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[archive] NBE... is it safe?


How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
September 28 2007 at 10:02 PM Curious Sheep (no login)

I am not saying that everyone is getting sick - it just seems like more and more people are noticing some ailments that seem to clear up without NBE.

(Login wanttobecurvygirl)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
September 30 2007, 4:41 AM

I agree, I think we all want to try to justify we are helping our bodies by balancing hormones, but the way hormones work is the way our bodies are supposed to be.
I took for 6 months and have stopped for about 3-4 weeks now. I was getting very spacey, tireed, lethargic, and achey with mood swings and feeling paranoid and anxious.
I promised my boyfriend I would stop taking. Plus it was making my tummy and thighs flabbier despite my workouts.
I think my body is starting to look better not taking.
I always had natural size fluctations with cycle anyway, which I think is all the pills do anyway is enchance that a tad and then it goes away monthly as well.

Lost Sheep
(Login KCiccone)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
September 30 2007, 10:14 AM

In the past few weeks, I've noted four people that have had more serious side effects, myself included. When I say more serious, I mean things that have affected their energy and daily lives, for example.

My side effects are by far the most severe I've ever read about, since they were across the board. I had outward damage, internal damage, and damage to my ability to function and feel well. There are a number of other people that have reported lesser side effects that cleared up when not on BE, too, like acne or stomach issues. Just today, three people e-mailed me for advice concerning their own problems with BE, and I don't think they posted here about it, so we may never know who's reacting and how or get an accurate count. I agree that the number of side effects reported seems to be growing. Hopefully more people will answer this as a poll of sorts and we'll get a clearer idea.

(Login sophie9)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
September 30 2007, 3:09 PM

wanttobecurvygirl - i notice you keep repeating the same thing over and over in your posts. it isn't true that your hormones are supposed to act in some specific manner just because they are. MANY people have hormone imbalances - it is a real! they can be helped with medication and some people choose to use herbs to try to correct them. perhaps consulting a specialist in herbal remedies is better than going off and trying to balance them on your own, but most people feel mentally and physically better when their hormones are in balance or close to it. hormone imbalances can lead to serious illnesses and reactions, which unfortunately seems to be kate's experience from taking herbs. but i have friends with diagnosed hormone imbalances, and no - it is not "natural" or "normal." everyone feels best when they are hormonally balanced. most people do not have balanced hormones for so many reasons. if you have a mild hormone imbalance and it is not hurting you, than you can choose not to do anything to treat it. i have a mild hormone imbalance (tested by my gynecologist) and the symptoms i experienced from this hormone imbalance were helped with herbs. everyone's experience is unique. i think you should keep that in mind.

(Login Kittyluv09)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 1 2007, 2:12 AM

Hmm, when I tried Vanity when I was younger I was also on anti-depressants and it obviously was a bad mix because I had a severe psychotic reaction and ended up in the hospital cuz I almost killed myself.

I tried WU at the beginning of the year and was fine. But had no results.

Next I tried, Natureday for 2 days and ended up in the emergency room because my heart rate dropped soooooo low my doctor said I needed a pacemaker. I believe this was the Dong Q because I have taken fenugreek in a few different forms before and never had this reaction.

Next I tried BO, but it made me extremely dizzy so I stopped cuz I was scared.

Next I bought BB, but stopped after 3 days because I didn't like being nauseous all the time. So I'm thinking about either starting it again with 1 pill a day or just trying to sell the bottle since it's basically full. Yes, I'm a baby about being nauseous.

Right now I am using hypnosis, and have pains every once in awhile but no growth. However, lately I've been falling asleep during the hypnosis part and waking up afterwards really anxious and scared.

If I can't find anything natural that works then I'm def getting breast implants, and that has even worse side effects than NBE.

(Login sophie9)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 1 2007, 8:02 AM

kitty - i remember you posting your emergency room experience and dong quai. scary. NEVER take antidepressants and herbs - NEVER!!! I am not at all surprised. Generally, anyone on psychiatric medication is instructed not to take herbal remedies of any kind. My doctors always made that clear to me. It is unfortunate what you had to go through.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 1 2007, 7:59 PM


"If I can't find anything natural that works then I'm def getting breast implants, and that has even worse side effects than NBE."

WHAT? Are you listening to yourself? Do you really mean to tell us that given all the bad effects you have had doing NBE you would DEFINITELY, willingly do something that you KNOW will give you worse side effects?

Breasts are not that important. And believe me nobody is flatter chested than me and nobody wants their boobs to grow more than me. But I would never do something to deliberately harm myself or negatively affect my health.

LISTEN to yourself.

I mean this with all the love and respect I can feel. Get some help about why you feel the way you do. I believe that Sophie herself has shared some info on other threads you may find insightful.

with love,

Curious Sheep
(no login)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 1 2007, 8:35 PM

Hey Guys I didn't mean for this to bring up alot of "heated" discussions, I just wanted to see how many were noticing health problems that could be related to NBE.

I am just noticing more and more how many different ailments are popping up here and there throughout various threads, and how many women are self diagnosing the problem and taking something else to try to counteract it - when it could be the herbs themselves are doing it. That and with all the symptoms of Estrogen Dominance, everybody has at least one or two symptoms that fall into that catagory and now everyone is hopping on the boat for PC cream and vitex and this and that and the other, when it could very well NOT need to be corrected...........which is another discussion.

I am not against NBE at all, but just wondering if we might actually be making ourselves sick by taking too much, and if all that we are taking is counterbalancing each other so we are getting nowhere?

(Login Kittyluv09)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 2 2007, 2:56 AM

Wow I didn't know my comments would effect you the way they did.

I was on anti-depressants 6 years ago when that happened and I didn't know you were not suppose to mix the two. My mom was the one who told me about breast enhancing pills in the first place. Back then and still to this day my family still makes fun of me about my chest size, and although I try to laugh it off it hurts really bad to know it's true.

As for the breast implants. All I was trying to say is that breast implants have worse side effects then NBE, but girls still do it because A) for some people it really really works well, and B) the results are immediate. These are the 2 reasons I would consider breast implants because I'm sick of not fitting into bras or clothes. I could talk to a therapist every day until I feel good about myself, but my feelings won't fill the gap in my bra.

So it's not that I WANT to throw my body into harms way by getting breast implants. I just know it's the last and final thing I would try for breast enlargement and the results could either be really good or really terrible. But that's what every person faces when they get cosmetic surgery.

(Login sophie9)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 2 2007, 9:26 AM can email me and i'll tell you all my reasons i regretted getting implants if you are seriously thinking about it. some good plastic surgeons recommend their patients receive a year of therapy about how they feel about their body before having surgery nowadays. we can all learn how to accept our bodies and even be proud of them. i look back on having had "big boobs" and think, "so what!?" i think i look better smaller-chested. i'm here to try to reshape my breasts since i had mine removed. stick with nbe if you are determined and write me anytime. i know how you feel; i've felt the same way before!

(Login Kittyluv09)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 2 2007, 11:29 PM

Thank You Sophie.

I guess maybe I should go to a therapist to talk about my breast insecurities before I plan on implants. It's not like I would get them anytime soon though. I'm like most college students, flat broke! lol And I know in my near future I have plenty more things to worry about and spend my money on then implants. For instance I want a really nice car and a house, and to know I can live independently on my own. And this all comes before getting implants, so years down the road it might not be as important to me and I could change my mind.

(Login lassysam)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 3 2007, 6:42 PM

I have had bad side effects from every single form of BE I have tried, which is, single herbs, naturday, BO and PM. I developed many of the symptoms of estrogen dominance and so now, I think it was estrogen overload. I can't blame it just on Fenugreek, or BO or PM. No it was definately the effect of the increased estrogen.
I really wish that small breasts were valued more so that we don't feel the need to change our bodies in the first place!
Life is short and I'd rather feel happy and healthy and enjoy my children and my husband without all of this agony of being dissatisfied with my breasts and constantly taking stuff to make them grow and then feeling unwell and constantly wondering what is making me feel sick?
Anybody else want to answer the question?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: How Many Notice NBE Possibly Making Them Sick??
October 3 2007, 7:35 PM

You ask a valid question. The answer I think if for us to ask ourselves these questions.

Why do WE not value small breasts more?

What insecurities are we hoping to solve by gaining more cup size?

Why do we buy in to what is basically a market driven strategy to trivialize our lives into what sells more products (to make up for all the insecurities)?

I am not being flippant in this and saying that all of 'you' need to ask yourselves this - I also need to ask myself these questions...

I believe we are all unique. I believe we are made to be different. I believe we are all perfect just as we are made. Yet...

I mean, when you think of a female person you love -say an aunt, a sister, you grandmother - do you ever think 'Hey, they would be a lot more lovable if they looked differently'. Yet we somehow feel about ourselves that we would be a lot more lovable/better if only we had proportions that were 'larger'.

What do we really hope to gain with a bigger cup size?

If each of us were to go after an self improvement goal (other than the way we looked) with as much gusto and effort and energy as we pursue the illusive 'boob' -how much better would our lives be?

I can tell you this. Because I have pursued this quest and come into contact with so many people who are also on this quest I am a better person. This is not because I have attained my goals, but rather because my 'goals' have been put into proper perspective.

