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Brava update at 5 weeks


Brava 5 weeks
April 7 2009 at 3:20 AM molehills (Login molehills)


Well, 5 weeks are done and I can't say I'm retaining very much after 12-14 hours, maybe 1/4", though there is some more fullness maybe, and a bit more look of cleavage in the upper part which may be due to muscle development. A little discouraging as I can only do it for 10 weeks this time around anyway, so I guess that is all I can hope to get out of this. I know 10 weeks isn't really long enough. I've been using the airlock method and getting fairly good swelling every day when I take the domes off, which has increased just slightly to about 1 1/2" in the morning. I usually keep the domes on between 12 and 14 hours.

On the plus side, I haven't had any skin problems that didn't go away after a day or so, or sleeping problems, although the domes are annoying sometimes. Every day when I take off the domes I wash with baby shampoo, put Aquaphor healing ointment on any red irritated spots, rub in Palmer's lotion all over, put diaper rash cream on any bumps and then slather aloe vera gel over it all, especially my poor nipples. For the first couple weeks they were very sore and sensitive because they get so swollen. They still get big, but don't hurt/itch any more. They always seem to be sticking out though now. Some arnica extract also took care of a couple of broken blood vessel dots. Thanks to everyone who gave skin care tips! When I put the domes on I've learned to increase the suction in two stages which I think helps prevent too much sudden stretching/irritation.

Also thanks to whoever suggested cutting up a pantyliner and sticking half in each dome. That makes a huge difference in absorbing excess sweat, so no pools of moisture and no domes losing the seal and sliding off.

Well, I hope I end up retaining something at the end of's to perseverance and success for everyone!!

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(no login) Re: Brava 5 weeks April 9 2009, 1:49 AM

well done molehills! I know that after all this effort, a little improvement is not what we hope for... but I think those of us that are realistic about what brava can do, and in what length of time will go on to have enough motivation to do as many cycles as needed to get to the desired result. Making it to week 5 in these domes is a great achievement!

I'm in my first week of using brava, although I used the Noogleberry for a month prior, which I guess means that if I'd have just gone all in for the brava to begin with, I'd be around the same stage as you. As you probably know, the Noogle system takes far longer to get to any permanent growth due to you not being able to put in anywhere near as much time. However, I do think the strong suction helped loosen up my breast tissue quite a bit and facilitate some stretching and swelling allowing me to have great swelling from brava from day one. I do wish though, that after all the effort I've put in for 5 weeks now, that like you, I was on my way to seeing a tiny bit of permanent growth...

Once again, congratulations for getting even anything in such a short period of time. It should set things up nicely for if you decide to do it again, in the future. Maybe even when you can do it for a longer time perhaps?

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(no login) Re: Brava 5 weeks April 9 2009, 3:20 AM

thanks trigger, I really appreciate the encouragement. It's also encouraging to know there are ladies on here that have gone way longer than me, their dedication is inspiring. I think it's true what I read somewhere on the get used to that great swelling in the morning and start thinking that's what you're going to get, then when it all keeps going away it's a bit of a letdown lol. But it's a great idea to take pics and measure to keep reminding yourself you are making some progress however slight. I haven't had the courage to put up pics yet, maybe one of these days...Smile Good luck to you.

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(no login) Re: Brava 5 weeks April 9 2009, 4:09 AM

Ah yes, the swelling it's pretty great to behold if you haven't been dealt much in the genetics department. I keep wishing and hoping it will stick around too, but I'll be doing this for a long time if I'm hoping for that size! Still, once you see it, and how good it looks...anything's a let down.

You could always get a noogle and give them a pump up in the morning for half an hour or so when you finish brava, and again for a little session at night. That keeps them pumped up by all accounts!!

5 week update
March 17 2009 at 10:15 PM elusia (Login elusia)


So has the first 5 weeks flown away! Since my measures differ so much, it's hard to know exactely how much is happening, but there seems to be an increase of between 0.25" - 0.75". I've been using the Smartbox all nights but one. I'm having a skin rash, hickey marks and bruises after that night with airlock at a much higher pressure, but I also had much better swelling (1,75"): )) As soon as all that heals I'll try it again, but a bit more gentle. I wish brava would make a smartbox where you can control the pressure, as the one setting it has now seems to be too low for me.

My nipples are giving me a hard time, so I'm taping them down most nights. When I do that, the swelling gets much more attractive and round, full looking, but I'm still sore in my nipples...

