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Brava Update week 14


Update week 14
May 20 2009 at 8:23 PM elusia (Login elusia)


This whole process is very fascinating! Now all of a sudden things are picking up, I have been able to put in really long hours and today I retained 1,5" after 12 hours with the domes off, compared to the beginning. Last week I retained even more - 1.75" - confusing how it can differ like that. At any rate, it's all good, since it's much better than the 1/2" I had for a long time...Even though I have to admit I'm getting so spoiled with my pumped upp boobies that I don't really notice any difference! If i didn't keep on measuring I probably wouldn't think anything had happened...

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(no login) Re: Update week 14 May 20 2009, 10:28 PM

You are so right about that Elusia! I really can't see much difference between between now and week 10 when I look at myself from the front, but according to the tape measure I have grown almost a half inch since then. It is really strange. From the side I can see that I have little boobs in profile now, and from that angle I can see the growth. I just keep telling myself that some boobs are better than none. As long as I keep something I will be better off than when I started.

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Update week 14 May 20 2009, 10:44 PM

Wow cool Elusia! How long have you been going? I've been going for six weeks now, and just started noticably retaining in the last week or so. They went from 34" to 35", suddenly it seems (although I go by how they look mainly, and don't measure often).

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(Login tr1gger) Re: Update week 14 May 20 2009, 10:45 PM

Ignore that! I'm so dumb today! How could I not see the title! I'll blame it on the weather. It's hot.

(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Update week 14 May 21 2009, 9:02 PM

Trigger & JJ,

that's great that you both can measure an increase! Keep it up girls!

getting a little discouraged
May 28 2008 at 10:11 PM kay (no login)


hey everyone. i started using brava on feb 14th of this year. i have used it non-stop never missing a day. that makes it 15 weeks of continuous use. i total about 15 to 16 hours on monday through thursday and then on friday through sunday (gotta enjoy the weekend) i put in atleast 11 hours, average of 11 to 13. i think im starting to see results but they are very minimal. i started out not quiet a full 32A. now i am not sure cause all the bras i try on fit me differently. i was just wondering what kind of results people are having from this and how long it took them to get? i wanna grow up to a C cup. i planned on it taking me about 40 weeks. but now im wondering if its possible. does the brava bra really work that well? has anyone had good results from it? im worried that when i stop using it i will deswell to what i was before brava. did that happen to anyone? thanks for the help everyone! i truly do appreciate it!!!

Author Reply
(no login) Re: getting a little discouraged May 29 2008, 7:01 AM

Yes it happened to me, unfortunately I had the de-swell experience. In December I completed 12 weeks of wearing Brava with an average of 12 hours of wear a night. I didn't miss any nights in the whole time, nor did I wear them for less than 10 hours in any one night. When I finished my wear time just before Christmas I thought my results were fantastic as I had gone from an original 34A to a full and firm 34B. However then I started to de-swell and sadly within 2 months of stopping I was right back to my original size of 34A.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: getting a little discouraged June 10 2008, 7:56 PM

I didn't see this earlier - don't despair!

The more hours you put in the better and you sound like you're doing well. I averaged 15 hours per night for 30 weeks and went from loose 32B to decent 32C. I also lost 15 lbs during my Brava use so my underbust has decreased a lot so technically I'm 30D (which sounds big but isn't if you have a huge butt!).


Put in the most hours for the most weeks you possibly can.

Airlock as hard as you can stand it even if you have to release the pressure and suck again throughout the session - maximum swelling does seem to give good results.

Try to eat protein (+fat if you're not fat already) and cut sugar and simple carbs.

Drink lots of water.

Avoid lots of cardio workout.

Stay positive! Suction does work - I'm amazed at mine, I'm about 1 cupsize bigger than I was when I was 30 lbs and 2 dress sizes bigger.

Hopefully in a few more months you'll catch up to me and then we can both try to catch up to Tori with her 32D!....Then we'll aim for Kieyah's 32E.....

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(no login) hey! June 10 2008, 10:06 PM

thanks for the tips!!! ive been not wearing the bra and it def feels better. however since i changed to the xlg domes the sides of them cave in when the smart box takes air out of them. did anyone else have this prob?

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(no login) domes June 11 2008, 6:52 PM

Louise, thanks for the support because Alica's story sounds very scary. It's horrible to lose everything after putting so much hard work. I've also decided to put at least 30 weeks and if possible for a year like Seri. I would love to get to a D. I'll aim for that!! I know that strong suction will give more swelling but it's painful sometimes. For me is not because of the pressure, it's the dome. When I use strong suction, the silicone ring becomes flat and the plastic part just digs into my ribs. I don't know if that happens to you when you use strong suction?

