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Raw's thread (finally :))- A/AA cup to a B/C


So much stress. I lost my sketch pad today and my art teacher already hates me so I don't know how I'm going to tell her. I have 2 math midterms this week. One today and one on Thursday.

I felt some aches again yesterday night. My period is 4 days late so far. This is my first period following a full cycle on BO so I'm kind of nervous. I get my DIM on Friday (a week after my period should have been due) so if it doesn't come by then I'm thinking of incorporating it into my program. I have definitely been bloated the last few days so if it's going to come this month it should come soon. I'm not going to start worrying unless it doesn't come by Friday though. My last cycle was 33 days and I only started BO on the 25th day so perhaps this one will be 33 days as well.

Edit: Also, sorry for posting this often. I'm mostly posting for myself so I can look back and see what time in my cycle I felt aches. Perhaps I will start labeling like girlfriday does. Also, I hope if it ends up working people can have a more comprehensive view of how my experience with BO went.

It sounds like your period is late due to your stress. I know teachers can be tough, had my fair share of them haha. I wouldn't worry about the art teacher... honestly it's probably not that she hates you, she hates herself and her job probably and is taking it out on you, had many teachers do that to me also. But on the off chance, is there any way possible you could be pregnant? Not trying to scare you just curious. If it's in the back of your mind and you are worrying about that, you could cause yourself to have what's called a false pregnancy. You miss your period, start getting fat in the tummy, start having pregnancy symptoms but are not pregnant. I met a girl that had one a full term, ended up in labor and all, but no baby. I had one before, thought I was 2 months pregnant, went in for tests and no baby. My urine test and blood test showed I was pregnant, but I got an ultra sound done and nothing there. So don't always go by the urine tests, in a false pregnancy your body can have the pregnancy hormone without you being pregnant! So if ever a test comes up positive go to a dr and be sure.

But yea, I'm thinking the late period is from stress, happens to me all the time. Like right now for example. Took my birth control out (I use the ring) and no period yet, been 3 days. But I'm stressed out some because of my move. Had first inspection today, have pack out tomorrow, then final inspection on the 8th, we leave on the 9th. So tons of excitement/stress. I also have to worry about my son's schooling, with the situation I have decided to homeschool him the last few months of school because it would be too hectic to get him finished otherwise. Hang in there though, when life gets stressful, you will in a year look back and laugh at the situation and think "why didn't I just do this or that??". Hope everything turns out good for you. It would be funny if we both start around the same day HAHA.

Sorry Anastasia, I will give a more thorough response tomorrow after my midterm but no I'm a virgin so I can't be pregnant. I actually got my period yesterday night. Also felt some aches for a short period of time.

LOL crazy you started last night, I just started this morning! HAHA knew we would be somewhat in sync with this Wink

(30-03-2011, 17:27)Anastasia916 Wrote:  LOL crazy you started last night, I just started this morning! HAHA knew we would be somewhat in sync with this Wink

Lol, I guess we do spend a lot of time around each other in cyberspace.

Wow, synchronized AF even in cyberspace! Must be of one mind!

Cycle 2-Day 4
I'm feeling some strong aches in my left breast.

Cycle 2-Day 5
Here are the pics as promised. I will post pics on day 25-26 as well

Here's one more from the front. I hate the way my boobs look from the front. They're so weird looking and tiny. By tiny I don't mean just the projection but the circumference. I also hate that I have NO breast tissue on the bottom of my breasts and in between my breasts. They're so tubular shaped. I like the way small breasts look like and I think a lot of the people that post here have beautiful round small boobs but small and pointy just doesn't match. I'm a 34AAA but I'd rather be a cup size smaller with more rounded breasts.

You don't look a 34AAA. You look a A to me, but I don't know much about measurements.

Aches in the left breast is promising! So congrats for that.

Funny soon enough said synchronized AF's because I'm on mine too. LOL.

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