Goddness, how easy it is to get greedy! After that big swelling day I wonder how long I'd have to use Brava to have that as a permanent result...I just love being able to fill a B-cup!!

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 5 week update March 18 2009, 3:07 AM

Awesome, elusia! What a great incentive to keep going.

I have been using the airlock and I don't notice any greater swelling at this point. Even worse, my new domes of three weeks are already bubbling on the inside of the silicone rim and the plastic cover has broken off part of the inside. I don't use a strong airlock at all. I am going to have to contact the company. So far, two broken smartboxes and a set of domes, and I only have about a half-inch of swelling left after twelve hours and nineteen weeks of use.

But, I am continuing! Hurray for you!

(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 5 week update March 18 2009, 8:45 PM

Thank you for the encouragement, Roakie! It's great that you finally retain 1/2"! Just keep going!!

I'm sorry to hear about the problems with the domes : ( Yes, you should contact the company, I hope they'll be able to give you a new pair or something.

Here's to patience and endurance and a reward of a fuller bra in the end ; ))!

5 week progress
March 24 2009 at 4:19 AM J.J. (no login)


The first 5 week have gone really fast. At the end of the day before I put the domes back on I am a half inch to 3 quarters of an inch bigger than when I started. As I posted before, when I started I had zero boobs. Now I have AA to small A boobs, which is such an improvement. This is what my breast size was before breastfeeding.

I initially thought it would be worth the $400 (I bought used on ebay), and the trouble if I could just get back to where I started before breastfeeding. Now I am a little bit more ambitious...a small B cup seems possible within some reasonable time frame. The domes are holding up well. They are still very tacky, and stay put just fine. It is a bit uncomfortable, and I do have trouble sleeping. But I have trouble sleeping anyway, and take 1/4 to 1/3 of a unisom most nights. That pretty well solves all sleeping problems, snoring husband, domes or no domes.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 5 week progress March 24 2009, 3:30 PM

That's great progress! I wish I could say the same even at twenty-one weeks!

How long do you wear the domes and what is the period of time you wait until you put them on the next night?

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(no login) Re: 5 week progress March 24 2009, 4:42 PM

Hi Roakie,

I don't chart my hours, but my estimate is 12 hours per day. Since beginning, I have never had them on less than 11 hours. Usually on weekdays I get between 11 and 12 hours. On weekends I try to do at least one really long day, 15-16 hours. When I do this I get a lot more rash, so I am not inclined to do it more often. The first week or so I used the smartbox, but since then I have been airlocking. The smartbox was waking me up with its buzzing. When I measured last night I had had the domes off for about 12 and half hours.

I have read some of your previous posts and have to say that you are one of the people here who inspired me to try this. I really hope you keep something at the end--I know how how it feels to not even have enough boobs to keep a bra from sliding up, and how nearly impossible it is to find bathing suits that don't look all wrinkled and crumpled and gaping on the boob area. Even really small boobs are so much better than none.

I tend to gain weight on my lower half more than my upper half. My legs and rear aren't really heavy (I wear the same size top and bottom in most brands), but definitely if I lose weight it comes off my top faster than my bottom. Very frustrating. By the way, I am going to try velashape on my legs, starting next week. I will let you know how that goes. The hope is to transfer a little bit from my lower half to my boobs. Not sure if it will work, but it only costs $500, so I think it is worth a try. All in all I will have spent about $1000 on the reshaping program, and even with all the hours spent wearing the domes I will be ok with minimal improvements. I am not trying to look like a Victoria's Secret model, I am just trying to look a bit more in proportion.

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(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER congrats on your progress! March 24 2009, 6:06 PM


that is great progress for just 5 weeks! How much do you swell? What's your BMI? Age? I read from your other post that you have children - sounds like you're one of the lucky ones "fast responders" !!! (I wish I was too!!) Keep it up and you will be able to join the long list of successful brava users ; )

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(no login) Re: 5 week progress March 25 2009, 6:40 PM

Hi Elusia,

I am 36, and have one child who breastfed for 11 months. My BMI according to one of those online calculator things is 18.8. I have plenty of fat, it just isn't on my chest, at present. I measured my swelling this morning (had not done so before), and not counting the nipples it is one and a half inches more than what I had the night before when I put the domes on. I am a small to medium B in the morning. Initially, I had very little swelling that went away almost immediately, but this has gradually been increasing, and the time it takes for the swelling to go away has also been increasing. My husband was so funny. This past weekend he saw me immediately after taking the domes off and said "They're huge!" The poor guy. He has been living with me for so long he has no idea that 36B is not exactly what you call huge.....I sure do love him.

