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My plan


can i call you dude?

dude dont swing your arms for exercise.. go sweat your fucking ass off. if you want to promote proper circulation? sweat till you cant see straight. your body will be on fire, everywhere...

your ears will be ringing! lol. thats the best time to breathe deep and focus where you want your body to put that extra blood (ASSUMING YOUR CIRCULATION... is on par. i do not suggest massaging or NBE with clogged vessels. like you really want to take 3 days first and cleanse for maximum results)

reiki and meditation.. idk how far you are willing to push yourself? you can focus on the spot - i'm just trying to provide everything i know humanly possible - with meditiation and "work it out" to that place

anyways. i have not gotten much experience with meditation, i have only tried it once or twice, but i thought i would say - it can do that if you are interested.

but please seriously consider any exercising that gets your body in FULL sweat to help your circulation please!

my thoughts are super scattered.. idk what to say blah! sorry.

*throws all the info i can at you!*

goodluck and i hope some of this helps you :3

Wow having read mitches post it was like he was describing me!
Yes i too have had to give up coffee *sobs* probably why i have had circulation issues for soo long along with colesterol build up.
And yes defo give up the sodas. Youd be consuming a huge amount of sugar and some here have said after dropping sugar and going on a clean diet their boobs grew!

haha dont fret "my dear" (just using this as a loving term to say that i understand.. your pain)

i'm currently addicted to tobacco and..

as we all know.. that clogs theshit out of your vessels Sad

on top of that.. i drink a cup of coffee with 3 scoops .. (large ass giant scoops) of sugar.. with milk

anyways. it IS a struggle. i will - SOON be setting up MY whole regiment.. and nailing that shit down so hard that... *place a crazy and cool metaphor here*

but now is the time boobshirt / homey

you're already undergoing the exercising and NBE. you must crack down on yourself and say.. this is what i want. i believe in myself to acheive my goal through any means necessary (seldom a few ... ... u catch my drift. im not saying put yourself in harms way to acheive this. i'm saying.. u understand)

we're going to make this happen. i promise haha

ok i was not planning on saying this.

my mom has massive breasts. i know for a fact cuz .. not only is she beautiful .. but her chest juts out every day. i've never talked about it. i've never seen them naked.

she used to be on all kinds of homeo pathic, juice cleansing.. all sorts of things. she stopped caffeine, she cut out yeast. she went on a yeast free diet


its not the tastiest bread - but if you do have problem cutting out bagels and yeast and bread and sandwichs...

LOOK HERE. yeast free!

more or less. her melons are massive and she did not even exercise.

i could only imagine what ..

if. she had exercised and sweat her ass off, she can do reiki.. shes in tune with a lot of shit!


im losing track here now im sorry. focus on cutting out soda and coffee for starters. if you do have a juicer at home? you can juice these vegetables into amazingly tasty drinks. your first taste of my lemon cleanser drink.. and you'll be trying to stop yourself from having it too much! lol. but AS WE KNOW - we do know this right? - that the body REQUIRES variety...

so if you do drink 3 lemon cleansers a day.. my example... your body will become sore or .. whats the freaking word um. SENSITIVE**** to these vegetables. this is something you want to do "every now and then"

start with the exercising. go for a jog and sweat a ton, drink that drink - if you dont have a juicer, get a blender. BLENDING is different. you'll need to cut off the skin of the apples and cut off the skin from the ginger as well - but it IS indeed essentially the exact same thing.

if you need help figuring out what reiki is? you focus the eneergy of your body to specific places

i did not tell you that you should NOT be having orgasms. your body releases much needed juices to maintain your levels and basically, via having a self produced orgasm (sex with a boy is ok.. if you ask me i CAN actually explain how and why and what to do in the bedroom [oddly so] so that you can still have sex and not be losing the "juice" your body requires)

i feel like someone said "circulation"

heres what i got!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

and this too - im not sure if it is indeed the same exact thing. i havent looked at it yet xD

any confusing herbs - like "lily of the valley"

you can most likely search google for their AKA

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(24-11-2014, 03:40)silversurfe Wrote:  you want to cut out soda lol and sugar to help your circulation. you can go on a juice cleanse for a day or 2 and your vessels with be able to circulate better

so if you stick off yeast / bread.. and as much sugar as you can?

