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Bosom Beauty 2012...


Hi! I purchased the bosom beauty 2012 on ebay brand new about 4 years ago... used it one time and that was that. I had no idea that nbe was even real!! I was recently looking into implants when I found this forum, yipee! Who knew I had a boob growing machine in my garage all these year?!
Anyway, I started my nbe "journey" 2 weeks ago, and so far all I have used is the machine but will start ultrabreast tomorrow as well. My problem is that the smallest domes worked well for me as I started out a 32AA. However, within a week they are just too small as I found I am now filling them within 5-8 minutes and the little nubs at the ends are killer on the nipples. I cannot use the next size up because they are way too wide and cause horrible pain and bruising on my ribs... so I feel I'm stuck at a stopping point and don't know what to do from here...
I started out with 20 minutes per day... got to 30, then 30 minutes twice per day.I must say that I have already seen fabulous results and am kicking myself for spending 400 bucks on a shelf ornament for my garage and not knowing how great it was all this time Smile
I am debating on if noogleberry may be a better choice for me. I don't know about the difference in cup sizes and widths so I need some advice. If anyone here has had experience with both, or can help me out with the nbe thing, I'd love any advice or suggestions!!!

Most of us have had to use some sort of padding on the domes when we move up in size. Some have had success using camping tape (aka weather stripping) to pad the rims of the domes. I used to have a silicone sheet bought off ebay that was amazing. It made it completely comfortable. I don't know if they still sell it though. some have had success using silicone baking sheet, i never found that to be padding enough to cushion. HTH

Thanks for the suggestion, I will try padding the domes and see if I can make them work! I started out great with it but am now getting some pretty horrible blisters around my nipples and don't know if I should try and cover them and keep pumping or wait til they heal completely... as of now I have been taping over them with medical tape, which seems to be working fine so far, I don't want to stop pumping but I'm not sure if the blisters will heal properly if I continue...

Not sure. I never had blisters or any skin problems. I used to tape my nipples down when I used high suction. I do not recommend using high suction though. I think that was what made me stop growing with BB. Go slow and low. It should never hurt. Don't overdo it like so many others and myself have. I suppose if it were me, I would really hate to stop and have to start all over again but that is probably what would be best to heal your skin. I suppose you could try it with taping nipples down and see if it hurts. If it doesn't hurt, it's probably ok but progress slowly.

Ouch. If you have blisters, I would stop the pumping altogether until they heal up completely. Then start again but watch the pressure. Blisters come from way too high a pressure. You don't need that much. Your breasts will respond from a lot less. Somewhere it was posted to pump until you feel a tugging sensation from the breast. That should be enough.

I recently found some blister bandaids. They are like silicone material medicated patches and they work like a dream! I have not given up pumping, despite the blisters, just covered them and they are healing this way.
I have never used very high pressure, I have the sesl knob as low as it will go at all times and the blisters developed after an entire week of the same routine, so i'm not sure what happened Smile
I just started using the campers tape-slight relief but still very painful on the ribs. I've tried so many different ways to pad the bottom rings and nothing works except the tape at this point.... what a money loss!
Thanks for all of your great feedback!!

Also if your nipples are touching the domes this has been known to cause blisters in some people. You may need a larger sized domes. You can get away with continuing to use the same domes for a while longer by taping nipples down so it gives you more room in the domes while you are waiting for your larger domes to arrive. HTH

When I got my machine, it came with all 4 dome sizes and I'm just getting to the mediums, which I'm having a very hard time tolerating due to the pain in my ribs from them. I'm not even close to filling them yet, so that isn't the problem. I feel like my progress is really going backwards because I can't stand to even pump for more than about 20-30 minutes at most now...

Maybe you just have very sensitive nipples causing the blisters. If you're not able to pump for at least 30 minutes a day, I guess I'd just go ahead and take a break and let the blisters heal and that would give the ribs a rest too. So that when you start back up maybe the camping tape would be enough to cushion the rims without hurting and you can start protecting your nipples to prevent future blisters. Now might be a good time to try some non-pumping method of nbe during your break to help curtail any loss of progress (herbs, MSM, gelatin, etc.) and if you find something that works, you can continue it even when you return to pumping. also massage helps stimulate blood flow which helps speed healing. Don't massage the blister obviously

Since using the blister bandaids my blisters are totally healed Smile I did pump for about 50 minutes yesterday with no problems after finding a really thick foam weather stripping tape that seemed to work amazingly! I am actully taking ultrabreast for about 10 days now along with L-tyrosine, msm, hair skin and nail vitamin and kelp. So far the most significant thing I have notice on the ultrabreast is the horrible headaches. Pumping seems to work incredibly well for me when I am able to pump for substantial amounts of time. I did take a 2 day break due to be extremely busy with my kids and still measured at .5 inches more than where I started and have only been doing pumping for 18 days, so I feel like that is great progress for me considering I didn't think I would respond to nbe at all. I also do protein shakes but kind of slacked off on them for a few days because I just have never really been a milk drinker but the powder I bought says to make it with milk... I'm going to try and be more persistant with the shakes since I'm pretty sure I don't get nearly enough protein in a day otherwise. Is there anything else I should be doing or taking?

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