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Long time hops & FG user

Simply too simple and tasty not to share:

If you have headaches, toast two slices of bread. Cover with cheese, and melt for 30 seconds in the microwave. Throw a generous amount of oregano and some ketchup on the cheese. Ready.

Nothing tastier than a couple of slices of cheese on toast with a dollop of ketchup, but I'd leave off the oregano personally.
However its more likely to give you a headache than cure how to get rid of all the calories you've just consumed!Big Grin

Well actually,

It's the oregano that should do the job: it's a phyto-progestin.

But now I understand why I'm getting nowhere in weight loss targets Big Grin

Thanks you always Isabelle,
I admire your passion and knowledge on NEB! Blush

You're welcome magareea,

and thank you: I feel flattered Smile

The question of cycling PM keeps coming up. I wrote down what I know here:
There must be a woman on this board who can crack this problem, and take a PM experiment beyond two regular natural cycles Dodgy

I am actually experimenting with a few different cycling methods in the upcoming months. The worst part about PM is what it does to your cycle. I am one who gets it every 2 weeks or so. SO, I decided it was worth the effort to figure out which style of cycling works best for me, as I believe cycles can vary from woman to woman, depending on hormones, etc. (I am sure this is all elementary to you!! Blush)

BUT, either way, I am *hoping* to be able to have some insight on the issue over the next few months! I will be cleansing next cycle and starting after that! I'm pretty excited! Tongue

NotSoBusty, what are you going to be doing for the cleansing? I am on the second cycle of PM, but was initially taking Greenbush's pills (a combination of SP, FG, and WY) for three months. I really think I need a cleanse Dodgy

Thank you Not So Busty,

With two week cycles, you'll learn fast Big Grin

If more women want to help, it may be time to get organized, because once you find a good cycling schedule, it will eventually take three cycles to prove that it works. My little two week experiments are easy, compared to this Dodgy

Feels like you're starting on something epic, like Frodo in Lord of the Rings. Imagine what would happen to this forum if you find a way. So exciting Smile

Hi Rosance,

You probably don't need to: FG is an excellent liver cleanser. I wanted to break last October, but Susan talked me out of it. I'm sooo happy I didn't break: October was in the middle of my 3 " in 3 months growth spurt.

Thank you for the link to the flex and pump method in the other thread.
I wonder if this would work with a good swelling herb, like FG or GR.


I am pretty excited about it too! It is going to take some time, but it shall be an awfully grand adventure! The only possible end result, other than screwy cycles that I already have, is boobies! So, I am happy to volunteer and begin this experiment! Tongue


I am going to do a milk thistle cleanse for a month after this cycle, because I have been on PM for 4 months, and it is just time!! Some other girls on this cycle have done it too, and I just used to the search option on the forum to read about their experiences.

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