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This Site is infiltrated by representatives of PM?


(04-08-2013, 02:07)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(04-08-2013, 01:41)onesexybitch Wrote:  
(04-08-2013, 01:29)aoz Wrote:  on second thought, please, keep crusading against mirifica. Turning folks away from mirifica will help keep the prices low
You are so right - I will increase my efforts against mirifica.
thanks for the pet talk!

Fenugreek seed powder.cost's $11.94 a pound
Blessed Thistle powder cost's $16.06 a pound

Pueraria Mirifica powder cost's $26.82 a pound

And Fenugreek seed powder and Blessed Thistle powder
are both more effective safer and a hell of a lot cheaper!

Thanks to AOZ for pointing that out as another reason not to use PM.

LOLS. Right. Cheaper. Way less effective at permanent growth. Fenugreek doesn't even contain anything estrogenic. It's VERY mildly pregestagenic, highly effective as a galactagogue, and moderately effective as an adaptogen... In other words, it's a fantastic herb to use ALONGSIDE an estrogenic one... Like... PM.

Orrrrr... if your aim is inducing lactation, loves you that fenugreek.

Blessed Thistle is estrogenic... But what you've failed to note is that it takes many many more pounds of blessed thistle to be nearly as effective as that pound of pm powder. The PM is almost straight up estrogens. The blessed thistle... Yeah... Some girls use that as a break so they still get something estrogenic, but not nearly as powerful as PM to keep from messing with their cycles. It's there, but it's VERY weak. It's more powerful as an ORGAN CLEANSER. And it's NOT something you should be taking on a regular basis! A week or so at a time at MOST really!

Considering the closest equivalent doses... Between Blessed Thistle and PM... You'd have to spend three times as much on blessed thistle and STILL wouldn't be as effective as PM...

Unlessssssss.... You actually need a weaker estrogen to grow. Which is the case for some girls. Then very low doses of blessed thistle could potentially have a very strong effect... potentially... but... In the majority of cases we're gunna see the greatest effect from stronger estrogens not weaker.
You have a great deal of knowledge and understanding.
Could you please use it to help people here instead of tearing them down in an attempt to build up your EGO!

This is a discussion group where we discuss things, we share our opinions and views.
Everyone's input is valuable, and they are encouraged to participate in the discussion. There are no experts here- not you and definitely not me.

This is a great group stop trying to destroy it!


(04-08-2013, 03:44)onesexybitch Wrote:  You have a great deal of knowledge and understanding.

Perhaps. All I really have is the result of hours and hours, days, and weeks, of research. Never ending research. I never stop searching for new findings.

(04-08-2013, 03:44)onesexybitch Wrote:  Could you please use it to help people here instead of tearing them down in an attempt to build up your EGO!

Haha. Yeah... You're the only one I'm presently tearing a new one. And it has nothing to do with my ego or lack thereof and everything to do with YOU. Anyone ELSE think I've been doing nothing but "tearing (people) down in an attempt to build up (my) ego?"

How long have I been here? How long has OSB been here? How much constructive discussion have I contributed? How much has OSB contributed? OSB's posting speed is even more insane than mine, yet... I seem to provide much more substance.

(04-08-2013, 03:44)onesexybitch Wrote:  This is a discussion group where we discuss things, we share our opinions and views.
Everyone's input is valuable, and they are encouraged to participate in the discussion. There are no experts here- not you and definitely not me.

This is a great group stop trying to destroy it!

It's funny you should mention that, OSB, because I'd say...

Ok, almost song-quote I just HAD to fit in there...

Anyways. Seriously. Who's calling who out here exactly?

Oh, and I'm really not in the business of sharing opinions without putting a big huge honking ass warning on it. When what I'm about to say is an OPINION I make sure to tell people that.

My problem with you, OSB, is that you're putting opinions out there in a way that they can only be read as facts even though they're really only opinions and opinions that are actually quite quickly debunked by actual facts to the contrary. Which tells me that either A: You're an idiot. Or B: You're a troll. Your further behavior indicates the latter, because you are definitely not an idiot.

I'm not "destroying" the group. I'm the momma wolf protecting her pack from an invader.

Children n PM?? Unsafe for human consumption...
Are you perhaps going to push something that you are looking to sell?
Haha! WTH??? OP, you sound like a nutTongue (cracks me up). I'm not mad or offended btw, so in turn, don't be.

I would like to know how your pharmaceutical grade estrogen works out, so I'll be reading your thread on it. I think you may be onto something as far as your fenugreek experiment.

To all who think estrogenic compounds in PM compete with prolactin:
I heard of a young lady who pumped and used PM and she ended up lactating a great deal and when all was said and done (breaking from both) she was back down to her starting size!

If they compete, PM obviously don't compete that much as it was an easy win for pumping enduced lactationSad So don't assume you are safe from lactating from using PM.

Quote:This is a discussion group where we discuss things, we share our opinions and views.
Everyone's input is valuable, and they are encouraged to participate in the discussion. There are no experts here- not you and definitely not me.

