo of that plus my BB and other supplements; but the pains are pretty bad at times. Deep aches; tingles; sharp pinchy-feelings; and recently, they sometimes feel "hot," like a bad sunburn. I can only hope this means growth!

I tried Noogling with the rings, and I find I can get suction right off the bat, but the suction just DRAINS AWAY quickly; like I have to do a little pump once every couple minutes just to maintain suction with them. Sad I can get suction without the rings, but I have to hold the cup firmly against me to keep the air from escaping out the one side. I can only do one side at a time, which kinda sucks (bad joke), but I really only wanted to do the right side at this time anyway, cuz it's a lot smaller than the left. But after only two days of attempted Noogling (30-45 minutes, once a day - all I can manage now!), the right side is definitely trying to catch up! I guess I just gotta keep working at it and find a different padding method that'll work for me.

Do you think you'll try the SBT oil? I'm glad I got mine; and when my supply starts getting low, I make sure I reorder BEFORE I run out! Also, I love what it's doing for my skin; it's so soft and youthful-looking. Smile

ok, so I've gone back over my program notes as I have become very bad at keeping notes recently. Ok so to recap - I am on cycle 6 at the moment since I started NBE. I did NBE for 3 cycles and then took a break during cycle 4. Then started again cycle 5.

I started noogling mid way through cycle 3. Cycle 4 I barely noogled at all until about 3/4 the way through. and then I have been relatively consistent with the noogleberry cycle 5, and cycle 6. So I have been noogling for nearly 3 whole cycles now in duration.

My breasts this morning when I woke up measured 31.5", I noogled this morning and they were 33", then this evening they are 31.5".
The feel quite dense. I am now on cycle 6, day 16.

After experiencing alot of breast sensations, I have hardly had any sensations at all for quite awhile now, at least this last cycle and part of cycle 5 I think. (Again, this shows the importance of taking notes which I have failed to do).

My breasts feel much denser than they used to.

Twister-mama - I'm glad your rings finally arrived!!! And yes that does sound extremely stressful moving house, so don't worry that you missed some days.... thats peanuts in the grand scheme of things You need to put oil/creme on your breasts before you put the rings on to get suction. Are you doing that? Also lean forward so that your breast fills the cup more, that should help. What I do is clamp down one of the breast cups, then place the other breast cup on your breast and pump it until you get suction. And yep, quite often I have to keep pumping it very regularly, sometimes every few seconds for the first minute or so before it gets proper suction. Then clamp down that breast cup, and unclamp the other one and get suction on that one, then unclamp the previous cup so you have both cups. Its a pain and it just takes trial an error, so just keep fumbling around with it! Even now some days I find it impossible to get suction and it drives me nuts. But mostly its fine.

Do you just take the SBT in capsules or do you use the oil to massage? I'm thinking that I could use it to massage. And where do you get yours from?

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