Thanks for posting the summary of results. Very helpful.


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(Login dandelion1) Re: 5 week progress March 26 2009, 5:06 AM

i thought velashape was to get rid of celulite - how would that help with boob growth? im curious.....

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(no login) Re: 5 week progress March 26 2009, 4:00 PM

You sound like a rapid responder to me!!! Good for you. Love to hear these stories - it keeps me motivated to know that this technology does/can really work and it's not a scam. I breast fed 3 kids and only swell up 1" from 11 hours with the domes and am a 34A cup bra after having lost weight after pregnancy. So I've got more to work with and I'm not swelling up like you are and I didn't retain anything at the 5 week mark, so that's very encouraging for you. Keep posting to let us know what's going on.

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 5 week progress March 26 2009, 7:12 PM

Don't worry, Rox. You have more to work with starting out than me. I am now in week 21 and I never swell any larger than I did the first week. A lot of women talk about how they outgrew their domes. I have so much room in there, I will never get to the end. I can't imagine that Brava is going to make a beginning AA cup into a D cup, or even into a full C cup. That would require some massive growth. I actually think I would freak out if my breasts swelled to fill the wide/medium domes. That just wouldn't be me. But, I am hoping this technology works by gradually creating actual breast tissue to create a "real" breast out of what is initially just swelling. One drop at a time, they say!

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(no login) Re: 5 week progress March 26 2009, 9:36 PM

Hi Dandylion,

According to the woman at the medical spa who did laser hair removal for me, the velashape can reduce circumference of some body part because it actually forces the body to burn fat in targeted areas, in addition to breaking down the structural tissues that cause cellulite dimpling. I did some research on the internet because forcing the body to burn fat in targeted areas seems too good to be true. It seems entirely possible to me that it might just force fat to be released from certain areas. In which case unless you use it up in some way it will either go right back where it came from, or will get deposited somewhere else. I was never able to actually figure this out, based on internet searches, but it seems safe in that the worst that can happen is nothing.

So maybe it forces the body to burn fat, and it is just gone. Or maybe it releases the fat, in which case there is some chance of encouraging it to relocate to my chest by using Brava during the course of the velashape treatments. Maybe it just breaks down the connective tissue that causes cellulite (which I don't really have much of, just a very little on my upper thighs), or maybe it does nothing, in which case I will have wasted some time and $500. I will keep you posted as to any results with this. My starting assumptions about these less invasive techniques (brava, velashape, other external enhancements) is that there is minimal downside risk in that the worst that might happen is wasted money and no change at all. There is some upside potential; the product might actually do what it promises to do. All in all it is a low risk low cost alternative. You can't expect brava to get the same results as 300cc breast implants, or the velashape to do what liposuction would do. But, you don't have the risks of scarring, infection, etc that more invasive procedures have. The upside potential isn't as high, but as long as the cost is low enough, and there is close to zero downside risk I am ok with it.

Regarding the fast responder thing....I am really surprised. I do seem to be having results; my initial expectations were pretty low given my starting point. One thing that may be different for me is that my hormones are definitely going strong. I had a weird situation given that coming off of breastfeeding my endocrine system was completely out of whack, cycles kept getting longer and longer. That was related to the hyperthyroid problem. Now my hormone levels seem to be back to like when I was a teenager. Maybe that helps with breast development. I do have one more question regarding dome replacement. How do you know when you are outgrowing your domes? I thought I saw somewhere that you need a larger size when your nipples are one inch or so from the tip. I am almost there in the morning, and I currently have medium wide domes. But maybe the swelling won't keep increasing at the same speed, it is hard to say. Given my zero boob starting point, I initially though I could get through 20 weeks with the medium wides no problem, but now am not so sure. Can you keep wearing the same domes longer if you tape your nipples down? Any advice on when to replace would be appreciated.

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(no login) Re: 5 week progress March 26 2009, 10:47 PM

What do you think of laser hair removal - on an unrelated note? Does it work to completely remove hair (like you'd NEVER have to ever shave your legs again as long as you lived)? How much does it cost and is it expensive? Is it safe? I know it's FDA approved. Just curious. Does it take long?