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(no login) Re: getting a little discouraged June 11 2008, 8:08 PM

thats the same thing thats happening to me. my ribs are very sensitive now. im in the xlg domes and when the smart box takes out the air the domes cave in. gotta love it (grrr). my plan has always been to put in 40 weeks to a year into brava but now im at week 17 and im scared im injuring my ribs. so i def know what ur sayin.

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(no login) Re: getting a little discouraged June 12 2008, 7:09 AM

kay, are you using narrow or wide domes. I used to use the narrow L but I always touch the side so Brava coach told me to use wide L (about 2 inches bigger than narrow L). My wide Ls cave in too. The reason for this is Brava is using the same kind of plastic plus same thickness for small and big domes. When dome is bigger, there's more air to be sucked out and creating more pressure within the domes and cause plastic to bend inward. So it's either plastic bend inward or Brava has to make plastic of bigger domes thicker (but then it'll be too bulky).

you said you're not seeing much? Don't forget that Brava said it'll take 12 weeks (not 10 weeks anymore) to gain 1/2 inch or cup so you'll need at least 24 weeks to see 1 cup increase. I think it's hard to tell the difference with 1/2 cup increase so I think you'll be able to see the difference in few more weeks. You're almost there so hang on and think positive!

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(no login) hey silv June 12 2008, 7:08 PM

im in the narrow xlg domes. my chest messurement is only 27 inches under my breasts so i was too small for the wide. im really thinking about changing to the bb, or adding herbs to my routine. im just worried that the results i may see from them wont be perm. the pain in my ribs is becoming really bad and im scared that im hurting my body.

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(no login) Re: getting a little discouraged June 12 2008, 8:29 PM

I know how you feel. I was able to do a full 15 weeks with avg. of 13 hours per day and then I developed pain in my ribs. I also developed a swollen lump on my ribs underneath and a hard painful lump next to the sternum. The Brava coach told me that once you have gone that far, missing up to 6 days will not set you back and then you can continue if you are able. Unfortunately, I stopped for a week and was able to do a few more days but could only wear very sporadically over the 6 weeks after that but it only amounted to about 10 more days during that additional six weeks. It was just too painful even without the bra zipped up and I had to stop. I have been done for about two months now. I kept some growth. Not a huge difference but the bras are more filled out. Fortunately, the two painful lumps and swelling did go away. I was worried they would be permanent. It is hard on your body and some people just can't go as many weeks as they would like. I only used the sportbox and did not use any extra manual suction but it does take its toll over time. I had hoped for 20 - 30 weeks but couldn't make it. Anyway, to the average person they wouldn't be able to notice a difference (I had hoped for a full C), but I am less deflated and they do look better when I look at my before and after pictures. The great part is I can sleep on my stomach again and I'm not as obsessed with my boobs even though I miss the great swelling. Weather is too nice to start again now. I may or may not try again in the fall.

My advice to anyone considering Brava - wait until colder weather and enjoy your summer because even with great swelling that you would love to show off in little tops and a bathing suit, you might have rings around your boobs where the domes sit (I did for several hours afterward). I also didn't want to show them off at work and have others notice me deflate throughout the day so I hid them anyway. My husband did get to enjoy them though! If you are lucky enough that the rings fade and you can show them off, wear sunscreen or you'll have obvious marks around your boobs. Good luck.

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(no login) BB June 12 2008, 9:56 PM

Kay, I know it's very hard especially you have put in almost 17 weeks but if it's too much pain then maybe it's better to take a few days break. You can also try to reduce the hours from 13 hours to maybe 10 for one day and 8 the next day until pain has subsided (hopefully it will). If you seriously are thinking about quitting Brava and switch to BB then be prepared that it's also very painful to your ribs (you'll need silicone sheeting)
I have tried herbs, massages, BB, and other suction device and so far Brava is not easy but at least I get to see swelling for few hours. I've used BB twice for 16 weeks 1st then 8 weeks the 2nd time and I was not too happy with it. I have about the same result as Louise has (.5 inch increase maybe). it definitely gives breasts nicer shape and fuller but not much of a difference in size . I Can get the same with massage and it's free
As far as for herbs, you'll have to be careful as not everybody agrees with herbs. It messed up my hormones and made me mad about everything all the time. just make sure to research here more before you try herbs.

Hopefully pain will go away soon so you can keep continuing with Brava. Good Luck!

