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MistressGeorge's Program


Sounds like your masseuse knows her stuff! I'll have to look into salmon soup. I love me some salmon! :9

I had some for dinner that night of course! And tonight againSmile
Sooooo yummy. I got it from a Vietnamese restaurant, not like a corner place style I mean like a very nice restaurant. Im so picky about food, ingredients etc, lol/ Its important I eat good quality ingredients...Anyways Im digressing, it was a sweet and sour style broth with salmon, veggies and pineapples. I am good at cooking and making stocks and broths so I am going to make it at home so I can include it in my program.

Next cycle I am going to add pc. I would do it now but I dont want to do that and hortences. I have no clue if they would affect each other, hurt, or help each other. I have so much stuff I want to add at some point....I think I just need to be very patient about healing because I dont know how else I can approach it at this point. Im tired of stressing so I just dont.

Revised Program for this Cycle (A):
-Soup or Chicken Feet Broth with Hempseed
Hortences Formula
<3All Month Long<3
-Salmon soup at least 3 times a week
-Green Juice whenever possible ( meaning at home when I have time, going to school and getting one made by Maoz, or stopping at one of the organic places that juice downtown )
Beets in the form of juice or otherwise few times week
-Bag Spinach or Kale raw
-Carlsons Cod Liver Oil
-Collard greens, Kale, Cabbage almost everyday
- Fresh Papaya with Coco milk
I am seriously considering just using milk sometimes, I havent decided yet
and finally, -PC starting day 5 (Tibetan's the best; )

If you have a recipe for the salmon soup, please do share! I cook quite a bit myself and wouldn't mind trying to make it. Smile

I will post it for you when I figure out a recipe I like @blessedbreasts

I went back to that restaurant for brunch after yoga this morning which was totally awesome btw. I loved the soup before but now that I want it boob related reasons lol I love it even more. It is soooo tasty and tangy.

Looking forward to the recipe! Wink Sounds like you're living the life. Yoga classes, massages, good food. Fantastic!

I am trying to relax blessedbreasts! I used to stress so much all the time.
I am going to add pc, I think I really need it, progesterone is like one of the big problems with endo.

Adding Stinging Nettle Tea for this cycle just to see how I react to it. I read it supposedly raises E and T somewhere on here, but I am not sure if it will actually help or harm my hormones directly. I am interested in it bc SP and Spearmint never helped and I used them religiously with no good resultsSad
I also read alot of stuff that says SN is good for endo on blogs and various sites, didnt see anything about it directly affecting hormones though except here. It is rich in iron as well, oh and protein.

Anyway, I bought it on a whim and had a cup last night. I felt some stuff going on down there and then this alot of swelling went downSmile
I get bad swelling on my right side sometimes, very uncomfortable. The only other thing that brings it down my inflammation that quick is turmeric, so I was very very very pleased and surprised. Its also supposed to be an astringent, very good for endo. So, I am taking a chance and trying Stinging Nettle Tea and see how I react to it. I am not too worried about it raising estrogen or whatever, I doubt it can raise it high enough to the point of aggravating me, but only time will tell. I am also hoping that with the other stuff in my program, it will do more help than harm.

Hi mistressgeorge.
Your programme is an interesting read. I like how you are really taking on a whole health approach while you are at it.
Can you answer a couple of questions for me.
Can you tell me a bit more about why you are using the lady's mantle? ( I want to add this to my luteal phase to boost progesterone) and also serrapeptase?
I purchased some of this ages ago but forgot the benefits too it. I just recall reading them and going "omg this is a wonder supplement"

Thanks Smile

I do not take ladys mantle everyday all the time as of lately or this cycle, but, I have in the past and it helps wonders for pms pain. Actually, it may helped to have eliminate it, it helped with many of my estrogen dominant symptoms that aggravated me in the past, severely aggravated. It seemed to work gently, it never aggravated my condition, but helped over time. I also took Vitex for one cycle. I am not sure if it made a difference, but it was at the same time so I will mention so you know all I took.

For you specific question why I took it. I began taking it because I read alot about it and it always said or implicated that it was good for progesterone. I think I may have been interested at first because of reading a lady here using it. So I did more reading and began to take it almost everyday with vitex for one cycle. After vitex for a cycle, I stopped because I wasnt sure if it would aggravate endo but I kept ladys mantle for few months more. My cycle lengthened, I am not sure if it is "good" or "bad" thing in general but thats what happened. Previously before messing around with various types of phyto-estogens my cycle shortened to 27-28 days. I am not sure, but it could be good for me. I think this because I may have luteal phase defect, may, not sure, but I think its a possibility. Now my cycles are a bit longer and I suspect my L phase is as well, though I should check temps again at some point to make sure. Also I used to have sore breasts before my period, for years thats how I knew it was coming. I think that may be a sign of Estro Dominance. It doesnt happen anymore. Sorry if that was too much info, i wanted to give you a comprehensive answer on why I took it, what it did, etc. All in all I am glad I discovered it. I dont know why I stopped. I think because I started looking for other healing methods, but it was vey gentle I think I should do it again with pc soon.

As for serrapeptase. I am concerned with adhesions, uterus wall rebuilding and clearing cyst tissue and any dead tissues around my fallopian tubes. I know for sure the cyst is there, it bothers me like hell, but I have to take care of the other stuff because endometriosis causes alot of scarring. It should also be good for breast fibroids. Seems to be touted as a great overall powerfull enzyme, people use it for diff stuff I guess. I saw alot of people using it who had surgery and like joint pain or problems, not sure exactly. So the plan is that I am not taking now, but am just doing healing herbs, later I will start serrapeptase to clear away dead tissue. I dont know if it makes a difference, but I will do it afterward when I am not on herbs so I wont have too much inflammation or activity in my abdomen. I wanna clear up alot of this issue, then clean it out,if that makes any sense.

Ok thanks, yes that all makes sense.
I found the ladys mantle helped immensely with heavy bleeding and and pain during my first couple of days which have been pretty horrendous as of late. I read too that it helps women with post natal depression which is when the progesterone drops significantly so I figured that makes sence if it raises P. Ok thanks for confirming all that Smile

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