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(no login) Re: 5 week progress March 27 2009, 7:58 PM

I am not really sure that it is worth the money. I have light skin and dark hair (my father is half chinese), and I was shaving every day and had stubble by the end of the day that felt really rough, and was really noticeable because of the contrast with my skin color. I paid about $1800 for three treatments on the lower legs, under-arms, and bikini area. The end result for the three areas is very different. On my legs the hair is now much softer and I can go several days without the stubble bothering me. The bikini area seems to have gotten much less results, it might be marginally better but it is hardly noticeable. On the underarm area some of the hair is just gone, what is left is also not noticeable as long as I shave every few days. All in all, I am not sure that I want to spend another 1500-1800 completely eradicating all body hair. Some people might find it worth doing, but I am content with what I currently have and would rather spend money on the boob thing right now. I think that in general if you want to completely get rid of all body hair you need to spend $3000 or more, the total number of treatments you will need depends upon how coarse the hair is to start with. And, it hurts, quite a lot actually. I think it is considerably worse than waxing.

After 5 weeks no result
October 10 2009 at 11:33 AM elle (Login elle09)


It is nearly 5 weeks now with Brava.I only missed one night at the beginning. I do get such a good swelling about 4 inches. But yesterday I used the domes after 12 hours. I didnt see any growth compare to the beginning of my breasts. Beginning to lose faith in BravaSad

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 10 2009, 2:16 PM

Hi Elle - I'm just about to start using BRAVA in a month or so and from all the research I've done and the people I've asked (on this forum too), it seems that you have to wait AT LEAST 6 or 7 weeks to see the possibility of growth, and really the full cycle, 12-16-20 weeks to see your total growth.

You've come this far, I would say keep going and see what happens when the cycle is complete.

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(Login anothertry) don't give up! October 11 2009, 2:46 PM

red is right... this is a slow process. you are getting swelling, which is good. keep at it... cells take a long time to grow.

stay with it! keep your chin up... the boobies will come!

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 11 2009, 3:56 PM

Thanks girlsSmile I am staying with it. Do you think it is muscle growth or tissue growth. I ask this question to myself sometimes.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 11 2009, 11:25 PM

5 weeks is NOTHING with brava. I have done it for four different cycles. My first cycle, i did it for 32 weeks and went from a 34A to a 34 B. If you aren't in it for the long haul with Brava, then it probably isn't the best system for you. It is a very difficult system and requires endurance (seems dramatic but it's true!) and self sacrifice. Your family will hate it by the time you are done, but in my opinion, it does give lasting growth to some of us. It completely changed the shape of my breasts. I am still small, but at least i have a handful now Smile Don't give up too soon!!!!

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(Login bluemoonlight) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 12 2009, 9:49 AM

It's supposed to increase just tissue growth and, like emmiedee said, it takes cells a while to grow. That's what you have to think about, I guess - you're (we're!) actually trying to GROW something, to grow new cells and that can never happen overnight. Look at plants, or the way scientists are creating organs, like the 'Ear Mouse' - it's def going to take time. That's what I am already telling myself anyway. (I think the only way to get actual muscle growth is through working out with weights.)

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(Login miriam41) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 12 2009, 10:46 PM

I am also at 5 weeks and even though its too early for results I already have some Brava fatigue (I know I sound like a major wimp compared to some of the Brava veterans here). It feels like another full-time job only at night. The swelling messes with your head. I am committed to seeing it through. I only have 14 weeks to dedicate and I hope this gives me something. If its not enough I will extend and just take them on my vacation - ugh. I think after you start seeing some retention it renews you to keep going.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 12 2009, 10:55 PM

Hi everyone, I was so pissed off when I posted this message. Today I waited about 13 hours before I put the domes. I measured it this time.Guess what, I got 1.5 cm growth compare to the beginning. I also lost 2 kg (4 lbs) . Thats really goodSmile I keep going with Brava until March. Thank you

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(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: After 5 weeks no result October 13 2009, 7:43 AM


when I read your post I thought: "If she gets swelling as big as 4 whooping inches, she WILL see a lot of growth if she just sticks with it!". It seems like the ones that get big swelling are more likely to get good and fast growth as well. Like everyone have already said, 5 weeks aint nothin in the Brava world. I know Brava's own advertisement with "12 hours, 12 weeks" can make you think it's a short term thing. For most, it takes many months to really get something, even though a few lucky ones can actually get someting in the Brava specified time. But many months isn't really much, if you compare to taking herbs where you can keep trying for years before (if ever!) you find your right combination that makes you grow.

