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Pumping to a D


Hello lovelies

Had a bit of a major set back. Sad I have become super busy so pumping has been a bit here and there over the last two weeks but this is not really the problem, for the last month I have been on a very strict diet and exercise plan and its taken its toll on by breasts. The approach I had before was getting me results but I got a little impatient so stepped it up a gear with the help of a friend who is kind of good at this sort of thing ( he used to train others a little). I had only expected a few tips from him but he kindly took me for a gym session and made me work my butt off and told me to do that every time I came and with some diet tips like eat lots of little meals a day eliminate fat as much as possible but up my protein so I burn fat and not lean muscle, don’t eat carbs after 6 that sort of thing.

It was all quite sensible but I went on spring brake and went a bit extreme going to the gym every day for 1.5hours every day doing what he told me to and overhauling my eating, I still allowed myself chocolate, couldn’t resist Easter eggs and a little bit of wine but I have been pretty clean on everything else and the difference is phenomenal. I have lost loads, the scales haven’t gone down a whole lot but I have lines where I didn’t know I had muscle and all my wobbly bits have shrank and are becoming harder and my stomach is getting pretty flat. My aim is to reduce my body fat percentage to around 20% I think its at the top end of the 20s touching on 30 I would love to get it just under 20 and just get a tight toned lean figure and whole lot healthier and fitter.

Well any all this fat burning has totally stripped my boobs. I hadn’t noticed because I was on my period and they were looking quite normal, I finished a few days ago and my breasts shrank to look so sorry for themselves, I haven’t seen them this way for over 2 years. Really pointy, really flat, just not a lot in them. I knew I would lose some but I have definitely made it worse.

This is totally my own fault. Although I have been ultra busy, I have been busy on my computer, I could easily sit there with the noogleberry on I don’t know why I didn’t. at the back of my mind I knew I should have been pumping but to get the oil out and the whole rigmarole I could really be bothered my mind was preoccupied and now I am paying the price. I should have taken a photo of the big shrink but I was in such a panic that I put the pump strait on this morning and they are still in it.

Angry I have let myself down and I feel like I have let all you guys down because I was doing so well and quite close to filling my large domes. I back to only a half fill so those XL’s will have to wait. I’m just so angry for letting the NBE slip. I am sorry but I needed to have a vent and there is no one I can talk to about this, I do all my NBE in secret.

And my posts on here recently have only ever been about how I have missed pumping and not been very good with it and how my breasts just yo yo and this is just unacceptable. No longer. I have lost weight and been good with that aspect of my life I have to implore the same focus to this. I don’t know why I cant commit to NBE anymore like I used to in the beginning but I have been shocked today.

Rant over. I start again today. I will repair this damage.

We've all gone up and down with weight loss and gain. I think that rebuilding up your breast will be much more rewarding if you are also happy with your body now, so look at it as just a nessesary evil to achieve your dream bod. I seriously doubt anyone feels as if you let them down since we've all been there. Don't be so hard on yourself.


Hello everyone

Its been a LONG time. too long. issues with my weight became a little all consuming and I went on to get down to 54Kg. my breasts are shot as a result.

I have gained a bit in the last week up to 58Kg now (but it could be period related as I'm about to start) which I'm not happy about and I am still determined to get down to a round 50Kg. these issues with my weight i don't think are going to go away i have become a little obsessed i have to admit but i also don't want to stop either, i am loving my new body having lost a total of 13Kg. to follow on from above i have reduced my body fat down to 25% according to on-line calculators and my BMI has come right down i think i was almost 30 in my last post down to 20 now.

the pay back is, my boobs have shrunk, I'm quite sure im an A cup now and I have lost a band size. in a way I got over my boobs and was quite accepting that they had got smaller and it was OK but I feel that as I'm closer to my goal and its in reach now I could start improving them.

so I'm back pumping away. i even want to continue aiming for my D cup by summer 2013. i feel that if i could lose that much weight i could be consistent with my boobs.

I am quite bad with photo uploads so I'm not promising anything, instead I am going to take the photos and periodically add a dated batch to my page. this may also show a better improvement too.

wish me luck.

I gave up with NBE sorry. i just got more into losing weight than gaining boobs. I am down to 56-57kg i started at like 75-77kg.
but something has changed now i have a man in my life again and I let him in on my old NBE activities even showed him my pump, he likes busty women so was kind of encouraging about trying to restart my program. thing is I want to do it for me not him. truth be told his interest did re-spark a desire tore try NBE but I still feel I have weight to lose so until I have got the body I want I don't see how an NBE program will have any effect because I will still be losing weight (I want to be 50kg). I suppose I could try and build habits in this time rather than aim for growth. habit is as important as results. I would like boobs I do miss them, they have really shrunk but they have stopped getting smaller so I think I am at their true size if you understand me. I am a lose B now but I have also gone down a band size so am a 36. I feel like making simple moves for this such as tea (I have some fennel, peppermint and spearmint from before) I bought some liquorice root today. I have also got more soy in my diet because I went Vegan for a while kind of slipped into Vegetarianism but I'm trying my best. the other thing I would do is massage which I have been doing for the last week and its working a bit I think they have a bit better shape.

But as I said I'm a bit wavering when it come to full on following an NBE program I want it for the right reasons and when i feel that i can grow. the reasons i had before were good, now I feel a bit pressured into it. Don't be surprise if its another couple of months before I make an appearance again. I want to be at my goal weight by March so maybe around then. if I get any boob action i will let you know.

you guys are and have have always been fantastic so thank you so much for building such a wonderful resource. I do hope to be in a place where I can start this journey again properly with you all. until then I hope you have the best of luck.

my breasts have started to get fuller all on their own because I have gained some weight and upped my water. its not real growth but its like oh I remember these...

Although I'm not part of the community anymore (I do periodically lurk) I need to come and tell you something!

I bought a bikini the other day got home tried it on but the top looked horrific I was really sad about my boobs and my thoughts were immediately back to this site and why did I ever stop.

Any way I started massaging again and visualising / meditating while I massaged. In a week there was a noticeable difference not just to me but to my boyfriend too.

(different boyfriend to the one in the last post. He was a source of such negative energy I won't even talk about it. I wrote that I noodles for him which sickens me now. I actually tried to change who I was for him and he made me feel inadequate so that I restarted the NBE program again which was a mistake at that time. I have been with my current boyfriend a year and half and he's wonderful)

Over the years I have developed some overarching ideas about NBE which I am trialling now firstly and most importantly you must do it for you because you want a change in yourself for your own pleasure, experience and higher self fulfilment; in other words you must lay down the right intentions for what you are doing ie: not 'my boobs are small/wrong I hate them I hate me I want to look like them I feel I lack a connection to my feminine self due my lack of boobs etc... ' and more 'I want to experience life with breasts it would be fun, I want to know what its like to have breasts and I know it will have good life experiences if I develop the breast size and shape I desire...' have and hold positive affirmations until they become you and they naturally flow from you; you are a positive being.

Secondly the power of visualisation and projection of your ideal self into this dimension which I think is probably the most powerful tool of your whole arsenal but used in conjunction with a positive background you are onto a winner.

And thirdly massage pumps herbs magnets whatever is a Vehicle to physically connect yourself to the process of the Breast development. So choose the connection that feels appropriate for you but remember to do the other two. As no program will be successful missing one of these parts. I would put money on anyone with success did it for them, knew what they wanted to see and feel at the end and found a system that they were comfortable with and happy to do again and again.



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