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Late period


August 16 2007 at 6:28 PM Anonymous (no login)

Hi all,
Just wanted to know if anyone on St herbs PM have gotten their periods a week early? At first i thought i was spotting (which I don't normally get) but it's my period. I'm on my 15 day break now and should be starting second cycle next week...any suggestions or advice? I'm kind of freaked out because i usually have regular periods that last 3-4 days. Please advise.


Deborah Patrie
(Login forme2know)
This is common......
August 23 2007, 2:57 AM

To have your period get somewhat out of wack (pardon the expression) is pretty common with the pueraria mirifica when taken in the dosage and method used in the st herb formula. The phytoestrogens (miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol)in this herb are basically bio-identical to human estradiol, and therefore when you take these pills in a cyclic fashion, it is going to influence your cycle...most women find that it evens out in a month or two. You should just wait the 15 days and restart the pills again, regardless of your flow. It is nothing to worry about is really quite natural. Don't be alarmed. ;-)

Deb from Ebay

(Login Mary..)
Re: This is common......
August 23 2007, 5:01 AM

A week early, 3 weeks late. PM is so unpredictable. You never know when to expect your period.

its baaaack!
September 26 2007 at 5:21 AM
KittyCharlette (Login KittyCharlette)

ok so my period FINALLY came, 3 weeks late. i wasnt cycling at first because i was told by ainterol (PM brand im taking) that it isnt necessary. my period was two weeks late so i began cycling after 1.5 months. im currently in the middle of my "off" days and am just now getting my period. am i supposed to restart the PM now (day 1 of period) or am i supposed to wait until the end of my 14 "off" days? does that make any sense? im so confused.

(Login shoelova)
Re: its baaaack!
September 26 2007, 12:41 PM

With other brands, such as PM UK and St Herb, they recommend you only start again after the FULL break, whether your period comes earlier, or later, than the day you should be starting, ie after the 14/15 days off. This is so your cycle will sort itself out over time, whereas if you keep altering the amount of days in your break, it wont cycle your period, causing it to be permanantley irregular. So i personally would wait until youv had the full break before starting again.

Hope that helps

love shoelova xxx

(Login KittyCharlette)
Re: its baaaack!
September 26 2007, 6:24 PM

thanks! that answered my question Smile

Early Periods??!!!!
October 19 2007 at 2:53 PM
MyJourney (Login Myjourney)

Has anyone experienced early periods with PM??? I just got mine...a week early. works well for me this month to get it over with...but it was very weird. I am actually not breaking in a cycle...just taking it through the whole month. Next month I may cycle 2 and 2.
Also, I noticed some of you experienced some anxiety? Did you think that was due to the PM? I had some severe anxiety this month and I thought it was just because I messed up on my dosages of aminos and herbs that I take for my anxiety and depression.

FY Spirit
(Login FY_Spirit)
Early Periods
October 21 2007, 11:39 PM

I experienced 2 early periods since taking PM (also 1 week earlier than usual) and I've NEVER had early periods, only lates, so it was wierd.

Though now I've had a late period .. really late (about 4 weeks later than usual).

Anyway, I hope its just my cycle just adjusting itself and not something getting messed up inside. I still want to have kids :s

Woolly Sheep
(no login)
Re: Early Periods??!!!!
October 29 2007, 6:10 PM

hi, i got two early periods this month, or i dunno if it's period it's much too light compared to my usual period, but i had bleeding for about four days about a week after my period finished, a week later it came back on, it's now forth day, so now i have period every 10 days or so, i'm not taking PM anymore, i think it's just not good for me

deborah from Ebay
(Login forme2know)
Changes in periods is common with PM .............
November 3 2007, 4:54 AM

Especially in the first couple of months. I hear this a LOT. The miroestrol in PM is chemically identical to estradiol (human estrogens). When you start talking the PM it has these very potent plant estrogenic compounds that definitely have the ability to "rearrange" your period.

The good is harmeless. It is annoying to many, however. But it usually straighten out in a few cycles.

Be sure to start the course of pills on the first day of your period and then take for 15 days....stop for 15 days. Then resume regardless of your menses.

If having your period become irregular is disturbing to you, you might want to try the Mirifem brand. This does not happen nearly as often with those pills. Partly because you are taking a lower daily dose rather than the high dose on and off as with the st herb brand.

The st herb dosing schedule is the same as what was used in clinical trials in Thailand and reported on in the scientific journals.

Hope this helps.

two periods in one month
November 17 2008 at 6:55 PM dandelion (Login dandelion1)
I started my period oct 1rst, so 6 days after i started bellas pm. I guess in november it came a bit later cuz i started taking the pm early november. i am probably like on day 8 of taking the pm and i started my period again! thats the second time this month!?

does this mean the pm is strong or maybe i got confused with my cycle days, but i doubt it.

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Mumma Bear
(no login)
Re: two periods in one month
November 18 2008, 12:45 AM

Hi Dandelion - I know it's probably a bit disconcerting, but I wouldn't worry too much - it's just your body adjusting, the next month will probably be more normal. I think it would be the phytoestrogens bumping the normal estrogens out of those receptors, so you get a bit of breakthrough bleeding.

Either that or it's something to do with the uterus being stimulated a bit too much - i know I get a slight crampy sensation about 30 mins after taking a dose. At least we can tell it's having quite a strong hormonal effect!