If you keep going until March you will be big, girl ; ))
You'll be so happy that you had the endurance to stick with it!

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(Login bluemoonlight) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 13 2009, 8:22 AM

Woohoo! Keep it up elle! And please keep us updated!

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 13 2009, 1:51 PM

Thanks a lot. As we are in the same boat I feel like I know all of youSmile Elusia I saw your post about taking a break. I think you should give 2 months break and try some creams. I tried wild yam cream in past it was Ok for a while but it didn't last.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 13 2009, 5:18 PM

It's great that you see results in 5 weeks, keep up the good work! How did you get 4 inches of growth? Are you using the sport box? The most I get is 1 inch.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 13 2009, 10:21 PM

The swelling was 3 inches when I first started.Then increased to four inches.It is not the actual growth.I wish it wasSmile I dont do anything special but I wear the domes at least 15 hours. Somedays even more if I can.For the first time I had some tingling in my breast today without the domes. Thats a good sign I thinkSmile I dont have a child at all. But all of my family have bigger breast than me. I lost some volume through the time because of my pear shape.I remember some days even I was a small C cup but I lost it when I lost weight not didnt gain on my breast again.I used creams and pills in the past but none of them has worked. So I gave up many years ago until I bought a manual pump last year but I didnt find it comfortable to use.I used it for a month. I didnt know this forum otherwise I would have bought Brava then.I used this pump till my breast turn purple two times a day each for one hour.I didnt know I shouldnt do like this that time. I gave up on that too. Brava is more comfortable for me to wear so I am not going to give up until March. I will see the result later.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 13 2009, 10:24 PM

I forgot to say yes I am using sport box with narrow large domes. It only pumps a few times while I wear it.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 14 2009, 4:10 AM

I also have the bigger domes. I wonder, will I get more swelling if I use the bigger domes?

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 14 2009, 10:45 AM

Does your nipples touch the domes from inside? Mine touches but I dont want to buy a new set of domes not yet. I will continoue with these till I see some results. If you have some room from inside of the domes then you dont need to move to bigger size.Do you also get a good sealing? I use aloe vera gel for preparing. When I use it for 12 hours I get less swelling, 3 hours extra gives an inch more swelling.To me still nothing is different in terms of growth but I measured it so I must be wrong. Swelling is misleading and does not last. Actual growth is more important.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 14 2009, 5:10 PM

I've been using the same domes for 8 1/2 months. I used to wear the domes for 17-18 hours, it didn't make much difference, maybe 1 inch more. My nipples are little less than an inch away from the inside of the domes. I have the large wide domes but I've never used it. I might call the Brava coach today and see what she says.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 14 2009, 7:25 PM

I called Brava coach last week about swelling. She said I should move to extra large domes but I am not ready for that . I dont want to pay extra for now. If you already have it why dont you use it? Did you ever give break during 8 months?

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 14 2009, 8:04 PM

I thought I would sell it since my breast never had a big swelling. No, I have not taken a break. I started back in Feb. 2009. I noticed that they grow 1/2 inch every 3 months. I started with 31, now my breasts are 32.5 inches all around. My goal is at least to be 33, but what I really want is 33.5. If it goes like the way it has been, I will get there in 6 months.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 15 2009, 1:54 PM

Maybe you should take a break thats what Brava coaches say. For me Brava is last resort. If it doesnt work I wont try anything else. Since you have result you shouldnt be selling. Somedays I change the position of the domes if I dont get enough suction. Even 1 mm makes difference.I position them very close to my armpits. Try different positions.See which one works best for you. And since you are using the same domes for 8 months you maybe should try the other one. It will be more sticky.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 15 2009, 5:25 PM

I talked to customer service yesterday, she told me 8 months is too long to be with the same domes. I tried the new domes yesterday, it was hard to get them stick, they were coming off, but once I took the air out with my mouth, it was good. The domes are sooo much deeper! The swelling was not much different, barely an inch. I don't think we need a lot of swelling, we are growing 1 drop a day, an inch swelling should be enough, I think.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 17 2009, 10:56 AM

Why are they not sticky you said it was new. They should be sticky.But it is not major problem. The main problem is not to lose sealing with the domes. You are right swelling is not too important since it does not last. My Brava coach said to me if I dont want change the domes I could wear it 11 hours instead of 15 hours. So you are not giving break till you are happy for the result.I still think you should give some break for a short time maybe for 15-30 days.Use an enhancement cream three times a day during the break. It might give better results.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 18 2009, 5:29 PM

Now that I have the new domes on, it's itching crazy. I wore my other domes for 8 months, I didn't have any itching. I don't know what's going on. The only thing I can think of is, these are new, the sealing is better, so when I suck the air out with my mouth, it gets really tight and the redness on the bottom lasts all day. I know you had this problem, did it go away? What did you do about it? I need help!!!

