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The Comprehensive NBE Program

(13-11-2018, 15:07)surferjoe2007 Wrote:  
(12-11-2018, 04:25)Bonny Wrote:  Hi Joe
Is fenuside and saponin, one and the same?  Not alot of info out there thought you may know?

Fenuside means fenugreek saponin.  Yes it's the same thing.  Likewise there is "shatavarin" for shatavari saponin.

Heya surferjoe2007!! Thanks a ton. This seems helpful for someone who is bottom heavy (bigger butt than boobs?) ... starting at barely A cup, and my boobs are tender maybe 1-2 times a day. Which is a lot more than before!

hi Joe, can you recommend any substitute for almonds please ( expensive Blush )

and is this rice bran, I'm not sure if it's the right stuff:
having trouble finding any in the UK


(08-12-2018, 19:02)gembolina Wrote:  hi Joe, can you recommend any substitute for almonds please ( expensive Blush )

and is this rice bran, I'm not sure if it's the right stuff:
having trouble finding any in the UK


Not that’s less expensive.  You need to remember that dried foods are 6 times more concentrated than wet ones.  Together the full list replaces most of a meal each day.  Including eggs and salmon, more than a meal a day.  Likewise for the question I sometimes get about calories.  They’re actually super low calorie foods for what you get, just physically dense.  If almonds are unusually expensive in your area then iirc 3/8 cup sunflower seeds should be close enough to replace 1/4 cup almonds (for a total of 5/8 cup sunflower seeds).  But where I am sunflower seeds aren't much cheaper.

As for the link, one user is taking a full tbsp.  Label also says it’s pure rice bran.  So I think it's probably right even though the description is weird.  If not then maybe it's a portion of rice bran.  Rice bran is a coarse powder similar to other bran, and likewise goes well in home made muffins, smoothies and on fruit.

Thanks surferjoe2007.  I was wondering if you might have any suggestions for me. Here are some details:
  • 38 years old, small, droopy 34b, 115 lbs, 5'7", 3 kids
  • Eat fairly healthy
  • Athletic/slim build...muscular lean, legs; smaller butt; narrow hips
  • Some facial hair issues and a lot of arm hair
  • Low libido over the past 5+ years
  • Have tried fish oil, DHEA, maca, and other female libido enhancing supplements in the past (nothing really worked)
  • Have been off birth control for over 10 years
Ideally I would like to increase breast size (hopefully to a 34d with less droop), increase hips and increase libido. Any suggestions?

(13-03-2019, 16:11)Needgrowth Wrote:  Thanks surferjoe2007.  I was wondering if you might have any suggestions for me. Here are some details:
  • 38 years old, small, droopy 34b, 115 lbs, 5'7", 3 kids
  • Eat fairly healthy
  • Athletic/slim build...muscular lean, legs; smaller butt; narrow hips
  • Some facial hair issues and a lot of arm hair
  • Low libido over the past 5+ years
  • Have tried fish oil, DHEA, maca, and other female libido enhancing supplements in the past (nothing really worked)
  • Have been off birth control for over 10 years
Ideally I would like to increase breast size (hopefully to a 34d with less droop), increase hips and increase libido. Any suggestions?

Mostly just my first sig link as always.  Including foods.  Nutrition education is pretty poor.  Real healthy eating is whole grains & other seeds (especially brown rice) > fresh strongly colored veggies  (especially broccoli, spinach, cilantro, parsley, endive) > seafood (especially shellfish and oily fish like salmon) > whole eggs (including yolk) > raw fruit (especially berries and citrus) > dairy.  Minimize or eliminate farmed meat, refined flour, refined sugar and even artificial sweeteners (partly as bad as sugar in studies).   Also 2,000 i.u. vitamin D or at least a little tan, and a sprinkling of granulated kelp now and then and/or iodized salt.  Omitting or limiting any group will usually leave you lacking in essential nutrients.  Especially the first two listed which should be more servings than all the others.

I can only guess what your hormones are from your issues.  A hormone test would be a better way.  Probably you need more estrogen, a little more progesterone and less DHT testosterone.  High prolactin is a possibility too.  But adding supplements for those may struggle to work and/or lead to other problems.  First try the foods in first sig link.  That can cover you on its own without the above and is safer than guessing, but above recommendations are nice too.  You can start with light herbs right away, but stick with nutrition for a few months before increasing the herbs. You can use 1 capsule vitex and/or 5,000 mg mucuna pruriens (much less if it's an extract) to lower prolactin and increase libido.  But you can't tell for sure if that's an issue without a hormone test or guessing.  It may be simpler to try the foods mentioned and go from there.