I am not longer desperate. I have healed something that was broken within me. Now, although I am choosing to continue my 'breast quest' it is for no other reason than I am curious. Will I grow a real set of A's? Who knows. But I will tell you this - it really does not matter that much to me anymore.

I like the way I look. I like the improvements I have made (small though they are). Mostly I like how comfortable I have become about my little rascals. They may not be special to anyone else, but they are special to me.

I hope everyone is benefiting from their pursuit in this way. I enjoy reading what you have to say as well as adding my two cents in.

I hope everyone is enjoying the journey,

dangers of NBE?
December 19 2006 at 3:21 AM TwinkieStar (Login TwinkieStar)

I'm new as everyone probably knows. I'm really interested in trying the stuff out, but I'm afraid that it could be bad in the long run (like cancer). Has anyone heard of any correlations between the herbs and any potential dangers?

I once looked into the bovine thing, until I heard that it may cause cancer. Not to freak anyone out. I'm just trying to get as much research first into the health of the herbs before starting.

Right now I've begun just the massaging, and I think it's doing something. My boobs hurt constantly, although it's not unbearable. And it's only been a few days.

(Login Sabrina.)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 21 2006, 4:03 PM

I also heard that taking bovine ovary could lead to cancer, but I'm not sure how reliable that information is. On the other hand herbs are a different matter, because most people believe that herbs protect against cancer and other degenerative diseases. As others have posted here before, populations with a higher than average intake of phytoestrogens have a lower than average incidence of breast cancer.


(Login emmiedee)
December 21 2006, 5:13 PM

i would like to know where the cancer rumors are coming from, as i have done quite a lot of research on bo since i am using it in my program and have seen nothing about this... not even a mention of it... ive seen the paranoia about mad cow, but absolutely nothing about any cancer risk. i dont really see how it would cause cancer in the first place, but hey, maybe i missed something...

im not asking to be harassing or obnoxious, i just really want to know where this info is coming from so i can read it!


(Login henriettahippo)
December 21 2006, 5:24 PM

everyone is worried about the bo and herbs possibly causing cancer, has anyone thought of the different foods we eat every day possibly causing cancer? All the preservatives and what about the medication we take, what would the long term effects of those be? And all the synthetic hormones we consume through bcp. (I am not against bcp, just an example)

I am just as concerned about cancer as well, but we really don't know what we consume daily that could be cancer causing agents.

I am not trying to obnoxious either ~ just curious.

(no login)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 21 2006, 7:33 PM

There was a cancer scare concerning bovine ovary in 1999 which resulted in some companies stopping selling it. I've been trying to research this just recently, but so far I haven't found any information on it.

(Login mountainkat)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 21 2006, 8:54 PM

That theory only came after the mad cow disease scare around that same time that the government put out. If you want to avoid mad cow disease, only eat grass fed cows or cows that are fed without hormones and anti-biotics. In other words, go ORGANIC!

If you do research you will find that boutiful breast and botanical beauty lab's bovine ovaries are just this. They are organic ovaries from cows that are not shot up with hormones and anti-biotics, which causes their immune system to become weakened and therefore they can (in rare cases) cary diseases that can be passed on to humans.

So I hope I cleared everything up. No need to worry it you follow this advice. Wink

By the way, some herbs contain many pesticides that can also cause cancer so go organic with herbs as well!

(Login boobies06)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 21 2006, 10:08 PM

Most people here are convinced that these herbs can't cause cancer. Most doctors say that while people who consume phytoestrogens with their food seem to show lower rates of breast cancer, that if these herbs aren't taken every now and then with a meal that they just happen to be cooked with (like fenugreek in curry), and if these herbs are just taken to purposely enhance breast size, then cancer is likely (kind of a "too much of a good thing" effect I guess). I don't know what to believe. Personally, I don't think there have been enough official studies done on this, otherwise the breast world would be revolutionized.

Personally, I'm taking my chances. My NBE program includes a lot of boobie-friendly things and foods. Massaging is something that my doctor tells me is a great idea to keep the cancer away. My diet also doesn't contain too much red meat (hardly any). And after I'm done with my program (hopefully with success) I'll just try and follow every breast-health program out there.

(Login mitharatowen)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 22 2006, 3:58 AM

ive heard that soy isoflavones increase estrogen and cause cancer. ive also read that phytoestrogens protect against cancer. so i dont know. i do really beleive that there is a conspiracy against herbs by the medical community becaase they want to sell their drugs. people are generally taught that "alternitive" medican is a quack. i completely disagree with that and i think that often times, traditional medicine is actually the quackery. so im choosing to believe the "protect against cancer" part because it sounds like scare tactics to me. but thats just my opinion Tongue if there were a bunch of women on here coming down with breast cancer, id shange my mind im sure. but i havent heard anything about that yet from our lovely ladies Smile

(no login)
dangers of other things out there
December 22 2006, 4:53 AM

I agree that we really don't know what we're putting in our body nowadays. I mean, really, if you go and read some of the side effects of drugs out there, it's scary! Those aren't natural. That's why I hardly ever take any medication, only tylenol if anything.

I used to look down upon herbal medicine, didn't believe in it, but then my sister got sick last year. And the doctors prescribed all this medication that only made her worse. She felt that what helped her the most was Chinese herbal medicine. I gave it some thinking...back when there weren't all these synthetic drugs out there, there must have been methods for people to get better. And it's more natural, so the bodies are able to process it better and heal itself better.

I once heard this woman on the radio. She said that she was diagnosed with a terminal cancer. After the diagnosis, she went all natural. Cooked all her food, made sure it was organic, ate real healthy. She said that the cancer went away and it's been years since she was supposed to have died, according to the doctors' reports.

btw, I think it may have been around 1999 when I did the research on bo. I know that it was a few years ago. I had visited this forum where a few women had said that they got cancer from bo.

(Login Darisha)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 22 2006, 6:07 AM

I certainly agree with the fact that doctors are anti anything natural but I still think that we should all take caution with herbs as they are just as potent as drugs even though they are natural. I'd say listen to your body. I took absolutely minimal herbs with severe side effects of dizziness and loss of appetite. This can't be a good thing in the long run. As for cancer, it can take up to ten years to fully develop so I doubt if anyone on this forum is going to suddenly come down with breast cancer within 12 months.

organic angel
(Login organic_angel)
Re: dangers of NBE?
December 22 2006, 7:01 AM

I have to add to this thread, because as you can probably guess by my name, I'm totally anti-chemical; anti-synthetic drug (unless it's in emergency medicine); and will drive miles out of the way, to get organic, unadulterated products. All foods; medicines; plants; natural ocurring elements have safety limits. Even drinking too much water will offset your bodies electrolytes and cause cramping; irregular heart, etc. All good things have limits, and precautions.

Taking BO myself, I've researched extensively, and take the generic BO, but it is ONLY from grass-fed; hormone free resources. (New Zealand). Mad cow disease is usually presented in the nervous system components. (ie. nerves; spinal cord or tissue; brain tissues) I cannot verify that there is or isn't any nerves in the BO, but I know that there is not any spinal cord tissues or brain tissues, that mad cow is usually present in.

Herbs and plants all have risks as well. Many, many herbs cause blood thinning, and are added to pre-surgery lists of medications/supplements to avoid. Vit-E; Gingo; Red Clover. Here are some examples of some of the very common nbe herbs, and some of their safety precautions.

FENUGREEK: High dosing can cause miscarriage. If you are allergic to peanuts, it is
advised that you not take fenugreek.

WILD YAM: Can aggrevate andometriosis, and if you tend to be more estrogen dominant,
than this will only put you into estrogen dominance, which carries all sorts
of unpleasant side-affects. Breast cancer and weight gain are a couple.

VITEX: Too high dosing will excasberate mental conditions. Depression; psychoses;
Schizophrenia. Often cause breakthrough bleeding between periods. Headaches.
Hair loss. Nausea. Rapid heart rate (tachycardia).

So all good things have precautions and side affects. We need to use good judgement on what is the right fit for our bodies. Take stock in what health conditions might be aggrevated if you take a certain supplement. Always stay in tune with your body. If you start taking something, and things don't feel right....they aren't right.

Go with organic sources whenever possible. More isn't necessarily better. And listen to your body.

(Login emmiedee)
December 22 2006, 4:35 PM

thanks for the information, ladies! ask for information and ye shall receive, i suppose. i was a bit curious because i could not find the cancer link to bo when i researched it before... it makes sense that someone would come up with that especially during the mad cow scare.

thanks for the info, ladies... hopefully you have put some minds at ease but have encouraged caution not just for nbe but for general living!

Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 13 2008 at 9:59 PM Mimi (no login)

Hi everyone, I heard that using herbs (fenugreek, saw palmetto, ect.) may be counterproductive to young women (teens/early 20s) because the estrogenic herbs can stop your breasts from developing naturally on their own. Some people say that many women continue to develop naturally into their 20s.
So for teens, (I'm 18) is it out of the question? I'm size 34B and have been since I was 14.
btw, I have already tried some fenugreek, saw palmetto, and other herbs. I think this stuff does at least make your boobies feel firmer. I do notice that when I gain a little weight from stuffing myself, my boobs become bigger temporarily, so at least the herbs seem to be directing the fat to the right places.
I'm not sure about continuing the herbs though.

