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Cheryl is a FRAUD!


can some 1 remove this topic all together its to negative

we know Cheryl legit most of us have seen Cheryl change from just a flat chest to having one of the bigest set of DD on this forum
i dont like seen flaming

I fully agree with you. Lets remove this one. We need to get back to the important isssues - growing breasts!!! Besides, I and many others here are very fond of Cheryl and do not want to see her maligned like this.

well i say its pensecolas opinion and she has the right to that.i dont know cheryl or anyone on here and i do have an opinion of my own on this subject that i refuse to share on here.the bottom line is we are here for a common reason ,we all want to grow breast and the healthy way .so we share our information and what has worked for the best thing we can do is to keep doing just that and take what works for us and leave what does not .and let the rest fall as it may.

Hmm alot I could say here to a lot of people. But, I am not interested in having a "discussion" on what I said for the next couple of days.

Instead I will say this. To all those who come along later after all of us have moved on to something else. To the new readers to this thread on here now. I want you to do something. Go back and look at Cheryls threads and posts where she talks about her journey to womanhood from NBE. I know that is a lot of material to go through, but I believe after you do. You will have a better idea of who Cheryl is and see the errors in some of the comments posted here against Cheryl. Now if you don't want to do that.

Then think about this. Look at the number of postings each of these negative commentators have made here in this thread. You click on their profile or look at the left of their post. And you can see how many posts they have made. Then take a min to go and look at some of the posts Cheryl has made to many many people. See how many folks has she encouraged and given solid NBE advice to. Then look back at the negative posts of those posting here. Are they supportive, encouraging, and informative?

Look at the numbers. They indicate this is a very popular thread. So I vote keep it going. Because ones opinion may not be the same as yours is no reason to remove it. One persons rubbish is another persons treasure. Peoples opinions should not be suppressed because of differences. The number of posts a member has made has nothing to do with their integrity or deciding between fact and fiction.

Blimey got excited over the weekend as everytime i tried to get on this site it kept on coming up as error, thought some one had pulled the plug on site,this thread would not of been missed thats for sure. Notice you have put another faceless reply on here Cheryl, but you bore me so i ent even read it. Just cant understand why "wikapedia" Andy has not answered my questions in my PMs and on here, surely Cheryl cant be the only one with xxxx rated cups through this hormone inbalance which "can make males develop SMALL BREASTS!! but hang on he is the moderator on its sight ent he (nuff said) if any of you are really that interested in this saga, then no doubt you have done your own research and come up with your own oppinions, but hey take all the stuff that Cheryl has for the next 2 5 10 or 20 years and just see what you end up with. As for me, well i will cut off my own ears and eat them before i ever come on this site again sooooooooo boring!!!!

Can't delete this post although it gives me that option. So instead I will just say Nevermind. Everybody have a nice day.

This whole thread reeks of schoolyard immaturity. If you have a problem with someone, you PM them; not start a thread bullying them! Honestly, several of you on here sound like you aren't any older than 13! GROW UP.

There has been lots of speculation going on about members' pictures lately. If someone is DELIBERATELY trying to mislead everyone by posting pics that show a bosom much larger than their own, or by altering photos to make their bosom appear much larger than it is, then yeah that's not cool. But come on, people! THIS IS THE INTERNET. Personally, I take everything I read and see with a grain of salt when I'm online. I remember reading a thread on this forum a while back where someone claimed they grew one whole cup size in ONE WEEK just from massaging with Vitamin E. Yeah, I dismissed that one pretty quickly! I'm certain Cheryl has grown quite a bit; otherwise she wouldn't have felt compelled to start her own forum, and stuck around this forum for THREE YEARS helping and encouraging others!

And I'm pretty sure what Andy meant about Cheryl's posts versus those certain few malicious posts in this thread was comparing the quality of the posts, not the quantity of posts made. Cheryl's posts have been nothing but positive and helpful; some of the posts in this thread have been nothing but finger-pointing and name-calling. This is accomplishing nothing but DISCOURAGING the rest of us from wanting to post our experiences or pictures, for fear that we'll get publicly bashed for "faking them." And it's discouraging newbies from wanting to try NBE in general.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I certainly do not expect to ever achieve a DD cup, no matter how badly I'd like to! It's encouraging for me to read others' programs, and see their progress pics; because it gives me hope that I may be able to grow, too. But at the end of the day, the only boobs I care about are my own. I suggest you all do the same.

