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Going to Get My Dream Body


(22-09-2013, 01:54)ariel Wrote:  Haven't been on in a while :-( I've been focusing more on dieting than breast growth the last few months, but I am now down to the size I want to be and I was able to maintain my breast size throughout!

Now I'm focusing on GROWTH! I just ordered the Noogleberry, pretty excited!

Glad to see you're back, ariel! And wow that's fantastic that you have trimmed down in size to where you want to be AND YET maintained your inch of breast growth! That is... fantastic! To clarify, when you say you've been focusing more on dieting than breast growth, does that mean you took a complete break from NBE during that time or just that you half-assed it? Have you kept up with taking your oral supplements at least?

And congrats on ordering the NB... you'll love it once you get the hang of it Smile

(29-05-2013, 14:59)ariel Wrote:  So I'm not nearly where I want to be yet, but this is a large improvement sagginess wise! Although one is perking up a bit faster than the other. I'm also going to be trying Rapibust just on the tops of my breasts soon, to see if I can get a little more swelling/growth on the top of my breasts. Can't wait to see the continued results :-) Also you can see the the mole looking thing beneath my breast, that is technically a third nipple.

Those are pretty nice!! I don't know that I've ever seen sagging NIPPLES before, though. I hope the girls can fill out enough to smooth those out for you. I noticed that the left one seems to be fuller up top going up towards your shoulder. Are you right or left handed? Just a theory I'm working on. I'm not sure yet, at least judging by my own body, what the results will be. Although I'm a righty, I'm also a drummer and use both arms quite a lot, so, that doesn't exactly explain the differences in MY tits. I use my right arm mostly for cymbals, and it gets used a lot more than my other arm, which I mostly use for the snare, but my right tit is smaller than my left! MAYBE it's that the muscles under it are more toned, from heavier use, and that makes it LOOK smaller. For instance, when I use my suction cups on them, on a scale of 0 to 9 (on the cups), I can get my left tit up to 8, but my right hardly ever goes past 7. In a tight bra with lose cups, my left nearly fills the cup (a C cup bra), but my right needs help.
Also, on your "third nipple", if you rub it, are you aroused by that? If not, I don't think I'd call it a nipple. I HAVE heard of some rare cases where women have an actual nipple under each arm pit!

Ariel, I too had an emergency C-section. I know exactly what you are talking about as I had a flat stomach all my life and was 95 lbs in High School. My daughter is 10 now and I am having the hardest time burning off this belly fat and getting my muscles to tighten up. You should definitely start that mummy tummy thread... Big Grin

(24-09-2013, 19:54)tinytots Wrote:  Ariel, I too had an emergency C-section. I know exactly what you are talking about as I had a flat stomach all my life and was 95 lbs in High School. My daughter is 10 now and I am having the hardest time burning off this belly fat and getting my muscles to tighten up. You should definitely start that mummy tummy thread... Big Grin

You should start playing drums!! That'll tighten you up pretty nicely!! Rock it, girl!!!!

(24-09-2013, 20:38)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(24-09-2013, 19:54)tinytots Wrote:  Ariel, I too had an emergency C-section. I know exactly what you are talking about as I had a flat stomach all my life and was 95 lbs in High School. My daughter is 10 now and I am having the hardest time burning off this belly fat and getting my muscles to tighten up. You should definitely start that mummy tummy thread... Big Grin

You should start playing drums!! That'll tighten you up pretty nicely!! Rock it, girl!!!!

Thank you missed miss

Really! I can definitely see how that would work. My problem is I just can't stick with a routine that I feel like is working. I end up quitting after 7 weeks. It's like forcing myself to do it and I hate it. So I need to find something I like that doesn't seem like working out...... Now hmmmm what could that be....haha.......

(25-09-2013, 03:26)tinytots Wrote:  
(24-09-2013, 20:38)Missed Miss Wrote:  
(24-09-2013, 19:54)tinytots Wrote:  Ariel, I too had an emergency C-section. I know exactly what you are talking about as I had a flat stomach all my life and was 95 lbs in High School. My daughter is 10 now and I am having the hardest time burning off this belly fat and getting my muscles to tighten up. You should definitely start that mummy tummy thread... Big Grin

You should start playing drums!! That'll tighten you up pretty nicely!! Rock it, girl!!!!

Thank you missed miss

Really! I can definitely see how that would work. My problem is I just can't stick with a routine that I feel like is working. I end up quitting after 7 weeks. It's like forcing myself to do it and I hate it. So I need to find something I like that doesn't seem like working out...... Now hmmmm what could that be....haha.......

Tinytots, have you tried the stomach vacuum? It is the one exercise that is actually most recommended for mothers post-pregnancy (even during pregnancy to work as a prevention!). It really tightens up the midsection. Aaaand is probably the LEAST like an exercise of all the exercises there are! I do it throughout the day, whenever I think of it. It's that easy. The only difficulty is remembering to do it!

Why the Post Pregnancy Pooch:
How to do it:

(25-09-2013, 03:26)tinytots Wrote:  Thank you missed miss

Really! I can definitely see how that would work. My problem is I just can't stick with a routine that I feel like is working. I end up quitting after 7 weeks. It's like forcing myself to do it and I hate it. So I need to find something I like that doesn't seem like working out...... Now hmmmm what could that be....haha.......
Could it possible ;-)


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