Maybe just massage, high protein diet, and milk shakes?

(Login ckrystal)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 14 2008, 8:25 AM

Hi, I'm Crystal (aged 18). In my case it took me 3 to 4 weeks to start growing. I have not had any problems and before then my breasts hadn't grown since I was 14 either.

(Login ipanthera)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 14 2008, 8:52 PM

I'm 18 years & 2 months. I'm doing well on Wonderup.
It's hard to believe that many women develop naturally into their 20s. I totally believe that some women do, but it's hard to believe that many do. If you ask women, I don't think that many will say they grew without any help in their 20s, but I'm not saying it's impossible. I know it does happen in some cases.

(no login)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 15 2008, 1:30 PM

what exactly is wonderup and what results have u seen? what made u decide to take the risk of taking herbs? or is it that u dont believe that there are risks at our age? thank u for any replies

(Login ckrystal)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 15 2008, 7:53 PM

Wonderup is a herbal product, you can find it at
I'm starting to grow for sure, but I'm still in the early stages as yet. I'm very pleased though.
Other people of my age are taking Wonderup and similar products, so I'm not aware of any risks.
I know some companies say you have to be 18, but I've not seen any that say you need to be older.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 15 2008, 10:09 PM

Hi Everybody,
The reason Wonderup and other companies have the warning about not being used until 18 is for legal purposes only. If they could they would market themselves to everyone no matter what age. This is not because the product is safe. This is because they want to make money. No company that is selling you products is going to advise you not to use their product unless they think they will be sued for doing so.

This forum has plenty of examples of people who have have great results with NBE, but it also has some sad examples of people who seemed to have worsened their health from NBE.

If your body has not completed puberty - which for many is not accomplished until the mid 20's - you run a greater risk of having a negative effect from NBE.

Now of course we don't have a parallel universe handy to compare you to yourself who did not do NBE and see if you would have naturally developed. Too bad. As it is you are just doing trial and error like the rest of us.

There are many forms of NBE that do not use herbs- massage, suction, hypnosis... these have been proven effective for many.

Don't be in such a big rush to achieve NBE that you discount your health.

Keep safe -and best wishes to you all,

waxingmoon (much, much older than 18)

Nell Gwynne
(Login nell.gwynne)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 16 2008, 7:38 AM

Just a note to say that Wonderup is not one of the products which maintains that customers must be at least 18.

(Login MimiT89)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 16 2008, 9:06 PM

I'm not using wonder up but I was using this product I bought on ebay called luvtrak breast enhancement. It has fenugreek, saw palmetto, damiana, kelp, and lots other herbs. I also tried plain fenugreek, flax seeds, and saw palmetto in the past. these seem to have temporary good effect.
I haven't touched any of those in over a week now though, I'm apprehensive because of what I read about.

But on the other hand, I read that the younger you are, the more likely the herbs will work fast on you. And I noticed that alot of the people who say the herbs worked for them are younger.

I'm not sure if I'm done with puberty or not. I think I probably am done, since I got my first peroid at 11, come on, that's 7 years! But still not I'm sure bc I still look a little young for my age and I haven't grown...still 5'1. I will go to the doctor to see if my growth plates closed yet, if not, I'll assume I'm still going thru puberty. Which means I'll stop the herbs for a few years, and just concentrate on diet, and getting enough sleep.

I noticed extra carbs, breads, and protein helps fill my chest out.

btw, for me, I think breast massage make mine smaller sometimes. Is there a special way to do it?

(Login grace1892)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 16 2008, 11:15 PM

MiMi, in terms of massage there are several different recommended methods listed on the main home page of this forum under the massage technique section. There are also many different lotions, creams, and serums you can try as well.

in terms of negative impacts that NBE has had on people, what do you mean. If you haven't finished puberty then how would you be effected negatively by NBE? I read that when plant estrogen binds with human estrogen it can inhibit growth-- is this what you mean?

(Login Wahaika)
Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 17 2008, 7:15 AM

16 year olds have been taking Wonderup, but I think anyone of that age should think carefully about starting NBE at such a young age.


(Login MimiT89)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 20 2008, 11:03 AM

Thanks wahaika, but I'm not sure this applies to me. I'll be 19 in September. My boobs have been developing for a while. Think it started when I was 9. Then I got into puberty at 11, so I think I'm done. I will go to the doctor to see for sure.
I'll try carrots and soy milk, and see happens.

(Login Tessica)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
July 21 2008, 8:35 PM

It is not necessarily your boobs that are developing, but puberty can last into the mid-20s. There are still hormone changes going on which can be affected by herb use. You can still upset your natural development even if your breasts have not changed since adolescence. The rest of your body is still developing in ways you may not even notice.

(no login)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 12 2008, 7:22 AM

Is this actually true about developing in your 20s?

I've always heard that the ageing process starts when you are 19 and it's all downhill from then on!

(Login boobylove)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 12 2008, 11:32 PM

yep u do ...
i had hips and darker hair at 19-20... and had still started normal puberty at 11...


(no login)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 13 2008, 7:12 AM

I must admit I read the story somewhere about the ageing process starts at 19. I'm not saying it's true, but it's something I distictly remember reading.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 13 2008, 9:04 AM

Girls who are too young to take herbs could try a massage based NBE. It can work by speeding up your natural growth as you are already in the ''growth mode''. But you should spend about half an hour a day massaging, like twice 15 minutes, with an effective technique (read the main page for several different techniques and preferably combine and add some of your own elements based on what gives you growing signs). You could also try chicken feet soup, it's a chinese boobie food and method and it has worked surprisingly for some.

(no login)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 17 2008, 7:09 AM

I think ageing does start at around 19 or 20, but this is a technical matter more than anything, because from that age up until 35 the body cells renew almost perfectly, so there is no real discernable ageing until then.

(Login stilettos)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 17 2008, 10:39 PM

Because we did not know any better, I started NBE when I was 19 and my sister when she was 17. And we seem to be growing nicely; her growth is a lot faster than mine, though. I have been a 32B/34A since I was 14 so I think my breasts have stopped growing then. Moreover, I started growing breasts when I was barely 8 years old (so freakishly early, I know!).

(Login ipanthera)
Re: Using herbs - Dangerous for young women?
August 18 2008, 9:19 AM

I was also 17 when I started taking Wonderup, though I'm 18 now. It's worked well for me without any problems.

March 31 2007 at 3:02 AM noini (Login noini)

I'm a quite worried if these herbs, even though a natural way of enhancement, may cause cancer or hormone problems. Especially when taken in excess quantities. Any thoughts on this...

(no login)
Re: worried
March 31 2007, 4:07 AM

No one here, not even experts can say with certainty or guarantee that those aren't possibilities. The general rule I've always gone with is "if something has an affect (example in our case: breast growth), then there will be effects"
Those are just chances we have to take. However, doing your research is the smart way to approach this.
Start by finding out what your hormone levels are.
Good luck hun!

(no login)
Re: worried
March 31 2007, 11:53 AM

i'm doing the food and massage method with hypnosis and it's working quite well for me. this method must be safer since you don't mess with hormones like you do with taking herbs.

the grow is very very slow though but i grew one cupsize already from small a to normal b. i just want to point out you can choose from other methods other than herbs if you are not comfortable with taking herbs.

wish you all the luck with your NBE!

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: worried
March 31 2007, 2:44 PM

This is a thought provoking question - but if one is really concerned about the herbs messing up ones hormones, then one also needs to be aware of the effects of other drugs and hormones we stick in our body each day sometimes unaware. Does anybody really know the long term effects of all the birth controls? or heart medicine? or choloesterol pills? or pain medicines? or nerve pills? we can't really say for sure since they are constantly coming out with new formulas and going out with the old - no one has been on anything long enough to determine the long term effects - sure we know that some can cause some problems, but thats as far as it goes, these drugs aren't tested life long just a few years.......

We can go even further to say that did you know that all the drugs and chemicals and other stuff we flush down the toilet do not always get processed out of the water!?! so we ingest part of that!! and that not all bottle water is purified - there are brands that are even worse then tap water because they aren't required to meet strict requirements. And then there is the whole processed food and everything else, so we run the risk of poisening ourselves through everything we do everyday!!

Not to belittle the question - but in our lives there are so many things that we do that can have the same effect and yet we take no concern over those!! I would think that there really is no guarantee that the herbs will or won't cause any effects and if say half of us end up with cancer in the end, can we really say it was the herbs, or could it be from something else we have taken?

(Login noini)
Message for Tarepanda23
March 31 2007, 6:58 PM

Hi Tarepanda23

Could you please elaborate on your food, massage and hypnosis strategies. I searched the forum but couldn't find anything about food or hypnosis. Maybe I'm not searching right? A cup size increase without any weight gain on my hips/thighs is all I'm aiming for, anything bigger would be a nice bonus Smile

Thanks a lot.

(Login tarepanda23)
Re: worried
April 1 2007, 2:27 AM

Hi noini,

I mainly follow fengshui's and tiger lily's routines which involve eating "boobie friendly" food and massage. it's an old chinese method so the theory behind it uses some common chinese medical terms like yin and yang food, chi, pressure points etc. this might sound a bit mysterious but in my opinion a lot of these things are really about blood flow, the right nutrition and your mental state, whether you will believe it will work or not.