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(Login kay84) silv June 13 2008, 3:44 PM

i was thinking about taking borage oil, wild yam, hydrolized ckn collagen, flax seed oil, fenugreek and saw palm. did u take any of those? what gave you the ill temper? i def dont want that to happen. i work with animals and i have to stay calm around them. thanks!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: getting a little discouraged June 13 2008, 7:03 PM

I'd say wild yam is a waste of money and saw palmetto is specifically if you think you have high testosterone (also can cause weight gain / cellulite). Herbs do work for some people but not everyone and a lot of them can cause weight gain. I used Wonderup for about 8 months but the other medication I take interferes with my stomach so I may not digest it properly. I may well get back to taking herbs soon.

Really try to keep going with Brava, if you're having trouble maybe cut down to the minimum of 11 hours per day for a week but try to stick at it.

I think BB is good but 1 hour with BB is not equivalent to a whole night with Brava, similarly an 8 week cycle with BB (or in my case 16 weeks) is not going to be the same as 30 weeks with Brava. I want to get back to Brava in September and intend to do 1 hour BB every evening then put the Brava domes on, hopefully for 8-12 months. Then I'll possibly continue to use BB for 1-2 hours in the evening only. I found using it in the evening fitted in fine with other stuff I do but getting up an hour earlier for work every day was a real chore.

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(no login) herbs June 13 2008, 10:49 PM

I took Fenugreek, wild yam and SP together so it could be any one of them that I'm not agreeing with. That's why I never want to try any other herbs again. It was so horrible cause it cost me my job.
I think taking flax seed oil is good. I'm not too familiar with borage oil and collagen so I can't give my opinion on it.

I think changing different domes can make you feel very uncomfortable at first. It'll get better after a few weeks. I switched domes 3 times already in 12 weeks and it was not easy at all. We're just human and we need time to get used to new things. Regards to you ribs pain, try rubbing or massaging softly with Bengay after you take out the domes in the morning, afternoon and before putting domes on. You can also place domes differently so it won't touch the sore spot that much. I hope this can help you get a few more weeks so at least you'll get to that 1 inch growth!!

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(no login) thanks! June 16 2008, 6:27 PM

thank you so much for the advice everyone!! i def can use all i can get. i tryin to keep up with the brava system. i am starting to move the domes around and one night i didnt have any pain at all!! it was awesome! one question though... how much did you guys deswell? if i stop at 30 will i really go back down to what i was at 15 weeks, cause i wasnt really seeing much of any change then. thanks!

(no login) Re: getting a little discouraged September 2 2008, 5:14 PM

I used for a total of 52 weeks (32 first time around and 20 weeks the following year) and I went from a small pathetic A to a full B, small C in a padded bra. It was the most difficult but also rewarding thing I have ever done. It changed my confidence completely. Hang in there. Take it one week at a time. I totally sympathize with some girls...I always thought that if Brava didn't work for you, it was because you weren't committed and were skipping nights, etc. But now I realize it just doesn't work for some girls which is so unfair after the pain, discomfort, sleepless nights and discipline you need for this system. It is only worth it for results, which I had.

Brava after 15 weeks - results
January 5 2007 at 2:17 PM Lynn (Login Manoloblah)


Hi everyone,

Well some of you keep asking for results etc . I had to stop using after 15 1/2 weeks because I got a dreadful itchy rash but its gone now so I thought I would share my pictures with you of before , during and after. I haven't loaded them yet but will do later today or tomorrow.

So far so good the growth seems to be lasting. I was a small B cup after having breast fed 3 children from an original 34C. I swelled up to a 34 C or D during my wear period but its quite noticeable that if you wear the system for 14 hours there is a HUGE difference . I think i have averaged about 11 hours throughout with 2 missed days at different times , so I lost 10 days off my total wear time.

i will do it again after a few months off. My husband can see the difference although its more round the side of the breast in fullness rather than outward growth. I just seem fuller which will be hard to see from the pics. the side on shots are probably the best.

I'll post again shortly. Keep at it ladies as its hard work but I think worth it.


PS I started on a Wide Large and didn't change but did nearly fill it, so next time I will need the larger one at some time I hope !

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER congrats January 5 2007, 7:34 PM

so Did you have to go up a bra cup size? i am using the wide large size also. i still have a way to go. i an only finishing up my second week. congrats on your growth? where are you going to post the pics?

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(Login Manoloblah) Re: Brava after 15 weeks - results January 7 2007, 5:34 PM

Hi Diana,

Thats tricky. I suppose yes as I was a full 34A but really struggling to fill my old B cups. So now I fill the B cup almost too much ! I need to go and get measured again.
Pics going up tonight through the forum-admin . So see for yourself.

Thanks , Lynn

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(Login Manoloblah) PICTURES POSTED January 7 2007, 6:06 PM

Hope this helps everyone keep motivated.