your circulation is going to flow a lot more thoroughly by cutting out bread in general. and also sugar. you need to focus on adding fruits and vegetables into your diet. fatty foods in general, anything that is like cholesterol inducing? cut that out too.

but you need to get your blood vessels, clean.. and then you need to get new blood flowing through.

so a juice cleanse, somethingto get rid of all the yeast and sugar that is clogging your vessels...

if you drink caffeeine or soda? your vessels are clogged in one way shape or form.

so if you really want to be serious about fixing your circulation? start chugging water. i can tell you a few juices that will help your blood flow. like. this one is a cleanser, if you mix.. for a 12 ounce glass.. 2 lemons ( you can leave the rine on ) with 5 apples, and a smalle.. depending on how you like ginger? .5 ounce or .. i love ginger, so i will put a one ounce piece of it into my drink for 12 ounces of drink.

the best way to do this is.. to sprinkle a little "cayenne pepper" on top, and pour it over ice. that is the bomb. you will - within 30 minutes.. feel all of your pours opening, all the bad crap in your body starting to move out...

thats the best one i can recommend. but this one is also just as important for cleansing your vessels and promoting circulation. for a 12 ounce glass you should get about.. one or one and a half beet, and get dandelion. dandelion is GREAT for your body. use about 5 strands of it.. so like, 5 little leafes of dandelion haha. and you'll need about 3-5 green apples.

this one might make u go to the bathroom.. but after? you're going to notice some niceee circulation going on.

dont forget.. cleansing is only the start - you have to maintain your healthy style after you clear your body of all the excess garbage.

dont have a juicer at home? i think you could just buy these foods at the store and turn them into a little salad? i dont think it HAS to be a liquid for this to work. it might take longer as a solid but - results is results right?

these are the 2 most powerful cleansing drinks i can give you off the top of my head right now.

dont forget. if you do this? do NOT eat bread or yeast. and CUT OUT as much caffeeine and sugar that you can. even one coffee is going to throw you off balance and put a clog in your blood vessels.

goodluck and stick to it. i know its tough but - you will feel.. EXSTATIC!

btw if you DO these juices.. get outside and run for a half hour? sweat your butt off - not to exhaustion, but give your body a nice push, once.. or twice. no matter if its 3 minutes on the treadmill and u are glistening sweat like crazy everywhere... or 15 minutes punching a bag (i dont know) do this a few times through out your day, i suggest 3.. while you cleanse

and as soon as you're done you're blood flow and circulation is going to be


dont forget.. im putting my faith in you to kick some ass by giving you these awesome tasty drinks that really work!

the first one with the lemons, i call lemon cleanser and the 2nd one with the beets i call liver flush Wink

so remember to do your part - and make me proud for investing my time into you

and if it helps

- please.


OMG! that was awesome ^__^ thank you so much! I will so try those drinks out Big Grin I was actually just reading up on dandelion root!

its towards the bottom

would dandelion root work? or the actual flower? I am not sure what you meant by "strands" lol ^__^; oh god, I sound clueless ^^ haha


(24-11-2014, 04:04)silversurfe Wrote:  haha dont fret "my dear" (just using this as a loving term to say that i understand.. your pain)

i'm currently addicted to tobacco and..

as we all know.. that clogs theshit out of your vessels Sad

on top of that.. i drink a cup of coffee with 3 scoops .. (large ass giant scoops) of sugar.. with milk

anyways. it IS a struggle. i will - SOON be setting up MY whole regiment.. and nailing that shit down so hard that... *place a crazy and cool metaphor here*

but now is the time boobshirt / homey

you're already undergoing the exercising and NBE. you must crack down on yourself and say.. this is what i want. i believe in myself to acheive my goal through any means necessary (seldom a few ... ... u catch my drift. im not saying put yourself in harms way to acheive this. i'm saying.. u understand)

we're going to make this happen. i promise haha

ok i was not planning on saying this.