I'm not an expert but from what i've read and from my own experience, i can try to explain how yin and yang food work. Yin is considered "cold" food and yang "warm". this has nothing to do with the temperature of the food but how your body reacts to the food. It's hard to describe what the difference is but i know to some extent because i'm chinese and my parents taught me about this since i was a little girl.

Maybe you know that eating potato chips or basically anything fried is bad for skin and can cause acne. well, fried food is very yang and too much yang can give you too much food energy (or 'chi') which can result in 'little erruptions' of this energy: acne. I had acne when i was a teen and my parents warned me all the time not to eat fried things.

Yin food has high water content and it can compensate the effect of yang. an example of yin food is watermelon. it's common knowledge for the chinese people to avoid watermelon when pregnant because it's so cold that it can cause miscarriage. these are only some examples of yin and yang food, it's actually much more complex than this but this is how i make it clear to myself. you can found more info here:

And it gets more complex when it comes to NBE! certain food are better for boob growth than others. i've read that yang food is good for boobies and yin isn't but some yin foods are actually considered boobie friendly. fortunately some ladies on another forum provided a list of good and bad boobie food. i think it was fengshui who mentioned that she got the info from a taiwanese forum about breast enlargement. you can see the list of good and bad boobie food here:

that entire forum is about food and massage, so highly recommended to read!

food and massage method basically works like this: you replace your meals with as much as boobie foods as possible and it's recommended to eat boobie food immediately after massage. food with high protein or with gelatin are also boob friendly. i don't think it's important what kind of massage you do. pansyclub's massage at the main page is the one with pressure points. you also find more massage techniques at fengshui's and tiger lily's program page.
about the hypnosis, i strongly feel it has attributed to my growth. i listen to blaketalks. it's not very popular at this forum though. you can do a search with 'hypnosis' or 'blake'. i hope the yin and yang stuff was understandable ^-^

(Login dogfreak)
To Tarepanda 23
April 1 2007, 3:14 PM

Hey Tare, can u teach me on the hypnosis programme? i cant seem to find any info/ downloadin on web. Thx

(Login -Moon-)
Re: worried
April 1 2007, 4:57 PM

The thing is - these herbs have been used for centuries, so that's a quite good guarantee that they are safe. Nothing is 100% certain tho so that's just a decision you have to make yourself.
Oh, and there's really no difference between eating boobie foods and swallowing herbs in capsules, except that the later is easier.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: worried
April 1 2007, 6:09 PM

I agree with Henri above.....practically everything we do MIGHT potentially contribute to cancer. These days people get cancer younger than they used to and with no family history of cancer like they used to have. If we do end up with cancer, we will not know what caused it. We are choosing to alter our bodies. Along with this choice comes a certain degree of potential risk. Just like if we had chosen to have implants, there would be a certain risk factor with that choice. I think we just have to do what we feel is right for us and try to be as informed and healthful as possible.

(Login sophie9)
Re: worried
April 1 2007, 6:56 PM

i think of it the way people think about the birth control pill. there were times doctors thought it could cause cancer. now most doctors agree that it actually decreases the chances of breast and ovarian cancers. some doctors still are not sure. soy i believe is another one - people claim in large quantities it can cause cancer; some say it helps prevent cancers. moderation is in my estimation the key to health. i don't think most of us take these herbs in as high a quantity to render any sort of carcinogenic effect. of course, we don't know for sure, but like moon said, these herbs have been used for centuries. i am an ancient historian, and have heard of fennugreek fennel and various other herbs we use being used by men to manipulate their hormonal balance and promote growth of the same feminine attributes we are after. in ancient rome, the way they used herbs was very similar to the ways in which we use them today, and the knowledge of concentrating herbs into alcoholic tinctures was available. very similar to what we have today. there is nothing in the record that suggests cancer from what i know (not my area of expertise), so as others have said and as many comapanies will tell you, these herbs are believed to have been used safely for centuries. since many of us have slight hormonal imbalances, some of these herbs used for breast growth are probably helping our bodies rather than hurting them. our hormones get out of wack by medications, additives in food, stress...all sorts of things.

(Login peonyflower)
Re: worried
April 2 2007, 7:52 AM

The boobie food list mentioned by tarepanda is available here on the food and drink page.

(Login peonyflower)
Re: worried
April 2 2007, 7:55 AM

I can add that you can also find the food information on Fengshui's program page.

October 9 2007 at 11:40 AM Liz (Login Liz1967)

As you know I was on herbs. I had a little of swelling but it all went away when I stopped.

Then some cysts apeared in my boobs.

I went to a doctor (gynecologist) and it told me to do a hormonal study. He told perhaps it is an excess of prolactine.

He prescribed me some pills to lower levels of prolactine.

Now I ask:
1 - Can it all be because of NBE?
2 - These pills will be going to alter my boobs? Will my boobs be smaller with this pills?
3 - I wanted to take herbs again, but now with this pills I dont know. Will it have influence in NBE?

There are some girls in this forum that know a lot about this hormones stuff, please give me a light on this matter.

(Login wenonae)
Very tricky question...
October 9 2007, 6:29 PM

This is my two cents for you. If you are working with a with them fully. Don't mix any herbs or extra OTC stuffs on your own- walk through it all with them.

Ans 1.) I don't see any reason why you can't take the pills. I too had what my gyno called fibrocystics breasts, however, I just did reiki massage for cleansing to get 'rid' of them. Another way is skin brushing. If you're still doing massaging...take a break from it for now.

Ans 2.) It probably will reduce it some if all the cysts get reduced.

Ans 3.) Again, don't even think about doing both herbs and this pills. They will conflict and mess with your system.


(no login)
October 9 2007, 7:17 PM

Liz, did you have cysts before taking herbs?

(Login Liz1967)
October 10 2007, 2:03 PM

No kate I had no cysts before.
I had a boob exame 2 years ago and nothing.

(Login waxingmoon)
October 10 2007, 7:17 PM

If you did not have fibrocystic breast before then it is quite possible the herbs were somehow involved. Too much estrogen can cause fibrocystic breast problems (as well as other things). The herbs may have upped your estrogen level above what your natural progesterone could handle. If you went out of balance in these two hormones then this might have caused the problem.

I am curious. Did your doctor determine through a test that you have too much prolactin or is it just his guess?

The pills your doctor proscribed may or may not have any affect on your breast size.

Remember it is always okay to question what your doctor is proscribing or what diagnosis you have been given. If you don't think the doctor got it right or you don't like the treatment plan then go to another doctor for a second opinion. Remember - doctors are just people - sometimes the make mistakes, sometimes they guess wrong - even when they mean well.

But also remember - if you don't know as much about a subject as your doctor, you either have to learn more, seek another opinion or trust that doctor to provide the best solution for you.

Best wishes,

(no login)
October 11 2007, 8:57 AM

Liz, since you didn't have them before the herbs, I agree with waxingmoon completely. Cysts are often a symptom of increased estrogen, so make sure your doctor tests you and checks into that, too, not just the prolactin. I have heard of people getting cysts from phytoestrogens, but I'm not familiar enough with your program to know how much it contains.

Good luck. Smile

(Login Alison.)
October 11 2007, 9:59 AM

If I've understood you correctly, and thinking about your previous posts too, this problem happened some time after you stopped taking herbs. Is that right? Regarding phytoestrogens, I remember reading that they are claimed to be helpful in cases of fibroid cysts and that some women say they helped this problem by taking herbs with phytoestrogens.

(Login Louise1982)
October 11 2007, 12:59 PM

Any nbe will increase a cyst that is growing or a tumour as you are feeding it with more hormones which is why all this isn't recommended for people with previous breast cancer. Not sure if it should cause a new cyst to arise but a cyst is only some trapped fluid so maybe it's similar to when nbe causes boob swelling?

(Login Liz1967)
October 18 2007, 1:54 PM

Weel, I'm back.
Went to my gyno and my hormone tests are normal, not too much prolactine after all.
So he told me to take the pill to regulate my period and my cysts.

I have no breath cancer, only small cysts on my boobs and now I will take the pill to regulate all this.

I have new questions now:

1 - BCP and NBE? What abou it? NBE reduces the efect on BCP?
2 - Can I still try taking herbs with BCP?

(Login Liz1967)
October 18 2007, 2:08 PM

This is at the PM section:

"Hi, the PM pills and the BCP will likely "cancel each other out" ...the BCP might not work as well and you NEED it to and the PM might not have any effect because the two compound actually "compete for the same receptor sites ...the estrogen receptor sites in hormone dependant tissues. Best not to combine them..."

Will BCP and all NBE cancel each other out? Or Just PM? The other herbs like the ones I'm taking have the same effect? Please explain to me...

(Login Louise1982)
October 18 2007, 2:48 PM

I emailed and they said there is no interaction with their products. The wonderup website also says that it doesn't affect the pill and people have grown on both with the pill. I'm not sure about all this receptor site stuff as the hormones in the pill are way stronger than herbs, more like HRT but someone said still a very small amount compared to what's in the body. Maybe we have a lot more receptors than we think?