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 18 2009, 11:00 PM

Now that I have the new domes, it's itching crazy. I wore my old domes for 8 months, I never had that problem. I'm thinking these are new, they stick better, the sucktion is better and the redness on the bottom stays the whole day. I know you had the same problem, what did you do about it? Is it still itching?

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(Login elle09) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 22 2009, 8:51 PM

I just read it now.I have been ill. Yes I had itching very badly before.First I tried Cavilon no sting barrier film it did help but didnt go away.then I tried allergy tablets.I tried for a week. It did help even took it away but because of side effects I stopped taking the tablets.Since then I only use Aloe vera gel and I didnt have major problem. I recommend you, until the sticky part goes away, try anti histamine allery tablets and aloe vera gel. You can stop taking tablets once the itching is under control.

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(no login) itching October 22 2009, 9:27 PM

I had horrible itching when I started, while the domes were on. I did pure aloe vera gel before the domes, and cortaid or benadryl after the domes. After showering, I used Aveeno baby daily moisture lotion, unscented, to maintain the health and moisture of my skin. In time, the itching went away. It may have something to do with the decreased stickiness of the domes, who knows.

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(no login) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 23 2009, 5:15 AM

Thanks, I started using my bigger bra and the itching went away. I think it was too tight before.

(Login elle09) Re: After 5 weeks no result October 24 2009, 10:40 AM

Yes it is something to do with the stickness of the domes. Mine are still sticky but not as hard as when it first started. glad to hear that AnetSmile

Started week 5 - just a little update
February 2 2009 at 11:19 AM CousinRose (Login CousinRose)


Since I love reading about updates I am sharing mine Smile

I'm 3 days into week 5 and it's so much easier to wear the domes now and I always get my 8 hours each night. Since I don't move at all during my sleep I unzip the black bra during the night and sleep with the smartbox on my upper chest. I don't even feel it is there.

I swell a lot more now than I did, 2-3 inches, and when I put the domes on at night I am bigger than my original measurements. My original measurements is 90 cm (35,4 inches) bust but now I am 93-94 cm (36,6-37 inches) before I put my domes on again. If that will be my final measurements in this cycle I will be so happy Smile

Since this is the best time to try to work on breast symmetry I have now started to use the domes for 12 hours on my bigger breast and all the extra wear time goes to my smaller one. The difference is only about half a cm to one cm, but it is noticeable and I want to even it out.


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(no login) Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 5 2009, 3:46 PM

This is great news. They say after four weeks it's real growth so I'm hopeful. What size bra did you wear with the 35.4 measurement? Are you still wear it all day or is it too tight yet?

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 6 2009, 3:48 AM

That is awesome news. So, you are averaging at least 12 hours every night? And you have about 12 hours in between putting them on again at night?

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 6 2009, 10:09 AM

Hi Rox3 and Roakie

I wore a 34B sometimes 32C with my 35,4 measurement. I don't wear any bras during the day now since my 34B's are too tight so I just use bikini tops. I am really hopeful this will work but I am prepared for the worst (loosing everything after I finish).

I only once did 11 hours, apart from that my minimum is 12 hours. I try to average 14 hours and have gone up to 18 hours. It really counts to be able to wear the domes during the morning and early afternoon and having no skin problems (knocking on wood).

I try to put them on within the 12 hours but I have gone longer than 12 hours in putting them on again, I once had 15 hours in between. I am wondering what the maximum time is. It says 13 hours in my manual (UK) but the original time of wear was just 10 hours a day so that means they had at least 14 hours in between sessions every day. So I am guessing 14 is safe. I don't count my 15 hours as a lost day.