You can still see my rash after 10 days of not using but it is going.


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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER Nice! January 7 2007, 10:19 PM

You were right. yo can definitely see the difference on the side/profile view. i know you have got to be happy with your growth! what you got right there, that is what want. but , hey if we can grow more why not? Smile that's great growth. hore you get even better results the next cycle. you could still fit into the wide large with out touching? that's impressive. have you tried putting some A and D ointment? like for diaper rash? it goes away fairly quickly.

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(Login Manoloblah) Re: Brava after 15 weeks - results January 8 2007, 2:22 PM

Thanks Diana,

I got some cortizone when I got home from our break at Xmas and it worked a treat. I just couldn't get it in France without a prescription.....can you imagine having to explain to a French Dr. how I got the rash !!!

Hope this spurs you on to complete the course, I will try again as it seems to work !


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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi January 19 2007, 3:15 PM

just wondering how everything was stabilizing? are you still happy with the results after 2 or so weeks of not wearing the system? i hope to hear from you soon.

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(no login) Re: Brava after 15 weeks - results January 22 2007, 1:56 PM

I used Brava for 8 months. I was a 32AA and got up to a small B. As soon as I stoped using the systems the results went, sorry. I am back to being a 32 AA. The customer service was crap. I think there is only 2 or 3 people there.

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi d January 22 2007, 1:59 PM

when you say months, how many weeks did you actually year it, how many missed days, and how many hours a day did you wear it. thanks.

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER ok January 22 2007, 4:01 PM

i reread your post 8 months on brava. thats like at least 32 wks. and no results. hope you find something that works for you.

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(Login Krissy_D) Re: Brava after 15 weeks - results January 23 2007, 12:00 AM

Hi Diana,
My full brava story is I started in December of 05, I used it til October 15th. I used it with out missing a day for 6 months, using it for at least 12 hours a day (that was my strict minimum). I am very thin so I was fully aware and willing to put in more time.
I then missed a full week, and started the system again even more riguous than before after another 3 months. Because of medical issues I had to stop.
I started yet again in December 06 and used it til Jan 07.
My system stoped working, the thing would not turn off one night, I woke up my boobs were sore and bruised and looked horrid. I called brava and they took forever to get back to me and I had to basically hound them just to get a response. They then told me I would have to pay another $100 to get the system fixed add that to the money I already paid then the $ 245 for extra domes. I just through in the towel. I am back to EXACTLY my usual breast size.
But I have no intention of giving up on finding something that works for me.

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hey January 23 2007, 12:57 AM

I am sorry you have gone through so much agony with brava. thats too bad. have you tried the other forums here. some people have had success with wonder up. others are doing good with bovine ovary. most all are massaging. there are some on single herb routines also. good luck. i hope you find somethin that works for you and interacts well with your body.

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(no login) To Krissy January 23 2007, 2:11 AM

Krissy D

I am so sorry to hear that after so much effort, you ended up not gaining anything. I know there are a few others who had worn the system for even longer and gained nothing. Every time i hear a story like this, my heart sinks. Wasting time and engery is one thing, but the thing that bothers us the most is the disappointment it brings. I guess we all know how much our flat chests hurt our confidence.
I really hope i could help you out on this one. I myself have been on the system for almost 30 weeks(averaging 13 hours a day) with only 2 missing days. I started out looking just like Diana's before picture, now i am a 34B, but i don't really know how much it will shrink after i stop. of the two days i missed, both were because of ER visits for my children. After 36 hours of break, my breast did shrink quite a bit, and boy was I disappointedSad, although i know it's expected to shrink a little, it's still a shock to see the shrinkage.
I still believe in the tissue expansion theory, but i guess it's still unknown to us just how much swelling one needs in order to stimilate real growth. Brava's smart box really isn't the best device out there to give us good swelling. I used my smartbox for the first 15 weeks, i got pretty good swelling in the first 10, then my swelling just went down quite a bit, i tried using my breath to suction out some air before hooking on my smartbox, but still i wasn't getting enough swelling(only from a small A to a big B). Then i came across a post about airlock, the girl who wrote the post said that she got much better swelling from airlock, immediately i purchased an airlock off ebay and switched over. Airlock indeed gave me much better swelling, i am roughly a D in the morning and still a pretty decent B in the evening. I have since worn the system with airlock for another 15 weeks and still plan to wear it for 4 more weeks. I will keep you guys posted on my results after stopping.