(Login Liz1967)
October 18 2007, 3:40 PM

Do you know if there are many girls here that are on the pill (BCP) and NBE at the same time with positive results and no side effects?

(no login)
wait a minute
October 18 2007, 6:14 PM

can u massage fibrocystic breasts or not? How about if u are using progesterone creme?I am using pc and have fibrosystic breasts and i thought progesterone creme helped this

(Login Liz1967)
October 19 2007, 8:53 AM

I believe you can use progesterone cream on fibrocystic breasts. Sometimes doctor prescribe it.

(Login lil_dunny)
October 19 2007, 8:05 PM

in order to be able to do reiki massage, one has to be attuned to reiki. reiki attunements are passed on from a reiki master, usually in 1 or 2 day workshop-type situation. there are multiple levels of reiki attunements, though level 1 is sufficient to be able to do reiki massage. then, to do massage, simply initiate reiki flow and do massage while it's flowing.

safety of herbal enhancement
July 29 2006 at 3:00 PM anonymous (no login)

I have been trying NBE for one month now. I came across this information and it worried me. (Breast cancer runs in my family) Is there any truth in these statements?

Phytoestrogens have a balancing effect on the body. When the estrogen levels are too low, their mild estrogenic effect raises total estrogenic activity. However, when levels are higher, they compete with estrogen at cell membrane receptor sites, and create the opposite effect. High estrogen levels, or “estrogen dominance,” is what many experts, like Judy Mane, nurse practitioner, feel might lead to many serious side effects that are normally associated with synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). She says, “Phytoestrogens may stimulate growth of breast cells, but it may also stimulate abnormal breast cells.” From

The hormone estrogen, if taken in high enough doses, increases breast size by stimulating growth of breast tissue. However, it is not safe to use estrogen in this way, because when breast cells are stimulated to grow, they are more likely to turn cancerous. A woman who took enough estrogen to enlarge her breasts would greatly increase her risk of breast cancer….In any case, if a breast enhancement product were to contain a powerful phytoestrogen in sufficient quantities to actually stimulate growth of breast cells (a very big if), it would also increase the risk of breast cancer! You can’t get one effect without the other. From GetContent.aspx?token=e0498803-7f62-4563-8d47-5fe33da65dd4&chunkiid=35539

(Login MollyH)
Re: safety of herbal enhancement
July 29 2006, 8:18 PM

If you read more widely you will find that the general view is that phytoestrogens protect against breast cancer. Countries that have a high rate of phytoestrogen consumption in their diets have lower rates of breast cancer and the country with the very highest natural consumption of phytoestrogens of all has the very lowest rate of breast cancer. But when women in those countries emigrate to the West and start eating typical Western diets their incidence of breast cancer rises to normal Western levels. There was also a major clinical study conducted on this subject which concluded not only that phytoestrogens provide protection against breast cancer, but that the degree of protection against braest cancer appeared to be significant.

(no login)
Re: safety of herbal enhancement
July 29 2006, 11:26 PM

thank you!! I appreciate that information

(no login)
after reading this, i'm a little concerned
July 31 2006, 8:42 PM

This seems simple -- eat more phytoestrogens, be healthier -- and it is, so long as we restrict ourselves to eating plants. But when the difference between food and medicine is disregarded, when phytoestrogens are isolated and concentrated, sold to us in pills and candy bars, then the equation changes: phytoestrogens become dangerous hormones, quite capable of promoting cancer.

does anyone know if its more likely to promote cancer over a longer period of time or can it affect people who take pills for just a few months?

(Login MollyH)
Re: safety of herbal enhancement
August 1 2006, 7:48 AM

Your argument is still not relevant because not many breast enhancement products have the isolated phytoestrogens you talk about, such as soy isoflavones. In general breast enhancement products are foods, which you have said yourself are healthy. The fact that herbs are pressed into tablets or powdered and put into capsules does not mean that they suddenly become unhealthy. On the contrary, most people taking breast enhancement herbs will probably improve their overall health a great deal.

(no login)
Re: safety of herbal enhancement
August 1 2006, 6:59 PM

thanks for clearing that up! i feel a lot better now =)

Pain under armpits?
March 31 2006 at 6:30 AM BJ (Login SmallGurl)

For some reason it feels as though someone has kicked me under each of my armpits, one of the spots I massage when I massage my breasts. My breasts have also been extremely sore/tingly and I have had a lot of sharp pains today. I know the pains/tingles can mean you are growing but what about the armpit pain? I've had pains on and off, but have never felt this way. Has anyone had this happen to them?? I really hope it means I am going to get a growth spurt! I will examine them first thing in the morning lol. Wish me luck! Grow boobies grow!!

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
I had them before when I was on NBE
March 31 2006, 6:36 AM

Yes its a big possibility because it was for me. I was growing when it happened to me. Wish you luck girl

Love Skittles,
Taste the Rainbow

Happy Growth Pains to all!!Love ya..*giggles*

(Login Lisa121)
March 31 2006, 7:04 AM

My armpits have been sore before too, when I first started BE I remember experiencing it and even though my growth pains have stopped this month I just had the same pain yesterday as well with tingles too.
I would think you are growing and it shouldn't be anything to worry about.
The one thing that I did wonder about the armpit pain was that maybe it is from massaging? Or the lymph nodes are working extra hard maybe. If that is the case then it can help gently massaging towards your boobs as well as away towards your arm to get some lymph drainage. Maybe there is just an accumulation of fluid and then it is good to get it moving.
Hope this helps and the signs are very encouraging, it sounds like you are growing, congratulations!
Take care and keep us posted, and don't expect too much over night :-)

(no login)
I thought
March 31 2006, 1:40 PM

i had given myself cancer. lol I was SO worried, my daughter was 13 adn growing so I asked her if she ever felt that and she said it hurt so bad sometimes that it hurt to lift her arms. So yes, it is growing pains, I had them when I grew really good. Keep dooing your massages and taking your pills and sit back and wait for your boobies becasue their coming! Yeah for you!!!!!!! Smile


(Login liquidSunset)
Re: Pain under armpits?
March 31 2006, 4:11 PM

In my opinion if you are massage under your arm pits then its probably normal to feel a little bruised there. I just recently have been massaging there to as well as inbetween the breasts and I noticed mine kinda hurt (armpits) for a while too. I think I just rubbed to hard for one, if you think about it it is kinda a tender spot that doesnt get much attention any how, so any rubbing of it could agrivate it.

Now, instead of "massaging" under my arm and between my boobs, I actually just kinda "rub" gently there till all my batter soaks in. Try to be a little more gentle maybe and dont press in firmly with your hands in that area. Instead just "rub" it and see if that helps.

~Keep "playin those records girls!"
~Best wishes on a growing journey!~

(Login Jess1226)
Re: Pain under armpits?
March 31 2006, 4:15 PM

Its normal to have limph node pain while growing or even during hormone changes. The week before your peroid you will get pain or tenderness there too. I wouldnt worry, I also say its a good sign. I also have it sence starting NBE and I have Grown! So Cheers to ya, When you feel the pain this YEA!
Also you can add heat to that area and it may help with the discomfort.

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(Login SmallGurl)
Re: Pain under armpits?
April 1 2006, 3:21 AM

Thanks guys. They are both really sore today also, but I am taking as a sign of growth, as I have had a lot of sharp pains today also. I don't think it could be from massage,as I don't rub very hard, just lightly until my cream is rubbed in. Any pain in or around my boobies is very welcome though. If the pain were a ton worse I would probably be even more happier and excited lol.

(Login Helen_N)
Re: Pain under armpits?
April 4 2006, 3:35 PM

Hi BJ,

This is EXCELLENT NEWS hon, I am very happy for you! As long as you are not over-doing it rubbing hard as you say, your pains are definitely growing pains (I have been wondering myself whether the pains might be a result of the massage itself rather than growing, you see I started feeling tingles and on/off pains as soon as I started massage with heat, but I try to do it gently so that I know my pains are not simply "bruising" pains.)

Keep up the good growing and please don't forget to send us some good...
~~growing vibes~~ you know what I mean! ;-)

Love, H x

(Login SmallGurl
Re: Pain under armpits?
April 5 2006, 1:08 AM

Thanks Helen, the pain lasted for a few days but I get the sharp pains on and off. My husband and I both can tell that I have grown, but it's more around the edges and underneath, although they feel completely different then they use to! They definately feel bigger to the touch but it is not so visible. But it is exciting and hope it continues. It sounds as if you are doing good also. The tingling should be a good sign and I'm sure the heat is probably helping with the herbs. Here are some more ~~~~~GROWING VIBES~~~~~ lol, maybe it's working.

