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Got my test results!! advice/suggestions for new plan


I won't even begin to get into the specifics as to why I adore turmeric as much as I do BUT I will say that it has never helped me with NBE.

FG and FN seed teas coupled with mighty diligent chi massaging did produce some favourable swelling for me back in the day - as this is a progesterone boosting program it may benefit you as well Smile.

...and hey, isn't it wonderful that you've discovered an cheap, innocuous herb, such as turmeric, which has had such a profoundly beneficial effect on your overall health and well-being? Let's focus on the positive here - you've got a nice flat tummy, no headaches, no blurred vision... Sounds good to me! Big Grin

So it doesn't help with your booby growth journey, but it IS helping you feel and look your best regardless of this fact. If you keep it in your routine and experiment with something else for NBE you can see results; there isn't a specific routine or herb in NBE that works for everyone as we are all unique. If you've given something a fair shot and it hasn't worked for you then that's your cue to try something else.

I know it's not what you want to hear but try to remain positive, have faith in yourself and this process. This journey can be long and arduous but you have lots of support from this community so please don't feel discouraged simply because one herb hasn't worked in the way that you expected it to.

Keep your chin up and let us know how the PC goes! <3

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