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Doll's PM Program


(14-11-2012, 05:19)Doll Wrote:  ^ Thank you, I'll look into that! Might add it for the season! ;P
I actually stopped by Vitamin Shoppe today while I was out and picked up some L-Tyrosine.

Don't know about if it will do that. But I know it works really great to help prevent sunburns. If you are going to be in the sun, Use it 1/2 hour before going out.

^ I knoooowwww. All this NBE is making me more critical of myself, however, it's also making me so much happier with myself, if that makes any sense. I've learned so much from NBE (and everything that NBE has caused me to research and change about myself), and I'm actually a lot healthier, and feel more comfortable with my body (even though I still despise it), so I'm ok with everything. Smile As much as it doesn't sound like it. Lol

I KNOW my breasts still look small, especially compared to a lot of the women out there...I feel like part of what makes them look so small is my wide shoulders and fat arms. So I can see how people still see me as being small-chested...because I still pretty much am. Just...bigger I still can't get cleavage...and I think that also has a lot to do with why they look smaller. Even in a low-cut shirt I look like I'm in a big push-up with nothing to push-up. LOL My friend works in a bra store and thought even a 32D would be big on me...was surprised when I walked out in a 32DD with quadra-boob...

I really do look a lot smaller-chested in clothes. I look not too far from where I started. So I really can't appreciate my results unless I'm in my room topless staring in a mirror. ^^; BUT THEN I'M FINALLY ABLE TO LOOK AT MYSELF AND THINK, "Wow, I am so glad I was able to get to this point. I feel so good about myself." (Of course, that's when I put on a shirt, go outside and start hearing the comments...)

I'M NOT TRYING TO PUT MYSELF DOWN TO YOU GUYS OR ANYTHING, but it really is completely different when I put clothes on. If I looked even half as busty in real life as I do in my nude progress pics I'd be elated. But nope. Just look like I'm wearing a bad push-up bra I don't fit. >.< IF YOU GUYS SAW YOU'D UNDERSTAND WHERE I'M COMING FROM. I'M NOT REALLY AS BDD AS YOU THINK. I DON'T LOOK THE SAME IN CLOTHES. Also, for some reason, even now that I've got a decent waist curve without my corset, I still look pudgy and shapeless in shirts...even in a tight-fitted shirt...I don't know how my body does these things...

(14-11-2012, 21:22)boobquest2012 Wrote:  Hey Doll,

That's so strange! I'm at about 27" underbust and 36.5" bust and I'm only a 32C1/2. Definitely a bit of room in my 32D and my 32DD goal bra is empty haha! I guess measurements really don't mean much because my friend has the same underbust measurement and a bust measurement of 35" (I made her measure haha) and she is a full 32D.

EXACTLY. Bust measurements include the ribcage, but since everybody's ribcage is shaped slightly differently, there's no way of telling actual bra size from these measurements. Smile I actually measured my bust out of curiosity yesterday as soon as I took my corset off, and I was barely at 34"! Blush

All of my skin has been feeling kind of strange since starting on PM (they felt tingly like my breasts). And it's been softer and clearer. But today my lips started hurting, they felt like they were so dried out that they hurt. But when I went to feel how chapped they were...holy cow...they are...just so soft...I can't stop touching them...PM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!???
Maybe they'll get bigger and I'll have nice, luscious lips!

(15-11-2012, 06:05)Doll Wrote:  ^ I knoooowwww. All this NBE is making me more critical of myself, however, it's also making me so much happier with myself, if that makes any sense. I've learned so much from NBE (and everything that NBE has caused me to research and change about myself), and I'm actually a lot healthier, and feel more comfortable with my body (even though I still despise it), so I'm ok with everything. Smile As much as it doesn't sound like it. Lol

I KNOW my breasts still look small, especially compared to a lot of the women out there...I feel like part of what makes them look so small is my wide shoulders and fat arms. So I can see how people still see me as being small-chested...because I still pretty much am. Just...bigger I still can't get cleavage...and I think that also has a lot to do with why they look smaller. Even in a low-cut shirt I look like I'm in a big push-up with nothing to push-up. LOL My friend works in a bra store and thought even a 32D would be big on me...was surprised when I walked out in a 32DD with quadra-boob...

