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SO Angry and very hurt.


Cheryl I have been trying to gain as much information as possible on NBE and have reading as much information as I can from this forum. It has been a wealth of information and very helpful to me and one of the things that struck me on this forum was what a nice person you are, always so helpful and supportive. Don't let Carol upset you, you didn't deserve it so forget about her.

Oh Cheryl! What a rude ignoramus that Carol seems to be. I agree with all others on this thread. You did nothing but give helpful, friendly advice in your posts. I cannot find one bit that would make you seem like a man getting his 'jollies'. How absurd. Don't be hurt. You must let this fall off you like water off a ducks back. Carol obviously has issues that she needs to deal with. She has the problem not you so forget about her.

Cheryl, one of my firsts posts on your own site, i mentioned about some of the hatred i have come across on this site from a few members who seem to take offence to us "males" being on this website and i would like to quote what you replied "we must remember that everyone has their opinion and they are entilted to it no matter how much some will disagree with it" so if that is how you feel, then i cant understand while you are so peed off with what some small minded stereo type has said as are they not just stressing their opinion? even though its a pathetic one.
Some woman just dont like transgendered people, take my wife for instace, despite me being trans some trans folk make her want to vomit and with good cause i feel, as before i shut down my Facebook site it was totally jammed packed with TVs TS who spent all day on FB just sending sickly comments to each other saying how they just loved Pandoras new pair of wellies and how they wish they could have a pair just like theirs. Point i am trying to make is average Jo likes to dish out labels and i feel if you was to ask mr or mrs uneducated what a TV or TS is you would be answers like, its a bloke who like to pretend they are female, its a sad fact but just life im afraid.
Another reason why people might take offence to you personally is, well look in the mirror, your knockers are huge!! If you was to spread them around this site then ten of of us could live happily ever after lol i read somewhere round here that you were looking at getting bigger cups for you noog, eh what did you intend using milk tankers lol. Although you do help a lot of people with advice over the certain sites around the web, i personally take everything you say with reguards to NBE with a pinch of salt as i think you are just a one off and no matter how long anyone used Bountifull breasts, PM or Noog they dont stand a hope in hell of ever getting as big as you, so picture this you have some girl with a couple of marbles who comes across your pics and gets a bit jealous or peed off thinking its so unfair that all ive got are these shirt buttons but heres this "pretend female" with a couple of water melons and as a result leaves insulting posts!!!!

Kerensa, , Cheryl did not post pics of herself on the breast talk site. Nor did she list links to here or to cherylstalk in those posts. Her comments were on topic to the thread itself. There was no reason for carol the site admin and moderator to send such a hard letter without more proof of wrong doping on cheryls part.

Yeah can hear what your trying to say Andy, however even without the pics on this site Cheryls pics are on here and her own site and as a lot of people are members of many different sites then i guess many would know what Cheryl 1989 looks like. Hatred remarks of this kind should not be allowed END OF!!!! as they serve no good whatsoever, but the point i would like to make is you cant on one hand say people have the right to their oppinion and then put a thread on here saying you are angry and hurt when someone has a go at yourself.

Think all of us trans folk have been the butt of jokes at some time in their lives, so you become immune to pathetic wise cracks....laugh it off and walk on!!!

Hi Kerensa, i just want to start by saying, not to take this personly as i like you very much but im afraid your posts on here have anoyed me a little. Let me explain, you seem very negitive about the whole NBE process and one large part of getting it right is believing in it and putting 100% into it, many women on here and men have had very good results and should be commended even more so than me, you make me sound like a freek of nature because i have developed large breasts, im not saying i have not been very lucky, as i have and not all my growth is due to NBE, but i worked very hard with my NBE routine and i am very happy with what i have achieved. Everybody is intitled to there opinions and i do respect that, but that doesent mean it doesent hurt me as it does but i wont argue and try and convince someone that they should understand, its upto them. You talk about transgender people like you dislike them and really do not want to be one yourself, and thats fine, thats your feelings, but to me you are just fighting who you are, or who you want to be, now i do understand this and i know you have a difficult situation with your wife and children and so on and thats your personal buissness, but we all have difficult situations to deal with when it comes to this, you have an understanding wife and for that you should be very grateful. If you feel my advice and so on are not suitable for you then, do not listen to it, but for many people on here, they believe in what they are doing with NBE and put there all into it, and for most they get rewards and are very happy with there results. You take my posts with a pinch of salt and negativity, it means nothing to me thats your opinion and im fine by it. But maybe you should take along look into a mirror and just think what you want from this and even, if you should be doing it with that frame of mind. This is nothing personal Kerensa, but i would say life as transgender is very hard and alot do not understand it, but you talk like your a victim because of alot of horrible things that has happened to you, but your not a victim, everyone fights against something at sometime in there life, Illness, death , mental illness, loosing everything they hold dear but they fight and pull themselves through it and to me you have lost your fight and desire and have gave up. Now is the time to fight more then ever so just do it honey and maybe you will get the rewards you deserve, but you need to know what you want, and go for it.

