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Hi,new to NBE, starting herbal program


Hi everyone! It's been a while, however, I'm back~! Smile And with brand new program.

Yesterday, I just bought Aienterol Pueraria Mirifica capsules AND cream. I've been doing some research about PM and I've decided to cycle it (taking the capsules/cream for 15 days and then taking a break for 15 days) however, the 15 days that I'd be off PM, I was planning on just using the cream and just take fenugreek (not sure how much just yet).

Hopefully, I'll be getting my PM capsules and cream next week, I will be taking them the first day I get my period (hopefully it will be coming next week also).

I haven't been doing NBE for quite some time, but now that I got a job, I'll be able to continue NBE without having to stop for a short period of time Tongue

Forgot to add, I'm also trying to get bigger hips and butt ( I've heard that PM can make them grow too Tongue)

Here's my measurements now (As of 10/31) :

Bust: 33" (Yeah, I went down an inch... I'm guessing when I was 34.2'' it was just swelling -.-'') Top: 31.9 Under bust:29.9

Waist: 24.4

Hips: 34''


Woohoo! My PM capsules and cream came in the mail today!!! Smile Now all I need to do is wait until I get my period this month (which will hopefully come this week if I've calculated correctly) Ooh, I can't wait!

When I do start my cycle, I will be recording my progress in a notebook (and here of course ^.^)

Wish me luck everyone~! Big Grin

Great progress and great upkeep so far(:
Rootin' for ya.
Thought id drop a line and suggest trying 30 band bras.
i have the same underbust measurement as you.
when i started nbe i was 29 under, 33 across and shoving myself in to 34A's thinking they were too big for me when it turned out i was actually a 32B, im now busting out of 32C's at 29.5 under and 36-37 across. Im sure i myself am actually a 30 D-DD
i bet finding a 30 band bra would do wonders to your confidence and motivation(:

Thank you Beckiee (I'm still patiently waiting for my period to come so I can cycle my pm, any day now... lol) Smile and thank you for the suggestion about the 30 band bras, I'll keep that in mind Smile

Day 1 11/11

Finally~! I got my period today, now I can cycle my PM !! Tongue I'm going to take 2 daily (one in the morning and one before I go to sleep) I just took one pill several minutes ago (and rubbed the cream on my breast) and wow, once I rubbed the cream into my breast, I've felt tingles~! I've already notices my breast already look more rounder and fuller, I'm so excited!

Wish me luck everyone!! Big Grin

Still day 1

Wow! I've just measured my breast out of curiosity and I'm now 34.7'' instead of 33'' Wow, I have a feeling I'm going to get good growth from PM, can't wait to see how I'll look in just a few days/weeks! Big Grin


Way to go shanasia!
Awesome swelling! Just keep in mind that some of the swelling is temporary, an immediate side effect of herbs.
it's deffinitely a sign of what's to come, but don't feel discouraged if the swelling goes down before it becomes growth. Wishing you the best!(:

Day 2 11/12

My breast are much rounder, perkier, and plumpy today Blush Btw, I will be measuring my breast each day to see how much I've grown during my journey with PM. I know it's not a huge difference, but today I'm 34.11 instead of 34.7''

Also, I'm still getting tingles whenever i rub my pm cream on my breast. Smile

Day 3 11/13

Today, my breast look rounder (and softer Blush ) and I'm 34.14'' instead of 34.11''

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