I really do look a lot smaller-chested in clothes. I look not too far from where I started. So I really can't appreciate my results unless I'm in my room topless staring in a mirror. ^^; BUT THEN I'M FINALLY ABLE TO LOOK AT MYSELF AND THINK, "Wow, I am so glad I was able to get to this point. I feel so good about myself." (Of course, that's when I put on a shirt, go outside and start hearing the comments...)

I'M NOT TRYING TO PUT MYSELF DOWN TO YOU GUYS OR ANYTHING, but it really is completely different when I put clothes on. If I looked even half as busty in real life as I do in my nude progress pics I'd be elated. But nope. Just look like I'm wearing a bad push-up bra I don't fit. >.< IF YOU GUYS SAW YOU'D UNDERSTAND WHERE I'M COMING FROM. I'M NOT REALLY AS BDD AS YOU THINK. I DON'T LOOK THE SAME IN CLOTHES. Also, for some reason, even now that I've got a decent waist curve without my corset, I still look pudgy and shapeless in shirts...even in a tight-fitted shirt...I don't know how my body does these things...

(14-11-2012, 21:22)boobquest2012 Wrote:  Hey Doll,

That's so strange! I'm at about 27" underbust and 36.5" bust and I'm only a 32C1/2. Definitely a bit of room in my 32D and my 32DD goal bra is empty haha! I guess measurements really don't mean much because my friend has the same underbust measurement and a bust measurement of 35" (I made her measure haha) and she is a full 32D.

EXACTLY. Bust measurements include the ribcage, but since everybody's ribcage is shaped slightly differently, there's no way of telling actual bra size from these measurements. Smile I actually measured my bust out of curiosity yesterday as soon as I took my corset off, and I was barely at 34"! Blush

All of my skin has been feeling kind of strange since starting on PM (they felt tingly like my breasts). And it's been softer and clearer. But today my lips started hurting, they felt like they were so dried out that they hurt. But when I went to feel how chapped they were...holy cow...they are...just so soft...I can't stop touching them...PM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!???
Maybe they'll get bigger and I'll have nice, luscious lips!

I heard that women whose poles are on the upper of the breasts will always look smaller on top but bigger on bottom.
It is reverse for those who have lower poles like me. I will have cleavage and look my size or bigger in a bra or tops but when naked, I look smaller than my size.

What you might be like:

So it looks like the bigger one gets with this, the larger they look on the bottom. Don't beat yourself up, its just the type of breasts you have. You get to look bigger that your size naked. I envy that as I have to grow a size larger to look my size naked. I would just wear a push up bra.

^ That link made me look at my breasts more in the mirror. Lol I never really noticed just how much more "meat" I have on the bottom of my breasts than the top! ^^; No wonder I can't get cleavage and my nips always hang out if a bra just slightly doesn't fit...

Supple Nipps came in the mail yesterday, and I wore them for 20 minutes last night! Holy cow! My nipples finally looked normal when I took them off! The results only lasted like a half hour, since it was my first time, but even when I woke up this morning they were still larger than normal. I'm incredibly surprised that it can do so much so quickly! And yes, it's exactly like I thought. The bigger nipples make my breasts look a little bigger, and everything looked so much more in-proportion! I'm going to do two more short sessions today, and slowly work my way up. I can still get my piercing in, so I'm happy about that, too! Luckily, the bigger nipples aren't too big, and are still in good proportion with my areolas! Wink

My nipples are starting to look normal! Oh joyous day! My friend even commented about how it's weird that I have nipples now. ^^;

Just started on my PM again today. Didn't get my period at all during my 5-day break, although I'm not surprised. So I guess I'm not getting it this month! My breasts continued to swell slightly during my break (maybe more so even than when I was taking my PM), and my body hair has almost stopped growing at this point. Most of my leg hair doesn't even grow in anymore, and the parts that do grow in very slowly. My body hair is also already thinner. My lips have been hurting on and off, I really do think they're growing as well. Lips have never been too much of a concern for me, as they're already a normal size, but plumper lips would definitely be a bonus!