Might I remind you that you were the one who decided to start accusing people of being PM reps when they gave their opinion to someone who had asked for it. Nobody was pushing anything. So don't try to twist this around onto someone else and act like they are trying to destroy the group discussions, you were the one who reacted with hostility to someone giving their opinion and sharing what has worked for them.

I do find your accusation on Emily Loretta funny though (major LOL). Inside joke, you're too much of a newbie to know that Emily has contributed A LOT, and certainly not with a focus on PM.

Quote: This is a great group stop trying to destroy it!

Yes let's just all stop trying to destroy it. Cool


Troll posting IMO.

PM is estrogenic plain and simple and effective for some people. Its a good plant to try and use if your a non responder, its probably cause estrogen isn't the root cause of limiting your growth potential.

The main issue is people don't understand, appreciate or want to accept not everyone is able to NBE. Additionally, the don't want to accept YOU need to figure what works for YOU. Just because product x or program y worked for a person that its going work for YOU.

Also, some people try and play scientist without having the necessary background. Extracts are not simple things to understand. Each plant has both water, oil soluble components and for the oil ones different solvents are needed to pull them out at different length of times and pressure and conditions.

But for you to make such a blanket claim about PM is just silly and looking to promote your forum and start a flame war.

(05-08-2013, 17:33)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  Troll posting IMO.

PM is estrogenic plain and simple and effective for some people. Its a good plant to try and use if your a non responder, its probably cause estrogen isn't the root cause of limiting your growth potential.

The main issue is people don't understand, appreciate or want to accept not everyone is able to NBE. Additionally, the don't want to accept YOU need to figure what works for YOU. Just because product x or program y worked for a person that its going work for YOU.

Also, some people try and play scientist without having the necessary background. Extracts are not simple things to understand. Each plant has both water, oil soluble components and for the oil ones different solvents are needed to pull them out at different length of times and pressure and conditions.

But for you to make such a blanket claim about PM is just silly and looking to promote your forum and start a flame war.

MY motive for posting here, is its a mentally stimulating hobby.
This is a discussion group where we discuss things like tit growth.

The best way to start a discussion is to state something that is controversial.
Yes it offends some people. Frankly scarlet, i don;t give a damn. ( gone with the wind )
But after they get over the initial shock of dealing with people like me who state an opinion without any concern for who i might be offending,
Everything anyone says or writes is an opinion- no one knows the ultimate truth except maybe Jesus, Santa clause or ?
And no one is forcing them to read what i post- If i upset someone - just ignore me.- maybe i will go away!

This is not my forum and they are very close to banning me here. - please let me stay. please please

I think the main cause of people not getting breast growth is they are not consuming enough calories? boobs are mainly for the storage of energy- once there breast fat is gone the body will canalize their milk producing cells of their proteins for calories.- they will become big raisins.

Every individual is different- and as you say everyone will respond to a different thing.

If they start a post here asking for help- state your problem , give some information and the knowledgeable members here will give there opinion on what might be the solution.
Members here want to help others!

I might write like i know what i am saying- but i really don't .
If one listens they can add a little from each person and on there own decide what can work for them.

(05-08-2013, 18:21)onesexybitch Wrote:  The best way to start a discussion is to state something that is controversial.

Troll logic 101.

NO! It's *A* way to QUICKLY start an ARGUMENT or all-out WAR. It's not ANY way to start a decent discussion unless someone at some point rescues it from the inevitable path of destruction from someone refuting illogical claims with science, the one making the illogical claims instigating a personal attack on the person using science to refute, and then WAR.

Some other party would need to step in and reintroduce sanity, but generally the instigator HAS TO GO. Especially when the instigator does nothing BUT instigate.

(05-08-2013, 18:33)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(05-08-2013, 18:21)onesexybitch Wrote:  The best way to start a discussion is to state something that is controversial.

Troll logic 101.

NO! It's *A* way to QUICKLY start an ARGUMENT or all-out WAR. It's not ANY way to start a decent discussion unless someone at some point rescues it from the inevitable path of destruction from someone refuting illogical claims with science, the one making the illogical claims instigating a personal attack on the person using science to refute, and then WAR.

Some other party would need to step in and reintroduce sanity, but generally the instigator HAS TO GO. Especially when the instigator does nothing BUT instigate.
I don't think this site's management wants all this bickering!
It needs to stop! or someone will get banned!-
I don't want you banned- you are an asset to this site and we they need you.

When i answer someone post- it is only my opinion and opinions are like assholes everyone has one.

When i post my opinion, it is only my opinion, I am not a scientist or an expert in anything.-

No one is forcing anyone to read my posts!

And i never try to solve problems by resorting to threats Coercion or force but i like to use rudeness. I just love jacking people up , pissing them off making them angry seeing them squirm and laughing at them. yes at them
Judge Judy is my hero- she is the master- she has it down to a science.
Rudeness is not force, its legal, and boy can it cause someone pain.

I will never discuss my belief or position, i just state it clearly to the best of my abilities and let them do with it as they wish.
I will answer questions, if the person word's the question non emotionally,
I don't think anyone is going to step in and resolve your issue with me.

i think you need to attempt to resolve this between our-self's without the use of threats!

I offered to not respond to your posts if you agreed-ed not to respond to mine?
You appear not to want that- you instead want me punished?


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