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Pumping to a D


Aaawww firstly dont put yourself down a uk size 12 is slim healthy sizeSmile and u deserve a big congrats for the weight loss xxxx

n someone mentioned try to not be jealous just look forward to acheiving your goal!

Good luck on your program i also tried blake talks but cant do it everynight i find it hard to concentrate i'll either like fall asleep or end up just not being able to lie still so long Sad

Hey thank you!

Well its just after Christmas I put on quite a lot my 12 jeans were bursting. I really don’t want to be unable to close them. Luckily I haven’t got quite that bad just a good muffin top. However I’m getting back down again I have a few 14s in the cupboard which I brought out but they are really slack and the 12s are still a bit tight but ok.

The jealousy thing was a bit of a joke in some ways I explained in the next long post I did, (all my posts are long) I sort of wanted a slightly different title to everyone and well I am a little envious of people that have it by nature but jealously is far too strong a description. It was poorly put. I am enjoying my journey and if I didn’t have to make it I would never have met such lovely helpful people. Plus I get the satisfaction of seeing my body change because of the effort I’m putting in which is an awesome feeling.

I know the what you mean regarding Blaketalks. Additionally I don’t physically feel the tingles but I think that’s to do with losing concentration. I had really wanted it to work. Saying that my boobs are better and I believe it worked deep down. I stopped it for a while and its in the brake that I noticed it had done something just I hadn’t been aware of it before. I would recommend it if you can find the time and have the attention span, which I clearly don’t.

good luck to you too. xxx Big Grin


And I feel the burn. I hope my boobs appreciate it.

I feel most of it in my arms not so much chest but then it’s the first day and it takes some getting used to.

I hope to see general sculpting and some strengthening and then later I will get the easy curve to really target the bust.

On another note. Exercises and nbe are friends.

(probably lots of you know this but I have only just discovered it.)

I have been doing something to get my pulse racing everyday and I think I’m feeling the benefits. Just swelling is better and I imagine all the blood going to the breasts when I work out and than it gives me tingles and aches for a little while after the work out.

I have been very active for about 3 weeks and can already feel and see the difference in my body overall, I haven’t gone on the scales so I don’t know if I have lost weight but I can close all my jeans again and feel comfortable in them. The muffin top has very much reduced. I have increased my water intake as well so that any weightless is not just water.

Only problem with all of this is that the breasts are suffering. They have a lot of gap in my bra again. They keep changing its hard to keep track. They will be big then shrink back them bulk back up. I think there is growth it may last for a week so I think I can call it growth but then its gone in 2 days. I don’t really know how to take it anymore.

I have been under a lot of stress this week so that hasn’t helped.

I don’t blame the boobs really my routine has been stripped back to just massaging in the morning and night and if I get a chance I do a bit of a massage in the afternoon but its not the chi. I cant get away with disappearing for 5 mins at work.

I am going to keep up with the massage and hypnosis but that will be all I do for now. I am also going to let this thread die and get lost into the later pages. I shall start a new one when I get the noogleberry and it will be like starting my journey all over again with a new program and more in depth description of what I am doing. Plus it will be something I will follow more rigorously. I have jumped around with this one and my concentration went somewhat.

I have done a lot of learning upon joining the forum and I thank everyone for all their help and support thus far on this thread.

Omg I've just seen the shake weight ad, the video is quite funny.

Did you find it efficient at least ?

I know the advert is hilarious! And its looks really silly when you use it but my arms are looking better. Also there is a total body workout on the video and I have been doing it everyday since I got it and I think it’s worked, the arms only is a 6min video and the body work out is another 10 I do them back to back. However, I did nothing before I got this. Maybe if you work out properly its a bit crap. Also a lot of people who know anything about fitness say its rubbish. Normal people I find say its good, probably because many of them are like me and didn’t do any exercise before. As an easy introduction to exercise I have enjoyed it. I team it up with a workout program on youtube by sparkpeople- 7-day swimsuit boot camp, I try and get it in everyday but this week has been a bit every other day, I have been working late at the office. And I spend 30mins once a week on a stationary exercise bike. I haven’t enjoyed the yoga dvd so kind of gave up on it but I feel like giving it another shot so I had a go at it last night. Part of the problem is lack of space in my house.

I would say I am all round a bit more toned than before and I’m sliming down so I give it a thumbs up.

The shake weight for improving the chest and muscles around the breasts- meh. I’m not sure its doing a whole lot but the shoulders and underarm are looking less flabby so I think those muscles must be improving a little as a consequence. I look forward to the easy curve.

Now that the UK is having a little heat wave I brought out the summer wardrobe and put on dresses I haven’t worn in a year. Something must be happening to my boobs the dresses don’t look the way they used to Big Grin it’s slight more like just a fullness and perkiness but it’s enough to encourage me to keep going. it feels good!

Something a little funny has happened, I lapsed massively in everything I was doing, exercise massage my diet absolutely everything has gone over the last few weeks. Interestingly the brake has done wonders for my boobs, I’m sure that my bra is too tight. When I started this journey I bought a few bras in different sizes above my current size so that I had something to aim for. I have had to break out the C cup my usual B’s are just uncomfortable. I have gaps in the C-probably is too soon and I’m getting ahead of my self but the B’s are defiantly tight-uncomfortably so.

