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Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 23 2009 at 3:52 PM LaReve (Login LaReve)


Holy cow, y'all. I am trying really hard to contain my excitement right now. Last night I was looking in the mirror, and I had to do a double take because... could it be... omg are they BIGGER??? But I didn't have a tape measure around so I didn't know for sure until just now.

I have gained 3/4 an inch!!!!!

I don't know when the last time I measured was, so I don't know how fast this happened, but I think about a month ago they were between 31.5 and 32 inches across and now I totally have 32.75 inches of boobage!!!!

This is pretty amazing because I have been super slack on massaging.

Oh wow, they feel GREAT. This RULES!!!!! For anyone who hasn't had growth yet, don't give up! This has taken me 6 months I think and I am 33 years old! But here it is!!!!!!!

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 23 2009, 4:14 PM

OK I just checked my program page and I posted only 2 weeks ago with the feeling that they were smaller than ever.

So that means in two weeks I have grown at last 3/4 an inch. SWEEEEEEET!

(Login RomaV)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 23 2009, 6:01 PM

Congrats! Enjoy!

(no login) So Impressed by all the success!! April 23 2009, 6:42 PM

All you ladies having such wonderful success.. we'd love if you would post pictures!! That would greatly boost everyone's confidence in NBE and that's a key to success!Smile i know it would also really motivate me to continue on my journey... that I've just started. I've tried before but it was always within the first month that i gave up because I didn't fully believe in it. But i KNOW it can work!

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(Login double_ace)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 23 2009, 10:32 PM

congrats LaReve!

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(Login faith_love_hope09) Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 23 2009, 11:03 PM


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Mel C
(Login mcovert) Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 25 2009, 1:54 AM

YAaaaaYYYY!!!! Congrats,girl! Way to go and and in there! Keep us posted.

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(Login SandraDD) YAY! April 25 2009, 3:09 PM


Keep up the good work, and thanks for encouraging everyone!!!!

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 27 2009, 4:03 PM

33 inches now, ladies!

That's a full inch in about 2 1/2 weeks!! It almost seems impossible but I am looking at my breasts and feeling them and measuring them and this is actually really happening.


I must say this boost seems to have happened since I started making an effort to eat boobie foods like seafood and asparagus and papaya. I don't know how the heck asparagus can make boobs bigger, but I don't think it was coincidence!


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(no login) Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 27 2009, 4:21 PM

congrats LaReve! Are you eating green papaya soup? I've been meaning to try that, maybe mix it with som gelatin for a snack!
Asparagus is estrogenic by the way Wink

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(Login butadujo) Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 27 2009, 6:53 PM

wow! way to go LaReve! your hardwork is finally paying off, im happy for you Smile

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(Login amorebeautifulme76) Congratulations! April 27 2009, 7:00 PM


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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 27 2009, 7:18 PM


How do you do chi rotations?

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 27 2009, 7:43 PM

Roakie- chi rotations are easy. Get a bunch of lotion in your hand and just rub in circles around your breast, but not on the nipple. I am just doing my small breast right now, it's my right one so I use my left hand. I start on the outside of the boob, go up, across the top of the boob above the nipple toward the "cleavage", down between the boobs, back under the nipple, and then back up the side of the boob. I use my fingertips or my knuckles. Just round and round like that for about 200 times (other ladies do more than that). Not a whole lot of pressure, I don't make it hurt, but I do press in a little. I hope that makes sense.

I think using a heat pad before or after helps too.

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(Login SandraDD) Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 28 2009, 12:48 PM

that's awesome!!

i think asparagus is great cuz it's got like plant hormones or something....but dude, it's all about the Wild Yam.

make sure u girls eat green papaya with protein. green papaya helps you absorb protein (and the amino acids in the protein that helps build collagen) better.

i only discovered this awesome dish a year ago:
go to a Vietnamese restaurant and order their green papaya salad (usually comes with seafood or shrimps or pork or beef). it is the most delicious green papaya dish and it's such great boobie food. it's great cuz the green papaya hasn't been cooked in high heat so all the nutrients/enzymes are kept so it's even better at helping u absorb the seafood.

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 28 2009, 4:23 PM

Ok I will go get some wild yam today. Luckily I live in a town that has a lot of cool little markets.

I have just been buying papayas and eating them at random times, seems they are only greenish the first day and then they ripen up really fast. I'll start eating it with protein. Mmmm green papaya soup... I need some!


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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 29 2009, 11:13 PM

My pics are up!

(not the most professional! hehe!)

This message has been edited by LaReve on Apr 29, 2009 11:14 PM

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(Login fengshuiTW)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 29 2009, 11:54 PM

Wow, huge difference!! Great Job!!!

P.S. If you want to buy green papaya, buy as green as possible, when you press it, choose the "hardest" ones. When you get home keep in frige (not in plastic bag) if don't have time to chop it in cubes. If you chop it into cubes (peel the skin first of course), keep in ziplock bags, it stays fresh and unripe for 7~10 days if not longer.

This message has been edited by fengshuiTW on Apr 30, 2009 12:02 AM

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(no login) Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 30 2009, 1:01 AM

i can really see the difference what size are you now? how long did it take for you to reach this size

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 30 2009, 4:18 PM

Hey- thanks! Yes I have worked really hard to achieve this so I am excited.

I don't know what bra size I am because I am not a big bra-wearer. I have a 34A bra that I wore yesterday that was uncomfortable. So today I'll probably go try on bras and see what size fits. But I do know that I went from 32 inch bustline to 33 inch, and their shape has really changed to be more "womanly", I feel.

I have been on the NBE journey for 6 months but it really seems like all of my growth has been within the past 3 weeks or so, after I took a short break (2 weeks?) from my herbs and then started back up again right as Spring began.


(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Add me to the list! I've got GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 30 2009, 4:59 PM

OMG, Lareve, you look awesome! What an accomplishment. Congratulations!
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