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Massage and super heavy periods?


Muchas gracias, Claudia! Smile

Guys, the drawing is on page 142!

Thanks, Ginie for taking the time.

Is that everything?

Btw, going by he description, it sounds a bit like one of the massages demonstrated by Chiyomilk.

There's smth like half a page left, I will translate and post soon!

So let me get this right, your should massage in rotations outwards not inwards?

Maz, it depends what you want to achieve with rotations, that's the thing. I think it will get clearer once I finish putting it here.

Benefits from this exercise are not limited to expanding your Cundalini channels. Most of spiritual practices are working on moving sexual enegry up to your crown chakra. Sexual enegry is the initial Chi. Loosing it leads to lowering of life enegry, duration of life and is harmful to health. The loss of Chi happens during ovulation, menstruation and sexual contact. The exercise above transforms the energy and increases the initial Chi which very good for body, maind and spirit. The combination of sexual energy and heart energy develops compassion and brings satisfaction and peace.

Rotation massage of breasts helps balancing hormones and leads to amazing results for a woman. For example, menopause symptoms go away. It is explained by blood "turning back". Women suffering from cyctic breasts often discover that the massge led to lumps disappearing. It can help making breasts smaller and perkier. If you want to make breasts bigger/fuller do the massage in the opposite direction but refrain from doing so if you have lumps, cycsts or suffer from painful menstruation. For the majority of women rotating in both directions (the same amount of rotations in each directions) helps bringing hormonal balance without changing the size of breasts.
This exercise you can do two times a day - morninga dn evening. Don't do less than 36 rotations and more than 360. Start with less and slowly increase.


I don't know how you girls understood it by I understood it like this - rotations inward - get rid of cycts and lumps but smaller breasts, rotations outward - bigger breasts but also bigger cycts and lumps. The rotations are NOT like the ones shown in Lucile's video at all.

I see and thanks for your end clarification. Only problem is it has left me very confused and I’m scare to experiment encase I end up smaller now. However as I am beginning maybe it’s better to experiment now and see what works rather than later.???Huh

Do you know if you have any lumps or cycts?

I started NBE with herbs (stupid stupid stupid, bought Lucile's book, yes, I'm ashamed of it now but back then I didn't know anything about NBE and didn't know this forum existed Sad ) After a month or two ono herbs the pain in my breasts started really worring me and I did an ultrasound. Turned out I developed few cycts and one really hard lump Sad The doctor said it was due to overload in estrogen. my hormones were mess. Then I took a break from estrogenic herbs and took an adaptogen herb which brought my hormones to balance (I mean progesterone and all types of estrogen). But since then I still have one small cyst and unfortunately the lump didn't completely disappear. So, I'm afraid to experiment with this particular massage because it sounds powerful and I don't want my boobs to shrink but I don't want cysts either. Dodgy

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