Hello, thanks a lot for your thread(-s) on this forum. 
I wanna take educated steps towards booby growth, from the knowledge I gathered on this forum your program makes a lot of sense to me and I’d like to try it out / implement its specific parts to my routine but I’m not 100% sure I fit to use it due to some factors I'll mention in the post (BC for instance). I’m hoping you’ll be kind to share your opinion on my situation regarding possible adjustments or anything you feel like commenting on. =)
A bit about myself and my related background: 26y.o., 168cm/5’6’, 60kg/133lbs, 88/67/98 (in cm), quite asymmetric breasts so figuring out the size is tricky for me. My bigger boob is comfortable in 75B bra while the smaller one is pretty loose there. Last fall I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue (hypo) and since then it’s been successfully compensated by a min dosage of T3 which I’m still taking. I've been also working out and currently on a diet to improve my body composition. I’m following your nutrition suggestions from the recipe mentioned in your program post and taking MSM supplement.

Hormones-wise, last blood tests I took during my period indicated me having higher than normal levels of testosterone, wrong LH (>) / FSH ratio for the phase, quite high prolactin and estradiol levels within the norm. If i remember correctly, my therapist said the mentioned ratio means my natural progesterone is somewhat insufficient, does it sound right? Later I took a progesterone test on the required day which showed it to be lower than normal (1.13 vs 1.7-27.00) but I don’t know if it can be referred to since that time my period suddenly came early, just a couple of days after taking the test. 
Since the tests I’ve been taking a combined BC pill (Yasmin) for 2 months, for it’s main purpose but I guess also in hope of some BE effect. I can’t say what I experience is a growth but what it certainly did is making my breasts fuller and shape more round although it’s only obvious with my bigger boob (more tissue to swell?), I’m not even sure the lesser one changed in this regard. 

Goals-wise, I’d surely like bigger breasts overall to appear less disproportional (I’m a pear-shaped as my measurements suggested), but I’m not really greedy (maybe just a bit desperate?), my major concern and wish is to actually make my lesser breast grow/get rid of that flat upper-portion appearance. This leads to me to a dilemma if I should try making it catch up with the other one by targeting it (apply stuff topically?) or just try growing both breasts instead..

So do you think it's wise for me to introduce any additional type of estrogen or/and progesterone now (in some topical form or orally)? I understand keeping the hormones balanced is the key, now that I take BC I'm not really sure how I can track it right though, blood tests are gonna be not reliable, arent they? I guess I have to look at my body's (breast/cycle) response, but I'm not sure what I should start with anyway.

(09-04-2019, 20:58)Ohi Wrote:  Hello, thanks a lot for your thread(-s) on this forum. 
I wanna take educated steps towards booby growth, from the knowledge I gathered on this forum your program makes a lot of sense to me and I’d like to try it out / implement its specific parts to my routine but I’m not 100% sure I fit to use it due to some factors I'll mention in the post (BC for instance). I’m hoping you’ll be kind to share your opinion on my situation regarding possible adjustments or anything you feel like commenting on. =)
A bit about myself and my related background: 26y.o., 168cm/5’6’, 60kg/133lbs, 88/67/98 (in cm), quite asymmetric breasts so figuring out the size is tricky for me. My bigger boob is comfortable in 75B bra while the smaller one is pretty loose there. Last fall I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue (hypo) and since then it’s been successfully compensated by a min dosage of T3 which I’m still taking. I've been also working out and currently on a diet to improve my body composition. I’m following your nutrition suggestions from the recipe mentioned in your program post and taking MSM supplement.

Hormones-wise, last blood tests I took during my period indicated me having higher than normal levels of testosterone, wrong LH (>) / FSH ratio for the phase, quite high prolactin and estradiol levels within the norm. If i remember correctly, my therapist said the mentioned ratio means my natural progesterone is somewhat insufficient, does it sound right? Later I took a progesterone test on the required day which showed it to be lower than normal (1.13 vs 1.7-27.00) but I don’t know if it can be referred to since that time my period suddenly came early, just a couple of days after taking the test. 
Since the tests I’ve been taking a combined BC pill (Yasmin) for 2 months, for it’s main purpose but I guess also in hope of some BE effect. I can’t say what I experience is a growth but what it certainly did is making my breasts fuller and shape more round although it’s only obvious with my bigger boob (more tissue to swell?), I’m not even sure the lesser one changed in this regard. 

Goals-wise, I’d surely like bigger breasts overall to appear less disproportional (I’m a pear-shaped as my measurements suggested), but I’m not really greedy (maybe just a bit desperate?), my major concern and wish is to actually make my lesser breast grow/get rid of that flat upper-portion appearance. This leads to me to a dilemma if I should try making it catch up with the other one by targeting it (apply stuff topically?) or just try growing both breasts instead..

So do you think it's wise for me to introduce any additional type of estrogen or/and progesterone now (in some topical form or orally)? I understand keeping the hormones balanced is the key, now that I take BC I'm not really sure how I can track it right though, blood tests are gonna be not reliable, arent they? I guess I have to look at my body's (breast/cycle) response, but I'm not sure what I should start with anyway.

Nutrition recommendations already cover nearly all nutrients including organic sulfur though more via MSM doesn't hurt.