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
Its ok guuurrrlll Keep on growing though..
April 5 2006, 7:22 AM

It does feel weird and hurt them sharp pains...good luck

(Login Helen_N)
Re: Pain under armpits?
April 5 2006, 11:51 AM

Wow BJ,

there's nothing better than people noticing the change on you! It must be really re-assuring for you that your hubby can tell!!! I hope same happens with me and my boyfriend; I haven't told him anything about the "NBE business" though, so I am hoping he notices and comments on some change soon!!! And then I will be thrilled Smile

Oh, and Mrs Taylor,

your words brought tears in my eyes girl, on behalf of all of us, THANK YOU xxx

* Keep up the happy growing! *

Helen x

ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006 at 2:10 PM Helen (Login Helen_N)

I've realised that my Palmer's cocoa butter formula (tub) contains "Paraffinum Liquidum" or Mineral Oil... in fact it is the 2nd(!) in the list of ingredients, right after Cocoa extract (1st), which possibly means it's also a relatively big quantity of it... Cocoa seed butter is the 4th ingredient in a list of 9 in total....

Gosh, now I am very worried... Here's some info I've found on mineral oil as part of lotions:

"Mineral oil (classed as a petrochemical pollutant and xenohormone) can have negative effects on HORMONES and the skin’s ability to BREATH, attract moisture and DETOXIFY. It can also SLOW DOWN CELL RENEWAL and be the second (after the sun) most likely cause of premature ageing. In fact sunscreens produced from mineral oil may promote skin cancer as well as colon and breast cancer. However, no cosmetic manufacturers put health warnings on their products, and in the US, the FDA does not require this information to be on packaging..."

I had heard something about pore clogging but, gosh these are serious effects that can mess with our hormones and cell renewal?!?

Wait. It kinda get...worse: I've read that "once the oil is absorbed by the skin, it is broken down by the liver and passes through the intestinal tract, it will absorb all of the fat soluble-fat vitamins found there...essentially stealing important vitamins from the body, which the body will not be able to replace, leading to nutritional deficiences... Because of these dangers, the medical community has condemned the use of mineral oil taken orally or as an ingredient in medications..."

I am thinking: forgetting about the mineral oil at first, with this extensive use of cocoa butter could I actually be contradicting what I am trying to do with my internal intake (herbs, vitamins? would it absorb all the fat-soluble "goodness" I am putting into my body?) Would this be the same for any kind of butter/oil?

And even worse with this extensive use of the palmer's formula containing mineral oil, am I applying something harmful to my skin, that could even mess with my hormones, cell renewal and put my breast in danger?

I might paste this info into the gen.reference or herbs info page,

Helen xx

(Login Helen_N)
April 27 2006, 2:23 PM

A thought on the first danger (of absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins), is that
IF vitamin E indeed ENSURES that the butter/oil STAYS in the breast area then this would prevent it from getting absorbed by the body, "stealing" the fat-soluble nutrients...

But then again, by "locking" it into the breast, I have also been "locking" the mineral oil, so wouldn't this then increase the risk of harmful effects on the breast tissue and hormones?

Sorry for the panic girls, any help with this would be really appreciated xx

(no login)
April 27 2006, 2:56 PM

I understand the worry. I really do. BUT- Mineral oil has been used on/for babys for A LONG TIME. Lots of them growing up to be healthy active toddlers and teens then adults. I would not worry so much, but I do understand the concern, there are lots of talk about it.

I have used lotions for my massage and ginseng oil as well. They ALL have mineral oil in them. My boobs DID grow and I feel fine and healthy.

The biggest reason I try to find something with out it in the ingredients is purely to get better absorbtion. (the mineral oil just alone just kinda seems to lie on the skins surface and feels a bit "greasy")

SO dont panic, I am sure your fine. If you can rub it on a babys delicate skin then I doubt it will harm ours just being one of many ingredients in the bottle.

And yes, I think it would be a very good idea to post any info you find about on the general reference page here. That would be very nice. Smile

(Login Jess1226)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 3:13 PM

Mineral oil isnt good Its always good to read ingredence before buying a product you will find that most lotions and oils have it in it. You can find some without it though.
I think its used as a cheep filler and makes the skin feel soft, But yes it isnt good.
I back everything that you found it isnt good and if you find a Cocoa Butter with out it maybe we should list it on here.

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(Login GoldSnowflake)
I think its in MOST body lotions!
April 27 2006, 3:21 PM

What you found is scary. I always read ingredients to see the level of what it is that I actually want,( vitE, Aloe, CocoButter,vit.A) or whatever. Its always near the bottom of list of ingredients. that means that there is not much in lotion at all. And Mineral oil is in almost everything we buy as far as body and facial products. Most of the ingredients we don't even know WHAT they are so mineral oil is probably not the ONLY culprit. All you can do is buy the best you can and hope for the best and always take lots of internal antioxidents. Vit.E and Vit.C and Vit.A.

(Login hzbknp)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 3:42 PM

Hi, I just wanted to add that a while ago ..I think Lisa mentioned that the Mineral Oil will case red bumps on the skins surface if your cocoa butter has mineral oil in it. Well its a fact because I broke out something awful. Was not an attractive site. I have stopped using the Palmers cream on my chest and have started using I new cream by JAMES natural products and it has no cocoa butter but does have evening primrose and vitamin e. It has no mineral oil.

I did a search at 5 different srores yesterday and found that almost all the creams with cocoa butter had mineral oil in it ..very fustrating...I am trying to find a natural cocoa butter cream and it seems that this JAmes brand has one..will let you ladies know.

Sarah L
(no login)
The Body Shop
April 27 2006, 4:59 PM

Ive been using Palmers cocoa butter too so was a bit concerned by this.

Ive just had a look at my Body Shop body butter, the 'Coconut' one and it has a loads of ingredients most of which i have no idea what they are (if anyone wants me to list them i can) but none of them say 'mineral oil' or 'paraffinum liquidum' which i guess is a good sign. The butter is made from coconut oil and combined with cocoa butter and shea butter so i think i might switch to this for the time being. Smells wicked too!!!

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Yup it's scary
April 27 2006, 5:32 PM

Can you imagine WE USE THIS ON OUR BABIES!!!!!!! Johnsons BABY OIL. Helen dont be to alarmed by it though. Cause you are NOT using pure Mineral oil the cocoa butter its self breaks it all down but still not real good there really isnt that much in the coca butter but just enough to clog your pores and cause rash. that is 1 of the reasons I use it while in the shower or bath your pores expand in the steam heat. there for allowing it to flow and thins it out so it gets to where it supposed to go. rememger mineral oil IS a fatty substance is will aid the cocoa butter but it's still NOT GOOD A while back I had posted a thread about PALMERS COCOA BUTTER OIL W|VITE contains NO mineral oil and also Palmers also has a pure form of cocoa butter, if you are worried about the moneral oil try the pure for ( stick ) melt it down and add sweet almond oil or grape seed oil johaba oil virgin olive oil or even FLAX SEED OIL which is an AMINO ACID VERY GOOD FOR BOOBY GROWTH. I hope this helped and makes sense. best booby wishes Lisaxxxx

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
oh yea
April 27 2006, 5:37 PM

There is a cocoa butter put out by Queen Helen?? I believe there is no mineral oil in it I will check into it ( Will go buy some ) and I also think you can order it of the web if you cant find it in the store I will let you all no. Lisaxxx

(Login SmallGurl)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 6:04 PM

OMG Helen that IS scary. I think I use the same Palmer's Cocoa butter as you, is it the tub? It is second in the list of ingredients of mine as well. I have been using this liberally morning and night. I also have been getting red bumps on my chest, had no idea it could be due to the mineral oil. But then again I didn't know that mineral oil was really bad for you. I think I'll just stick to WU cream for now.

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 27 2006, 6:19 PM

It just clogs your pore WOW that didnt sound to good either what I ment Is well what I said but the reaction of cloged pores is little red bumps. I know I posted this a while back but I dont think everybody saw it. And yes they are unsightley ichy red bumps. and hard to get rid of. unless you use rubbing alcohol VERY BAD drys out skin but works. I hope I'm not confusing you. I'm going to go through some of my old books ( from massage school ) and notes and talk to some of my freinds ( massage therapist's ) and gather up some info on this. But think about it cocoa butter and other lotions with mineral oil have been used for decades... And they are still on the market FDA approved. So I wouldnt be to alarmed about it. Smile Lisaxxxx

(Login liquidSunset)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 7:38 PM

The Palmers cocoa butter OIL has NO mineral oil in it at all. for anyone whos interested.

And the oil is the same as the lotion and should still store the fat. The oil comes from the butter of the seed. It says cocoa seed butter or something like that on the ingredients.

SO if you want CB with out the mineral oil the palmers cocoa butter OIL has none in it.

~Have a Wonderful Day!~

(Login SmallGurl)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 7:47 PM

Thanks for that Sunset, I will look into the Cocoa butter oil and see if they have it at my Wal-Mart. I also want to point out that the Palmers Cocoa Butter Bust Firming Cream I found at my Wal-Mart a while back does not have any mineral oil either. I checked the ingredients on it this morning. That stuff really made me feel nice and firm and perky, but I began using the tub each time because The Bust Firming one is a gel and doesn't last too long when massaging. It absorbs pretty fast, wheras the tub felt more greasy (now I know from the mineral oil) and would last for a long time. After getting bumps on my chest and what Helen posted I will not be using the tub anymore. Unfortunately that Bust Firming Cream was the last one there when I bought it and I haven't seen it there since.

(Login liquidSunset)
April 27 2006, 9:28 PM

Your welcome. I saw that "bust firming" cream you mentioned there, and man thats kinda costly for no bigger than the tube is. I can see as to how it work.

