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Nbe is dead? Where's the inspiration?


(07-10-2017, 10:07)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(07-10-2017, 08:57)hannah Wrote:  
(07-10-2017, 00:15)Chrissygwy Wrote:  Am working on it Hannah 'inspiration'  lol

Tell me when you get there..and if you do leave this place without boobs tell me too lol :p

I pledge to announce the end of my nbe journey 'boobs or no boobs' but am gonna get me some tatas! Bugger the nay sayers or doubters and am going to post my titty pics! It can be done and am going to do it! Watch me grow peps!

Now that sounds great Chrissy, atm I would like to be in the same place as you with my mindset . Your positivity makes me hopefull for this place. though i need some real tangible results myself after all these years..i still believe i can grow into another cupsize. But i can say Ill do whatever it takes..but that just isnt possible.  I dont want to fully mess up my hormones bc that makes me tired and ill..+results might be temporary, once ill throw the herbs(pm and pc) out my little titty progress dissapears too...

I still believe the old breastnexus Down the bottom has the best success stories and photo evidence. I couldn't refer back to old pics if I tried. I got caught at home soo many times then also a few scares right here on BN led me to never leaving bare pics up online, this is the Internet after all  Shy Pics can be screen capped or outright saved by creepiest. Maybe that's why people don't post  up pics.

(07-10-2017, 19:36)EllaC Wrote:  I still believe the old breastnexus Down the bottom has the best success stories and photo evidence. I couldn't refer back to old pics if I tried. I got caught at home soo many times then also a few scares right here on BN led me to never leaving bare pics up online, this is the Internet after all  Shy Pics can be screen capped or outright saved by creepiest. Maybe that's why people don't post  up pics.

Totally agree about nudity and the internet, its not a great match but posting pics in clothing or bra would be fine for me..did that before and without my face on it im okay with that..
The old bn has good references indeed ashame for us these members are no longer active.

oh girls, whole and beautiful who need no mending   ..even if biology wasn’t so boob generous, these things are, after all, a projection of our femininity and there’s no reason why we can’t push nature a little, being we are such spirit-filled mortals of thought and power. Smile i’ve had a bit of measurable success. it’s been modest but it is real, fwiw

(07-10-2017, 19:56)hannah Wrote:  
(07-10-2017, 19:36)EllaC Wrote:  I still believe the old breastnexus Down the bottom has the best success stories and photo evidence. I couldn't refer back to old pics if I tried. I got caught at home soo many times then also a few scares right here on BN led me to never leaving bare pics up online, this is the Internet after all  Shy Pics can be screen capped or outright saved by creepiest. Maybe that's why people don't post  up pics.

Totally agree about nudity and the internet, its not a great match but posting pics in clothing or bra would be fine for me..did that before and without my face on it im okay with that..
The old bn has good references indeed ashame for us these members are no longer active.

You see on the old site alot who started and never returned. Am grateful to those who did post progress and results so they can show it can be done! I think you have to be a certain type of person to see success 'belief, patience and discipline' and longterm that can be taxing on anyone but those that think their going nail it first time and grow boobs in a month will never achieve much. This is my 3rd or 4th different routine and i keep trying different things, herbs, massage, supps, pumps, advice but i know ill find right combo eventually.

@Ella think maybe i should do bra pics? I was going put dots over my nips?

(07-10-2017, 08:48)hannah Wrote:  
(07-10-2017, 03:04)TibetanPrincess Wrote:  
(06-10-2017, 20:48)hannah Wrote:  Will anybody on bn ever grow more then 1 cupsize permanently ever? It feels like nbe is a big hassle for females bc we mess up our hormones, dont see growth, and then we just stop trying it at all! It feels like members come and go. We are coming here full of hope, and then we leave this place small breasted just like before we started reading all this shit.
Anybody agrees or disagrees with this? I feel a bit like a loser, reading up on bn, never seeing inspirational pictures from people who've had fantastic nbe succes(besides Tibetan). And still trying this. I dont want to tske ridiculous dosages wwhich mess with my hormonal state, but i do want fantastic full natural breasts. Should i stop dreaming or are you guys hiding your succesfull stories? Bc succesfull people if you read this, bring some inspiration to this thread Wink

Hey Hannah,

I think the latter half is true. Many have success and they are not spilling! Well only out of their cups ; I get many emails from women saying they are growing and ask questions regarding adding other supps or how to stop and or when to stop.

