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Herbal breast enhancement


Dear A

The difference between you and myself is I have formal training.

I gave the answer to your quest to W.

Estrogen dominant is simple. Lower progesterone/ hence supplement with progesterone. It sensitizes estrogen receptors and it down regulates estrogens. It is more of a modulator.

Indeed your welcome!

Well Carla, I am sometimes a little slow, but in your case I am going to observe that you have shown very clearly that you do not have formal training. Anyone with formal training would not deny the sun is shining while looking at it.

If there is one thing that I have learned it is to allow people to do their own research and discover the truth for themselves otherwise they, by their own choice, are left to exist in their own ignorance. I will not do your research for you. I was going to show you study after study that shows how fenugreek (highest diosgenin content) binds weakly to estrogen receptors, and how fenugreek is a well known phytoestrogen, and that the way this all works is by binding with estrogen receptors at the cellular level, which fenugreek (among many other things) does - only to have you dismiss it. By denying the obvious, you only punish yourself. By taking all of my time citing studies for you, I only punish myself.

You would do well to listen to the good women that have responded to you above. "Formal Training" could mean anything. Apparently yours is to deny the obvious. I'll take common sense over that kind of training any day.

I wish you well in your search.


If I'm not mistaken, this 'carla' person is also the user 'christa'. Dodgy That's kinda sad that you gotta use 2 different names to support your arguments lol.

This reminds me of that girl (or guy) that was harassing Beth about her pic being implants, and not the result of using natural methods. I believe the user was called 'shelly' or 'mangz' on the old forum. She basically did the same thing as this carla person and used diff identities to make it seem like she had others who agreed with her accusations. Funny Eve called her on it and banned her from the forum. Big Grin

I notice my question was ignored!

I ask again, if herbs for breast enhancement don't work how do you explain someone like Lucille? She took pictures of her progress week by week and you could see eventually that she'd grown a cup size.

Ella, I don't think she's going to answer, she's stuck on this bit. We know it works, we are reaping the benefits, if she wants to be ignorant, they say ignorance is bliss right? Let's just let her have her bliss.

(05-01-2010, 07:38)carlaa1124 Wrote:  Dear Wahaika

A believable source would be something that is very estrogenic ex birth control, high quality pueraria mirifica

Something that sensitizes estrogen receptors ex progesterone

Something that can stimulate prolactin

Hey Carla

How are you doin'? I know using certain herbs or products can cause frustration from the extended use of products, taking too many pills, and not enough results. It is totally understandable, I've myself have seen a few night or mornings...when I just want to say "bullsh!t" More "bullsh!t." From no progress and excessive amount of pills, but it is something you have to look to for an end result, sort of like a diet or even an educational degree. Sometimes, you aren't going to see results, quickly, if you are only taking one or two herbs, not pumping/suctioning, or massaging/stimulation. Then, you can't really expect quick results (especially when it is not consistent), because the products are barely getting into your body, or are being render uneffective, because of a lack of stimulation, which helps blood flow and widen vessel to those specific areas of the body. Which is why fenugreek is sometimes better used as liquid or topical solution, because it doesn't interrupt the digestive system nearly as much and it is being absorbed straight into the body, mostly through the skin. This applies with some of the other products as well, they are simply more effective as oils, lotions, and creams than trying to take 5 to 20 grams of pills. In the beginning, is the time when products should be poured on heavy by taking capsules (not too many though), use the creams and lotions, and routines (like massaging, pumping, and suctioning) should be done frequently, so the herbs, glandulars, and vitamins can be more concentrated to what you want to occur on your body. That way once your body is starting to get better skin, less body hair, less PMS reactions, or bigger breasts/butt. You can start to take a little off, and slack off a few weeks or months down the road to where you get to a point where you don't even have to take herbs or do massages every week or month (one site suggested that near the end once you have achieved your results or come close to achieving them that one simply needs an on or off program, that allows the user to take one or two months off the routines-no pills, massaging, or pumping). Though, you can't give up or stop when results are not coming quickly, you have to either safely increase dosages or alter your program a little bit and substitute certain things or completely drop somes or change over to creams and liquids (which has a specific amount of extract) that can be applied directly into the skin (which means it seeks directly into the bloodstream).

Quote:Something that can stimulate prolactin
Also, not to rain on your parade, intentionally. Fenugreek actually does that as a reputable and scientifically identified galac to gogue (gag), which are all directly responsible for interfering with dopamine. It's also recognized emmenagogue, which is said to be somewhat fatal to pregnant women with too many doses. I agree alone it may not produce the results most women are looking for, but it does work in some at times (low odds doesn't necessarily mean something is impossible). Though, more times than not, most NBE user on this site and off of it, usually do not cling to one single herb, because results are usually somewhat slower and not as noticeable. Which is why most NBE users, NBE companies, and etc will use more than one product, even with bovine ovary. Most naturalist type doctors even say that the product is more enhanced with herbs than buy itself, while most of glandular supplements are included with a number of herbs or vitamins for again complimentary effects.

It can't be entirely useless, if it has been used so many centuries and people have said that it does create more milk flow. Even though science hasn't found much, many studies have also admitted to there not being alot of in-depth research for it.

Is it possible to have the people with negative comments to be removed? Some days I come here just for support but reading things like that long comment about the herbs not working is really deterring. I didn't come here for any negativity. I came here for support from others that want the same thing that I do and to give support when I can.

(19-02-2013, 15:12)MamaMio Wrote:  Is it possible to have the people with negative comments to be removed? Some days I come here just for support but reading things like that long comment about the herbs not working is really deterring. I didn't come here for any negativity. I came here for support from others that want the same thing that I do and to give support when I can.

I think those people are long gone! I read through 2 pages before I checked the date and realized the thread was over 3 years old! Oy vey! Wink


Oh good! I didn't even look at the dates. LOL

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