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Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . .


Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . .
April 14 2009 at 1:57 PM Corinsa (Login Corinsa)


Well ladies, I gave in and went and got some chicken feet soup. Surprisingly, the feet are very clean, not as bad as I thought they would be really. I put them in hot water, boil for five minutes, and skim off the scum that comes to the top. Then I drain the water, rinse them in cold water, cut off the nails on the feet, then put them in warm water, bring to a boil, and simmer for two hours. I use about 24 feet and 14 cups of water since it boils down so much. It's very concentrated, that way I only have to drink a little bit each day. It's actually not bad tasting, but here are a couple questions I have:

1) Is chicken feet soup really high in fat?
2) When is best to eat the soup?

I ask these because the soup is so rich, almost oily but I don't know if it's because of all the collagen and gelatin, or if it's fat. When looking at the actual feet, I don't see fat in them, just ligaments and tendons, but there may be a lot of fat in the skin so I am curious. Fat usually gets hard and comes to the top when put in the fridge, but with the soup there is nothing white in it or anything on the top, it's very jelly like. I ask the other question mainly due to if the soup is high in fat, I don't want to eat it right before bed when I do my massages and heating pad. I don't want to gain any weight. But is it ok if I eat it for lunch when I don't do any massages, heat, or visualization? When is the best time to eat it?

Thanks ahead of time ladies!

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(Login LaReve)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 14 2009, 4:30 PM

That velvety texture is totally the collagen, baby! It's SOOOO good for you!

I don't think there is much fat at all to the chicken feet. I have been having a bowl of chicken feet soup almost daily for about 6 weeks and I haven't gained a single pound.

As for when it's best to eat it, I think the general consensus is to eat it right after massaging the boobs. Then you tell the soup hey- go to the boobs! Hehe.

I make ice cubes from my chicken feet stock and then I just throw those things into about everything I eat. Soup mostly, also pasta sauce, stir-fry, whatever.


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(Login Corinsa)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 14 2009, 6:55 PM

LaReve that is a genius idea about the ice cubes! I didn't think it would be high in fat either, but when I researched it online it is considered high in fat in other countries. I couldn't find any fat content though. It also said to skim off the fat on the top after putting it in the fridge, but I don't have any hard, white fat on the top. So I sure hope it isn't!

After thinking about it, I may start drinking it in the morning after massaging. I LOVE to cook dinner every night, and I hate having to eat my soup instead of what I cook for my boyfriend! Then again, I might just make those ice cubes and put them in whatever food I cook. I will have to try it next week!

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(Login double_ace)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 12:16 AM

Corinsa, I don't pre-boil the feet and discard the water, as I believe in only boiling/simmering the feet just one time for 30-40 minutes then eat the feet with the broth, that way you don't miss out on anything.

Best time to eat the soup is right after a massage, also see it in your mind that the food is going straight to your boobs, just pretend that it's doing that for the rest of your NBE journey.

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(Login SandraDD) Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 1:26 AM

I only boiled my first pot of chicken feet soup last night, but I have been eating chicken feet (marinated) for a couple of months on & off.

I consulted a nutritionist, and I think chicken feet may not be high in fat, but definitely is high in calories.
2 chicken feet = 1 serving of protein (40-70 calories)
Which is equivalent to:
1 oz of lean beef = 2 egg whites = 1 egg = 1/4 cup of tuna = 4 jumbo shrimps.

So you can do a little math & balance your daily protein intake if you want to add chicken feet to your diet.

I don't think I'd eat them before bed. I'd do it after my morning massage.

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(Login double_ace)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 2:06 AM

are you sure it's only 1 protein per foot?
I actually read it's full of protein

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(Login Corinsa)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 2:34 AM

So I am now thinking that right when I get home from work, around 5, I will do pushups, massage, eat my soup, lay down with my heating pad and do visualization for 20 minutes. Then I will start cooking dinner, and just eat less of whatever I make. Thanks for the fast responses!

DoubleAce - you are a Goddess, I hope to have the success you have had!

Sandra - that is fantastic you consulted a nutritionist! So I figured I "eat" in my soup approximately four chicken feet per day, so at the most my broth would be 140 calories. Not bad at all, that makes me feel better! The broth is just so rich and honestly tastes very good, I thought for sure it was super high in fat. It's only about 3/4 cup per day so not much at all. I sure hope this works for me!

Happy booby growing ladies!

(Login SandraDD) Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 2:54 AM

Yea it is rich with protein. It's actually a lot when you compare it to the same quality in other types of meat.

Note that the website says 1 SERVING is "1 ounce of chicken foot", not 1 foot.

It's 60 calories, which falls between the 40-70 calories range for 1 serving of protein.
How many servings of protein you need a day depends on your body type & lifestyle. I eat about 5-6 servings of protein a day. So if I eat 4 chicken feet, that makes it 2 servings, and I'll balance my diet by cutting down protein in-take elsewhere, or choose protein that's low in fat, like tofu or soy milk or fish.

I noticed on the website that chicken feet are pretty high in fat though.
Almost 40% of it is fat, but you need fat in boobs. Just consume it in the morning so your body doesn't store it when you go to sleep. Your body's metabolism naturally slows down at night & when you sleep.

If you want to eat it before you sleep, there are 2 ways to trick your body into hyping up the metabolism at night.

1. Take a hot bath (15-20 minutes). Don't let the water level rise higher than your belly so it doesn't affect your breasts. The hot bath will improve the blood circulation of your entire body. I think you can actually skip the heating pad sometimes if you take hot baths, cuz I think when the blood circulation for the entire body speeds up it's even more effective. It's also great for fat burning, cellulite reduction & water retention for your lower body if your lower body is heavier, so the fat we consume don't go to our butts but our boobs.

2. Drink half a glass of red wine before you sleep.

I do both. Not everyday, but at least a few days a week.

(Login SandraDD) Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 2:58 AM

yea, it's not that bad at all. I consulted someone cuz I think I have a tendency to over-estimate the fat in foods and i can actually eat more freely if i actually know what's in what. So long as you have a healthy balance in your diet, then everything is fine. I think your plan sounds swell! Your boyfriend is a lucky guy to have you cook dinner for him every night! My boyfriend does all the cooking....hehe :p

(Login double_ace)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 4:01 AM

Sandra, it takes approx. 12 feet to make up 1 lb (16 oz), so each foot is actually a little more than an oz.

(Login SandraDD) Re: Questions about Chicken Feet Soup. . . April 15 2009, 4:38 AM

hmm...i'm confused now.
i wonder if they count the bone when they weigh? maybe it's 2 feet for 1 serving cuz after you de-bone it it's 1 ounce?

as you can see, i'm really trying whatever i can to make 2 feet = 1 ounce cuz if 1 chicken foot is 1 ounce then 6 feet would pretty much monopolize all my protein intake for the day! >< That doesn't seem like a lot of meat. And I'd like to eat more than 6 chicken feet or 4 chicken feet + say, soy milk or eggs a day!! That's definitely not a lot of food.
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