You can always add a small amount of herbs per option 1 in my first sig link with low risk of imbalance or other issues.  You can perhaps omit the red clover / PM and leave in the vitex / progesterone cream.  Or include all but use a little more progesterone cream and cycle any portion of it that's over 1/8 tsp a day.  As you can continue you can make small increases to progesterone and/or PM each cycle, seeing which one works best.

It's common for breasts to not be the same size and it shouldn't be too much of a concern.  You may attempt to massage and/or pump the smaller one.  Creams and herbs often spread to the entire body so attempting to focus them on one breast may be futile or only partly effective.  But mostly don't worry too much and let it be.

surferjoe2007, thanks for your reply!
Quote:You can perhaps omit the red clover / PM and leave in the vitex / progesterone cream.  Or include all but use a little more progesterone cream and cycle any portion of it that's over 1/8 tsp a day.
So you think I should still focus more on progesterone even tho I'm on combined BC pills? (my take on this was that they mostly contain progesterone anyway).
I guess I'll try including both: a bit of estrogen with additional progesterone source on luteal. Unfortunately it takes up to 3 weeks for stuff from iHerb etc. to reach where I live and I kinda dont wanna miss this cycle to experiment on, so, would you say this product is a an ok substitution for PM/RC? Saw it in a local pharmacy.

Hi surfer joe! Thanks for your contributions. I’m currently on a BO program and I’m looking for the best thing to work as a progesterone boost/cycle regulator in the second half of my cycle. 

I was looking at dong quai as an option but DQ seems to have potential estrogen effects and I found studies about it encouraging estrogen based cancer cells. 
But I think I’d rather take the vitex since it’s effects seem more clear. How much would you suggest only taking half my cycle alongside BO? 

Also I’ve read shatavari has estrogen. I’m trying to avoid extra estrogen since I’m already taking the BO and some Maca which I’ve read can act as estrogen. But from what I’ve read you suggest it for hormone receptor sensitivity. Would you say its ok to take throughout the cycle or would it be best suiting for a certain time?

I am on top of the nutrition part, just want to make sure I’m taking the right things so they don’t interfere. 

Thank you in advance!

(17-04-2019, 20:01)Ohi Wrote:  surferjoe2007, thanks for your reply!
Quote:You can perhaps omit the red clover / PM and leave in the vitex / progesterone cream.  Or include all but use a little more progesterone cream and cycle any portion of it that's over 1/8 tsp a day.
So you think I should still focus more on progesterone even tho I'm on combined BC pills? (my take on this was that they mostly contain progesterone anyway).
I guess I'll try including both: a bit of estrogen with additional progesterone source on luteal. Unfortunately it takes up to 3 weeks for stuff from iHerb etc. to reach where I live and I kinda dont wanna miss this cycle to experiment on, so, would you say this product is a an ok substitution for PM/RC? Saw it in a local pharmacy.

I could be wrong but I was under the impression that combination estrogen-progestin pills were still mostly estrogen, but with some progestin to help reduce the need for estrogen and to reduce side effects.  Yasmin does seem to have way less progestin than progestin than progestin only pills.

Soy isoflavones are probably just as good as RC if not better.

(17-04-2019, 20:40)imbackagain Wrote:  Hi surfer joe! Thanks for your contributions. I’m currently on a BO program and I’m looking for the best thing to work as a progesterone boost/cycle regulator in the second half of my cycle. 

I was looking at dong quai as an option but DQ seems to have potential estrogen effects and I found studies about it encouraging estrogen based cancer cells. 
But I think I’d rather take the vitex since it’s effects seem more clear. How much would you suggest only taking half my cycle alongside BO? 

Also I’ve read shatavari has estrogen. I’m trying to avoid extra estrogen since I’m already taking the BO and some Maca which I’ve read can act as estrogen. But from what I’ve read you suggest it for hormone receptor sensitivity. Would you say its ok to take throughout the cycle or would it be best suiting for a certain time?

I am on top of the nutrition part, just want to make sure I’m taking the right things so they don’t interfere. 

Thank you in advance!

Progesterone cream is the only thing strong enough to have a major effect in the 2nd half.  Vitex has a small effect but it's so small you can just take it all cycle.

AFAIK there's one study weakly linking DQ to cancer.  But there are alternatives so yeah it's safer to simply avoid it.  I'm not sure if it has more estrogen effects or if it's actually multiple different effects.

Shatavari has an effect on a variety of hormones so writeups often lump it all into estrogen or estrogen-like effects.  Just liked generalizing and saying estrogen grows boobs (kinda true) when actually it's multiple hormones (more accurate).  They see general female hormonal effects and call it estrogen.  But actually shatavari tends to affect a variety of hormones and yes you can take it throughout the cycle.

You can follow my first sig link for more ideas.  BO has a pretty strong estrogen effect so yeah you'll want at least vitex to balance it out, if not maybe halving the BO too.  Early on for the first few months for A/AA (I skimmed your threads so that's just what I saw at the top) you probably want to do mostly nutrition and light herbs/BO if any.  And since it's such a low amount cycling is optional.

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