This whole thread reeks of schoolyard immaturity. If you have a problem with someone, you PM them; not start a thread bullying them! Honestly, several of you on here sound like you aren't any older than 13! GROW UP... ~I don't know about the rest of you, but I certainly do not expect to ever achieve a DD cup, no matter how badly I'd like to! It's encouraging for me to read others' programs, and see their progress pics; because it gives me hope that I may be able to grow, too. But at the end of the day, the only boobs I care about are my own. I suggest you all do the same.

First off, I have not bullied anyone on this board. I have merely stated what I found and gave others the information to check for themselves as to the authenticity of "Cheryl's" photos. She reacted by removing every single on of them.

So, if Cheryl claims what you know as being false even though you know better, you stick up for her? Even if you suspect their is something a bit off? That's special.

I told everyone how to tell her photos where manipulated heavily and she immediately pulls them all down so no one can check for themselves. Don't you even find that suspect? She claims she alters her photos so she can't be recognized, yet in her photos she claims her face is correct and any manipulations have been with the rest of her body. If you were trying to mask your true identity, wouldn't you mask your face and show the rest? Does anyone think this is strange?

I see serious issues with anyone that buys into this crap and question the sheeple that blindly follow her no matter what evidence to the contrary one presents. How much evidence of a fraud do you need before you think for yourself and come to the correct conclusion?

Sheesh, I'll bet each and every one of the "Cheryl is real, you should shut up and be banned" group is very uneducated and relies on Government support and had absolutely no college education!

Get real and think for yourselves. After she immediately removed everything I identified as evidence, there are still those that buy her saying "I did it because I didn't want others having the photos because I might be identified" yet searches for her information on Google before she removed them brought up these same photos. Every photo she posted showed a fake bust line and her purported "Real" face, as validated by her posts here and on her site. Yeah, if I didn't want to be identified, I'd post my real face and attach a fake bust line. That would fool 'em!

Cheryl is NOT who she claims she is and that's all I can say. You either follow blindly or you use the gray matter God gave you to make an independent analysis and see the truth or you follow the charlatan blindly and fight for a fraud.

Bite me Cheryl. You mislead so many folks. You should be ashamed.

Wow this thread is still going? Geez. Okay I didn't read all of what was posted since I last posted here... but since certain people can't let stuff go I'm going to say once again... I don't know what pictures of Cheryl you are talking about that were fake, what I do know are the pictures I have seen of her before, during and after transformation sent to me via email. Now you might try to say, oh those pics are fake to, but hear me out. The pictures sent to me were of the progress pictures she originally had posted on the site, except with her face shown, as a male and after tranformation as a female. In some pictures she shown face and had her arms up in both, and they were both taken in the same room. I believe it was 3 pictures, male, male with breasts, then her complete tranformation, ofter surgery. The surgery down below. Now, my husband edits photos on photoshop for a MONEY, this means he's damn good at what he does. He can turn a heavy set woman into a skinny one. I can tell when pics are alters and "fixed". I can tell you that the pictures sent to me were not altered in any way. She also sent me pictures of her with her friends/family, they were after tranformation, now changing THAT much in a photo would be very noticeable to me. I can tell you that the male photo has the same face as the after "female" photo, yes she looks more feminine now after transformation, but you can't change your features and bone structure. So that is why I believe Cheryl is who she says she is.

Now from what I'm hearing you don't believe it's possible for someone to get a big sized chest with NBE. I can tell you this. I started my journey a AA and am now a D, so you think I'm fake too? You sound like you are uncertain and skeptical and taking it out on others, misery likes company as they say. I can tell you right now, with that type of mindset, no you won't ever grow big. You have to be positive going into NBE for it to work, plain and simple.

That's all I got to say, btw definitely not uneducated. And if my husband serving the US as he is in the military makes me living off the government, so be it. But it won't be for long, and rest assured I make more money than he does in the military, we will be just fine on my income alone. Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them uneducated and poor, just saying.

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