I think back and I had 3 failed attempts throughout the 5 year period and yes, much of that time I felt like you, and that time can you imagine, the very few success stories then? it felt very far fetched that any of this stuff was real! 

I also think about if I didn't make the promise to JESUS to share this information if I had any success, would I have shared? The answer may or may not surprise you but, I don't think I would!
LOL, secret keeper, well maybe I would share with gals in real life, only the sweet ones. 

But I realized many of us are sooo busy with life so its easy to just move on once the growth happens. You can imagine "no one would ever believe me anyway, so why bother sharing." "Its just tooo much to explain, so Ill just skip that headache. Or Im getting married and graduating college, my mom just passed, I don't have time!"

Who knows why the rest of the ladies don't care to share and I WISH more ladies would post before and after photos! But they never do and continue to boast how its all working for them. But at the end of the day, they don't owe anyone anything. But for me, its just getting caught up in life mainly and Loving the idea of sanctity.

You are totally right especially since everybody is typing from their phones n takes too much time. Though if i had pictures of me beeing an a  cup and then me beeing a d cup due to nbe I really would post  them to share...I think BN would go wild on such pics , lol like :" is this really possible ?!" people would think. And that is what you can give, instead of everybody taking what you need from Breastnexus. They dont owe anybody anything but nobody posting pictures makes a hoax from nbe.
thats ashame bc Love is the keyword here, making wishes come true encouraging each other, one big pink cloud , i know lol.

Yep, that's why I posted mine. I couldnt even believe my own progress, with Hashimotos and age and all!

(07-10-2017, 22:13)Chrissygwy Wrote:  
(07-10-2017, 19:56)hannah Wrote:  
(07-10-2017, 19:36)EllaC Wrote:  I still believe the old breastnexus Down the bottom has the best success stories and photo evidence. I couldn't refer back to old pics if I tried. I got caught at home soo many times then also a few scares right here on BN led me to never leaving bare pics up online, this is the Internet after all  Shy Pics can be screen capped or outright saved by creepiest. Maybe that's why people don't post  up pics.

Totally agree about nudity and the internet, its not a great match but posting pics in clothing or bra would be fine for me..did that before and without my face on it im okay with that..
The old bn has good references indeed ashame for us these members are no longer active.

You see on the old site alot who started and never returned. Am grateful to those who did post progress and results so they can show it can be done! I think you have to be a certain type of person to see success 'belief, patience and discipline' and longterm that can be taxing on anyone but those that think their going nail it first time and grow boobs in a month will never achieve much. This is my 3rd or 4th different routine and i keep trying different things, herbs, massage, supps, pumps, advice but i know ill find right combo eventually.

@Ella think maybe i should do bra pics? I was going put dots over my nips?
The only way I knew things were improving was in fact bra pics. Keep x1 bra dedicated to progress shots. Gather all breast tissue into it and take a pic then repeat remembering to scoop all tissue into it each time cause growth can go sideways and make it hard to pick up

I think most of the successful women simply finished and left.  You can find them with the search tool, archives and old website.  There are quite a lot.

Most success stories are from those who are medium or large to begin with.  They have better breast health.  Medium tends to grow to at most F or G.  Those who start large go even further depending on the person.

It's common for those who are small to begin with to not grow very much if at all, maybe an inch or two if any.  Typically they have some kind of health issue that must be addressed first: hormonal, thyroid, developmental (skinny and small in general), or mood (anxiety/depression/etc.).  Trying to cut carbs is the biggest villain here.  It has no benefit whatsoever because your body converts your extra protein and fat into carbs anyway.  As a diet there is no evidence that it is any better than any other calorie cutting diet.  And because healthy foods are whole plant foods which are loaded with carbs.  Especially seeds: grains, beans and nuts.  Plus the other foods listed in my sig thread.  Check their nutrient contents yourself and see: .   Whole plant foods are the way, especially seeds.  Not most meat.  And not only do you need these, you need a whole lot: they need to be the bulk of your diet to get the required nutrients.  Any diet at all besides fighting to pile on as much of these as possible is going to screw your health royally.  By which I mean failing to develop, hormonal problems and mood problems.  Even if you do use high amounts and risk the negative effects in such a case, I doubt you'll have any benefits to show for it.

