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MistressGeorge's Program


It was and I certainly will. I always wanted to have someone else perform one for me. I do massage the girls, but I am never confident in my abilities to do it as well as I want it done. I was also curious though.

@Insanity 89 When she was done I was in a light sleep, so much for not relaxing too much lol.


It sounds awesome, I would like to try it!!
Just out of curiosity...can you still feel that little lump?

Now it just feels tense in that area. Its like on the upper most part of my chest like around my armpit area When she was massaging it tho yea, it felt kind of like a lump. Ill def keep a look out.

I didnt realize how much swelling I had until I got undressed last night and my breasts went back to 'normal' size. I didnt even know a massage could make you swell up like that. I was looking high, pert and full!!!!!! I put on a bra yesterday to see if it could help me keep it ( i know that may sound silly but worth a shot) but it went down anyway. I think the bra did more harm than good. It was just a very cute underwire bra, from Target, so rather cheap in its performance.

Massage scheduled for Tuesday.

No more beef for a while.

I ate beef twice in 2 days!!! MmmmmmmSmile
I made chili last night and burritos the night before. I have been ok and comfortable with alot less meat since like the end of last year but Ive kind of omitted red meat this year, ( not totally obviously). Pastured and Grass fed meat is amazing and of course my beef was grass fed so when I do eat meat I dont really feel guilty about it at all.
I think too much meat esp beef and coffee and bad endo triggers for me. Like very bad.

Ive been slipping on my daily intake of fruit alot for a few months now. I am going to start having a smoothie everyday and thats how Ill have my flax seed for the day as well. Organic canned fruits and fresh fruits, organic canned coconut milk ( not that boxed stuff), the flax and vitamin c not ascorbic acid. Sounds good.

New cycle began yesterday without pain or discomfort. That is unheard of for me. Totally unheard of, never have this happened since I was a preteen. Counting my blessings.

Going to document by cycle so I am more organized. I want to add an enzyme, serrapeptase but I think I want to take it apart from Hortences which I am on in luteal phase this cycle again. It is supposed to be good for getting rid of scarring which I have due to my endo. I read a story of a lady using it and it cleared her fallopian tube, she also had endometriosis.

-Soup or Chicken Feet Broth with Hempseed
Hortences Formula


Mmmmm, chili, burritos, smoothies... you're making me hungry! Glad to hear you didn't have any pain this cycle. Smile

Thank you blessedbreasts, I am glad too.

Different masseur today, same procedure obviously, but of course a different experience. Enjoyed today as well. This masseur was talkative, a bit. She communicated to me in limited english that she recommendsI take papaya and milk, blend them together and drink. Also she asked if I like soup, I enthusiastically replied yes! She recommended soup with salmon. I didnt ask her anything, she just started telling me this after massaging my knots on the left side. Left side is very tense still. She said it would be very good for my breastsSmile I loved hearing these tips from nbe methods we know about, from a chinese masseur.
Almost forgot, told me to massage them while in the shower, ironically i do, I told her she said its good and told me to also have my bf massage them. Basically massage massage massage the boobies!

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