They also had this stuff called "utter cream" hehe my fiance was like "there you go honey.." hehe hes a nut! Big Grin I did pick it up and look at it it says its originally used on cows. Must help the skin from cracking or something?
I dont really know.

Cocoa butter comes in SO MANY forms, I hard time decideing what to Buy!
I REALLY like my sauve cocoa butter alot. I think when I run out of this oil I will go back to that again Smile

I seen the solid form your talkin about and how do you use that? Do you have to melt it down?

(Login LittleSweetFreak)
Lisa XS
April 27 2006, 10:19 PM

Hey Lisa I noticed you asked about Quene Helene. They do make Cocoa Butter lotion, I have a huge bottle of it. I noticed one of the ingredients was Lanolin Oil. Not sure if that's very similiar to mineral oil.
This is all so confusing. Just awhile ago I found this site:
Basically to sum it up, it says: Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most nonirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found. Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that's what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don't suffocate skin! Moreover, petrolatum and mineral oil are known for being efficacious in wound healing, and are also considered to be among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available.
I found a different site saying the mineral oil used in lotions/makeup has to meet FDA requirements and is actually a refined substance they call white mineral oil, and is safe. I'm kinda mad because I just bought the Palmers tub of it 2 days ago!

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 10:39 PM

its not good for the skin its safe, but not good I have been studying the effects of oils for years I work with it every day in my perfession I have to know these things or I could be liable for a law suite. I dont meen to sound harsh. and lanolin is good. The best oils to use is sweet almond oil grape seed oil johaba oil coconut oil seseme oil, olive oil , but yes you are right mineral oil is safe however it DOES clog your pores, causes rashes ect. Lisaxxxxx

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 27 2006, 10:46 PM

Sarah use the tub there isnt enough mineral oil in it. it depends on the sensitivity of you skin test spot it somwhere on your body where the skin is thin. I dont mean to be rude but I have been trying to explain this in this thread does anybody read all the way through? or just skimming it. or do I need to be more clear on things. PALMERS COCOA BUTTER IS TOTALY SAFE TO USE UNLESS YOU HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN> LOL
if you think it will hurt your skin TEST SPOT IT!!!Like I said Im not trying to be harsh. But please read everything i wrote in this thread carefully. Lisaxxxxxx

(no login)
Re: The body shop
April 28 2006, 1:03 AM

they are fab!! i use the olive and the almond body butters......Smell yummy Big Grin

(Login sass21)
April 28 2006, 1:25 AM

Hello there Im new on the scene, just reading over some of the converstaions. Do you mind sharing the formula with me?

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 28 2006, 1:27 AM

What Formula? Lisaxxx

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 28 2006, 4:10 AM

Your all set dont think you have anything to worry about but I would watch out for the red bumps. not to many people was reading what I was trying to tell them or it didnt seem like it. if you have any questions about this feel free to ask. and I really hope I didnt confuse you. Tongue Luv Lisaxxxxx

(Login michelle03)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 28 2006, 5:39 AM

wow that article about mineral oil is scary! I just bought a huge bottle of lotion (almost 1 litre) and the third ingredient is mineral oil (after water and cocoa butter)! uh oh..

So Lisa, are you saying that it will be safe to use as long as my skin doesn't react? I found the lotion to actually work quite well and don't have any problems with it. But the article sure makes it sound terrible!

And so does this mean that it won't work well for growing boobs? I used that lotion for a week or two and haven't noticed anything.

But last night, I remembered that I have a small tub of that body shop cocoa butter with mango seed extract. I rubbed it on last night and put vit e oil on top. And I swear this morning my boobs felt bigger! But it's true, I am in that phase just before my period but... I don't know.. I think it actually worked! So maybe I'll just stick with the body shop brand instead, but it's rather expensive to buy it constantly =(

(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 28 2006, 6:37 AM

HI michelle
It's safe there isnt really enough mineral oil to do any harm. But just watch how your skin reacts to it. little red bumps could appear from cloged pores. And that is only if you have real sensitive skin.Just never use PURE mineral oil. or use it as a carrier. Lisaxxxx

(Login Darisha)
cocoa butter
April 28 2006, 1:07 PM

Hi guys, have just been reading through this long thread and can't understand why no-one is buying pure cocoa butter (nothing added to it). I bought a 250g solid form of cocoa butter off ebay for AU$10.00 including postage. You only need the tiniest amount. I put a bit into a small glass container and heat in the microwave for 1 min until it becomes oil and then just add whatever you want to it. I'm sure my $10 cocoa butter will probably last a year. Just a suggestion.

(Login MyKids3)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 28 2006, 1:21 PM

I bought a small tube of pure cocoa butter at CVS for .99 cents.
I havent tried it yet because one of my kids got ahold of the bag and i cant find it anywhere,LOL!So when I find it I will use it,and if I cant find the darn thing,I'll just go buy another one.


(Login Helen_N)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 30 2006, 1:00 AM

Thank you so much for your replies girls! I know I shouldn't be too paranoid about this mineral oil as it has been around for so long in baby lotions and stuff, but I went out and bought another cocoa butter cream without mineral oil (from body shop), and I'm gonna be using this from now on, just to be on the safe side. In the meantime I might even order it in pure form as well...

Lisa, no hon, you are not confusing at all, on the contrary, you've made me feel relieved and re-assurred. I feel much better now! Smile

Thanks again for all your helpful inputs girls, I really appreciate it! Smile

Luv, Helen xx

* Keep up the Happy Growing! *

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
whew ::::::::
April 30 2006, 1:08 AM

I was a little worried about that. I'm so glad it helped. WOW it sure did get every body attention. anything to helpSmile luv Lisaxxxx

(Login Helen_N)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 30 2006, 1:44 AM

Lisa_xssxxs honey, do you think I should post this kinda scary info on mineral oil on the general reference page? In order to keep some balance though and not cause panic, do you think you could perhaps help me and add some of your re-assuring info on mineral oil and its side-effects there, if I create a relevant thread?

Thanks, and plz let me know what you think Wink

Helen xx

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 30 2006, 1:58 AM

Ya I think should, And I would be more than happy to help Tongue Just make sure that you state Its only harmful if you use it as a carrier oil or if you are using it in pure form. And if its used for example Lotions bath oils, it COULD cause your pores to clog resulting in a rase of little red bumps. Hows that sound. Hugs Lisaxxxxx

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 30 2006, 2:05 AM

After you post it maybe we can talk about what I should ad to it Smile I'll be looking some things up in the mean time. GREAT IDEA HELEN Tongue

(Login Helen_N)
April 30 2006, 2:17 AM

Hey Lis, you are also online, it's now more like a chat for us rather than a forum! hehe!

Okay, I will open a thread there soon and ask you to check it and plz add to it if you wish. Need to get some sleep now (it's 02:15 here in UK) and will do it tomorrow with a clearer head! Big Grin

Keep up the happy growing!
By the way, a BIG THANK YOU for posting your pic, I bet lots of us girls (including myself) see it, connect to it and feel inspired Smile It is so nice to feel I am not alone in this and in fact it gives me courage to perhaps even post mine (I will definitely do it as soon as I see a noticable change on them little boobies of mine!)

Hugs & kisses & talk soon,

Helen xx

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
Re: ALARM: Mineral oil
April 30 2006, 2:25 AM

Thanks Helen That makes me feel alot better about that pic
Have a good night Talk to you soon Hugs and kisses LisaxxxxTongue

(Login Tulipflower)
Pure Cocoa Butter
April 30 2006, 2:40 AM

Does anyone know if you can buy pure cocoa butter (the stick form) at the health food store? And if you can, is it something that you can eat? Just curious.

(Login jellyboobs)
yes you can buy in some shops
April 30 2006, 8:35 AM

hi racheal some health shops have it and NOi dont reccommened eating it its just fat and doesnt taste like chocolate although its used in making chocolate love jelly...

(Login Epiphany.)
Cocoa butter
April 30 2006, 9:09 AM

White chocolate is mostly cocoa butter.

(Login Tulipflower)
Pure Cocoa Butter
April 30 2006, 3:25 PM

So it cocoa butter only used as a topical? In my previous post I did't mean just eating the stick of cocoa butter plain but instead using it to cook with or to smother it on toast or pancakes. I just thought that taking it internally and externally could help things along. I don't know, does that sound too crazy?

Lisa xsxsxs :-)
(Login seemonkeyme)
April 30 2006, 6:10 PM

Never thought of that Now you have my couriosity going I NOW BAD SPELLING LOL Lisaxxxxx

mineral oil and cancer
February 13 2008 at 8:56 PM riya (no login)

Hey everyone,
I just read an old post where someone mentioned mineral oil may be carcinogenic,and was wondering what to do ..sigh!I was just thinkin of buying a tubof plamers'(or is it palmer's) cocoa butter with Vit E tomorrow so I can be ready to use with WU when it arrives,but now I am confused..also I read many posts that contradicted against each other with respect to the effect of mineral oil for growth..So finally does it help or not? is palmers a good choice or not? what is teh egenral concensus?..I know this has been asked, but please do reply!

