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MistressGeorge's Program


Between strip dance and workouts at The Barre ( yoga/ballet/conditioning core classes) my ass is getting worked out soooo hard. I'm loving it. I am wondering how I am going to be looking by September?......

I forgot to note I am going to try taking all my hops at one time this month. I am getting some really good pains again.

Okay. The pains that I have been getting lately are intense. They are not like tingling or anything but more like small violent jabs. It has been going on with my right breasts for a while and now my left. It feels so strange. I hope that this is something good. I have been off fg and fennel for 3 or 4 days and the pains have been even more violent. I am not sure if its the hops dose being taken differently, the collagen and ha, or what, I just hope that its good.

Cannot wait for my pumpkin oil to get here. Need to stop sp for a while.

Ramping up to 6 hops pills

I was just organizing my closet and doing laundry. While doing so I tried on some old stuff. I always keep things around that I thought I could 'grow into', lol. Mainly pants and skirts. So there is a pair of kaki very nice casual pants I have had since I was in high school. They are soo nice, I probably thought I would have to get them taken in eventually. The pants fit me sooooo nicely now, they have never looked like this. My booty is like damnSmile Definitely motivation to keep working on my goals.

Sooo, I suspected this year that I may be progesterone deficient. I am thinking this is one of the causes of my small breasts as well as making it more difficult to develop breasts now.

I do have some Kokoro progesterone cream that I do not use often. Even though it is natural, I just feel better trying to solve the problem with herbs as opposed to progesterone cream. I want to induce a change and a process, not just gain something temporary, so I want to attack it from the inside out. I already take fennel, but I am thinking that maybe I should up my dose to about 2000 mg, idk yet. I would like to add something else for progesterone. I am considering vitex.

I am certainly going to add goat's rue, since it can help with mammary tissue production. I was going to just stick it out for a few more months and see where I go, but I think the addition would help sooner rather than later. I am also certainly going to begin consuming turmeric pills on a daily basis for progesterone.

Thinking of re-introducing wild yam to my regimen. As well as blessed thistle. Goats rue is on its way. Dont wanna start all the new stuff at once. I will begin goats rue first and monitor my body and changes. My booies have been all types of sorw though lately. I noticed a month or two ago that I have a slight crease under my breasts that I have never had in my life. It is very comparable to a line pressed into your skin after you remove a bra. Mind you- I almost NEVER wear a bra. I do like 2 x's a month if that. Anyway it seems like in the past few months my breasts have become even more heavy on the bottoms. I like it, I love it but Im ready for more.
Another note: I have always said on this board, that I started with nothing. I must correct myself. I was looking at old pics of myself fromb two years ago. After seeing many diff breasts bc of nbe on here and other sites, I see that I always had breasts. It was never flat . Just very small and modest compared to larger breasted girls. Like me, my breasts have always been petite. Gotta embrace my sexySmile

I've reached my goal of 36'' around my glutes. I am very proud of myself. Through diet change, and working out I have some permanent gains. I've been looking hippy for the past 3 monthsTongue I dont think its going anywhere, especially if I stick to my high protein diet, which I will for the rest of my life. This does not mean I will stop working out or slipping on my diet though, this ended up being a lifestyle change, not just a vanity change. I am not TRYING to get bigger down there, but I may because I just gain so easily on my @$$. I will not though, let myself go bigger than 38" as of right now though, and that's just a personal preference. It could always changeSmile Plus, I've got years for that.

Still going with nbe program. Things dont move as quick, BUT that does not mean I am going to slow down. I will keep going with nbe and see how big I can grow. I probably will not be on here as much though because I dont see the need. I am achieving my goals and I need to just focus more on what I have achieved and what I still want to achieve, also living my life and developing mentally/spiritually while I am going through these physical changes. I am going to be going on birth control within the next 2 months for my nbe program. That is a definite. I am thinking progesterone only but I may get my hormones tested as well, I think its necessary at this point to make sure I have what I need in my program.

Adding new supps. Have to note that.
Why are some girls here just taking supps right after seeing others add them to their programs? I know for a fact that some ladies like myself take certain things with their program bc of certain preference and health issues. Simply copying others will not yield results bc we have diff needs. Lmfao. Some of these same girls pretend they know it all about nbe....funny

My breasts are looking amayzing.. I will keep up but just goes to show, nbe takes months! Not days or weeks. Its not about what you heard works. Its about making changes on your body and growing, quite literally. Make those changes.based off YOUR health/hormone status. Keep up the work cuz Im sooo glad I didWink


(08-08-2013, 20:17)MistressGeorge Wrote:  Adding new supps. Have to note that.
Why are some girls here just taking supps right after seeing others add them to their programs? I know for a fact that some ladies like myself take certain things with their program bc of certain preference and health issues. Simply copying others will not yield results bc we have diff needs. Lmfao. Some of these same girls pretend they know it all about nbe....funny

My breasts are looking amayzing.. I will keep up but just goes to show, nbe takes months! Not days or weeks. Its not about what you heard works. Its about making changes on your body and growing, quite literally. Make those changes.based off YOUR health/hormone status. Keep up the work cuz Im sooo glad I didWink

I like what you say, and happy for your growth.


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