(Login Krissy_D) Re: Brava after 15 weeks - results January 23 2007, 8:53 PM

Hi Nicole,
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. I truly beleive that everyone is different.

just finished week 16
March 19 2007 at 3:38 AM nikky (no login)


i can't beleive that i have been wearing this uncomfortable hunk of plastic and silicone for 16 weeks, but i have...

somedays i am really happy, i feel like my boobs are a good size C during the day - but every night i try on my smallest bra and every night i fit it

i have 10 more weeks to wear this thing and then i am calling it

does anyone have any advice for me? i know there was a lady here who said it took 30 weeks to go up a size. i wonder if i can get there in only 10 more weeks. i am so bummed about this. i thought brava was my answer.

just to let you guys know - brava has taken away the drooping the breastfeeding gave me - that is great

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Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: just finished week 16 March 20 2007, 2:34 AM

so it does -- at least -- firm your breasts? it doesn't make them sag or create stretch marks like some girls have thought/worried about?

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(Login Ange23021980) Re: just finished week 16 March 31 2007, 12:03 PM

I haven't been wearing brava long, just a couple of weeks, but I am finding that my boobs aren't as saggy as they were. After breast feeding my smal (size a went down to a saggy aa) not good!

Brava has firmed then and filled them out on the top (if you know what I mean). I haven't (so far) had any nipple trouble or strech marks. I've had the odd soreness of the domes but that goes after a couple of hours.

Let me know how you get on

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(no login) confused April 3 2007, 3:48 AM

I'm kinda new to this system and I am not clear about the instruction. The manual said 10 weeks, why are some wearing it for 10+ weeks?

(Login minniecooper) Re: just finished week 16 April 3 2007, 4:57 AM

it depends if you are a slow reponder.

14 weeks over
April 12 2009 at 3:41 PM StacyEllen (no login)


Friday night was hopefully my last night ever with Brava. I kept the domes on as long as I could the next day, so I think I got 13 hours in. Funny, I hate sleeping on my back but I kept waking up on it even though I didn't have to last night! Old habits die hard!

I will update in a few days to let you know how much I shrink.

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(no login) 14 weeks April 12 2009, 5:19 PM

How much did you again?

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Stacy Ellen
(no login) Re: 14 weeks over April 12 2009, 5:58 PM

no idea...I have never measured myself because I don't think it would be accurate. I wouldn't know if I really grew or was holding the measuring tape differently. I go by how bras fit. When I started in the fall, I was a small B. I did 17 weeks and was a full B/small C. I stopped and went down to a full B. (I definitely shrunk but could wear the same bras) I started up again in winter and did 14 weeks...I am a pretty moderate to full C, depending on the bra. So far, today my boobs still feel great and I am filling out my padded c cup very nicely. I would guess (from past experience) that by next week at this time, what I have is what I am keeping. I expect to be a really full B (in a nonpadded bra) but a c in most bras (since I like padding)

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 14 weeks over April 13 2009, 3:31 AM

Congratulations, Stacy! I am so proud of you. What an inspiration.

I fear stopping. I just completed week 23. I have about an inch growth after 12 hours off. But, if I lose half of that, I will really not be much of anywhere. If this is halfway (and I wish it was more growth), I have to go at least 52 weeks to retain anything. I have a long road and many years ahead of me.

You are my inspiration.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: 14 weeks over April 13 2009, 11:59 AM

Congratulations Smile Just wondering if you outgrew your large domes? I am going for another cycle this fall to try to get a full C and am hoping I wont need another set of domes. Mine are in very good condition (only used the smartbox) and I can't afford replacement domes.

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(no login) Re: 14 weeks over April 13 2009, 11:40 PM

I never grew out of my large domes. I started in medium ones, 4 years ago, outgrew them after 20 weeks, moved into large and only had to order new ones because they didn't stick anymore. Even in the morning with all the swelling there was always around an inch of room between my breast and the end of the dome.

Full C was always what my ultimate this rate, I would have had to keep going for a LONG I am a small C so to get to a full I bet I would have to go another 20 weeks at least. Just thinking about it makes me husband would complain too much and I am tired of the insomnia!!!!

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 14 weeks over April 14 2009, 2:35 AM


I imagine you must have had (and maybe still have) big reddish, 1" marks around parts of your breasts from the silicone rims. If so, how long did it take to get rid of them? I won't be able to wear any tank tops this summer unless they go up high, since I have round, high indentations far up on my chest. There is actually a line which shows marks from the sharper edge of the silicone rim.

You have gone for a long time. What did you do to help get rid of the redness?

