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NBE lead to endometriosis?


Hi all,

I was on the NBE path for probably couple of months or maybe half a year, hoping to increase my breast size the natural way. I was on the breast enhancement herbs tea, massaging with fenugreek, fennel, wild yam, red clover extract on my breast every night, taking lots protein food e.g. egg, soy bean milk everyday, u name it. Not soon after, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Went for surgery to remove both 4-5cm ovarian cysts. Ever since then I have changed my diet. Research online told me to avoid any estrogen-enriched food as estrogen is the main culprit in stimulating the growth of endometrium tissues. I'm not sure if the NBE diet and all the herb have anything to do with the endometriosis. But if estrogen can stimulating the growth of the breast tissue, I'm pretty sure it will also stimulate the growth of endometrium tissues too.

Does anyone has any experience in that or confirm that?
I'm afraid to start on the NBE path again, or if I do, how do I gonna do it but avoiding estrogen at the same time??


you can do noogle berry

Hello Grace,

>"I'm pretty sure it will also stimulate the growth of endometrium tissues too."

Yes, but they must already be there.

Most of herbal NBE works from filling cell receptors that already exist. The estrogenic herbs used in NBE, such as fenugreek, fennel, and wild yam will definitely make ovarian cyst problems worse. Endometriosis is very likely the same. But NBE does not cause ovarian cysts or endometriosis.


yes i would have to agree. from everything i have read, (and my own experience now to add) if you have existing hormonal issues nbe will make them worse. however it seems for some women NBE improves their well being. I have read though, that according to studies MOST women have too much estrogen in their systems, that is the most common form of hormonal imbalance. so if NBE makes that situation worse then it makes sense to me that it could lead to triggering ovarian cysts and endo.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 21 (I'm 28 now). Chances are, you've had endometriosis before you started NBE. It isn't something that can just occur in a short time span. However, the hormones from the herbs you took may have been a trigger for symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms can take a long time to manifest to the point they are noticeable. My doctor put me on Orthro Tri Cyclin lo when I was 14 so my symptoms did not manifest until I stopped at age 20. Doctors have been curious for sometime if endometriosis caused hormone imbalances or if endometriosis is caused by hormonal imbalances. The answer to me is pretty clear, the hormone imbalances come first. I think the many environmental factors in our modern world cause these hormones to get wacky so it doesn't take much to throw them off kilter. Chances are you were taking the wrong types of herbs. Each woman's body is different and everyone is going to have their own combination. There is likely going to be some trial and error before your body responds to the correct combination. If you have endometriosis, chances are you are estrogen dominant. Looking at what many estrogen dominant women have said is a good place to start looking.

One herb to be cautious of is Kwen Krua, I think we normally call it by its scientific name Pueraria Mirifica on this site (I'm an anthropologist so I am used to calling it by its common name as I have studied this plant's medicinal value from a cultural standpoint). Some women with estrogen dominance have had the opposite effect where their chst shrinks, others have had no effect and some have pretty decent effects, I think it depends on how estrogen dominant you are. The best piece of advice when using herbs is to trust your instincts. If you are noticing negative side effects, check on here and you may find others who have experienced similar symptoms.

In reality finding the right set of herbs may level your hormones which in turn do a lot to help your endometriosis. The flip side of that is also true, the wrong herbs can be detrimental and could possibly cause harm. We are going to be a bit more sensitive to hormonal changes but it isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's important to keep the progesterone and estrogen in sync with endometriosis. However, boosting progesterone will allow for the expansion of breast tissue. NBE is still possible using herbs, but it may be a bit slower and take longer than the average person. Certain types of endometriosis can be extremely severe that can cause a woman to bleed to death. Some, like mine, can be more mild to moderate. I really really believe it has to do with the type of estrogen dominance and how dominant you are. Most importantly seek advice and treatment from your doctor. No matter the severity, the biggest risk is to your fertility if it is left untreated. Many women with estrogen dominance don't have endometriosis but all women with endometriosis have estrogen dominance.

I hope I explained that in reasonable terms for everyone. Also, these are my opinions based on what my own personal research, my comprehension of talks with my gynecologist, and articles related to current research, I'm not a medical doctor. If anyone has anything that they wish to correct or add please feel free to do so.

I have to disagree with NBE not leading to endometriosis. My story dates back to 2006 where I was on massage and NBE diet.I ate all the estrogen rich food and got severe endo in 2008.My life back then was a total mess though, having the wrong boyfriend, studying fulltime and working many hours far away.They removed the cyst that was 20 cm big. It was very traumatizing and I thought I would never be able to have kids. The half a cup increase in size was not worth it whatsoever.

Fast forward to 2012, married and trying to conceive. I was anxious to stop birth control pill but knew my life was as balanced as it could be, including my diet. As a miracle, I was symptom free.

I hope I can warn other women NBE is potentially dangerous especially if you don't test for your exact hormone levels. Please don't play around with hormones, if it goes wrong you end up in hospital like me and suffer life long consequences and chronic disease.

Luckily I was able to conceive and now mum of a health baby's all about living a balanced life.

estrogen makes endometriosis worse. One way they treat endometriosis is to put you on Lupron, which is a drug that within a month puts you into menopause. Without estrogen, the tissue dies off. You will eventually get your estrogen back and it can take five years for the tissues to regrow.

I have a question to add.
I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 18 (six years ago), but I did not want to take birth control to correct it. I had heard so many mood swing/weight gain/infertility horror stories from friends on birth control. Every new drug is hailed as the best birth control ever, and then it gets recalled or something. I am not sure if that diagnosis was correct, but I did have some extremely painful, irregular periods. They seem to have stabilized since then.

Anyway, I just started breast massage 3 days ago. I have not taken any herbs, although I have ordered fenugreek and I started massaging with flaxseed oil today.

Directly after my very first 30 minute session with just cocoa butter oil, I started having period cramps and my period started the next day. I have been fairly regular for the past four years, but this is about a week and a half early. Is it possible that simply stimulating the breast tissue caused this? Is massage - even without herbs - going to affect my hormones? If I do in fact have endometriosis, will massage alone make it worse? Should I leave the fenugreek alone, or give it a low-dose trial?

It could be the flaxseed or cocoa butter. It seems like you already have too much estrogen, and your body is sensitive to it. You might want to test fenugreek because it is both estrogenic and the opposite which is progestogenic (don't know which of its effects is stronger). Test if asparagus, milk thistle, or hops lowers your menstruation (and estrogen) problems. I wouldn't take the above advice that mentioned menopause, I don't know how serious that is.

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