(Login dandelion1)
Re: two periods in one month
November 18 2008, 5:22 AM

true at least i know the pm has an effect.
ive gotten pretty crampy today - more crampy than i've been with a normal period in a long time, albeist i've stopped the pill 2 months before bella's and i remember being pretty crampy as a teenager (when not on the pill)
i'm really exited about your results , you must be too

I really hope I get as good results as bella but on her site she states that she uses EVERYTHING!!!
im on caps and bawty butter.
just got my second order today - which means that after this I'll have completed 4 months. I'll order once more, so I'm giving bella a 6 month go

(Login Samantha.)
Re: two periods in one month
November 19 2008, 2:25 PM

Dame thing happened to me, two periods in one month. Rather disconcerting I've got to say.

Spotting on PM
February 8 2009 at 8:13 AM Kat (Login a2c)

I started my PM cream last night and today I have been spotting like crazy. I have NEVER spotted before so this has to be related to the cream. Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

(no login)
Re: Spotting on PM
February 9 2009, 5:59 PM

I guess its the PM, but thats weird and fast result( side effect). I wouldn't get worried about it and continue with what your doing. It will take the body time to adjust to higher level of hormones. Or maybe it is just a freak thing and won't happen again.

(Login madboobie)
Re: Spotting on PM
February 9 2009, 7:07 PM

Hi Kat

In my experience Pm is a weird and powerful thing.

After only a couple of weeks using the PM Uk spray and nothing else, my boobs started producing colostrum!! this i found nasty enough when i was pregnant but after i'd been sterilised... eeek!

Also, my period was a week late.

then I stated using the caps and my period was about 3 weeks late.

then i reduced the number of days I used the caps for (from 14 to 12) and my period came after 38 days as opposed to 30 - 32. Also on both occasions it was heavier.

i suppose the point I'm making is this.... PM is a powerful herb, it does strange things to the female body and affects us all differently. If your spotting is minimal, ie to my mind using a liner a day, nothing too major, I would ignore and carry on. If more major than that you need to decide whether the hasle of it is worth it. i am still on a learning curve with it. i have deceide on balance to continue but this month I am taking a half dose and seeing what that does.

To summarise i would say with PM you need to really take notice of what your body is saying and calibrate accordingly. It is strong and may be effective but don't ignore anything that bothers you. It can be worrisome whan your body is doing strange things and worry in itself is antithetical to NBE.

But good luck with it and keep posting.

(Login a2c)
Re: Spotting on PM
February 10 2009, 8:02 AM

Thank you for your responses Snowflake and Madboobie. Its comforting to know I'm not the only one getting messed up from this stuff.

So after 2 days of random spotting I started my period. - It came 2 weeks early! Very weird for me because I'm like clockwork. Anyways.. Like you guys said I'm probably just adjusting to the PM so I'm not going to stress about it anymore Smile

I'll keep you all posted on the progress and thanks again!

St. Herb Usage--I may have done it wrong
November 6 2007 at 2:10 AM Dina (no login)

My period started right in the middle of the day and I wasn't expecting it until next week; so I didn't have my pills. I rushed home to take one and have 3 more to take, should I just take one more tonight and then take the full dosage tomorrow?

(Login shortcake83)
Re: St. Herb Usage--I may have done it wrong
November 6 2007, 6:14 PM

I've actually been wondering something similar... I think I can help with one part of your question at least!

As far as I understand, the directions for St.herb pills are to take TWO in the morning and TWO at night. So I think that when you went home for your pills, you should have taken two instead of one. Then two more before you go to bed tonight. But some people ramp up with this stuff, so I think that if you miss one pill out of the day it's not going to hurt anything. Just take two before bed tonight. I don't know if you'd want to talk all three! That might make you feel icky. Then tomorrow, if you're not wishing to ramp up, take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. I don't think there should be any problems with doing it that way. And maybe some people DO take one pill 4 times spread throughout the day... Someone else may be able to help you out with that.

What I was wondering, similar to your question, was what if you start your period at night? I tend to do that and was thinking that I obviously wouldn't want to take 4 pills all at once! Or would I? Don't mean to hijack your question... Just asking since it's kind of the same!

Hope I helped you a little! And good luck!

Deborah from Ebay
(Login forme2know)
Re: St. Herb Usage--I may have done it wrong
November 7 2007, 2:32 PM

Don't worry. It is not so important to be so precise. Just be more relaxed about all of this. Just beging the course of pills the day of your period. If your period started during the middle of the day then take two pills that evening and two more the next morning and so forth. Don't be so concerned with getting the first days full 4 tablets in.

If your period started at night then just take the first 2 pills in the morning and the 2 two in the following evening. It is important to be relaxed about all of this or the stress you create over the whole business will ultimately cause your period to become irregular too!

Maybe that helps I don' know.

Best to all


(no login)
Re: St. Herb Usage--I may have done it wrong
December 5 2007, 1:20 AM

Now what about prescription antibiotics? If I'm taking the last few, should I wait until I'm done with them and start the regimen again? My next 15 day cycle for pills starts Wed. Or start anyway?

Deborah from Ebay
(no login)
St herb
December 11 2007, 7:21 AM

Just go ahead and start on Wed....if that is when you were supposed to start up again. I doubt there is any problem with the antibiotics either but always if you have medical issue is good to talk to a doctor I guess. Good luck.

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