(no login) Re: 14 weeks over April 14 2009, 1:12 PM

Roakie--I never had this problem. Obviously for a few hours after the domes came off I had the ring and redness, but it would fade an other than a couple of times when I think I was extra sweaty (wore them in the warmer months) I never developed any kind of "rashiness" or markings that wouldn't go away. I just checked myself and i don't have one mark that would indicate Brava was on these breasts. I guess I just don't have sensitive skin. I do tend to react more when the domes are new but mine have been old for so long that there wasn't enough stickiness to irritate my skin.

about to stop using the device....results.
July 12 2007 at 2:01 PM minhina (Login minhina)


i am tired of this machine and do not want to wear it anymore.

recently after i passed the 10 weeks barrier it got to me that actually that permanent growth might not happen at all. I would not say it is a waste of time because i have enjoyed, for once in my life, having large breasts after sessions. Although the swelling went, it has been really nice to feel having large breasts (natural ones in a sense) going out, feeling them so big, playing with my partner and stuff.

But as for permanent results...
I have worn this device for 14 weeks
total of 1329 h
and average of 13.7h per night..
I have not been a great user (meaning haven't got the average wear time others have...and also i have missed some days or only managed 8hours) that is why i am going to wear it a total of 16 weeks instead of 10. I might give it another goal during winter..coz they say repeated use helps...
i am coming to terms with the fact that there is no growth whatsoever.
I was a 34B small.
I am a 34B small today.
I hate the fact that when i have been wearing it some people have commented in me having nice breasts, coz i realise is only coz they were swollen (to c or even D cup..) of course they were gorgeous. my real breasts are not that big, and i have a loving partner that loves them and this should be enough..sadly i wish they were larger, but.
i do not think this will ever happen with the brava device..

anyway i do not want to depress anybody or anything.when i started i wanted real and honest answers and this is what i am trying to do here. when people posted disappointed results i ignored them anyway, so you can do this with this message so that you can go ahead. as i said it has be tons of fun to have them so large, but the cost to my sexual and social life has also been considerable....

all my love to all of you,
good luck

all my love to all of you,
good luck

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(no login) Re: about to stop using the device....results. July 12 2007, 4:51 PM

sorry to hear ur dissapointed by the results.
i guess for you all the swelling goes away by the time you put it back on? that should be a sign that someone is not responding i guess.
i usually don't leave it off for more the 8 hours but maybe i should try 14 soon to see if there is any sign of growth. but in my case it could also be the fact that lately i've been losing seal during the night and slept thru it.
in winter it should be easyer since you can hide it under big jakets. if you decide to give it another go i hope you get better results

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(no login) Re: about to stop using the device....results. July 12 2007, 5:28 PM

I understand how you feel. Did you take before photos? If so, look at those because maybe you will be able to tell even a slight difference that you can build upon later. I stopped last month after 11 weeks and am going to try again in December when it is colder and so that it doesn't interfere as much with my warm weather activities.

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(Login minhina) Re: about to stop using the device....results. July 12 2007, 8:21 PM

i will check the pics
i took some before and thorough
maybe there has been some growth
but anyway
if i cant feel it, it means is nothing splendid...

i am slightly disappointed but nothing to bad..i read the post of that lady that says she is going to try the other magical stuff, the one you only wear 30min per day and so...i read it and thought..shall I try???? what if?
and then i though
**** off
if this hasn't worked why would that work???
i might try again in winter
just to see
but wont let it interfere with my life as i have left that time....

(no login) minhina July 15 2007, 7:33 PM

today i had the system off for about 14 hours. as that happens very rarely i was curious to see if i kept anything in that time. looking in the mirror and feeling them, my breasts seemed smaller then what i started with. i could swear i shrank. but when i measured i had an extra half inch on each breast. so i didn't feel or see anything and more then that i see them smaller but it's a false impresion.
getting used to being swolen most of the time you forget what you used to be so you would see no change or in my case, worse.
did you measure before and after? maybe the same thing is happening to you.

Would you keep going? Advice?
February 15 2009 at 2:03 AM roakie (Login roakie)


I am so discouraged.

I have now worn Brava for close to fifteen weeks, averaging 12-15 hours per night with not a single break. I took the domes off at 11:am this morning. It is now 7pm and I am totally, 100% flat again - back to where I started. If I stand and look at myself from the side, there isn't even any protrusion of breast tissue. I can just imagine what I would look like after 24 or 36 hours.

I am 54, have gone through menopause, very thin on top and have always been totally flat, except when nursing my three children when I was a full B cup.

This is so frustrating. I just don't know what to do. I am nowhere near the "halfway point" where you see where you want to be and know you only have to go the same amount of weeks again.

I mean, I have tried Wonderup, Fenugreek, greenbush herbs, etc. I eat very, very well. I drink soy milk, eat good quality protein, take fish oil and evening primrose oil, eat sesame seeds, take vitamin C,etc. I have even been on natural estrogen/progesterone to help bring my hormones up after menopause.