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 13 2008, 10:42 PM

I've read all those posts before too about mineral oil... I'm too concerned that it will give me breast cancer but of course I don't want to use it if its not healthy. My guess is that one would probably be better off buying something that is like just 100% cocoa with nothing else in it... but like you pointed out alot of girls love the plamer's so hopefully others will give their opinions

good luck Smile

Woolly Sheep
(Login riya123)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 14 2008, 9:26 AM

yes it does seem a bit risky if we re going to be rubbing in something that may be potentially harmful so purposefully into our breasts everyday, specially since I read it increases risk of breat cancer!but I do want to know if anyone has done any well grounded research into this and their opinion,else I guess I may just use olive oil or baby oil.
thanks and hoping to see some more responses please

Woolly Sheep
(no login)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 14 2008, 12:45 PM

There is a brand (JASON) of cocoa butter lotion that is 80% organic and does not contain mineral oil or some of the other bad things that most lotions contain if that helps some. I love the JASON lotions. You can find them at health food stores or even cheaper at

(Login lankygirl)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 16 2008, 12:04 AM

Check out this site.

I mostly use plain ingredients and mix them myself. NOW sells plain cocoa butter that I melt at really low heat. I mix it with almond oil, grapeseed oil and aloe gel and use that for my breast massage. All this stuff is so great for skin and not dangerous. Grapeseed oil is so great for getting rid of wrinkles too. Especially around eyes.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 16 2008, 6:27 AM

I would love to do that but I don't have the time and means to do so... that sounds so cool though lankygirl about you melting it making it yourself Smile

(Login lankygirl)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 16 2008, 8:37 AM

Yes. Not having time is understandable. If I wasn't separated, I wouldn't have time. It's convenient that I've decided to do this while being single. Even with that said, it's still a big time constraint. I've kind of gotten obsessed with using toxic free products because of passed health problems so I'm a bit of a health nut. I make my concoctions before I use them every day but I think it may be possible to mix a big batch before hand and store in an air tight container. I do recommend checking out the site I referenced earlier to find safer products. I think most of the jason cocoa butter products rate fairly well except the JASON NATURAL COSMETICS COCOA BUTTER INTENSIVE MOISTURIZING CREAM. It rates a 4 which has a fairly high rating of toxins. JASON NATURAL COSMETICS COCOA BUTTER rates a 1 which is low so that's not bad. The site may go a little overboard because they rate things like aloe and vitamin e as being slighty toxic but I do think there's benefits to having these things in my lotions.

Woolly Sheep
(Login riya123)
Re: mineral oil and cancer
February 16 2008, 1:48 PM

oh well.I am not sure they make JASON here. If I dont find it will just use a good Indian brand and hope that is Ok.Thanks everyone and ya lankygirl,it is so cool to make your own concoctions I wish I could too.I am also a bit scared about my health which is why I wanted to try something more natural than herbs, I thought messing around with hormones was not a good idea but am just crossing my fingers now and waiting for WU to arrive it should in a few days !Smile

Side effects
June 3 2006 at 12:09 AM
Meg (Login meegash)

Hello everyone,

I am new to this NBE thing and keen to give it a go. I have read through most information on the forum and done my research on the herbs.

Does anyone else worry about the possible side effects you could experience when mixing most of these herbs? One medical website ( said that fenugreek, saw palmetto, borage, red clover contain chemicals that may reduce the blood's ability to form clots. When taken together, they can increase the risk of dangerous bleeding. In general, these herbs should not be taken together. If you take both, however, your doctor should be informed. You may need frequent blood tests to make sure that your blood is clotting properly.

I'm a bit worried about this and am not sure which herbs I should start with and if it is safe to combine these herbs.
I am already a small c cup but would like to be firmer and larger if possible. Is there any point me taking saw palmetto?
I thinking of taking 2440mg of fenugreek a day first, with 2 or 3 other herbs.
Any suggestions which to combine and how much?


(no login)
Re: Side effects
June 3 2006, 3:23 AM

I dont know, but Ive been taking all of those herbs and have had irregular vaginal bleeding the past two days. I already had my period two weeks ago, so I'm a little afraid. Not sure what it means or if it's due to the herbs. I'm going to see what happens over the weekend, and if I am still bleeding, Im calling my gyno.

(no login)
Side effects
June 3 2006, 5:21 PM

I'm glad you said that because i thought it was just me, I had my first peroid since starting my program. It started on the 8th of may and i'm still bleading, I'm not really worried because i get the depo injection every 12 weeks and sometimes i have really long periods, but this has got to be the longest.
I'm taking fenugreek and saw palmetto together maybe this is the cause of the long period, thinking of stoping the fenugreek and see what happens.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Side effects
June 3 2006, 7:26 PM

you ladies are not the only ones with strange menstral problems but i really dont think its good idea to take BC with all these different herbs. they do affect your hormone balance and that can affect your cycle. i want to say its normal cause it all make sense that some women would respond this way to herbs while others may not have as severe a problem but i cant take away the urgency for women to be careful and to stop NBE if things are just too weird.

with everything we put into our bodies we are taking some kind of risk. weither its food or suppliment for NBE. there is always an alergy risk or a food poisioning risk or a cancer risk or a weight gain risk ... even with medicines that are given by a doctor. they have side effects too. some can be severe but the hope is the risk are low or at least survivable while the results are worth the risk. I personally think that all those herbs combined are safe. to me the risks are far and minimal. if you find these risk scary or not worth trying NBE then dont do it. there are some problems that can occure and some people need to be extra careful cause some side effect may be more severe for them. but there are thousands of women who are doing NBE or have dont NBE. very few report that they had a perfect experience without any pain or disconfort, weight gain, unusual menstral cycles. there have been some scary cases but from what i know all of them have been succefully handled. NBE shouldnt be problem free. you are messing with your hormones!!! some changes should be expected but its hard to say what is normal and what should be taken seriously. an 8 day flow might be your normal response to herbs and maybe it will get better or maybe you will have that response aslong as you take herbs. it could be an interaction with other meds or even a BC you are taking.

as for other side effects and risks. its just good to make sure you know what to look out for but dont freak out just yet. do more research. talk you your doctor or an expert of herbalism. take what ever precausions you feel is nessasary or just DONT DO NBE with herbs. there are many other methods that are safer. but this is not the first time women here have talked about safty and side effects. there have been 100s before this and may women have good arguments to support the concerns or dispute them. all in all these discussion only bring awarness and really havnt dont too much to discourage women from trying their luck with a herbal NBE routine. and so far no one has died or reported severe irreversable damage that is 100% linked to NBE herbs.

im not saying there is no concern but all im saying there is nothing to freak out over. the choice is simple. take the risk (if you feel the risk is small enought)and hope for the best or dont. we make that choice with just about everything else we do so i dont see how NBE should be different.

(Login Miss_Sherri)
Re: Side effects
June 6 2006, 3:47 AM

Wow, I've been experiencing the same thing. I got my period like 3 weeks ago and then not even two weeks later, I started bleeding again. I am also taking BC pills. I'm not sure though, that same week I started to bleed again, I was feeling really sick for three days and didnt take any herbs or BC pills so maybe that has something to do with it. Im not going to worry about it for now, but if it continues to happen I will go see my doctor about it. If there are others here that have experienced this, then maybe its just a normal reaction. Well I hope so anyways

(no login)
irregular period
June 6 2006, 4:51 PM

I took saw palmetto with wild yam for abt 1 wk & just before my period. I found that even though I was supposed to have my period, it just didn't come. I got a bit worried & now I've decided not to take these 2 herbs until my period comes. I think maybe it has something to do with the wild yam cos when I took fenugreek, I didn't have these menstrual problems but I found that I had low blood pressure. So, after all these problems, I am not sure if I should continue with these herbs even though they are supposed to help increase our boobs.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Side effects
June 6 2006, 5:20 PM

im starting to notice that many women who are on a BC seem to have the same problems like you ladies. maybe there is a link between all these nbe herbs and BC. i dont know but i dont think its a good idea for you ladies to mix the two just incase. ive been noticing this read on a few threads earlier had at least 1 lady claiming she had earlier flow while on herbs and BC. maybe the problem doesnt happen to everyone but its should be a consern to anyone who is suing a hormonal BC with herbs that also affect hormone levels.

(Login Miss_Sherri)
Re: Side effects
June 7 2006, 10:20 PM

You know what though, I have noticed other women, not on BC who have experienced mixed up menstrual cycles as well. And I mean it kinda makes since to me that this might happen with herbs, since they are interacting with your hormones. I have experienced getting two periods in a month a few times before even starting NBE, usually when starting and switching between different brands of BC as well, so I really dont think its anything to worry about.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Side effects
June 7 2006, 11:34 PM

you are probably right sherri. but it makes you wonder if these changes are at the very least a positive sign of something good to come or is it warning. not everyone seems to be having these menstral changes. i guess on one should freak out but still be a bit careful.

(Login Miss_Sherri)
Re: Side effects
June 8 2006, 4:15 AM

That is true. And everyone is so different, so what side effects one may be experiencing could be something wrong and to another not be anything wrong at all. SO I guess it's really tough to say, huh?

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Side effects
June 8 2006, 4:17 AM

yeah, thats the scary part? how do you know when it time to quit and see a doctor?

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