Hello Isabelle,
It looks like I started taking pm (accidentally) at the exact perfect time in my life, something finally went right for me, lol! All I plan to do now is follow my plans and, if I get symptomatic, take notes and make adjustments as necessary. Oh how I hope this works out for me! I know pm works but I had my doubts that I would be able to figure out how to use it for my personal needs and levels.
Recently someone had made a thread about shrinking and you wrote that pm suppresses prolactin, and that women who cycle pm get swelling during luteal. Well, when I took my month break, I got fantastic swelling. Shocked me, really. But this current cycle I didn't get it immediately I was certain I'd done something wrong. However, today being day 23 of my cycle, my breasts are feeling full and heavy. I kept bumping them with my arms today, on the sides. It's a little hard to explain but like, when I walked and swung my arms, they rubbed the sides of my breasts. And if I reached with my right arm for something to the left of me, I bumped my breast. It was kinda odd and clumsy, I have to admit. I was really hoping for cleavage, you know, in the middle, not so much the sides! It's probably just swelling though. I'm interested in noogleberry because I read that it could help with sagging and would "round out" breasts, if the sides keep spreading out, I'll definitely need "rounding out".
Also I forgot to mention a supplement that I had been taking. I was taking milk thistle, everyday, to cleanse excess estrogen from my liver. Then on second day of luteal I got a headache. I had no idea why, completely puzzled me until I read another post where you wrote that milk thistle is actually estrogenic! I stopped taking it, headache stopped, that simple
And considering that it was just a small dose, and even it made my head hurt, I must have been teetering on the edge of estro dominance. You've saved my aching head so much lately!
So thank you again. I'll be sure to post any new developments. I'm going to post my measurements so I can compare every so often but I suppose I should wait til the week following my period so not to include any swelling. And I might get creative with some pm extract that I happen to have. Oh why can't I seem to leave well enough alone!
Good night and sleep well!