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My Journey To C's


Week 3 - Day 24

Woooow day 24 already :] It seems like it hasn't even been that long yet! Ok, so today seemed like an extremely productive day! I was focusing mainly on two things, which were studying for the CNA exam & my breast enhancement program.

I've kept my massages to 2 per day & have lowered the amount of push ups I do each time. I only do 20 a day now: 10 in the morning before massages & 10 in the evening before massages.

I didn't feel a lot of pain today, just the bare minimum 1/10. Not feeling down about it though! Breasts still feel heavy & firm throughout the day, especially on the lower parts. I need more feeling in the top portion of my breasts though because I want them to be more rounded out! The bottom are pretty round & nice already :] need them to even out all over lol!

Did my workout routine today. I would say it was a pretty good one. I didn't feel too exhausted afterwards, but my muscles were definitely being put to work. I'm beginning to like working out 6x a week for 30-45 minutes :3 I usually focus on some specific body parts on specific days. I don't do a full body workout! If I did that, I would be working out only 3 days a week. I try not to overdo it because I know it could be bad for my breasts.

Okay, so I'm just going to sum up everything I've done so far...

- 24 days of Dong Quai & calcium pills
- 12 days of massage [started late lol, but did at least 2 massages/day!!]
- 9 days of Rockmelon ringtone
- 8 days of hydrotherapy
- 5 days of Swiss Lamb Placenta pills

Soo...just one more day of the Rockmelon ringtone until I reach the recommended amount of days to listen to it, & eighteen more days until I reach the thirty day mark of massages! I'm almost halfway there! & before then I will have my boobie batter!!! Also, about the oils for the boobie batter...I found out that I had them accidentally shipped to my college address instead of my home address x.x Soooo I'm going to have to drive two hours to get there & retrieve them & then drive two hours back. Maybe will do that tomorrow. It depends on what is happening XD

Week 3 - Day 25

Today seemed to fly by so fast! I guess it was because I actually decided to drive the four hour trip to & from the university to get the carrier oils x.x I made my boobie batter as soon as I got home! Of course, I quadrupled the amount that was supposed to be in it & wasn't sure how many Fenugreek pills to put in :/ I only put one though because I knew that when used externally, you get more out of the Fenugreek than you would taking it internally. Idk maybe I might put more powder in tomorrow :O I have to get this figured out lol. However, I cannot waaaait for next week when I can FINALLY use it!!!

Today also marks my tenth day of listening to the Rockmelon ringtone! Whoo-hoo! I've done it!!! Buuut going to continue listening to it just to see if it will be any more effective :3 I don't think I'd be able to figure out if it was effective in the first place though since I'm going to wait until the end of this week to measure myself XD I'll just measure myself again in ten days just to see ;p

I didn't have any tingling feelings at all today. Didn't really have firming/rounding feelings either. I don't know what this indicates but I'm going to ramp up as soon as I get my Dong Quai in the mail!

When I was working out, I could totally feel it in my chest [focused on shoulders, triceps, & chest today]. I touched my chest & felt that it was bigger due to the growth in the muscle! I also noticed that my breasts seemed somewhat more lifted too! I was so happy! That was definitely what I wanted to happen!!! Not only that, my workout today was fun because my baby sister was doing it with me lol. We even had a fun fight session after every single one of my breaks XD it was well worth it :]

One bad thing about today...I had this annoying headache all afternoon. I don't know what could've caused it. I didn't drink much water & I felt dehydrated though, & I hadn't been in the sun for that long in a loooong time because I'm trying to get pale, so I'm avoiding the sun unless it's absolutely necessary to go out!!! Hmmm...well, it's gone now, but if it persists tomorrow & so on then I'll probably get off the herbs.

Week 3 - Day 26

I was so tired last night that I didn't post a blog x.x

I found out that the lotion I had been using had parabens in it, eeeeek! I immediately threw it away after I found out. I really have to be more careful next time I buy something! Now I just use avocado oil for massage. I have to remember to use an extremely thin layer since it's thick & takes a while to absorb. I also found that after using the oil, I felt pains in my breasts! Mainly in my left one & somewhat in my right, but even more so than when I just used that lotion! Also, I'm doing three massages per day again :]

I ran out of calcium pills & am also running low on Dong Quai! I need to go out & buy more calcium supplements sometime soon, & my Dong Quai needs to hurry & get here! I really also need to get that heating pad x.x However, money is tight & I can't afford to be spending what I have right now. This sucks :/

It's almost time for me to measure! Three more days! I COULD measure today, but I want to wait the FULL month before actually doing it. I cannot wait until Sundayy :]

Oh yah! I have been getting extremely tired about an hour before I take my evening pills. I was just wondering if anyone knew if I should change the time I took my pills because of that. Would the change cause any sort of delay or effect on my body???