Thus it's very important to see what past successful programs did.  But not only that but also to see their background and starting point.  What was their starting size, what kind of diet did they have, what birth control are/were they on, etc.  Also try to quantify things.  How much of such and such, was it an extract or not, and what was the concentration of that extract.  Potency is NOT the same for all herbs; for some like PM you must use very little or you'll run into all kinds of trouble, for others you can use a lot and it will still be a moderate reasonable amount.  Picking the wrong thing for you or the wrong amount/concentration leads to a lot of mistakes.  I see a lot of women jump into full capsules of PM right away and get way overloaded.  Or others use a dose/concentration of other herbs that is so low that no one has ever grown on that amount and they get frustrated.  As much as you may want to take 2 capsules for everything without checking the concentration; it's pure coincidence when this is right.  Check what worked before.

EDIT: I forgot one more thing, patience.  You may see the most successful girls grow an inch a month and get discouraged when you don't.  But it's more common to grow an inch every 3 or 4 months and 2 inches in a year.  Or anything in between could happen.  Keep at your program for at least 3 months before giving up.

(07-10-2017, 22:06)solome Wrote:  oh girls, whole and beautiful who need no mending   ..even if biology wasn’t so boob generous, these things are, after all, a projection of our femininity and there’s no reason why we can’t push nature a little, being we are such spirit-filled mortals of thought and power. Smile i’ve had a bit of measurable success. it’s been modest but it is real, fwiw

Very true when rules don't exist why be governed by them?  We are limited by our beliefs in the rules after all (and sometimes others beliefs in rules eg. Opinions). I know of a lady who sculptured her own body through manifestation, those bound by the mind would be fofoing this statement now because reasoning doesnt allow such things. I wish i was free enough to do this but i still have tethers.

i know it can be so frustrating. breasts do grow  ..but, slowly. i’ll try not to be long-winded,  …pumping has definitely helped though it’s only 2 or 3 times/wk at 45minutes preceded with some massage, currently with borage, lavender and melaleuca, making sure to stimulate my nipples, too …it’s just an intuitive thing. i prefer laying on my back once i’ve pumped up so my breasts aren’t pulled forward so much. 

of all the things i’ve tried and all the different nutrients i’ve taken, i can say i think i saw the most startling impact when i was experimenting with glandulars, taking hypothalamus, pituitary, bo, sheep placenta and another called raw female and a bit of dhea. this was a crazy period and i was pushing the limits of what is reasonable but my breasts did respond by growing some and there was an incident when i swelled scary huge and started leaking. anyway, point is that it was having an impact. i know many have reservations about it. idk, possibly it had a lot to do with the hypothalamus and pituitary ..imo. i’m not taking them, now.

i use pro-gest but sparingly in luteal and i do think that helps, too. i’ve given so, so many products a try from high-quality nutrients to herbals like fenugreek which i do like and adaptogenic herbs, good oils, kelp, lugols, concentrace, vitD, nutritional yeast, creatine, aminos, on and on but i could never really see significant breast growth. 

i’ve always been on the trim side, a little bit athletic, high metabolism, small breasts, very hard to gain weight but never ate a lot, anyway. my body chooses to deposit fat one place only, my butt, i’m 5’8, 135ish lbs. and always experimenting. i’ve mostly stopped eating beef and chicken and dairy’s been very difficult

 …so, to my latest experiment ..i started consuming a plant protein mix and adding a bit of whey protein, almond milk, chlorophyll, peanut butter, tahini, fish oil, collagen hydrolysate, coconut oil, raw pumpkin seeds and a date in the morning and evening. i’m not doing any super workouts and i’ve never tried this before and i’m gaining weight and omg my boobs are growing. i’m probably, also, growing a simultaneous massive ass. i’m eating yams quite frequently  …and brown rice with bone broth. also, i’ve been taking some time now and then, especially when massaging and pumping to close my eyes and imagine that my boobs are a very busty double D or E ..i’m one of those people that believe that thoughts are things, as real as the physical world and have immense power and they are responsible for nearly every condition in my life ….so, i try to have inspirational thinking, not always successful but it’s better to shoot beyond your target. i figure that the imagery is one of the languages my body totally gets.

ok, so it’s been about 2months with the protein drinks and my boobs are larger, not surprising, but i’ve noticed they’re taking a bit of shape i haven’t seen before, a more typical lower pole, areola upward look. i know i can’t keep this up forever but i wonder when i do start to back off on the protein, if my boobs will get to keep any of the changes. i can see them when i close my eyes, they’re huge, they’re heavy and omg, some guy just took a selfie. yeah, it could happen. it will happen. cheers

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