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Best Oil for Dry Skin


As someone who was using quite a lot of almond oil I'd like to throw in my two cents by saying it's probably not the best oil for moisturisation. It's great for trapping moisture, say if you just came out of a shower or bath, but it's not great on it's own. It's more like a layer that will keep what's there so it can be absorbed, but it won't give a great deal.

Coconut is great (but careful where you apply due to acne- yes it may be antibacterial but believe me it is quite capable of clogging pores!) but I had a lot of success with olive oil. I took olive oils showers where I rubbed myself in olive oil, let it absorb a few minutes and then washed off with warm water (not too hot!). For my face I used pure olive oil soap. However, this is a really messy and fairly uncomfortable process to go through. I'd reccommend camellia oil (this is what the geishas used to rub their faces in to remove and disolve makeup), and having googled it I just found someone made a breast tight cream from it too ! Two birds with one stone.

(22-03-2012, 04:09)EricaB Wrote:  Are you talking about the olive oil that you cook with? Would the expensive extra virgin olive oil work any better than the less expensive "devirginized" plain stuff?
Who pops the oil's cherry and how?

(21-10-2013, 12:34)in-hope-we-trust Wrote:  As someone who was using quite a lot of almond oil I'd like to throw in my two cents by saying it's probably not the best oil for moisturisation. It's great for trapping moisture, say if you just came out of a shower or bath, but it's not great on it's own. It's more like a layer that will keep what's there so it can be absorbed, but it won't give a great deal.

Coconut is great (but careful where you apply due to acne- yes it may be antibacterial but believe me it is quite capable of clogging pores!) but I had a lot of success with olive oil. I took olive oils showers where I rubbed myself in olive oil, let it absorb a few minutes and then washed off with warm water (not too hot!). For my face I used pure olive oil soap. However, this is a really messy and fairly uncomfortable process to go through. I'd reccommend camellia oil (this is what the geishas used to rub their faces in to remove and disolve makeup), and having googled it I just found someone made a breast tight cream from it too ! Two birds with one stone.

Coconut oil is a great oil for moisturizing and it's full of healthy fats. However it is incredibly comedogenic (pore clogging)- make sure you use cold pressed if you're going to use coconut oil to moisturize!!

Hi there,

its depend on your skin that which oil is suitable for you. I have mention here some details for you.

Argan Oil
Avocado Oil
Coconut Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Jojoba Oil
Lavender Oil
Olive Oil and much more.

So I am brining this thread up in hopes someone can tell me from experience whats really the best oil for very dry skin... I normally always used coconutoil but right now it seems to make it worse.. Huh  my skin is extremely dry so advice please?Smile

Have you tried Olive Oil?

No i havent yet...i actually do the smell of you use it for.dry skin? ivr bought almond oil so ill check out now first..if it doesnt work i want to try jojoba now..but thanks!

I haven't not used it on my skin but my hair. I can give you the recipe for it. I only use it once a month for protein from my hair to grow faster. I just hear olive oil is good for dry skin.

If you have dry skin then you can add some honey, it will make your skin glowing and shining

Due to its resemblance to the natural sebum of the skin, jojoba oil is frequently suggested as the best oil for dry skin.

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