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sneezee NBE program


I'm back after a hiatus from the forum.. Even while away,I'm still breast obsessed!

Thought I should update cause I just signed up for acupuncture breast enhancement package. Since the last post, due to the journey going for acupuncture throws me off thus I stop going.

My daughter is going through her own puberty and I stopped pumping cause I didn't want to give bad vibes about having insecurity with small boobs and let her grow naturally. (and if she grows up wanting bigger boobs, that'll be her own adult decision ;p)

SO.. When I saw that there was acupuncture for breast enhancement nearby my home, I decided to jump back to acupuncture..

I mean, it did give me a lil boost back then. Why not try again?

Yesterday was my first session.. During it, I couldn't stop thinking about this forum..

I hope to report back on my progress, sort of like a personal diary and hope to give some insight to acupuncture for breast enhancement. Big Grin

Here's how my first session was..

The first 30 mins was massage. I lay down there and thought to myself, this is not too bad.. I mean, I won't tire myself from massaging my girls. I get someone to massage them for me. Hehe.

The next 30 min was the breast pumps. Hello, old friend, we meet again. Interestingly, they hooked the pumps to a machine that helps the pumping to a rhythmic routine. S
Pump pump release kind. What a great idea. While the machine does it thing, I keep peeping and wondering if I should find a similar machine to help me with the pumping. I can't help but think hmm this could be such a huge help for us lazy people!

After 30 mins of that, the physician came in for acupuncture and struck needles in the acupuncture points. Lucky for me, this isn't new and the pain was bearable.
He also clipped on some crocodile clips and hook it to (yet) another machine that will gives out vibrations to the needles. I suppose simulating the nerve points.

The only offset about all this was that my chest are bruised from the massaging. Pumping was bearable and so was acupuncture. But the massage, I was cringing and obviously, looking at it now, it looks quite bruised.

I didn't measure myself before and have yet to measure myself after the treatment. But I do feel a little firmer albeit the bruising.

I'll let the bruises fade before I go for my second session. Hoping for some improvements in the next two months. ✌

(03-09-2016, 08:16)yellow_ Wrote:  Here's how my first session was..

The first 30 mins was massage. I lay down there and thought to myself, this is not too bad.. I mean, I won't tire myself from massaging my girls. I get someone to massage them for me. Hehe.

The next 30 min was the breast pumps. Hello, old friend, we meet again. Interestingly, they hooked the pumps to a machine that helps the pumping to a rhythmic routine. S
Pump pump release kind. What a great idea. While the machine does it thing, I keep peeping and wondering if I should find a similar machine to help me with the pumping. I can't help but think hmm this could be such a huge help for us lazy people!

After 30 mins of that, the physician came in for acupuncture and struck needles in the acupuncture points. Lucky for me, this isn't new and the pain was bearable.
He also clipped on some crocodile clips and hook it to (yet) another machine that will gives out vibrations to the needles. I suppose simulating the nerve points.

The only offset about all this was that my chest are bruised from the massaging. Pumping was bearable and so was acupuncture. But the massage, I was cringing and obviously, looking at it now, it looks quite bruised.

I didn't measure myself before and have yet to measure myself after the treatment. But I do feel a little firmer albeit the bruising.

I'll let the bruises fade before I go for my second session. Hoping for some improvements in the next two months. ✌

Best of luck to your new journey! I respect the idea of not affecting your daughter's perception of breast size. That's very thoughtful and amazing!

(04-09-2016, 17:49)NYRes Wrote:  Best of luck to your new journey! I respect the idea of not affecting your daughter's perception of breast size. That's very thoughtful and amazing!

Thank you!!!

Hi Yellow_!

Very much agree with NYRes, your decision to not contribute to potentially damaging cultural ideology is wonderful! It's one thing to get it from a magazine, it's a whole other show coming from your own mother, know what I mean?

Alsi, very, very interested to hear about your acupuncture experience!

Xo, Soli

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