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Basically gonna give up.


Sorry to hear you feel this way! I just wanted to add some experience of my own to this!

I have always been deperate to have nice breasts. All of the women in my family are voluptuous, expect for me. I have more of a pear shape. My breasts wouldn't even fit a 32A (the smallest size that's most commonly found), so I stuck with poorly fitting bras or children's training bras.

Many years ago I tried some breast enlargement pills I bought off of Amazon... After a few bottles I had no effect and gave up.

7 months ago I got a hormonal IUD that caused my breasts to grow, quick! I barely fit into a 32 A now!

Now on a BO regimen I have gained 1 inch in a couple weeks.

There is hope! Just figure out what works for you before giving up!


Hi! I can't help but always read these threads because they echo my own feelings a lot of the time since I've been having a really hard time with NBE. Especially when i saw that you also come from a busty line of women but missed out on that genetic combo (all the women in my family are like j+ cups)

it looks like we've tried a lot of the same things with the same little to no results but please don't give up! you will be so happy once you find what works for you, have you done a hormone test? I just got one done and although it's a little overwhelming and hard to understand as a layperson, it is useful to have to show either professionals or if you're lucky catch someone here that can understand them.

anyway i just want to encourage you to continue your journey! Whenever you want to give up just come on here and write your frustrations out, either on this thread or you can always DM me too - i totally get the feeling of wanting to give up as a lot of people on this site do as well. I have had no NBE results myself but I am here for you to celebrate your wins when you do find what works and pick you up when you're feeling down! All i can recommend is to keep at it and I look forward to your success! Big Grin


[quote="Bustybimz" pid='209926' dateline='1617645053']

Hello, was just wondering if you were successful with the BInaural Beats. I just found some on YouTube and I’m hopefull. PM, Herbs and BO haven’t done anything for me so I guess our experience is similar. Used Noogleberry and Bosom Beauty too, grew less than an inch after 2 years.

How long did you use noogleberry and for how many hours per day? I'm finally after 5 months getting lasting results. I tried to do at least 5: to 7 hours per day. And also every day. Lots of water when pumping also to get the most swelling. I also alternate licorice root drops and maca every other day.


(19-07-2019, 16:33)RaineMail Wrote:  
(19-07-2019, 04:41)Dboobies Wrote:  
(17-07-2019, 05:52)RaineMail Wrote:  
(17-07-2019, 05:01)RaineMail Wrote:  I am married and just wanted to feel comfortable with my husband touching my breasts (as of now I feel they're too small and gross to touch). I have been reading so much conflicting information on here that I feel someone stating form an AA completely flat almost... Can't expect to get any gains cause there wasn't something there already except skin flaps. I'm thinking hormone balance with massage and Fenugreek oil might be my only hope (as Shonen too strong might stop progress in someone so flat chested). 

What is the best product to take to simply balance hormones. I have no clue what mine are and what I have most of. Know that I've taken 250 MG of BO and got acne which I've read seems to indicate I have enough estrogen. I get pregnant very easily. No issues at all with birthing, carrying or conceiving. Just flat everywhere and small. I have somewhat of a butt though. No hips. I just am getting discouraged already with all the information and products and "this is too strong for someone who's that small "

I've been reading symptoms of progesterone deficiency and estrogen deficiency and I don't seem to match any of their symptoms. But I looked up testosterone deficiency and I match basically everything they're talking about. I have about zero sex drive. Have for a while. Always tired. Even tho I am tiny gain weight around my mid section. And plenty of others that suggest I could have low T levels. Could that be detrimental to NBE?

Hi RainMail!

To start, nothing it's cathegorically bad, you have to stick to a routine and give it time. Start with low doses it's clue to don't create resistance in your body. Maybe it's not the testosterone your problem, maybe is the cortisol, you could check it out on the Internet. Usually high cortisol make you stock fat in your mid zone and you feel tired all the time, check also insulin unbalances. Massage your breast elms a lot.

Good luck beautiful!

I want to continue as the other night I felt like I had a "let down" which someone said signified growth. I am doing about 600 rotations of each breast a day and I started heating to try to encourage more blood flow to the area. I have a cream that's all natural I bought and I am using. But I was thinking of using IsoSentuals after this cream is gone or Fenugreek. I'm just worried I won't find the real deal with Fenugreek. IsoSentuals seems to work for some people.

I know this is an older post and I don't know if you are even still here, but someone resurrected this discussion and I am in awe reading how similar we are. I too have young children, get pregnant quickly, gotten headaches and acne from BO although that has subsided, and really want to get these inches off my waist. I took BO for 4 months with no results, even ended up taking 6 pills at night. Not until I added Pituitary Gland and Ashwagandha, have I started to see a difference. I have been taking 1 BO, 1 Pituitary and 1 Ashwagandha a day since the beginning of the month and I already see some plumping. I breastfed both my kids, almost 4 years straight, so I was small, flat, empty, lifeless and terrible in the chest area. WARNING- my period was a whole week late!! I feel it may be due to this combination of pills, but I had negative pregnancy tests and refused to stop the pills because I was finally seeing results. I read that with BO, you kinda need the Pituitary gland and I guess they were right because it is working. For the butt growth, try Maca root. I don't think I have low testosterone, my sex drive is high lol, but cortisol is definitely an issue. I take a Vitamin C once a day for that.

That's it:


Pituitary Gland


Vitamin C

Maca Root in a protein shake.

If you try this combo, let me know what you think and how your body is taking to it. I'm interested in knowing if this works for others too!!


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