Other: I went to the job interview for K-mart & it went extremely well. The managers were very laid-back & they joked around a lot. Plus, the head manager liked my personality hahaha :3 I won't find out if I get the job or not until the second week of July though since the hiring manager will be on vacation x.x

Week 3 - Day 27

I got my biotin & Dong Quai in the mail today! I was sooo excited! That was actually extremely quick shipping :] I love swansons health :3 SO yah, I can continue taking Dong Quai without having to skip a day, & I began taking biotin in the afternoon. Only one pill a day! Cannot wait to see the results of that!

Hmm...not much else seemed to happen today other than I find that I've been a lot more clumsy than usual x.x Not too long ago I was drinking water from my cup & tried to put it down on the table, but it somehow ended up slipping from my hand & landed all over my sister XD It was hilarious :3

I mentioned this before, saying that I was getting tired a lot more early than usual, but I find that this is a good thing. I need all the rest I can get for NBE & for my own overall health. I feel like I can now get my sleeping schedule back on track. It's probably because of the intense workouts & the hydrotherapy that I do. It puts me in a super good & relaxing mood.

Other: My phone is being lame & acting up on me. I think it may be time to get a new one soon! I've only had this phone for about nine months though! UGGGH. Then again, it was a used phone in the first place, so I guess it was about time for it to just go BLEH lol.

Week 4 -Day 28

Not much happened today other than I felt some slight tingling/pains in my chest randomly throughout this evening. I would rate it a 2/10 though. & only two more days until time to measure! I cannot wait!

Oh yeah, I ate like three strands of twizzlers :x It's my favorite kind of candy so it was hard to resist. However, I hadn't had anything that would be bad for me since that eggroll, which was about a week ago??

I ended up not doing hydrotherapy today. I won't start up again until I get me a waterproof watch or something :O my other watch was apparently not waterproof & died on me :/

Other: Good news though. It turns out that my phone didn't completely die on me. The reason why it was so bleh in the first place was because it somehow got water inside the screen & in the keys, so sometimes my screen will blank out & I'll have to push down super hard for the keys to register :|

Week 4 - Day 31

So I know it has been a couple of days since I last posted a blog. I've been super busy with other stuff so I haven't been able to do so, but now I have a little bit of relaxation time.

So what happened is that I started taking one pill of Dong Quai per day instead of two. I figured that maybe I might be stalling a bit since I haven't felt many slight pains in a while, so I bumped down my dosage. However, I'm still taking two Swiss Lamb Placenta & one Biotin & doing three massages per day.

Tomorrow I will get to use my boobie batter! I am super excited about that! I cannot wait because that is what I have been waiting for!!! Hopefully I will some tingling sensations or pain super early while using the batter :] I also measured myself on the 4th of July, as I said I would, & I grew 1/4th of an inch! It doesn't seem like much but it's growth that I'm proud of :3 It seems I was right when I said that it will take much longer for me to grow since Dong Quai does not have as much phytoestrogens as Fenugreek, but coupled with the batter will be plenty enough!

I will measure again in a week just to see how it goes. I'm still listening to the Rockmelon ringtone, still not doing hydrotherapy, & getting closer to thirty days of doing massages! One week & four more days until I reach the good number thirty X3

Oh, & I've also started taking my evening pill an hour earlier than usual because I don't want to force myself awake just in order to take them. It messes up with my sleep, & so far it has been doing me good. I've been getting a good eight hours of sleep every night, always waking up at around eight or nine pm :] Hope this keeps up!

Week 4 - Day 32

Hmmm even though I ramped down to only one dong quai per day, I'm starting to get pains in my groin area again like I'm going to be on my period. I'm going to stay on herbs for a while longer & see what happens. If this continues then I'm going to go on another cleanse & stop using herbs. I will start using BO instead, since I am only twenty years old & probably not done with growing yet anyway. It's kind of a shame since I just started using my boobie batter, but the pain was pretty intense. I will continue to massage, but of course without the boobie batter. I know you're not supposed to mix herbs & BO since they might compete with each other. Still, no worries. NBE is all trial-and-error after all.

I did one of the most intense full body workouts I've ever done in my life. It was only for twelve minutes but I was out of breath, out of energy, & it took a lot to even cool down & stretch. It seemed like forever just walking up ten steps too. The workout really kicked my butt, & I could feel it in my core, arms, chest, quads, & calves.

Other: I really need to buy a watch : |

So I've decided that I'm going to stop with the herbs & do a cleanse. Since I was only on herbs for about a month, I think about a three week cleanse will be good enough to get rid of any excess estrogen in my body. The reason why I'm going to stop is because of the pain in my groin & because I began to get acne & terrible headaches that won't go away. Now I'm going to swap herbs for BO & see how that goes.

Talk to you all in about three weeks :]

Hi doubleC, just want to ask how much growth did you have on herbs? why wouldnt you continue using the herbs??

Hi girl888 :]

Well the reason why I'm stopping herbs is because I started getting terrible headaches & acne, plus I started feeling constant pains in my groin area, like I was about to start my period, but it was an even worse feeling. After I got off herbs, I kept feeling those pains for about a week, but now they've stopped, thank goodness. & I actually got a good 2 inches from using herbs! But I'm going to switch over to BO & seriously considering getting a noggleberry :]

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