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

p.s this is not me attacking you kerensa, i like you alot and would love to help you, but i think you need to be more optimistic, i really do xxx

behave like a woman? what does that even mean? that offends me.

and if you're talking about your breasts, then you ARE divulging personal information.

i think carol is 89 years old and she needs to be updated on societal acceptance.


The original question as asked by cheryl in this thread. To my understanding. Is whether or not she said something to cause such a strong and negative response from carol the admin/mod for community breast talk. The answer is no. I have been to the site and found the community rules and regulations for posting, as written by carol. While I did read them quickly. I did not see anything that indicated that cheryl had posted anything restricted or against the spirit of the community. She did not deserve the, dare I say it, hostile response.
You can have a negative opinion of someone or something. But, There are ways to be decent and pleasant about it. In many ways Carol of community breast talk violated the spirit of her own regulations!

Ok, So I am going to stop here with this. Everything I think of to write back to you on your comments here on this thread are not constructive. I am a little "vexed" with you over your comments right now kerensa. And I think you know why.

I have noted your increasing skeptisism in the last few posts that you have been making. And have become worried about your mental and emotional state. You seemed very happy when you first came on here, But that has changed. You have been expressing more and more cynicism over NBE. I am sorry that you cannot fully accept that NBE can work. You have been acting like we are in an Edgar Allen Poe story. Taking chemicals to fix a percieved blemish without concern for the full effects of what we are doing. (Appologies if I Ref. the wrong aurthor) NBE can work safely for you. There are risks in walking down the street.

I do like you kerensa and worry about you or I would not bother expressing my concern. I think you need to give cheryls comments some serious thought.
If you wish to PM me directly that is fine. You know that I can be reached here or at cheryls talk. If not, Then remember that I do wish the best for you and I hope you find it.

Cheryl please dont dictate to me what its like to be transgendered as unlike you i have trans ALL my life, but unlike you i never felt strong enough to believe i was TS so that left me on some kind of middle ground and in a place where as yet i have never come across any one person like me and therefore no one has the right to comment on what its like to be me. You go on about my wife and kids as if they are stopping me from progressing, which i cant see where you are coming from as if they were to leave me tomorrow then the only thing i would do differently from what i am doing now would be to either go back on proper hormones or have a boob job £800 in Cuba apparently, probably carried out in some back street toilet, but hey beggars cant be choosers.

As for my negativity towards NBE, well last night i sat through a really interesting programme about women having to go through their local PCT to get funding for boob jobs on the NHS, some of these girls had to wait 3 years to see if funding was granted, well what a waste of time eh, why not take bountifull breast, get a noog and hey presto water melons. If NBE was such a major success then boob jobs would become a thing of the past and when you consider the cost of breast augmentation compared to a few bottles of PM well you could have an exotic holiday with the money saved.

From my own experience on this site, if you say anything negative about NBE then you get ignored cos people on here dont want to hear it as we all want to believe that these herb cocktails will lead us to the holy grail, well excuse me for being a realist, if you want a fairytale ending then read Cinderella.

Andy, there are risks attached to walking down the street, yep sure there are, but you are aware of them, whats the risks of taking PM for say 5 years, as you are the link master im sure you will be able to find me something.

Cheryl, so ive lost my will and desire and gave up..crap couldnt be further from the truth, for the first time in my life i realise what the missing link has been and NO ONE is gonna stop me trying to get it, not even my own kids, yeah i feel sorry for them having some kind of messed up bloke as a dad, but one day they will have their own lives and understand that i also had mine and getting boobs was something i just had to do to become me.

Got so carried away with reply that i ent even mentioned why you have peed me off Cheryl, as you are well aware Majestic put a really sick thread on here about us blokes being perverts and that we were only on here to feed our sick fantasies. On your own site i left a thread saying about how offensive i found this thread and you replied with "i am aware of this thread on the other site and it upset me greatly but we have to accept that people feel this way and just get on with it, now i dont find what this Carol woman said anymore offensive than what Majestic ranted on about and if you have the attitude of well we have just got to get on with it, then why the heck did you start a thread saying how upset and angry you are as it seems to me as if you feel that everyone has the right to their oppinion as long as they dont have a pot at you!

At least once a month i get called faggot, batty boy,gender bender, freak and i just laugh it off as if pees um off more, over time i have learned to rise above offensive remarks and despite people feeling i should be ashamed of myself and should hide under the bed with the rest of the 75% of closet trannies i am tranny and proud. You just have to accept that there are still some people out there that think gays, lesbians and trans folk should be shot at birth and if you let them get to you which you obviously have then they have won.

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