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Doll's PM Program


Thanks Doll,

Dianette is a Birth Control which has two ingredients: ethinylestradiol, an estrogen and cyproterone, an anti-androgen. I'm scared that this may have prevented some growth.

Is there nothing I can take at this age to even try and balance my hormones back to normal? How about maca, I've heard of that being used?

To be honest by the age of 18, I at least want to be able to walk into a shop and actually be able to buy a normal bra, I'd be soo happy with a 34A at this point, not a stupid 34 AAA. Even my best friend who was the same size as me, about a year ago just shot up to a DD :'(

Thank you for your quick reply


I went to see a Doc yesterday abt takin a hormone test and he said that I need to do 2 tests one on the third day of my cycle wich will test for estrogen levels and the other on the 21st day of cycle wich tests for progesterone levels. Yesterday was d 3rd day of my cycle but couldn't take d test cos it seems since I've been takin PM it wud affect my test results! So sadly I have to wait anoda month and take d test on d 3rd day of my next cycle.. Sucks. So I ges I have to do a cleanse while I wait. Pls doll how do I cleanse wit cranberry juice since I read a post abt milk thistle bein estrogenic and since I want to reduce the hormones in my system so I can get a better readin, MT is out of d questionDodgy

I dont want to answer for Doll, but since you'll be taking a break for a full month before the tests, I don't see why you need to do a cleanse. You're body will have plenty of time to clear out the extra junk on it's own.

Ok tnx a lot for clearing that out mochaccinoBig Grin

^ I agree with Mocha, if it's that far away, just stop everything and it should be fine!

(01-11-2012, 19:15)SugarQ Wrote:  Dianette is a Birth Control which has two ingredients: ethinylestradiol, an estrogen and cyproterone, an anti-androgen. I'm scared that this may have prevented some growth.

Is there nothing I can take at this age to even try and balance my hormones back to normal? How about maca, I've heard of that being used?

To be honest by the age of 18, I at least want to be able to walk into a shop and actually be able to buy a normal bra, I'd be soo happy with a 34A at this point, not a stupid 34 AAA. Even my best friend who was the same size as me, about a year ago just shot up to a DD :'(

Hm, you're in a tricky situation. I'm not sure about maca being used in teens like yourself, so I would research it if I were you just to be sure. I think it would be a safer option than taking regular NBE herbs that could possibly stunt future growth, but I won't say anything for sure because I quite honestly don't know. Either way, maca can have many side effects and can be dangerous if taken improperly, so you need to research it anyway before starting on it!

And I've had friends who shot up through bra sizes like that as well. It's very discouraging, but we can't really change when our body hits its own natural growth spurts. NBE is a long process for anyone, so keep in mind that nothing will make you shoot up overnight like people who hit a sudden growth spurt. You just need to keep a positive attitude about things. And don't rush things, because in the end, that will just make things worse. In these two years before you hit 20 and are able to use actual NBE herbs, just keep up with massage and research, so that once you do hit 20, you'll be more likely to be able to put yourself into a real growth spurt with NBE.

As for me, my breasts seem to be a little bit fuller in my 36D bra, and if I adjust the cups, my nipples pop out. =_= So even though I feel like there isn't anything happening, I guess there actually is...

Even though my breasts seemed to go back and forth while growing as to which one was larger, it seems that in the end, the left one has become slightly larger than the right one. So I've started using the Volufilline cream on just the right one to try to get it to catch up. It's barely noticeable, I just don't like it. I'd rather fit both cups the same, if possible.

The way that my puffy nipples have been developing throughout NBE, I'm starting to wonder if I ever properly hit Stage 5 on the Tanner Scale, or if I'm actually nearing that with NBE. I know it's possible that I'm just going to have puffy nipples from genetics, but as my breasts have grown, the areolas are getting slightly less puffy, and my breasts are showing that round shape more often (whereas before my nipples were always puffy unless it was cold). It would be great if that were the case, because that would mean there's still a chance of my areolas shrinking back into my breasts.

Also, from looking at the Tanner Scale and reading up lately, my hormones seemed to be coming along at a good pace until developing PCOS. As far as pubic hair goes (gross, I know), I hit stage 3 by maybe age 6, and stage 5 by age 9. I never paid much attention to my body as I grew, but I started developing very small breasts in elementary school, and was a stage 3 or 4 34A by 6th or 7th grade. By 8th grade, I was a 36B and had stopped growing (before my breasts started actually shrinking). It seems like my PCOS developed early on (possibly at the onset of my period) which prevented my breasts from fully growing, and then over time became worse and worse until it started causing other noticeable side effects. :/ I'm not sure if it's possible for stage 4 to last so long, as it's probably been the better half of a decade that my breast growth was stunted, but it's really looking like it could be possible with PCOS.

On another note, still not seeing swelling this month from PM. :/ I can honestly say I'm disappointed. We'll see what happens next month I suppose, as I stop my herbs Wednesday. I've started breaking open PM capsules and using them and L-Arginine capsules with lotion for massage. That's right, I'm starting up massage again to get the ball rolling! Going to be buying cocoa butter for massage. The "moisture" side effects only lasted me a few days, so I'm kind of hoping that returns. Wink I'm starting to get very small, specific sharp pains in my breasts (although just one pain in one breast at a time, strangely!), and I'm reading other women experienced the same thing from PM.

Hopefully next month I will see more from PM than just tingles and sharp pains!

I think that Keeley Hazell would have to be my dream goal size. Wink I've always loved her breast size, and at a 32F, she's got great, huge ta-tas, without them being too huge! Maybe one day!
[Image: keeley-hazell-breast.jpg]

(10-11-2012, 21:52)Doll Wrote:  I think that Keeley Hazell would have to be my dream goal size. Wink I've always loved her breast size, and at a 32F, she's got great, huge ta-tas, without them being too huge! Maybe one day!
[Image: keeley-hazell-breast.jpg]

Is she 100% natural?!

Those are some nice girls... *dreams wistfully*

I'd be shocked if those were NOT natural due to the shape.

I agree with you Doll. That's my dream size too. Pretty far away from a 34B though :/

(10-11-2012, 22:41)mochaccino Wrote:  I'd be shocked if those were NOT natural due to the shape.

True... but still shocking. Haha. I wonder if she likes them as much as we less fortunates would...

For some reason I'm finding that a lot of more endowed girls actually have the audacity to complain about their endowments. Way to make the rest of us feel even worse!

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