my mom has massive breasts. i know for a fact cuz .. not only is she beautiful .. but her chest juts out every day. i've never talked about it. i've never seen them naked.

she used to be on all kinds of homeo pathic, juice cleansing.. all sorts of things. she stopped caffeine, she cut out yeast. she went on a yeast free diet


its not the tastiest bread - but if you do have problem cutting out bagels and yeast and bread and sandwichs...

LOOK HERE. yeast free!

more or less. her melons are massive and she did not even exercise.

i could only imagine what ..

if. she had exercised and sweat her ass off, she can do reiki.. shes in tune with a lot of shit!


im losing track here now im sorry. focus on cutting out soda and coffee for starters. if you do have a juicer at home? you can juice these vegetables into amazingly tasty drinks. your first taste of my lemon cleanser drink.. and you'll be trying to stop yourself from having it too much! lol. but AS WE KNOW - we do know this right? - that the body REQUIRES variety...

so if you do drink 3 lemon cleansers a day.. my example... your body will become sore or .. whats the freaking word um. SENSITIVE**** to these vegetables. this is something you want to do "every now and then"

start with the exercising. go for a jog and sweat a ton, drink that drink - if you dont have a juicer, get a blender. BLENDING is different. you'll need to cut off the skin of the apples and cut off the skin from the ginger as well - but it IS indeed essentially the exact same thing.

if you need help figuring out what reiki is? you focus the eneergy of your body to specific places

i did not tell you that you should NOT be having orgasms. your body releases much needed juices to maintain your levels and basically, via having a self produced orgasm (sex with a boy is ok.. if you ask me i CAN actually explain how and why and what to do in the bedroom [oddly so] so that you can still have sex and not be losing the "juice" your body requires)

I dont drink coffee, but I do drink soda-- will cut that out, what about tea though? I dont think I could live without tea ;_; also, I drink spearmint tea to lessen my androgens :/

haha your mom sounds awesome! ^__^ I hope to be like your mother- I actually love healthy things (even though I tend to drink soda) I take care of my skin a lot and aim to be better-- I love learning and being in tune ^^ I actually used to know a lot about blood flow because in HS I would massage my scalp and my hair went passed my butt Tongue but its not that long anymore, out grew it haha *din din tiss* XD

i'm a corn ball, but yeah! blood low is key! I don't really want massive boobs hehe.. a lot of women on this site call it "booby greed" but I don't have that.. my chest was big and I liked the size I had-- they were a D cup, and I had back problems because of them.

As I told you im PM though, Idc about my size because I was already busty :/ I just want to maintain my size, if that makes sense. if I was a A or B cup, it wouldn't matter-- its just devastating to lose what I had because my body now feels incomplete. I want to know my body is healthy and not lacking something I need.

I feel unhealthy when my look at my chest because I'm like why have I lost weight there? I feel like there is something wrong with my body :/

I exercise everyday ^^ I think its so important to take care of your body. But I will take your advice on eating better ^^ I will try those things!

LOL losing juice? well my libido has been crazy low lately, I don't know why but it doesn't really matter to me.

I love those circulation pictures you posted~ I love them! and some of them are good for NBE too. I will be looking into all of that ^^ you've helped me a lot, thank you!

I wonder if this would work?

I have some swelling, heheeeeeeeeeee :3 figured I'd share since it makes me happy-- wish they were still their natural size though. a D- I am filling my C cup rn. Still have a bit to go :/

[Image: 2weyihu.png]

[Image: 2ajypgl.png]

omg! haha check out that one vein ripplingggg in your breast.

vein ripples are so hot in breasts

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