I can't even wear a bra of any size. Nothing stays down on my chest.

What should I do? Keep going? When I take the domes off, I measure about 33.5 - 34 inches. Right now, I measure 32.5 right above the nipple and 31.5 under the breast. That is a difference of 1" only after 7 hours, which shows you how flat I am. To make it worse, I think most of that is a built-up pectoral muscle from the constant pulling of the domes.

I don't mean to be discouraging and I wish I had someone that could give me hope. I know everyone says a drop a day, if that, but I only have ten more weeks before the halfway point will mean a total year of wearing these things. I would do it if I thought I might even reach a AA as opposed to a minus A.

What would all of you do?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 2:47 AM

Hi Roakie.
I feel so sorry for you in your situation. I can understand your frustration. My boobs are not totally flat and so I am willing to plod on with brava. I am getting small results after 10 weeks. I would have liked a lot more of course. Honestly if I was you I would probably give up. It just doesnt look like it will work for you. However, having a flat chest wouldn't be an option for me either. I really think I would have surgery. I know thats what we all dont like to think of but if I had the money and Brava was showing absolutely no results I would consider it. Wish I could offer you more hope.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 3:14 AM

I know. I am so sad and frustrated. I really considered surgery before Brava but I just can't seem to make peace with implants. I have a feeling that being so flat, I would see and feel the implant. I am so depressed.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 10:08 AM

I feel so sad for you Roakie. You deserve to have results more than me. I had B cups to begin with so I wasn't totally flat and I know it is more difficult for AA cups to have results. I understand your thoughts about implants. I would never have them either but I understand women that do.

I was wondering. What size of domes do you have? If the domes are too big for you then your swelling will be less causing lack of results. I remember some girls getting extra large domes and going back to their large domes because they got less swelling with the extra large. If you have medium domes, maybe you need small to begin with. The size of your domes is on the bottom of the box the domes came in. There are two letters, f.ex. NL (narrow large) and some numbers after that. Check it out! I really hope you wont give up and will start to see results. Let us know what you are going to do!


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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 1:06 PM

I have the wide/medium domes. I think the narrow would be too small.

Actually, I just ordered a new set of domes on the advice of the Brava coach and I probably wasted my money. The thing is, she said that the rims might be over-used and not making such a good seal but I don't know if I agree. My domes never used to fall off at night, though, but now they do every single night. The domes absolutely fill with sweat to the point that the underneath of the rims gets so wet that they start to fall off in the night, even with the smartbox.

I actually have to get up in the middle of the night, take them off, wipe out the insides and the rims, wipe off my skin, and put them on again to get another seal. It is crazy. Perhaps I do need new domes to get better swelling. I just don't know at this point.

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(no login) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 1:34 PM

I would say keep going. What do you have to lose? You've already invested money in the initial system, you are getting a new Smartbox, and now new sticky domes. You seem to be sleeping well in it and still having a social life when you need to go somewhere. If you wear it for a year and it works, so what. Keep your eye on the prize. The only other option is breast implants (risky) or getting fat injected into the breast (expensive). You could consider those two options but try this first. Also, what about doing NB or BB in addition to Brava?

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 4:16 PM

Thanks for the encouragement, Vee. I think I will try to keep going. I am just scared.

Does anyone sweat as much as I seem to???????? Do your domes start to slip off?

I have read posts about noogleberry and Bosom Beauty. It sounds like the BB is so strong and hurts so much, I would be afraid of pulling the skin on my breasts.

Arent' the Brava domes better than the Noogleberry domes? Wouldn't they do the the same thing?

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 7:26 PM

Is medium the smallest size? I was sure they had small as well.

I agree with Rox, wait until you get the new domes and smartbox, maybe the Brava coach knows what she is saying. It does make sense when you think about it. You used to get a good swelling but suddenly it went away. Very likly the equipment is faulty. So don't give up!!!!!

I wish I could give you advice on the sweating thing but I did think of something and it doesn't hurt to share. I know you are using herbs to raise your estrogen levels and they could have sweating as a side effect. I've had some very strange side effects from herbs so it wouldn't come as a surprize to me. Have you tried Maca?

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(no login) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 7:32 PM

What did the Brava coach say about you getting less swelling now than at first - faulty domes and you need to buy new ones? Aren't those the domes that split and you had to she may have a point? Did she say you should have MORE swelling as the weeks go on? It's so confusing.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 7:59 PM

Yes, these are the domes that split but the silicone caulk completely fixed them. The one place I get constant leakage is underneath my armpit.

