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NotSoBusty's Routine


I use SwansonVitamins for my herbs, I usually can get about 6-8 supplements for under $25 minus shipping. And FSO is inexpensive aswell no matter where you buy it unless its just overpriced.

Do you plan on mixing those creams/lotions/spray into one and using it or put them on one after the other or using each at different times of the day/week and do you think that might be to much? Especially if you choose Option 1, that would be alot of PM in your system.

Also your programs seem like a lot of pills to take, maybe you could split it up so your not taking as much and that way you'll know exactly what does and doesn't work.

And ya know I was considering BO too before I decided on the program I'm using now. Because it seems alot of the best blogs from Japanese NBE seems to include some form of BO and I know Chiyomilk used Pig Placenta too. I still might add it to hopefully get a better boost in results but I wanna see how this program works out for me before adding anything.

(02-10-2012, 18:18)NotSoBusty Wrote:  Well, I ran out of my Greenbush Enhancement Blend Capsules, so I haven't been taking anything in the luteal phase. It is kind of nice, because it gives me a break from pill popping, and it also allows me to assess what is actually giving me the most growth. I stopped PM a few days early, because I was getting extreme headaches. After stopping, they subsided in a few days. I stopped on day 12.

My measurements haven't budged. I may have hit my limit with PM. But hey, 2 solid inches is pretty great! From a full 32A to a small 32C; about a cup and 1/2. I can be pretty happy about that. I may not have my full, luscious boobs yet, but I am 1.5 cups closer.

I think the herbs were a real asset to my program, as I think I saw the most growth with them. I can't be too sure, I have some reviewing to do, but this is just my gut feeling.

Like I have said before, I have been working on a new program that will be most effective for me, and I think I might need to switch back to a more herb-oriented program. I need to figure out a way to avoid the acne, though. So, the reading continues....


On another note, I have become increasingly discouraged and irritated with this forum. The "golden rules" of NBE seem to have been completely disregarded, and I find it incredibly disappointing. The same questions that have been answered numerous times before are incessantly being asked. Constructive criticism is being taken personally and attacked. There is a vast increase in the number of "fad products" that are gaining bandwagon users who end up disappointed or harming themselves. Remember, ladies and gents, these few things:

1. The most important one of all, what works for one person may not work for another. Just because someone grew with a particular routine does not mean that you will. They are great places to start, but NBE is very subjective and unique to YOUR body. READ AND RESEARCH.
2. Do not expect to grow like you just had breast augmentation. This is NATURAL breast enhancement. READ AND RESEARCH.
3. Know the difference between swelling and growth. Lost your growth just after a month? That is because it is most likely swelling. READ AND RESEARCH.
4. NBE is a long-term process. You will not reach your goal in a month. Be patient and READ AND RESEARCH.
5. The "fad products'' most likely do not work. READ AND RESEARCH to learn about tried-and-true methods that you can tailor to your individual needs. If it isn't backed with the research, it most likely does not work. Don't jump on the fad bandwagon. Seriously, READ AND RESEARCH.
6. Learn to accept criticism. It will only benefit you in the end. PERIOD.
7. Whatever routine you concoct, give it at least 3-6 months to see changes. If nothing happens in that time, you can try something else. Switching your routine all the time will not help you.
8. In the words of Wahaika. "Any change is a good change." It means your body is reacting!
9. Have realistic expectations.
10. If you are interested in taking PM, there is more than one way to use it. There is no "right way" but rather multiple methods that have worked for various members. Once again, READ AND RESEARCH and find out which one works best for you.
11. And for the love of boobies, ladies and gentleman, save yourself some time and disappointment and READ AND DO YOUR RESEARCH. I guarantee that your question has been answered over and over again on this forum. Please, take the time to read, research, and find it. Find out what works for you, what doesn't work for you, and accept this is a process, not a quick fix. If you are not willing to put in the time and effort into reading, researching, and trying out the best methods for your needs, you will not get results. Simple as that.

Anyone notice the trend? READ AND DO YOUR RESEARCH ON THE FORUM. The more knowledgable you are on the subject of NBE, the more likely you are to have success with it.

We are all guilty of a few of the points above at some point or another, but seriously ladies, it is out of hand. If you have nothing constructive or informative to ask or add, take the cattiness elsewhere, because some of us are seriously trying to focus on growing boobs here.


Thank you for this, its exactly how I feel. I think this should go to the newb's section if it not yet.

We have put in our time to research to the end of days! While I don't mind sharing this info as others have with me, all findings are here at everyone's reach (in these threads).

I'm starting to think this should be a more private forum. There will be more and more teens jumping into this blindly and I do not want to imagine where this forum is going to go.

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