I have tried to find some answers for this

1- Massage has lapsed but not stopped, I haven’t been doing the 360 chi rotations, and I just got lazy. Instead I do a much shorter massage and its based on fat brushing and fluid draining actions. Maybe less is more???? Or I just respond better to this massage rather than that.

2- I have gained weigh- quite possible. I stopped going for a run and toning and all stuff. Nuff said. Although my cloths are not tighter.

3- Its time of the month related, as it is that time so they will shrink back. If this is the case its still encouraging I have never had to change bra before.

4- Simply brakes are good. A lot of people say take a brake and come back to it and you have a little spurt.

5- Actually I’m just in a better mood all round no stress, good things are happening in my life. Maybe it’s just all that positive energy.

I do hope its not just weight gain. I would take any of the others over that.

P.S. I know I said I would let this thread die but I haven’t got the noogleberry yet and I need somewhere to track the progress so it can stay active until I get the pump.

Oh and the last thought was my boobs are like gold fish and expand to the size of the container they are in. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Big GrinTongue

Lol to the goldfish comment.

I don't think you need to let this thread die. In my program I went from herbs to msm to BO and it's nice to see the progress and dates of things. But it's your call. Good luck with your noogleberry Smile

Hello all its been a long time, I debated heavily weather to start a new thread but have decided to stay here and get it re-titled.

I have built my own pumping kit as described by someone on the pump page her invention is fantastic and all credit to her. I am going to purchase a Noogleberry but this will be a temporary solution until I can.

I have 2 Tupperware style bowls (actually pudding bowls for baking in the oven) for domes. They measure 15cm diameter by approximately 10cm deep. Aquarium tubing that I put in the dome attached to a wine vacuum pump. I covered the connection between the tubing and the pump with bluetak as it was the only way I could seal it I was thinking tape but it didn’t work.

I didn’t really want to post anything about it at first because firstly I feel a bit of a fraud having build a DIY pump and so I cant really talk on the noogleberry forums or ask many questions here. And secondly I wanted to record the pumping photographically but I have lost my SD card for my camera so I can’t. However I have had some problems and need somewhere to record the progress so I will continue despite these things.

Pros, cons and my experience so far.

There are some obvious pros:

Cost; I put it together for about £12.

· If you have a situation like mine and you cant easily obtain/have delivered/ own a pump, buying these items does not obviously shout breast pump and are easily obtainable.

· It works so far. I get a good swelling, which lasts practically all day from 15mins session in the morning. I do about 15 in the morning and maybe up to an hour in the evening but this is not always possible. It’s kind of hard at home because people come in an out of my room constantly. My parents don’t respect boundaries they have the attitude you are under my roof so you own nothing and we can go into your cupboards etc if we want to its our house. In many ways it’s fair enough it is their house but it makes doing anything like pumping for long sessions impossible. I am constantly listing out for footsteps on the landing.


The cons become apparent as you start to pump regularly

· I have over pumped seriously once, I tried leaning forward to get a better suction and over pumped massively I have red dots and purple boobs! Not good. I held off for a few days until it all went down, the purple faded within minutes but the dots stayed for a few days.

Over pumping I think is easy because you cant see what colour/how your boobs are doing in the bowls, as they are cloudy/translucent. Only flesh touching the side of the container can be seen and it’s misleading.

· It’s a bit awkward to experiment with pumping technique. Pump and hold is really the only option. I pump until I feel a pull and have a seal and them I just go about whatever I am doing until I have to stop/am interrupted. If I am fortunate to have a long session I will take them off after some time and them put them on again tiring to pump a little harder do there is more pull than before. But it is a bit of a rigmarole.

· As the bowls are not designed for breast pumping I’m not sure about the depth vs. the diameter thing. I have noticed on noogleberry, the diameter and the depth are the same. Mine have difference. I don’t know if this will be a problem. I have to keep using this makeshift pump until September.

I have a few problems, which are not due to the DIY pump, like one breast is bigger than the other, quite noticeably. The bigger one the nipple touches the end of the dome when I pump the left is only half way filling the dome. When I stop pumping and ware a bra the difference isn’t so great. But being a DIY pump its kind of hard to fix the problem as suggested by Anastasia previously. I was thinking wait for the noogleberry to fix it or just grow them to the size I want and them continue pumping that breast until it catches up it just will need more time. I’m not too worried.

I have started to eat jelly. Lots of it. For the gelatine. I will buy some proper collagen supplements soon and reduce the amount of jelly. Jelly is too calorific (I started at 3 cubes and by the end of the week I was like go for the whole lot who cares and ate it bit by bit through out the working day. I now think that this is a bit excessive and not very helpful as I was skipping lunch to make up for the overhaul of calories.)

Eventually I want to take MSM, collagen and perhaps 2/3cubes of jelly a day. I never take maximum doses of anything so I would take the minimum recommendation of each MSM and collagen and top it up with a small bit of gelatine.

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