All the sticky stuff is gone off the domes so that could be a reason. The coach said that the rims get like an old mattress where they just don't adhere as well in certain places. She is thinking that is why the swelling is reduced.

I don't know if there is a smaller dome, just a narrower one. I already see the impression of the hard rim around the outside of my breast when I take them off so I think narrow would be too small.

I am not currently taking any herbs. I gave up on those. I don't understand what is causing such profuse sweating.

One thing - I am an avid swimmer. I have very wide lats (the muscles that make a v-shape down the back) and some pretty developed pectoral muscles where they attach by the armpit. So, I have a big hollow under my arm and absolutely no fat on my upper body for the domes to adhere to. I wonder if this could also make the domes easier to slip off.

Oh well.

Are you both using manual suction or still the smartbox?

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 15 2009, 9:58 PM

Still using the smartbox. I don't trust the airlock and I am getting enough swelling.

I am almost 29 inches underbust (28,7) and I have the narrow ones. What is your underbust measurement? If you are narrower then me then the narrow ones will fit you!

I know there are certain foods and herbs that help with perspiration. I know aspargus is one of them. Try google it. It can't hurt Wink

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 16 2009, 3:41 AM

I measure 30.5 under my bust. Hmmm. Do you think the narrow allow for better adherence? Do they extend under your armpits as well, or just to the side of your breast.

What is the width of the narrow domes - just measuring across from one edge of the plastic rim to the other (not including the silicone rim?

This message has been edited by roakie on Feb 16, 2009 3:43 AM

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(no login) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 16 2009, 11:22 AM

I am a 30.0 underbust, 34.0 overbust (small A cup bra). When I was buying my system, they said based on my measurements that the narrow would be too small. She said to get the "Wide Large" domes. They do not come under the armpits and fit to the sides of the breasts and that's it. I was surprised b/c I'm only 5'2" tall, 118 pounds and wide large sounds so big. But they said that I would be out of anything smaller too soon and would have to re-buy the domes so to get this side. Based on that, sounds like the narrow would be too small for you.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 16 2009, 1:16 PM

It's true what you are thinking. Our underbust measurements depend largly on the broadness of our backs so if you have a broad back like you say then the underbust measurement is unaccurate to figure out dome sizes.

I measured my dome and it is 4 inches wide - from side to side minus the silicone. I think there is an inch difference between wide and narrow. Mine go all the way to my armpit but also don't cover my breasts entirely so I am confused on which I should use myself (ordering size bigger this week).

Good luck

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 16 2009, 7:43 PM

Last night I used the manual suction. I got out as much air as I could, and then my husband was able to get out some more! It was somewhat uncomfortable, but the domes stayed on all night without losing air. This morning when I moved my arms to the side, they gapped under the arms and I took them off, wiped out the sweat, and put them on again for several hours. I got better swelling so I think I might stick with that route. The means the new domes I ordered are probably unecessary.

Do any of you find that your pectoral muscles are getting really large or tight with the suction? Mine are so much bigger than when I used to do pushups and sometimes I wonder if this is what makes the swelling look more than it is.

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(no login) Re: Would you keep going? Advice? February 19 2009, 7:02 PM

I wouldn't give up yet (unless you are experiencing pain or skin injury) - you've come so far. Did you take before pictures? Sometimes it is hard to see a difference when you get used to seeing the swelling. Also, maybe with your new domes, you won't lose suction which may be affecting your progress. I think the halfway point is complete BS. When I stopped using Brava, what you see after 24 hours with the domes off is probably what you will keep. Because you mentioned you are thin on top, it may take longer even though you've had children and breastfed if you don't typically store fat on your upper body. A lot of people have success with the manual suction, but personally I used the sportbox because it controlled the pressure and would remove moisture from the domes. If you can handle sleeping at night and are used to the system, I would try to keep going - especially while the weather is cold. My first cycle I used Brava from the end of March until mid June (11 weeks) and hated wearing it during nice weather when I wanted to be outside. My second cycle was from December - March and that was perfect because I stayed inside anyway. I had to stop before I wanted to because at 14 weeks, I started getting a swollen moveable lump on my rib under the left breast and a hard bump on my sternum where the domes rested. It was very painful but fortunately both went away.

(no login) To Livingonaprayer February 20 2009, 1:29 PM

Would you mind sharing your results from cycle #1 and then cycle #2? What were you beginning measurements and your final ones with each cycle?

Are you now doing cycle #3 and what is your goal size? I'm at 5 weeks and I don't see any results yet but I know it's early. I'm going to try to go until May 23 when I go on vacation for a week which will be 18 weeks.
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