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(no login) Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 6 2009, 7:14 PM

Wow! I am impressed. I've been three weeks now and doing 7PM-5AM which is about 10 hours. Most I've ever gone is 11 hours once. Never longer than 11. I get very antsy...need to get them off because I really start to itch and have a slight rash by the armpit. It goes away in between but then it's back the next morning. Do you think 10 hours is enough? I think I will try 11-12 this weekend when I can sleep in. I have to be to work early so that stinks for the weekdays Sad

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 7 2009, 5:38 PM

If you are a fast responder 10 hours would probably be enough to see some results if you can do many weeks. The minimum according to my brochure is 12 hours and I don't want to take any chances since I don't fit the category of a fast responder. I am aiming for longer hours and fewer weeks and I guess the other way around does the same. How many weeks are you plannig on doing? Putting them on at 7 every night must be really hard and putting them on at 5 every day to get 12 hours seems impossible.

I used to itch as well and it really helps not to wear the black bra or have it unzipped while you sleep. I haven't had a bad itch for at least 2 weeks (started week 6 yesterday) and my armpits never hurt anymore.

Good luck Smile

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(no login) Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 8 2009, 7:13 PM

Question....if you don't wear the black bra what do you wear? Do the domes still stick w/o it? I plan to do 18 weeks total. Just starting week 4 now. I go on vacation at the end of my 18 weeks so I'm going to do it until then and see what I end up with. If it's not too great, I will plan to start up again in the fall once the nice weather is gone and it's cold outside. I don't think I could do this in the's too hot with the domes I have read.

How's it going? Are you still doing well with it? What is your goal size/number of weeks?

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Started week 5 - just a little update February 9 2009, 10:00 AM

Hi Rox3

I don't wear anything instead of the black bra. Mine stay on without it if I lie on my back. It probably depends on wheather you move a lot in your sleep or not. It also makes you sweat less.

I think it's going pretty well. I am halfway through week 6 and no big problems. I only hate not being able to snuggle with my boyfriend and he can't wait until I finish (he is being very supportive though). So I am counting down the weeks until I finish 12 weeks. After that I will see how much I can handle and probably do less hours. I am hoping I will last 14-16 weeks. In 16 weeks I am going overseas so I can't do longer than that.

My goal size is 34C. If I don't reach it with brava I am going back to herbs, diet and massage. I AM going to reach it eventually Wink Was a 34B to start with.

How are you doing? Is it itching as much now? What is your goal size?


(no login) Hi CousinRose February 10 2009, 11:50 PM

So far it's going okay except for a small rash on the left side by the armpit. Called the Brava Coach for the first time last night for about a 1/2 hour. Very informative lady! She switched my skin care routine. Basically the $100 skin care kit isn't working for me so I'm using over the counter (cheaply priced!) stuff. Seems to be better.

It's hard to get things done at night once the domes go on. My kids crack up. They keep asking me what kind of "medical device" I have. It's hard on the social life too. You really have to be home to get those 10+ hours in and go to work the next morning, but it's winter and I'm motivated so far. My goal is 18 weeks - we'll see if I can stand the domes and sleeping on my back with pillows that long. That's been the hardest part of me. I'll post again and let you know.

I'm happy so far....
March 25 2007 at 8:20 PM Fiona (Login fingerscrossed21)


Hey everyone,

I thought i'd write a message of encouragement,

I've been wearing my brava system for about 5 weeks now, in the first week i hated it and it did

really disturb my sleep, i'm spending all my time revising for my finals so i'm wearing it on

average of about 20 hours a day - i take 2-6 off. (though my revision buddy does take the mic alot -

all of the Jordon comments)

I've noticed real improvement and have grown quite attached to my brava system and i feel that it is

a part of me now - strange!!! I look ridiculous but it just makes me giggle.

I can't fit into my bras at all and trying to force myself into one really hurts!!

I'd say i've gone from an small A to a C but i only get to see them for about 4 hours a day, so i

know it is just swelling.

So far i'm really enjoying BRAVA and I just hope the effects last when i take it off (my end date is

July 08, 20 weeks and so far i haven't missed a day)

I've got before pics, and once I've completed my 20 weeks I'll put some before/after ones on.

Good luck everyone and heres hoping!!

(ps, this site is such a good thing, I love the support it offers - Diana you are my inspiration)

Author Reply
minnie cooper
(Login minniecooper) Re: I'm happy so far.... March 26 2007, 2:35 AM

i would wear it longer than 12 to 15 hrs but while i am awake after having it on so long i seem to get "air" in the domes and very sweaty, i mean i can't really even wash dishes or fold my clothes without being disturbed by the loss of sucsion or the buzzing i follow all the rules about the skin care, keeping the domes clean, and proper aplication of the domes, but just the other day the silicone begain to tear around the domes which was very discouraging, Brava is replacing them for me, i am still able to wear them till i get my new ones. I am on week two but soposed to be longer, i got them march 3 but i had to start all over again because i got sick. i do love the swelling it's keeping me motivated. you got any pointers for me? Smile

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(Login fingerscrossed21) Re: I'm happy so far.... March 27 2007, 9:01 PM

hmmm, tips no not really,

when i first started wearing it i found it hard to do anything as i kept bumping into things, but now i have manage to do pretty much everything with them on (except go out side) i've definitely recommend sucking as much air out manually if you have a smart box then putting the box on as it gives you more suction = more swelling and maybe more tissue growth i'd think.