Hopefully this month I see real growth from PM. ;P

(19-11-2012, 21:53)Doll Wrote:  Most of my leg hair doesn't even grow in anymore, and the parts that do grow in very slowly. My body hair is also already thinner.

Y'know... I've noticed the same tendency... My leg hair is being stunted faster than any of the rest of my body hair... Unfortunately, the area that's taking the longest to go bald is the area that is the least feminine to grow hair - my torso. Both chest and back, the entire thing.

(19-11-2012, 21:53)Doll Wrote:  My lips have been hurting on and off, I really do think they're growing as well. Lips have never been too much of a concern for me, as they're already a normal size, but plumper lips would definitely be a bonus!

I've not really noticed any changes to my lips, I suppose I wouldn't mind them plumping even more, but I've always had very feminine full lips my entire life anyways, so it won't bother me if they don't get any fuller either.

(19-11-2012, 21:53)Doll Wrote:  Hopefully this month I see real growth from PM. ;P

Well, it certainly sounds like it's helping your out in lots of other ways! So even if it doesn't, the switch definitely isn't a loss!

I'm already noticing that my body seems to like this new cycling plan with my PM more btw. I'm getting faster development than the first month and a half within the first week... despite falling sick with the NASTIEST cold EVER.

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving and Good Growing!

(20-11-2012, 01:23)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Y'know... I've noticed the same tendency... My leg hair is being stunted faster than any of the rest of my body hair... Unfortunately, the area that's taking the longest to go bald is the area that is the least feminine to grow hair - my torso. Both chest and back, the entire thing.

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving and Good Growing!

Thank you and happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I unfortunately won't be celebrating it this year because I've got a stomach virus. SadSadSad I LOVE to eat, so this is really depressing me.

I've actually noticed (TMI, sorry) but my lip hair has been growing back VERY slowly, and the hair around my nipples hasn't grown back at all. Blush My arm hair growth has definitely slowed, but I wish it would match my legs and not grow back in most places! Lol

I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I broke open a PM capsule and am putting it on my chest at night. I'll be doing this for the first two weeks of the month. My breasts are already swelling slightly from doing this. Smile And they've been very sore since starting back on PM already, so I'm excited that I might get actual growth this month!

Hi ,Doll . I like your simple program and I m new to this . I m think of buying the PM pills , but what im wondering is how to eat it . I notice alot of mention on lucteal phase and cycle and all , what exactly is that ? Could you help by explaining the basics and how to start for us beginners ? Also , do i take the PM pills everyday or only during or before period . Really confused here . Pls help thanks you .

I would also love to ask have you trid the Noogleberry ? I m intrested in trying if it helps but just cant seems to find a working seller . Tq .

Welcome! Well, I'm gonna be honest, my monthly cycle is abnormal, and so I've never bothered to learn any of the cycles or anything like that, because it wouldn't do me much good. So I'm not the authority on that sort of thing. Also, I'd never use Noogleberry, just thinking about using something like that creeps me out. So again, can't help you on that.

With PM, there are many ways to take it, and it all depends on how your body responds. Many women take it for the first 15 days of the month, after their period ends, and then stop. While I take it all month, with PC the second half of the month, and stop for 5 days. So it's more so something that you need to try and develop on your own. See how your body reacts and what schedule might delay your period. Also, PM is VERY estrogenic, so be sure you're not already estrogen dominant before starting, as this will actually hinder results. And make sure that you don't take too much; start out slow to learn what your body needs, then slowly go up if need-be. I know it's all very confusing at first, but over time you'll learn more and more, and eventually it'll all make sense!

Good luck, hopefully PM works in your favor.

I like the idea of corset training but I don't really know much about it. Has it worked for you and would you recommend it? by the way I'm super jealous you look great, Im also a 32DD but i feel like I look like a small C :/

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