I can also sleep on my side and i dont get any suction loss, and this has stopped me experiencing back pain.

The only think i find frustrating is not rubbing my skin when i take them off, so i always quickly have a shower and put lots of cream to sooth any irritation.

The swelling is great fun but until the end date still can't be certain that any growth will occur, just have to keep our fingers crossed!

Good luck and keep my up dated on your progress


Positive so far
September 2 2006 at 5:49 PM thinkitis (Login thinkitis)


Just had to post. After I purchased I found a very negative forum for Brava and was very discouraged. I am happy to say that so far my experience is good. If there is anyone considering it this may help you decided. I am a AA cup. After breastfeeding 2 what little I had was "deformed". My right side was caved in and smaller than my left. I had recently worked hard to lose weight and get in shape only to lose more in my chest and make it worse. I am in week 5 and starting to see promising results. Of course in the AM the swelling is great (full B) but by the time I put the system on again I am retaining at least a new more attractive shape (somewhat same size on both sides and not collapsed). I do also see some growth. I am going to try and reach a full B permanently. Will keep you posted. I have been lucky to have no reaction to wearing the system. I wash with baby shampoo then apply prep wipes then domes. When I take them off I immediately spray them w/ dome cleanser let them sit for awhile and rinse. I shower or wash the breast area right away. Had some itching and used cortisone to clear up right away. Sport box and domes are still functioning well. Sleeping the first night was terrible and I thought there is no way I can do this but after that it became easy. I am really not even aware of them during the night anymore. I try to wear the system for a minimum of 12 hours a night. I know this is long but I just wanted to share some positive. I think it is true that Brava is not for everone. You have to be pretty patient and desperate. I think the women that are happiest are the ones like me that had so little to start that anything is an improvement. Anyway. Good luck to all!

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(no login) Re: Positive so far September 5 2006, 9:52 AM

I'm sure if anyone is determined enough they would get used to wearing it in the end. You just have to stick it out at the beginning when it's really difficult to get used to. I think the question anyone thinking about Brava should ask is whether they really think they can commit to it. A lof of the brava on ebay which are new or nearly new are being sold because someone bought it and then found they just couldn't commit to it. It's all about whether someone can really make that commitment or not.

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(Login tms81) Re: Positive so far September 5 2006, 7:38 PM

it was the beginning that was the worst, getting used to it and structure your life around it, but after a couple of weeks i was used to it and it became like a part of my daily life. When i stopped using it, it was weird didn`t feel confortable sleeping on the side like i used to before and had to get used to not wearing it. I meen that if you want something hard enough you can do everything.

(no login) newbie September 8 2006, 10:40 PM

hiya all brava users,
i bought my brava system a year ago and keep putting off wearing it. i wore it for 2 weeks when i first bought it but had some spots that looked like they were getting infected where the suction pad is. i also have a mole on my breast, when i purchased it from usa brava the sales person said it wouldnt touch my mole but it seemed to puff up, has any one else had the same problem, i have also been surching the net for another pump enlargement that you do not have to where as long. has anyone had any dealings with alternative brava like pumps. thanks in advance

getting results!!!!
December 30 2006 at 2:32 AM nikky (no login)


I have only been at brava for 5 weeks - ( I am 145 pounds, nursed two children in rapid succession, and when i was pregnant i got HUGE boobs - but as soon as i stopped nursing i went to a flippy floppy no longer perky small B)
but after 5 weeks I am noticing a big change! today i wore a C bra the entire day!!! the change has been amazing and i am going to wear this thing for 15 more weeks! WHEW WHO!
any one else having this good luck! oh - also - i wear a manual airlock until bed time then switch to the smart box

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER woohoo! December 30 2006, 5:43 PM

thats great! what size domes do u wear? and how many hours a night do u wear it? keep me posted i love hearing actual brava success stories!
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